Write a story based off of this imagenotes

SnappNote's Avatar SnappNote9/1/23 2:32 pm
19 emeralds 588 49
9/28/2023 7:24 pm
Sailven's Avatar Sailven
(I remember someone doing something similar a few months ago)

Calling all writers!

Are you bored?

Look at the image below


Pretty cool... Pretty inspiring...

What comes to your mind when you look at it? write a short story (or however long you want it, up to you ) based on it in the comments!

Looking forward to reading them :D
Posted by SnappNote's Avatar
Level 34 : Artisan Musician Nerd

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Dronko fire blaster
09/28/2023 7:03 pm
Level 45 : Master Dragonborn
Dronko fire blaster's Avatar
there was a person, he jumped, he died. the end
Dronko fire blaster
09/28/2023 7:04 pm
Level 45 : Master Dragonborn
Dronko fire blaster's Avatar
yes that was literally the first thing I thought of
09/28/2023 6:49 pm
Level 45 : Master Warrior
Sailven's Avatar
There once was a river, the end.
09/28/2023 6:53 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Musician Nerd
SnappNote's Avatar
09/28/2023 7:24 pm
Level 45 : Master Warrior
Sailven's Avatar
*Singular tear*
09/23/2023 5:25 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Diamond2006's Avatar
Once, A Player Made His House Out Of TNT. It Was Easy To Craft And Easy To Break Without Tools. But One Night, There Was a Thunderstorm.

The House Or The Player Was Never Seen Again. This Is The Only Photo Of The Area Now.
09/10/2023 10:30 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Princess
PlaceholderName's Avatar
A young man named Tyrone Jr. was looking for a place to start a new life. He wanted to carry on the legacy of his father, who died from goofy ahh after getting into a heated argument with the emperor and some other guy who somehow got into the palace. Tyrone was devestated and was furious. He wanted to leave the village in search for a better life somewhere else. Though unsuccessful, he was able to find this place. “This is the one.” He said, and so he began settling. He realized that this place was full of resources as he began mining. From Coal to Diamond. It was a perfect life. He thought that this would be the ideal life he’s been looking for. That is, until he saw a stone house, with a bell on top. He was so traumatized because that was known as a forbidden structure to his culture. He was so traumatized, that he jumped off into the river. Little did stupid Tyrone know, it was extremely shallow. So he died. And that’s why you should pay your taxes and eat your vegetables.
09/10/2023 7:04 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
WillowFrog's Avatar
uncle ben started a nuclear war here.

09/08/2023 11:41 am
Level 28 : Expert Blockhead
GamingGrannyGuru's Avatar
Hey is this your first homework project? LOL The pirates arrived in the channel and scoured the cliff tops for movement, when they were sure they were alone, they hauled their treasure into small boats and rowed steadily inland towards the caves.
09/07/2023 1:43 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Narwhal
Stormy's Avatar
my brother farted such a toxic fart that is made a chasm in the earth
09/07/2023 2:45 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Musician Nerd
SnappNote's Avatar
I feel u
09/07/2023 1:40 pm
Level 23 : Expert Miner
anonpmc4592387's Avatar
mm teapot
09/04/2023 3:24 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Cupcake
mm teapot's Avatar
Ji-Hye's lengthy hair blew gracefully in the wind as he stared down to the river beneath... The river was still and calm, yet deep and scary. It was like looking into an abyss of danger and fear.

Ji-Hye stood on the highest rock, stuttering in his breath. "Come on, Ji!" Someone from below the rock yelled. "It's not that hard! Erin and I did it!" The person continued as if they were trying to urge Ji-Hye to do something seemingly terrifying. "You can make it!" Another person, a female, yelled to Ji. "I- I can't do it, guys! It's too high!" Ji-Hye began to utter, breathing shakily and nervously. Suddenly, quick footsteps from behind Ji-Hye were heard. Another female seemed to be running toward Ji, grabbing his hand and jumping off the rock and into the water! After a second of fear, Ji-Hye soon felt the water consume him. Ji-Hye breathed heavily as if he were about to die; he was frightened. Ji then felt someone caress him.. "It's okay! You're fine." A nurturing, female voice muttered to him. Ji-Hye felt calmer and safe -- He was alive, afterall.


