[CLOSED] What is the most hated Minecraft update?face

SoapSoapSoap's Avatar SoapSoapSoap3/28/22 4:36 am history
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4/18/2022 11:26 am
Troncoo's Avatar Troncoo

Edit: You morons did not listen to me. Don't. Reply. Mods if you see this please close this thread. I beg you. This is my first time I'm being mad to my "fans". Do not reply. Just vote instead.
Posted by SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator Nerd

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04/17/2022 2:21 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
Troncoo's Avatar
im so glad that 1.9 is the most hated version 🤩🤩
04/17/2022 11:47 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
JuceDoesThings's Avatar
Why? It's not doing anyone a service and it sure isn't helping Mojang. Have your opinion, but don't be happy that Mojang is being constantly bombarded with people like this who vilify them and their actions as if they're some kind of evil corperation. It's sad that people constantly hate on a version of the game for the SOLE reason that they don't like the combat system and it shows how little people like to actually change and allow themselves to mold. It's almost as bad as the people who complain about the nether update because "I wanted the End Update >:(((". And, question. Do you even KNOW what the pre-1.9 updates were? What 1.10 or 1.11 were? How about 1.6, which added next to nothing and mostly just focused on adding horses to the game? Did you know any of this, or are you one of those people who are so stuck inside of Hypixel that you don't even know how the greater game works but still think your opinion of the game at large is more valid than other people's opinions?
04/18/2022 11:26 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
Troncoo's Avatar
i mean, i hate 1.9 not because it added a new combat i hate it bc it removed the pre 1.9 combat. imo it should be a gamerule so everyone can choose the combat they want. about the nether update, i dont mind it, for me it was one of the best update minecraft have got. also, i hate 1.9 but that doesnt mean the other content it added was bad, it was good, not like 1.10, that is actually a BAD version. i started playing minecraft in a friend's PS3 (in that moment the last version available was 1.7) so yea, i kind of know what each update added to the game. yea those ppl that complain so hard about a end update needs to stop a bit lol
04/17/2022 8:28 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Creeper
Team UNNAMED's Avatar

So everyone could switch to the better edition.
04/12/2022 3:39 pm
Level 48 : Master Button Pusher
GlitchWraith's Avatar
1.9 combat update was trash. Sure, 1.8 and below was nothing but dragclicking and knockback, but at least it felt tense, fast-paced and mechanically challenging instead of being entirely reliant on timing.

