24/7 Hardcore RP Server: Legends of Rome!

stugace's Avatar stugace9/22/11 2:18 pm
7/21/2013 5:17 pm
BlackIronTarkus's Avatar BlackIronTarkus
(Also seen here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/l ... rp-server/ )

(Strongly recommended to be seen with my Romecraft texture pack, here on PMC)

A Product of Stugace's Romecraft

Welcome to the city of Augustus (Augusta).

This server aims on portraying the expansion and conquests of Ancient Rome in a heavy Minecraft RP setting. The mythical backstory was made to provide the freedom of character development, creativity, and to cut the ties with history. (Otherwise I'd be too strict!)


"Three decades ago, around the 700th year of Rome, an army appeared at the wall of Rome, unannounced by any of Rome's scouts. The army was made up of skeletons and demons, dark creatures of Hades, who quickly overran the walls of Rome and sent the Emperor and his people into retreat. The undead army burnt Rome to the ground, and killed all but three Legions of the newly created Imperial Army. The Emperor Augustus and his people fled to the city Ostia and took to sea by ship, hoping to find safety from the demons out in open water.
The Emperor ventured too far into the forbidden waters, and the wrath of Neptune struck down on the Emperor's fleet. The winds tore his army's triremes apart and the lightning set fire to the merchant marine. After months of abuse the Emperor shouted out to the God Neptune, demanding that he and his ship be the last to be taken, so that the rest of his fleet may survive. Neptune accepted his offer, destroying the Emperor, and tossing the rest of his fleet onto the shore of an unknown land. The Roman people, numbering perhaps only two thousand, stumbled upon a new land. There, the New Empire was formed, starting with the city of Augustus, in which we now live."

Romans - Human, of course. Strong-willed and professionals in engineering and military manuevers, the Roman citizens of Roam are well-versed in the dangers of expansion and control. They have no special powers, but they are tough.

Hyperboreans - Near-human, though strongly resembling elves with pointed ears and black pupils. These are the Natives of the New Land, and have a very strong connection with nature. Normally, they remain neutral, unless if someone decides to harm their homeland. The Romans know little about this race, so far.

Satyrs / Ipotane - Half-horse, half-human, magical beings. Though commonly known in Greek mythology as trouble-makers and fools, these beings (at least in the new world) are actually highly-intelligent and constructive. The Romans quickly learned to accept theses creatures as valuable engineering and scouting assets. Ipotane are like Satyrs, but appear more human in various attributes.

Sirens - Angel-like beings that resemble humans, and known for their wisdom and overall beauty. They are white-skinned, white-haired, and fair-skinned people, who appear to have no temper at all. The Romans learned to trust these beings with priestly jobs, such as healing magic and omen-giving. Sirens are also known for being useful as bowmen in combat.

Minotaurs - A hostile race, known to the Romans as brutal and barbaric. These creatures resemble bulls in appearance, though walk on two legs as humans. Though considered unintelligent by Romans, the Minotaurs are actually very clever engineers and military tacticians. At the moment, the Romans keep the Minotaurs at bay by trading with them using Gold - which Minotaurs love.

Cyclops - One-eyed, lonesome creatures known for their easy lifestyle and their healthy connection with the woods. Panes often will treat the local Cyclops as a shaman. The Cyclops is very strong and heavily built, and are natural masons. They side with anyone who treats them right, and have no unified nation.

Hydras - Named after the giant monster defeated by Herakles, the Lernaean Hydra, these people look human ( if the blue skin, gills, and webbed feet/hands are ignored ). This race lives underwater and in caverns and typically stays away from conflict. They have an obnoxious time breathing in the atmosphere, but can do so, and have become well known in Augustia for their seafood trade. Their capital city, which is still undiscovered, is rumored to look like the Ancient city of Athens, except underwater. (This race may have access to an underwater breathing plugin.)

More races to come, probably.