Ji-Hye's long hair flowed gracefully in the wind as he looked down at the calm yet intimidating river below. It felt like peering into a dangerous and frightening abyss.

Standing on the highest rock, Ji-Hye struggled to catch his breath. "Come on, Ji!" a voice from below shouted. "It's not that difficult! Erin and I did it!" The person continued, trying to encourage Ji-Hye to face his fears. "You can do it!" Another voice, belonging to a woman, called out to him. "I... I can't do it, guys! It's too high!" Ji-Hye stammered, his breathing shaky and nervous.

Suddenly, the sound of quick footsteps approached from behind Ji-Hye. Another woman was running towards him, grabbing his hand and leaping off the rock and into the water! Fear gripped Ji-Hye for a moment, but soon he felt the water envelop him. He gasped for air, feeling as though he might die; he was terrified. Then, he felt someone comforting him. "It's okay! You're safe," a caring female voice whispered to him. Ji-Hye began to feel more at ease and secure. He was alive, after all.
09/04/2023 1:59 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Lego Builder
RB22486's Avatar
A bitch falls off a cliff and fucking dies. There. End of story.
09/07/2023 1:41 pm
Level 23 : Expert Miner
anonpmc4592387's Avatar
09/07/2023 2:16 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Lego Builder
RB22486's Avatar
Its beautiful isnt it?
09/07/2023 2:19 pm
Level 23 : Expert Miner
anonpmc4592387's Avatar
Sadako Kogo
09/04/2023 1:36 pm
Level 22 : Expert Artist
Sadako Kogo's Avatar

  Harik Jysell stood watchfully gazing above the horizon as starships launched into the sky, with a glare of blue light trailing behind them. In his mind, he could see the parts moving as the vehicles soared out of sight. Wherever they were off to, they would leave this green paradise, and few would return. It was a hidden world, in a hidden region of the galaxy! Secrecy was the only way of keeping their business alive. Though Harik was young, he had already mastered his trade as a Gravitational Specialist. It was a difficult trade! One slight miscalculation would result in a gravitational force so strong, it would crush anything inside of it down to the size of a pancake. Yet this was only the beginning of his training! He was also required to have an advanced education of engineering, slicing, and piloting. All this was necessary to make the best repulsors the galaxy had ever seen. As his Master had told him, “Understanding the whole, is necessary for understanding a part.” As he continued to watch the vessels depart from the planet, these words were echoing in his mind. Perhaps by understanding the galaxy, he might better understand himself and his place in this vast universe. It was this pondering which caused him to notice something strange in the shadowy waters below the cliff. Something was calling his name! Harik tapped a button on his vambrace, causing his repulsor pack to activate. Slowly, he hovered down until his boots were drenched in the muddy river. It was much deeper than he had anticipated, but this was the least of his concerns. In a nearby cave, Harik noticed what appears to be a green glow. He could hear whispers in the air, people talking as if they were ghosts. Stepping further in, he brushed the muck off of himself, and ventured deeper into the darkness. With the help of a headlight, Harik could see many drawings on the walls depicting events from long ago. The very walls of the cave seemed to warp and change the more he walked. In fact, it appeared more like an old temple than a cave. He could feel himself getting closer, closer to whatever was calling him. Ahead in the distance, there was a rather large pedestal, with the armor of a shining knight standing upright. In its hands, it was holding some type of sword with an immense green glowing light. Harik had seen something like this once before. It was a lightsaber! The room was overcome by darkness, and all could be seen was the glimmering blade. The same voice he had heard before spoke again, “I knight you!”. Immediately, he heard a scream coming from outside the cave. Harik grabbed the saber, strapped the armor on, and climbed the walls of the cave. The sky had changed to a monstrous storm, and a man cloaked in darkness was standing in the field with a red blade. His Master had been wounded, but he was still alive. The civilians rushed to their starships and fled the planet. An army of B1 battle droids rushed to fight the hooded figure, but with a flick they were all deactivated.
  Somehow the armor made him feel stronger and more powerful. A metal helmet was strapped around his head, with a visor which appeared to be made of nine strips of metal. Charging towards this strange man, Harik swung the lightsaber towards his blade, and the two began to fight. Harik was no expert with a blade, but he could use a repulsor as an effective weapon. Tapping his vambrace, a large field of gravitational energy pushed the man back. He did this over and over again, but it was not enough. With a laugh of mockery, he kept walking forwards, as his blade burned like a raging fire. Harik did not know what to do! Hearing his name called once again, he turned to not see an imminent light, but the friendly face of his Master, “Understanding the whole, is necessary for understanding a part.” Harik turned to face this monster. Gripping the blade once again, he could feel the Force flowing through him. As energy powers a vessel, so it powered him. Harik reached his hand forwards, closed his eyes, and he could sense everything around him as if it was a massive machine. The Force echoed in his mind, louder and stronger than before. The darkness faded into nothingness, and Harik awoke to discover that it was only a dream. The cave in his dream had been sealed for centuries. Perhaps, his dream was merely a figment of his imagination, for he longed to know what was on the other side. Or perhaps, it was real! Walking away from the sealed cave, Harik began to climb the cliff. He did not notice the voice speaking from behind the rocks, calling to him once again, “I knight you!”...

