Adventure Map

Kowloon_4g's Avatar Kowloon_4g10/6/13 12:52 am
10/7/2013 11:18 pm
Glitch_Vortex's Avatar Glitch_Vortex
I'm creating a free roam adventure map with a bunch of quests. This is one of them. I want to know how i can make the story better. Comment on how i can improve it. Thanks!

Adam’s Picture
Rep Needed: 0
Adam: Hello there! Are you an adventurer? I could really use your help. Yesterday, I was mining in a cave and a group of zombies startled me! In the panic I accidentally dropped my picture. This is no ordinary picture; it’s really special to me. If you could get it back for me, I could pay you for your troubles.

*Player goes to mine. Kills Zombies. Finds the picture. And returns to Adam*

After Quest Dialogue:
Player: Is that a picture of you when you were a boy?
Adam: No… It’s the last picture I have of my son.
Player: What happened to him?
Adam: Seventeen years ago I was coming home after an exhausting day of mining. On my way home I saw smoke in the direction of my home. I ran as fast as I could, but it was too late… Too slow… My wife and son didn’t make it out in time. The entire house was burned to the ground, all that I ever owned and loved, gone. This picture was in my pocket, and I realized it was all I had left. Around this time, every year, I go mining and look for iron because my son wanted to be a blacksmith.
Adam looks at his iron ingot and says to himself: Happy birthday baby boy…

This is only one quest. Tell me how i can make it sadder or better. Thanks again!
Posted by Kowloon_4g's Avatar
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn

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10/07/2013 11:18 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Glitch_Vortex's Avatar
here, i got an idea of your first town
call it everlonia
10/07/2013 5:36 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Glitch_Vortex's Avatar
thanks man
10/07/2013 2:22 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Kowloon_4g's Avatar
Cool good luck with that
10/07/2013 12:36 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Glitch_Vortex's Avatar
i'm gonna make my own adventure map
10/07/2013 12:35 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Glitch_Vortex's Avatar
thats cool
10/07/2013 12:11 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Kowloon_4g's Avatar
Here's what i have so far of the first town

10/06/2013 11:54 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Glitch_Vortex's Avatar
well you can change the boss to wither
10/06/2013 3:21 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Glitch_Vortex's Avatar
saaaayyy, that would be great if this adventure map finally made
10/06/2013 2:55 am
Level 23 : Expert Network
Seivelath's Avatar
Another one, if you do different races...
The orcs decent
*You walk in on a local town hall thing*
Assistant: Hello Young one, how may I help help you?
Player: I want to speak to the mayor
Assistant: You can't without an appointment
Player: It's about the orc problem
Assistant: Oh. Ok then, his office is third door on the right
Player: Thanks.
*Walks into mayors office*
Player: Hello Mayor
Mayor: AH! You startled me. How did you get in here?
Player: Your Assistant let me in
Mayor: Why did she do that?
Player: Because I'm here about the orc problem...
Mayor: Ah yes. As you know, there is an orc stronghold not far from here. They keep attacking the town. We give them danegeld, but we're starting to run out of gold to give them. Can you go to their stronghold and slaughter them for us. You'll be heavily rewarded.
Player: <Either accepts or denies with tell raw, in this scenario, accept>
Mayor: Good, Good...

<Goes into Orc Stronghold, Kill's all the orcs, and takes back all the gold>

Player: I have done as you requested mayor. I have also brought back all the gold you gave to them.
Mayor: Than you! As your reward, you can keep half the money, plus, I shall let the Royal Guild of your bravery.
Player: Thank you Mayor

+2500 gold/money
+50 with Human/Royal Guild
-50 with Orc/The Horde
10/06/2013 2:27 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Glitch_Vortex's Avatar
how about this:

"The Corrupted Elder"

player: <walks to the elder>
corrupted elder: hello young adventurer, what can i help you with?
player: <doesn't know the elder is evil> well i'm the one who should asked that question.
corrupted elder: very well, can you please deliver this rare drink to the <name?> elder?
player: no problem! (get the potion item)
player: <walks to the another elder house>
player: excuse me, you got a delivery from the (corrupted) elder
normal elder: oh yes, the drink, im thirsty.
elder: <drinks the beverage,then dead/fainted>
player: whats happening?
white wizard: <walks to the player>
white wizard: seems like this is a poison, maybe the (corrupted) elder is evil, but for secure, bring this elixir of purification, let the (corrupted) elder drink this (get elixir item)
player: <walks to the (corrupted) elder house>
player: <stops a servant bringing a drink>
player: can you give me the drink?
servant: no, its for the elder.
player: <secretly puts the elixir inside the drink>
servant: <walks to the elder>
corrupted elder: ahhh so refreshing <grab the drink>
corrupted elder: <throws the glass>
corrupted elder: well, well, well, you did the job did you <player name>? Good, now die!!! <transform into a black treant(a giant tree monster)

(mini boss level fight)

corrupted elder: <transform back to human> what happened? Why my house is a ruin? (the elder is now free from the curse)
player: you didn't remember? you transform into a giant tree monster and then rages? and also killed/fainted an elder???
corrupted elder: oh my, must be the evil black wizard that cursed me, i have an argument with him last week.

corrupted elder: here, take the price of freeing me from the curse (gets a diamond sword) and (500 money, if you wanna make a money system )
10/06/2013 8:53 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Kowloon_4g's Avatar
This sounds awesome but i dont know if id be able to make this haha
10/06/2013 1:51 am
Level 35 : Artisan Electrician
Pootischu's Avatar
Can i suggest use my resource pack? its not complete yet but seems good
10/06/2013 8:52 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Kowloon_4g's Avatar
No thanks, i'm making my own resource pack
10/06/2013 1:49 am
Level 23 : Expert Network
Seivelath's Avatar
10/06/2013 1:43 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Kowloon_4g's Avatar
Thats actually a really good idea. I'll message you tomorrow and see how we can work on this map. Most likely i will do the redstone and the custom texture pack, because i plan to add different races. The player will gain reputation points for each race. And some quests and items can be obtained when a player has a certain amount of rep points. Ill message you more details later.
10/06/2013 1:11 am
Level 23 : Expert Network
Seivelath's Avatar
maybe a starting quest from a good friend

The Ancient Blade
*You walk in on your friend*
Friend: Oh! Hi <Player>! Didn't know you were coming by!
Player: Yeah. Just came to tell you I'm about to go off to be an adventurer!
Friend: Really! Well, do you have any equipment for your journey?
Player: No...
Friend: Well, you can't go off adventuring without gear. Tell you what, you go down to the local cave and get me some gold, and I'll give you some starting gear
Player: How will I mine said gold?
Friend: Oh, you can borrow my iron pick.
Player: Ok. I'll come back soon.

<Go Mining, but find old blade, and have to do mini dungeon. You eventually return>

Friend: You finally came back
Player: <You explain what happened>
Friend: Woah... Nice. Well, do you have the gold?
Player: Yeah.
Friend: Ok then, here's your gear, and you can hold onto that old sword, it's defiantly better than mine.
Player: Ok. I'll eventually return.
Friend: You Better!

<End Quest>
10/06/2013 1:03 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Kowloon_4g's Avatar
Well, can you think of another quest i can make?
10/06/2013 1:00 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Kowloon_4g's Avatar
I don't really need help with the redstone, just the storylines. But thanks
10/06/2013 1:02 am
Level 23 : Expert Network
Seivelath's Avatar
I'm goof with that too. Both my stories have made pop reel before with about 12 - 15 diamonds each
10/06/2013 12:58 am
Level 23 : Expert Network
Seivelath's Avatar
Seems good. Would love to help, a redstone fanatic here
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