The New Imperial Empire of Rome - The newest nation to the New Land, and incredibly expansionist. The capital of this nation is Augustus, which is the main market for all nations (at the moment). Architecture based off Ancient Rome and Greece.

Natives - Tribes and villages of the New Land, which include tribes of Satyrs, Sirens, Barbarians, Panes, Minotaurs, and other native beings. Architecture uses mud huts, tents, small wooden buildings.

Empire of the Minotaurs (Actual name/details TBD) - Hostile empire of the Minotaurs. This nation uses unique stone-heavy architecture based off Greek, Carthaginian, Egyptian, and Persian examples.

Undead Horde: Skeletons, Zombies, and Creepers. Hostile to all. Cannot be played by players!


POST YOUR APPS ON THE FORUM HERE: http://legendsofrome.webs.com/
All apps will be ignored on this thread. The app is posted here just as a reference now.

IGN: (username)
Character Name: (RP name)
Character Race: (One of the races above, for now, please. I'll allow you to change if I come up with more.)
Character Backstory: (Brief summary of how your character came to be, or what kind of character he is)
Previous RP Experiences: (If any)
Why do you want to join the Legends of Rome?: (Answer in complete, honest sentences please.)


Planned Plugins:
Posted by stugace's Avatar
Retired Moderator
Level 86 : Elite Pixel Painter

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07/21/2013 5:17 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
BlackIronTarkus's Avatar
IGN: (username)Riosku
Character Name: (RP name) Laurentius the Pardoner.
Character Race: (One of the races above, for now, please. I'll allow you to change if I come up with more.) Roman
Character Backstory: (Brief summary of how your character came to be, or what kind of character he is) Not much is known about Laurentius, except that he wields a symbolic, powerful thrusting sword used by the pardoner (The Pardoner is essentially a bishop for Velka, Goddess of Sin.)
It is no mere symbol to be sure; the pardoner is an inhuman swordsman, and wields this enchanted blade with an unnatural amount of finesse.. Along with that, he talks in a strange, unknown accent, and is very dexterous. He has taken it upon himself to reveal and punish sin, as need-be.
Previous RP Experiences: (If any) I used to do it on a game called Runescape. I've recently begun doing so on MC.
Why do you want to join the Legends of Rome?: (Answer in complete, honest sentences please.) I want to join because I need to get back into RPing. This seems like the best server to do so.
07/21/2013 5:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Movin's Avatar
IGN: (username) movinmovin
Character Name: (RP name) Quintinius Pompulnius Verginix
Character Race: (One of the races above, for now, please. I'll allow you to change if I come up with more.) Satyr (if satyrs can also have goat legs, in not, Hydra)
Long Backstory: (Brief summary of how your character came to be, or what kind of character he is) Quint was living happily as a classis man in ( the Romecraft: Legacy setting), he had friends, was steadily rising through the ranks, and had a smooth lovelife, but on the day he was to be promoted to Navarch he was doing a bit of hunting and found a small structure. he decided to explore and came face to face with a horde archer he drew his spatha but was shot just below the heart and blacked out... He awakes to find himself in a strange land surrounded by weird and amazing creatures and hopes to find a way back to his old life, or prosper in this one.
Previous RP Experiences: (If any) Romecraft: Legacy, Mideval servers.
Why do you want to join the Legends of Rome?: (Answer in complete, honest sentences please.) I want to see other servers stug has created and I love roman rp
04/06/2013 10:41 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
UtopiaCraft567's Avatar
IGN: RPGman17
Character Name: Decimus Nerva
Character Race: Roman
Character Backstory: Decimus, a proud battle hardened Roman who, still in the legion. Is a master of roman weapons as well as weapons of foreigners. This knowledge of weapons gives him an edge on the battle field. It is common for Decimus to tote around his prized golden plated gladious.

