How long do submissions/members have to be inactive before they get locked?

Oslypsis's Avatar Oslypsis6/4/23 12:36 pm history
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8/16/2023 3:09 am
Link__HM's Avatar Link__HM
I go through bouts of depression and disappear for a week or two at a time. While the anxiety of being locked does help me to return, I'm curious to know when that deadline is. I tried googling and searching the forums but I can't find the info anywhere.

So, all I'm asking is, how long does it take for a submission to be locked due to inactivity?
How long does it take for a member to be officially considered inactive?
Posted by Oslypsis's Avatar
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter

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06/04/2023 3:24 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Turtle
Palaeos's Avatar
Only forums get locked for inactivity, though im not sure of the exact timing on it. We dont lock user accounts for inactivity or punish people for not being active here. If a user account is locked it is either upon request of that user or there is a significant action that caused us to take an action like that instead of a ban.
06/05/2023 7:56 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Oslypsis's Avatar
Oh okay. What causes the locked comments on a submission? Because I see that every now and then. Is that just when someone has requested to lock the comments, or their account? Or does it just happen after a certain amount of time for each submission?
06/05/2023 7:59 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Turtle
Palaeos's Avatar
If comments are disabled on a submission it is by choice of the user, mods cant disable comments on other submissions. Usually, though not always, its because people often call out rule breaking via comments instead of reports and so malicious users will disable comments to avoid it. Other users might do it to avoid critism or potentially being bullied about something they dont want to read comments on.
08/15/2023 6:44 pm
Level 49 : Master Strawberry
Link__HM's Avatar
If this is true (that submissions aren't locked from inactivity), then the message "Comments on this submission are currently closed due to submission or member inactivity" that I get on some submissions is extremely misleading and should be changed.

For example, as of current, this submission.

Although, because of the literal meaning of the message, I am skeptical of what you say...

On a side note: Why are these things locked due to inactivity in the first place? It makes it impossible to make future potential corrections or useful edits just because the poster/post hasn't been interacted with recently.
08/15/2023 9:26 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Turtle
Palaeos's Avatar
The post you linked is not locked from activity as far as I can tell. From what I understand the only posts that do get locked due to inactivity are forum threads, which is a fairly normal practice either systematically enforced or done so via the rules because nearly all instances that a forum post that is dead for months and then one day gets a reply it is from someone new to the thread, and often the site, and they do not make a meaningful contribution to the post (such as simply saying "hi" on a thread asking how to install mods) and often times the original participants have long moved on, hence the inactivity of the thread.

Be skeptical all you want, I've been a mod here for 12 years, I answer questions as truthfully and accurately as I can, if I am completely unable to help I often dont butt in and waste people's time. If OP ever needed to have their thread unlocked to make corrections after the thread had been inactive for multiple months and automatically been locked for that reason mods can easily be contacted to unlock it for them.
08/16/2023 3:09 am
Level 49 : Master Strawberry
Link__HM's Avatar
As I said in my last message, it tells me it's locked because of inactivity and I am unable to post comments. Maybe this doesn't apply to you because you are a mod? I'll try to send a pic.

Regardless of whether it is a normal practice or not, it still makes me wonder why. According to the reason you gave, why isn't it open to being edited by contributors of the post, or the actual poster after inactivity? It could even just be unlocked to people with a certain level or higher. You have also not said why saying "hi" on an old post is particularly bad, yes, it's off topic and ideally they wouldn't, but I'd take that any day over inaccurate information.

That's the thing, if someone needed to make corrections, it probably wouldn't be OP. I don't know how common question post are to informational posts, but I'd probably bet there are more question ones. Meaning, if someone needs to make a correction, it is probably a commenter. Not only am I unsure that a mod would unlock posts for a commenter, but I don't know how many commenters would bother contacting a moderator, especially when they have a lot of comments. To me, this just seems like it's going to cause a lot of inaccurate, outdated, and ultimately unreliable information that is unlikely to be updated. Especially when it seems like there is no reason not to even just let post participants make edits.

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