Not to mention timing-based combat is super dependent on ping, which makes it unbearable in multiplayer when your opponent's on a high-end thousand dollar gaming PC
04/17/2022 11:45 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
JuceDoesThings's Avatar
I agree with the beginning, but you mentioning ping is a little ironic. I tend to actually be more effected by ping in 1.8 pvp than in 1.9+ pvp. In fact, any fast-paced system is innately more subject to problems with high ping than slower more timing-based systems most of the time. Both are harder with ping, but GOD 1.8 is so much more difficult. Coming from someone who went from a place with extremely low latency to a place where I have to use my hotspot to even update my datapacks anymore, 1.9+ tends to be the more playable combat for me
04/12/2022 3:34 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Blueberry
MotherLee's Avatar
Actually, you can make a own customised gameplay by doing some well complecated stuff but you can do so you only have what you like, why complain of mojangs hard work?
04/13/2022 10:52 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Network
OrderWithoutBorders's Avatar
Maybe some updates are liked and some not, mods cannot fix everything and may break stuff too
04/05/2022 11:17 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
TypicalOven's Avatar
04/05/2022 11:16 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
daepicfox's Avatar
the 2021 april fools.
the 2020 april fools added infinite dimensions, that made us think "the 2021 one will be far better!"
and then we got:
screensavers, yaaay.....
04/17/2022 8:29 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Creeper
Team UNNAMED's Avatar
and with 2022, we got THE BEST THING EVER!!!!!
04/13/2022 10:52 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Network
OrderWithoutBorders's Avatar
and the 2022 one turned us into endermen, how fun..
04/17/2022 11:48 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
JuceDoesThings's Avatar
I know, right? Loved it
04/05/2022 10:31 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
DistortedDG's Avatar
One block at a time ! It's so annoying and it's not the minecraft I know already !!!
04/05/2022 9:40 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Dragonborn
Moxks's Avatar
Personally, 1.13 introduced tons of lag. The game now checks every Y level for Kelp, and this can heavily slow your game. It is also why most servers only updated to 1.12.2, although they support later updates.
04/05/2022 1:15 pm
Level 48 : Master Sus
yarluk990's Avatar
minecraft frogs are cute
04/05/2022 11:10 am
Level 40 : Master Nerd
BigFatPotat's Avatar
In my opinion, it might be 1.8. The actual update didn't add that much... I guess guardians, but not much else. For combat, I personally like Java's 1.9+ combat better than 1.8 and downwards in PvE, because it adds challenge to the game. For example, if you get backed into a corner by a Piglin Brute, you can't just click as fast a you want and just absolutely destroy him. For PvP reasons, I think 1.8 might be a little better, because when you are fighting someone you don't want to worry about timing, but has some flaws (I.E. playing against a pro that can get 500,000 cps).
04/05/2022 11:19 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
TypicalOven's Avatar
im pretty good at 1.8 pvp and i dont like 1.9 personally, because of the combat update, the only thing i like about 1.9 is the end updated
04/05/2022 9:41 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
tangent's Avatar
No update is bad in my opinion although some have definitely been better than others. 1.10 is the most disappointing, you would expect them to do something special for the first double digits, but they only added polar bears, igloos and some other small changes such as fossils. Magma blocks, which were added, are quite useful though.
04/05/2022 11:20 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
TypicalOven's Avatar
polar bears are pretty useless
04/05/2022 8:46 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Vampire
SouthDakotaGirl's Avatar
1.16, The Nether was a hard place before but now it's pretty impossible place to survive in. I mean I have trouble surviving in the nether.

I like to think about the fact that they continue to make the game harder for the kids. It seems like they are focusing on what their older audience wants. What happens when we the older audience no longer play the game? What happens to Minecraft then.
04/04/2022 11:12 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
JuceDoesThings's Avatar
1.9 is the most hated factually, but I think none of the updates were "terrible" and calling them terrible is really just unfair. I mean maybe disappointing or not your personal preference but none of them were objectively just bad or anything. Also, why would you hate an update because of a new passive entity? They can be... fairly easily ignored. Like goats

EDIT: I've been playing the game since old alpha. I have had a lot of time to form my opinions of the game and I have concluded that there isn't a single objectively bad update. Now, that isn't to say that there are some that I didn't like for one reason or another. For example, I felt like for 1.10 they should have just waited until they had more ideas instead of adding something because they felt like they had to. I would have much preferred something thought out. However, I didn't hate or even dislike the update. Just means that I felt they should have put more time into thinking of an update. I also wasn't a big fan of 1.4 when it came out, as at the time (and still to a degree nowadays) I wasn't a fan of multiblock-features which I felt like the wither was pushing for. But now, as someone who has had more time to think it out, I genuinely wouldn't really have this game any other way. I love the journey that this game has made and am honestly disappointed by the new wave Minecrafters. It's disappointing to see people that take these updates at their base level rather than understanding everything that went into them and that led up to them and all the implications they have for the future of the game. To new-wave Minecrafters: Do better. Stop complaining about everything you don't see an immediate use for. It's toxic to the community, I hate to see a community that I love dwindle because you guys can't see past the surface
-_ -_ -_ -_
04/04/2022 8:26 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Collective
-_ -_ -_ -_'s Avatar
this thread is all just hate towards people who don't share the same opinion as you.🖕
freddy fazbear har har har har
04/04/2022 3:23 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
freddy fazbear har har har har's Avatar
1.16 is hated by speedrunners and others because they made finding a fortress HELL.
My reason why I hate it is because they didn't even WANT to touch The End, it just looks old and boring nowadays.
1.20 NEEDS to be The End update.
04/05/2022 9:30 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Creeper
Team UNNAMED's Avatar
04/04/2022 11:15 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
JuceDoesThings's Avatar
It won't be, probably. The overworld still needs some love, so I imagine that will be the focus for a little bit. Also, why would you hate an update because it set the groundworks for something you want? You want an end update? Cool, the update you hate literally set the precedent for it to be possible. Complaining about 1.16 being a nether update when you want an end update is SO bizarre to me. If you want an end update, starting with a dimension that's less controversial to change is the way to go
04/04/2022 10:41 pm
Level 22 : Expert Cupcake
ufxy's Avatar
I honestly agree that 1.20 needs to be the End update.
04/04/2022 3:48 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect
TimeWarpDrive's Avatar
What would you add to the end that couldn't conflict with its purpose?
-_ -_ -_ -_
04/04/2022 8:25 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Collective
-_ -_ -_ -_'s Avatar
new wood, preferably some new colors so that builders could have some excitement, cool end-mobs because we only have three so far, some sort of new structures making end cities not the only one, and maybe a boss, but I think not. (I just want it for the wood)
04/04/2022 9:18 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect
TimeWarpDrive's Avatar
You're going really vague here... you haven't even given me a color for the wood lol..