Previous RP Experiences: Medieval Servers
Why do you want to join the Legends of Rome?: I have looked everywhere for a roman RP server but none of them suit my needs. For example some require certain things like team speek and it gets overwhelming with all of the other requirements. Oh and I love roman history:)
02/24/2012 6:58 pm
Level 26 : Expert Nerd
ThePixel's Avatar
IGN: powdermaster500
Character name: powdermaster500
Character race: Ice Cream ( it changes )
Character backstory: he's awesome, he's a beast, he's as good as you, he's powdermaster500! powder is a beast at building, pixel art, and everything!!!
Previous RP Expriences: None
Why do you want to join the legends of Rome?: I have heard a lot of good reviews about it and I love new servers!
02/24/2012 6:58 pm
Level 26 : Expert Nerd
ThePixel's Avatar
IGN: powdermaster500
Character name: powdermaster500
Character race: Ice Cream ( it changes )
Character backstory: he's awesome, he's a beast, he's as good as you, he's powdermaster500! powder is a beast at building, pixel art, and everything!!!
Previous RP Expriences: None
Why do you want to join the legends of Rome?: I have heard a lot of good reviews about it and I love new servers!
10/07/2011 1:41 am
Level 86 : Elite Pixel Painter
stugace's Avatar
Lololol bump.
10/04/2011 12:52 pm
Level 23 : Expert Miner
Emma5000's Avatar
IGN: Emma5000
Character Name: felyin (sounds like feline)
Character Race: Minotaur
Character Backstory: i will edit this when i think of one xD
Previous RP Experiences: none, sorry
Why do you want to join the Legends of Rome?: because i love the idea of rp and i am a big fantasy fan, Woo inheritance cycle!
10/04/2011 5:16 pm
Level 86 : Elite Pixel Painter
stugace's Avatar
Please post on our website if you can, and come up with a backstory
10/04/2011 10:05 am
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
Yes we have a bajillion Romans! xD

It would be nice to have some other races but it is up to all of you to decide which race you would like to be! xD
10/01/2011 9:40 pm
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
10/03/2011 2:23 am
Level 86 : Elite Pixel Painter
stugace's Avatar
We need more ROMANS. AKA we need more other races, and less romans right now.

But either works.
09/30/2011 4:29 am
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
09/29/2011 8:27 pm
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
Yeah sign up on the website

09/29/2011 1:23 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
SmokeGunner's Avatar
Can I join?
09/28/2011 7:52 am
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
09/28/2011 9:21 am
Level 86 : Elite Pixel Painter
stugace's Avatar
Agreed. Also my laptop is entirely dead, so who knows when I can next get on.
09/28/2011 4:33 pm
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
09/27/2011 10:39 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Mage
whiteoak123's Avatar
ign whiteoak123
charater name Cyprus
race Minotaur
charater bacink story Cyprus was a lonly wanderer for years after he was abanded at birth for being ugly, and found by a wandering Cyclops. He was taught there ways but inside he new he was different. at age 18 he left and tryed to find his own kind. He eventually found them and joined their tribe. He worked as a warrior but inside he had a complex mine where he found diamonds and gold. He wore diamond armour to combat and gold around because it made him look like a king. When people where in his house they stumbled in his mine. They immeditly reported it and he was brought to trial. He told how he could make tools and better armour then the stone and leather armour they used now. He showed them what he could do and was immeditly given top command in the clan or to create his own. He stayed in the clan but was appointed as the prince so when the leader died he would take charge. One day he was in battle and his squad was hurt so he went into a "rage" and killed 100's of soldiers in a few minutes. He was now known as a fierce warrior and a great black smith and is the races main black smith for a price....
previous rp experience not much but do try to rp on a prison server where i am staff so i can be trusted and could be the Minotaur faction leader if you need one.
why I want to join I am looking for a good role playing server for a while now and this one is by far the greatest in consept. It looks small though but i know that it will grow so i have patience.
09/27/2011 7:25 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragonborn
oryous's Avatar
one of the weirdest topics I have ever seen... xD
09/26/2011 8:06 pm
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
sign up on the website then! xD
09/26/2011 9:55 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Phatzz's Avatar
09/26/2011 4:43 am
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar

POST YOUR APPS ON THE FORUM HERE: http://legendsofrome.webs.com/
All apps added after this post will be ignored on this thread.
09/26/2011 4:41 am
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
You have been whitelisted turtle!
09/26/2011 12:14 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Skinner
Turtledash's Avatar
TurtledashCharacter Name: Tiberius Pompeius Quinti filius Lucii nepos tribu Luceres Antonius Artifex domo Roma

Wow thats a huge name xD

09/26/2011 12:13 am
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
09/25/2011 3:24 am
Level 86 : Elite Pixel Painter
stugace's Avatar

POST YOUR APPS ON THE FORUM HERE: http://legendsofrome.webs.com/
All apps added after this post will be ignored on this thread. The app is posted here just as a reference now.

IGN: (username)
Character Name: (RP name)
Character Race: (One of the races above, for now, please. I'll allow you to change if I come up with more.)
Character Backstory: (Brief summary of how your character came to be, or what kind of character he is)
Previous RP Experiences: (If any)
Why do you want to join the Legends of Rome?: (Answer in complete, honest sentences please.)

Also, Sandman: No, we stick to Greek and Roman Mythology.
Tryhardpants: What exactly does your backstory mean? Are you RPing someone stuck in a jail?
09/25/2011 2:56 am
Level 1 : New Miner
sandman_9292's Avatar
IGN: (sandman_9292)
Character Name: (blood-red-sandman)
Character Race: (if i can,could i have sandman for a race?if not id like to be a hydra)
Character Backstory: (about 92 months aftr birth sandman's village was attacked by creepers and endermen.his parents were killed while trying to protect him and now sandman has became one of those people who try to make more freinds than enemys
and he acts quite strangley some times)
Previous RP Experiences: (none....on this website...or anywere)
Why do you want to join the Legends of Rome?: (yes i would like to join your server,as long as your admins dont kick me and ban me for something as small as getting cooked chicken for free like the last server.)
09/24/2011 10:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
tryhardpant's Avatar
IGN: (Tryhardpants)
Character Name: (Herbert)
Character Race: (Roman.)
Character Backstory: (I was in a small village! Raised by a smart fella his name was Peter. He tought me the basics of living in the wild and protecting myself at all times. When i got older i built a cabin in the wilderness. Then i got raided by a dark lord. He took me and beat me! Now i am in a cell and no one can help me!)
Previous RP Experiences: None
Why do you want to join the Legends of Rome?: Because i love rp servers, i am a nice fella and everyone i meet i get along with. I would love to join this server!:)
09/24/2011 8:29 pm
Level 86 : Elite Pixel Painter
stugace's Avatar
Cytoxer, Redujin, and Midknight226. You are all whitelisted, and you can find the server IP on my Server page here:www.planetminecraft.com/server/legends-of-rome---a-hardcore-romecraft-rp-server/

Redujin, you may want a different name if you're human, preferably Greek/Roman in origin, or some other ancient society.
09/24/2011 5:09 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
TeabaggingFrog's Avatar
IGN: Midknight226
Character Name: Bart Crause
Character Race: Hyperborean
Character Backstory: I was only 4 when my parents were killed defending our homeland, They hid me in a hollowed tree created for protection while the minotaurs burnt our land. I had no clue what was going on at the time. I was found by an elderly hyperborean couple the next morning. They sheltered me until i was finally 14 years old (the time most hyperboreans leave their house). i plan to now create a home in our land and enlist in the Defense army.
Previous RP Experiences: I play on Fallout and WWII RP servers often.
Why do you want to join the Legends of Rome?: I love RP servers and this one seems well organized. Many servers are just free roam do as you want and lose the RP feeling. I will help in any way i can if you need me to. (NOT ASKING FOR OP)
09/24/2011 5:53 am
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
TurtledashCharacter Name: Tiberius Pompeius Quinti filius Lucii nepos tribu Luceres Antonius Artifex domo Roma

Wow thats a huge name xD
09/24/2011 5:07 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Skinner
Turtledash's Avatar
IGN: Turtledash
Character Name: Tiberius Pompeius Quinti filius Lucii nepos tribu Luceres Antonius Artifex domo Roma

Character Race: Roman
Character Backstory: His father Quintius was a famous architect who had built a big part of Rome. When Quintius died during the invasion Tiberius was a newly recruited soldier, one of the 2000 survivors. When they had arrived he had a great opportunity to carry on the family business.