09/04/2023 3:02 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Musician Nerd
SnappNote's Avatar
Wow! I wasn’t expecting a Star Wars fiction here!
nice job!
09/04/2023 12:54 pm
Level 41 : Master Wolf Wolf
ItzOrangey's Avatar
Once upon a time there was a picture on the internet. An internet user told other internet users to write a story based on said image, so they did. Some stories were great, some were questionable (like this one), and some were pretty much a full novel.
And they all lived happily ever after (had to include that)
Sadako Kogo
09/04/2023 1:57 pm
Level 22 : Expert Artist
Sadako Kogo's Avatar
09/04/2023 11:45 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
UrFriendlyM8's Avatar

  A child stepped forward. He took a shuddery breath, staring at the cliffs beneath him. He... He couldn't do it... Could he? "Come on, Timothy!" His brother called from the other side of the cliffs. Timothy stood up straight, his stark white hair waving in the wind. His brother called to him again. "I can't do it, Jackson!" Jackson, Tim's brother, sighed. "Tim... Trust me."

Timothy backed up and took a running start, angel wings appear on his back at the moment he jumps... He flies to the other side.

09/04/2023 12:02 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Musician Nerd
SnappNote's Avatar
this would be an awesome intro to a larger story. Good Job!
09/04/2023 11:10 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
GracieMockingjay's Avatar
how many paragraphs does it need to be?
09/04/2023 11:29 am
Level 34 : Artisan Musician Nerd
SnappNote's Avatar
no limit, unless you want one
09/04/2023 1:19 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
GracieMockingjay's Avatar
Yes please
09/04/2023 2:56 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Musician Nerd
SnappNote's Avatar
5 paragraphs. Good luck!
09/04/2023 11:09 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
GracieMockingjay's Avatar
09/04/2023 12:54 pm
Level 41 : Master Wolf Wolf
ItzOrangey's Avatar
09/04/2023 1:19 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
GracieMockingjay's Avatar
Sadako Kogo
09/01/2023 6:39 pm
Level 22 : Expert Artist
Sadako Kogo's Avatar
In a land of solace, where war was not known, and the grass was always lush: it was a very peculiar place. One felt as though they were in conflict and at peace, all at the same time. In the midst of the greenery and towering hills, a rather short river was hidden in the depths. The beauty of the land was traded for a gloomy gray, a muck cloaked in darkness. Not a soul dared enter this strange sight, and yet everyone did. One did not know how or why, but in time, everyone was consumed by the very thing they feared most. When a child was born, their parents would throw the child into the darkness, for it had become custom to do so for every newborn. Like a chisel carving into stone, every child would grow a void inside of them, unable to distinguish between the light and the darkness… And everybody died!
The End
09/02/2023 1:05 am
Level 34 : Artisan Musician Nerd
SnappNote's Avatar
Interesting story
good job!
09/01/2023 4:02 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Wolf Whisperer
Myyoyo's Avatar
09/01/2023 3:58 pm
Level 27 : Expert Professor
Cubert_4x4's Avatar