I also disagree... the end should be devoid of wood.
-_ -_ -_ -_
04/05/2022 8:33 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Collective
-_ -_ -_ -_'s Avatar
well, everyone has an opinion and I'll respect yours, and I hope you respect that, but I meant something like the BetterEnd mod, which adds fungus and vine-like botany to the end. Also when I do use the BetterEnd mod it's for the blue and purple woods.
04/17/2022 11:27 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Spelunker
Aceplante's Avatar
The end is not supposed to be habitable, and it kind of already is since you can get food and tools.
04/04/2022 12:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheElmonaterZ's Avatar
1.18, the caves and cliffs update. Decided that caves and cliffs weren't enough and even the plains biome looks stupid. Mining is slow and boring and no matter how progressed you are into the game you can't mine through deepslate. Its not optimized and it added something that looks cool but makes the game less fun to play
04/05/2022 9:49 am
Level 20 : Expert Pig
mikapindorama's Avatar
a don't agree.
04/04/2022 11:17 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
JuceDoesThings's Avatar
Naw. You're making strawman arguments. I usually am in deepslate by the time I have iron tools, sometimes stone, so what in the world do you even mean "You can't mine through deepslate"? Do you mean how it can't be instamined? If so, you weren't the target audience for that and you should be aware that you're not the only person who plays Minecraft. Some people actually LIKE the game to be a challenge
Sus Sus
04/04/2022 3:00 pm
Level 29 : Expert Sus
Sus Sus's Avatar
04/04/2022 11:59 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Spelunker
Aceplante's Avatar
Technically 1.9 IS the most hated update. I mean it was an update that FIXED the existing combat bugs, including reach, rapidhit, etc. I'm glad they FIXED it; pre-1.9, you could literally download an autoclicker and win any pvp interaction easily. 1.9 FIXED that and made combat actually take skill, so I see why you all dislike it.

Worst of all is how most servers ALLOW 1.8 players for some reason??? It encourages abuse of bugs that are supposed to be gone since they FIXED them in 1.9, and also puts any real players that actually update at a disadvantage. I cant even tell you how many times ive been reach hit, hit MULTIPLE times in midair, and hypixel does nothing about it...

Actually I can; almost every. single. time.
04/17/2022 1:50 pm
Level 28 : Expert Birb
ThatSkyBirdAira's Avatar
"1.9 fixed combat and made it take skill" more like made it a MASSIVE slog. I actually prefer Bedrock's combat over Java 1.9 combat for THIS SPECIFIC REASON, and there's not very much about Bedrock that I prefer over Java.

Just saying, dude, the reason people hate 1.9 combat so much is it's so freaking boring. Timing out your attacks, even in PvE, really takes the action out of combat, which is literally what combat is all about. Say what you want about the supposed "combat bugs", but at least it was actually enjoyable.

Also, the thing about servers allowing people to play on older versions is like what JuceDoesThings said: people are allowed to play whatever version they want, and it wouldn't be fair for servers to just straight up not allow people to play on that server simply because they want to use an older version.