Previous RP Experiences: I've played Runescape before
Why do you want to join the Legends of Rome?: Because I am very interested in ancient roman history and architecture.
09/24/2011 11:23 am
Level 86 : Elite Pixel Painter
stugace's Avatar
Keep your name to realistic lengths, please. Preferably the traditional "Tria Nomina" name system.
09/26/2011 12:16 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Skinner
Turtledash's Avatar
Okay, I'm shortening it to Tiberius Pompeius.
09/24/2011 12:26 am
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
Oh alrighty xD
09/23/2011 6:58 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Mage
whiteoak123's Avatar
fauns are saturs
09/23/2011 4:34 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Xerfes's Avatar
IGN: Cytoxer
Character Name: Helividius
Character Race: Human
Character Backstory: An ordinary man would consider him a weird old drinker. More intelligent people though, would consider him as a great war hero, to whom a terrible tragic happened. Helividius was a roman general serving under the command of Julius Ceasar. During the Civil War he got arrested by followers of Pompeya, and took part in the Gladiator games till the very end of the Civil War. When he finally got out of prison, he soon discovered his family was murdered by Julius Ceasar, due to him being suspected for joining pompeya, since he never came back to the base, and his body was never found. Even though he had great anger in him againts Ceasar,he didnt try to take revenge, cause he was too inteligent to take that risk, while he knew he would surely be killed. So he went to a bar and started drinking...first it was 1 time a week till now, when it turned into 12 hours a day. There are also rumors that he carries a diamond sword inside his armor even when he is in the bar. Fact is that he hasnt stopped being a gladiator since he was free, and that he spends rest 8 hours sleeping and 4 training and competing in these brutal games
Previous RP Experiences: 2 star wars servers, 1 LOTR
Why do you want to join the Legends of Rome?: Its so hard to find a heavy roleplay server these days,and if it will have heroes,it will make it even more awesome.
09/23/2011 3:28 pm
Level 86 : Elite Pixel Painter
stugace's Avatar
Renamed Panes to Hyperboreans. Panes were goat-like creatures, which weren't what I was going for. Hyperboreans will work better, as they were unknown to Greek mythology.

I use Greek Mythology as well as Roman to allow for a greater array of creatures and monsters to choose from!
09/23/2011 11:03 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
SmokeGunner's Avatar
Are you leaving war for the west?
09/23/2011 10:40 am
Level 86 : Elite Pixel Painter
stugace's Avatar
Good to see applications! I will be accepting these shortly, as soon as I get the spawn completed. The city is not entirely complete, so there will be building efforts for the next week or so, meaning you'll see some of us flying around building and changing the weather/time.

Otherwise, we are almost ready for full use! Expect the first few applications to be let in shortly.
09/23/2011 2:10 am
Level 25 : Expert Pony
Redujin's Avatar
IGN: (Redujin)
Character Name: (Redujin)
Character Race: (Human)
Character Backstory: (5 years after Redujin was born his village was destroyed by minatours leaving him as the only survivor and as an orphan so he grew up on his own learning how to survive independently but was taken in by a loyal knight of rome who raised him up as a swordsmen of great skill at the age of 15. Redujin's greatest skills are: assassination, stealth, free running and fencing(fighting with a sword))
Previous RP Experiences: (Well i played on lord of the craft LOTC which is a huge rp server.)
Why do you want to join the Legends of Rome?: (Because i love the feeling of adventure of roleplaying and hopefully i can get somewhere on your server and im really looking forward to killing some creepers =D)

