Alright..... I have to hand it to Mojang.....

ShyStuff's Avatar ShyStuff10/5/23 3:48 pm
1 emeralds 215 7
10/6/2023 7:55 pm
ScotsMiser's Avatar ScotsMiser
You see with the new mob vote of 2023, we have been faced with three new mobs....

The Crab....

Looks cool, has a claw we can use to extend placing range...
Looks alright..

What's next..

Oh yeah the Armadillo...

It does what exactly? Lives in the desert and rolls up in a ball when startled...
Oh and it supposedly protects our wolves with "Wolf Armor" kinda like horse armor...
Real funny Mojang...

Truly a waste of time.

Then we have the 2.0 of the dolphin...

The Penguin...

So, in essence, it makes us row faster in a boat... Ok big woop...
Sounds to me like it scares the player more into rowing faster than anything...

I'm sorry Mojang but altogether these mob vote choices are really... just... pathetic...

I'm sorry, I shouldn't throw that word around like that, but truly... Mojang has bonded with Microsoft like what three, fourish years ago.... The least they could do is make something alittle more... exciting... Truly Mojang must have something better than this for 1.21... I hope... But anyways... Enough of me rambling....

What do you guys think of this mob vote for 2023?

Poll ended 10/10/2023 3:48 pm.

Posted by ShyStuff's Avatar
Level 9 : Apprentice Warrior

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10/06/2023 7:50 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
I'd reather MS/Mj devote the resources spent on all three proposals to preformance improvement (back to – dare to dream – 1.10 standards) and bug fixes…
[​That's REAL bug fixes, not name mispelled, captialization of tag changed, 'fixed' miscolored pixel, or any similar malarky that sounds like an attempt to pad a c.v..]

Given MS/Mj will be busting open another kan_o'_key-ute in preference to my preferred course of action, my prediction remains that the armidillo wins….

Feel free to add you predictions (as opposed to your preference) for the winner HERE ….
10/06/2023 6:45 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Modder
Raddelgo14's Avatar
Dolfin 2.0 Go Burrrrrr
10/05/2023 9:50 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Blob
HoboMaggot's Avatar
I think these more "mundane" mob additions follows their current design philosophy, which is most likely one that appeases world explorers.

Not everyone in the mc community is combat oriented. A significant chunk of the player base of any game that allows for casual play will be casual players. Therefore there will be much more builders and world explorers than metagayming tryhards like you and me.

Case in point, this discussion thread where there the majority of users there express excitement for the mob additions (or at least one of them)

As of this time Mojang is most likely leaving combat content to (officially) datapack developers
10/06/2023 7:55 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
"metagayming tryhards"

Now that's funny, that is — though rather more risque than I was wont to expect these days :cheers:
10/06/2023 6:49 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Blob
HoboMaggot's Avatar
Imo, but this is much more copium, they're working on java-bedrock parity and opening up the backend for datapack developers and working a lot less on content in general. Their ultimate goal is most likely still to combine the 2 versions
10/06/2023 6:43 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Warrior
ShyStuff's Avatar
I see where you are coming from, I'm just disappointed that after 1.9 Mojang has cared more about pumping content that doesn't change PVP content and add give or take useless mobs, but I guess like what you said it's up to the community to fill that PVP gap.
10/06/2023 6:59 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Blob
HoboMaggot's Avatar
As I said they're going for other non pvp playstyles, most likely because casual players are an overwhelming majority
Pvp oriented servers like Hypickle and servers in general are a minority compared to the 140 million people who play mc per month
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