And keep in mind: all of this is coming from someone who always uses the latest version, only because I don't want to miss out on all the cool new features Minecraft is adding. I still really hate 1.9 combat, and I sometimes wish Java would just go back to pre-1.9 with its combat, or just do what Bedrock is doing.

Just by reading your comment, it looks like you don't think people have the right to an opinion. Well, listen here, bud: there is no such thing as a "wrong" opinion. People dislike 1.9 combat- they may dislike it for the reasons above, or something else- and that's totally fine. You may think it's a good thing. That's fine, too. Doesn't mean you need to bash people for having an opinion.
04/17/2022 11:30 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Spelunker
Aceplante's Avatar
oH nOoO, you cant win by download autoclickers anymore? Honestly though, how was 1.8 "more fun" to you? its literally spamclicking... Timing and blocking actually takes skill.
04/18/2022 3:03 am
Level 28 : Expert Birb
ThatSkyBirdAira's Avatar
1. I never played on 1.8. I'm an OG Legacy Console player, we never got 1.9 combat, and on Bedrock we still don't. So not only am I still used to pre-1.9 combat, I also much prefer it for that reason.

2. Timing and blocking are what make the whole 1.9+ combat a major slog. I used to be REALLY into PVP (not anymore, though, just haven't had as much time for gaming as of late and just fell out of it), and being able to spam click made it a lot more action packed. Having to time your attacks takes the action out of it.

3. Never even heard of autoclickers until very recently, so your point?
04/04/2022 11:18 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
JuceDoesThings's Avatar
Agree with most of this, but getting mad that some servers choose to use older versions of Minecraft is... kind of a bad argument. You can choose to play any version you want, don't knock people for liking an older version
04/17/2022 11:28 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Spelunker
Aceplante's Avatar
I choose to play on the newer versions becuase the older versions had bugs that ruined pvp and ofc people are going to like abusing those.
04/17/2022 11:43 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
JuceDoesThings's Avatar
If it isn't your prefered method of playing, that's okay. It isn't mine, either. But to call it an invalid version of the game would be both a disservice to the community and a disservice to Mojang. Same with people who prefer the old version complaining about the current version. I think that the old version had its merits, but agree that it was buggy and also that wins ended up being more ping-based in my experience than skill-based. However, that doesn't mean I'm gonna vilify that version of the game, you know? Nor am I going to vilify people for choosing to play it, there are skills involved in 1.8 pvp and to dumb it down to "spam clicking" actually kind of shows that some of your issue in that version might have been you not quite understanding how their combat system worked as opposed to you being swarmed with hackers constantly
The Great Magispeller
04/04/2022 1:43 am
Level 42 : Master Mage
The Great Magispeller's Avatar
I hate combat update at 1.9,cause that made pvp EVEN HARDER
04/04/2022 12:02 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Spelunker
Aceplante's Avatar
freddy fazbear har har har har
04/04/2022 3:30 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
freddy fazbear har har har har's Avatar
lol people correcting other people is funny its just like

Person 1: i good at thigs game
Person 2: This*
04/04/2022 1:02 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Blueberry
MotherLee's Avatar
Do yall even know how hard mojang is working to make a good game for us all??
REALLY HARD. Just respect their hard work
04/04/2022 3:50 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect
TimeWarpDrive's Avatar

Mojang: 'takes half the year off'
04/04/2022 11:22 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
JuceDoesThings's Avatar
You have no idea how the development process for the game works and it shows. They have a team of people who have to make these updates, usually taking into consideration performance ramifications along with their massive audience they have to please. Not to mention the fact that they have to make the update possible to work on older devices AND on something as small as a phone. Mojang has so many reasons for being the way that they are, and for you to complain that it takes them time of all things? That's very telling of how ignorant this community has recently become. I miss the old 1.0 days when people were just happy to see what was happening, not finding every reason to complain about every little thing. Just shut up, dude, you're not helping anyONE or anyTHING
04/12/2022 3:29 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Blueberry
MotherLee's Avatar
Exactly what i mean.
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