Some extra info(IRL):
-AGE: 16
-GOAL: im not sure if ill make it or if i deserve it but ive always wanted to be a moderator or administrator on an rp server but since theres not many out there i've never had a chance the main reason is because i want to give servers a strong roleplaying feeling that some people just dont get... Pm me if i get accepted into the server and what not ill be waiting. Anyway thats about sums up my application =D
09/23/2011 2:09 am
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
IGN: Brenjuku
Character Name: Serenity
Character Race: Siren
Character Backstory: When Serenity was a child, she was an orphan living in the streets of Rome. Living on the streets made Serenity a bad little girl. She would steal bread, rob citizens, and sometimes break into peoples homes when she knew they were away. She knew this was wrong but she didn't care, she was hungry. When Serenity was in her teenage years she was still going down the wrong path until a scholar came and gave her a place to sleep. The scholar taught her right from wrong and also taught her about her people. Serenity became intrigued and wanted to go to her peoples homeland. There was one problem though; the roads outside of Rome were a dangerous place. She knew once she went outside she could wind up dead. Serenity had nobody that would take her there. She knew she wasn't tough enough, so she decided to learn. She had seen the Roman Legion march in and out of town, gain glory and respect from the Roman citizens, and she wanted to be just like them. Serenity knew the Roman customs about women not being able to fight, but she had to find a way to join, and she figured out how....
Previous RP Experiences: Err well not really xD
Why do you want to join the Legends of Rome?: Cause Stugace secretly loves me and because i'm making the website ^-^
09/23/2011 1:59 am
Level 25 : Expert Pony
Redujin's Avatar
IGN: (Redujin)
Character Name: (Redujin)
Character Race: (Human)
Character Backstory: (5 years after Redujin was born his village was destroyed by minatours leaving him as the only survivor and as an orphan so he grew up on his own learning how to survive independently but was taken in by a loyal knight of rome who raised him up as a swordsmen of great skill at the age of 15. Redujin's greatest skills are: assassination, stealth, free running and fencing(fighting with a sword))
Previous RP Experiences: (Well i played on lord of the craft LOTC which is a huge rp server.)
Why do you want to join the Legends of Rome?: (Because i love the feeling of adventure of roleplaying and hopefully i can get somewhere on your server and im really looking forward to killing some creepers =D)

Some extra info(IRL):
-AGE: 16
-GOAL: im not sure if ill make it or if i deserve it but ive always wanted to be a moderator or administrator on an rp server but since theres not many out there i've never had a chance the main reason is because i want to give servers a strong roleplaying feeling that some people just dont get... Pm me if i get accepted into the server and what not ill be waiting. Anyway thats about sums up my application =D
09/23/2011 1:09 am
Level 86 : Elite Pixel Painter
stugace's Avatar

(Post your apps in this thread until the website is up. Though we aren't adding to the whitelist yet, we will be very shortly!)

IGN: (username)
Character Name: (RP name)
Character Race: (One of the races above, for now, please. I'll allow you to change if I come up with more.)
Character Backstory: (Brief summary of how your character came to be, or what kind of character he is)
Previous RP Experiences: (If any)
Why do you want to join the Legends of Rome?: (Answer in complete, honest sentences please.)
09/22/2011 11:10 pm
Level 86 : Elite Pixel Painter
stugace's Avatar
We now have a server! I will be putting up a website link and app form shortly.
09/22/2011 10:13 pm
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
09/22/2011 6:33 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Mage
whiteoak123's Avatar
hey saturs and fauns in roman ull need to fix that to get more peps
09/22/2011 6:31 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Mage
whiteoak123's Avatar
Nice i will apply and how many builders do u have cause more is better
09/22/2011 3:52 pm
Level 86 : Elite Pixel Painter
stugace's Avatar
Not recruiting until I know exactly when the server will be up.
09/22/2011 3:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Aortic's Avatar
Nice. You gonna put a app format out? Or not recruiting quite yet?
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