Two brothers hated one another. They Both inherited 1/2 of their father's land, but each got the side that they didn't want. the father hoped they would grow closer this way, but they didn't. As Time passed the bothers' families hated each other too. They built 2 fences. then a wall, and eventually their families grew to cities, growing closer and closer in distance. They Started pumping their sewage into the other's land. both cities grew VERY stinky, so they merged it with a river to wash away the stink. the river grew, and they fought about who should own the river. One day the war finally broke out and both cities swapped sides and destroyed everything. Then they realized that they now had nowhere to live. so, they moved far far away from each other. the river grew as time went on, and mother nature's touch covered the wasteland with grass. A rich man with two sons bought the land, and when he passed on, he let each son pick which half of the land they wanted.
09/01/2023 6:00 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Musician Nerd
SnappNote's Avatar
...And the cycle continues

Good Job!
09/02/2023 8:14 pm
Level 27 : Expert Professor
Cubert_4x4's Avatar
What cycle? The next two brothers built a bridge and split it across the river. :P :D
09/01/2023 3:57 pm
He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
EccentricEremite's Avatar
09/01/2023 3:05 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
Drake__archer's Avatar
I just found out that this photo was taken in the Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon in Iceland!
09/01/2023 3:11 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Musician Nerd
SnappNote's Avatar
ooh, I wondered where it was. It looks so mystical.

I wanna visit Iceland one day.
09/01/2023 3:07 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
Drake__archer's Avatar
Heres mine:

In the heart of Iceland's untamed wilderness, pioneers ventured into the mystic Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon. They marveled at its beauty but faced treacherous terrain. Their story reminds us to explore the world, but with caution, for nature's wonders demand respect and humility. Be an explorer, but also a guardian.
09/01/2023 3:04 pm
He/Him • Level 37 : Artisan Zombie Sweetheart
MLG_Zombie's Avatar
Minecraft steve found a lake, he said: "its beautiful!" then a creeper spawned behind him out of nowhere, the creeper blew up, steve got blown up and fell of the cliff, he died.
09/01/2023 3:12 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Musician Nerd
SnappNote's Avatar
I hate it when that happens
09/01/2023 2:50 pm
He/Him • Level 31 : Artisan Goblin
enfyys's Avatar
once upon a time, there was a man. he found a cliff, and he jumped off. the end.

this is why i’m in the top class for english 😎
09/01/2023 3:04 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Musician Nerd
SnappNote's Avatar
09/01/2023 2:54 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Vampire Droid
MaximusPrime23's Avatar
Very good story
09/01/2023 2:43 pm
He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
EccentricEremite's Avatar
Give me a few hours and a paragraph limit.
09/01/2023 2:52 pm
He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
EccentricEremite's Avatar
I mean it. I need to know how short to make this.
09/01/2023 3:04 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Musician Nerd
SnappNote's Avatar
alright, 5-7 paragraphs.

Knowing you, that should be challenging enough
09/01/2023 3:05 pm
He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
EccentricEremite's Avatar
Alrighty then. I’ll get to writing in a bit.
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