Looking for someone who could make a bed on here into a texture pack (java)

yogurt_the_lizorb's Avatar yogurt_the_lizorb3/24/24 3:02 pm
6 emeralds 146 4
3/25/2024 6:03 am
Arkaliasus's Avatar Arkaliasus
i tried myself, but i couldnt figure out how to do beds.
This is the texture
Posted by yogurt_the_lizorb's Avatar
Level 33 : Artisan Procrastinator

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03/24/2024 5:22 pm
Level 40 : Master Mage
Arkaliasus's Avatar
oooh thats some nice textures you got on there!

what version are you trying to make it for?

a quick How-To for 1.20.4

Head to your favourite place to make folders/stuff and create a folder, name it whatever you like, but for the purposes of this How-to i'll call it 'CherryBed'

(Minecraft will call your pack whatever the folder is called)

3 things are usually in this folder..
  •   pack.png (the image icon in the resource pack list in minecraft)
  •    pack.mcmeta ( the file which tells minecraft the version, title of the pack, description etc)
  • the json/png/ogg etc files inside the folder/file structure for minecraft to find them

pack.png If you are using the pack for your own personal use then it really isnt necessary, minecraft will just shove a placeholder image there instead. If you want people to download the resource pakc then you should wait til the textures work ingame and take a nice screenshot (resizing and cropping it afterwards, i think minimum is 100x100px)


this file is simply a renamed text file. for quickness i'm going to paste what needs to go into that file (its not all necessary but its what i use in my own), and of course, dont forget to set a description.

(the code in the mcmeta sets a range of supported versions as opposed to just one, this way its not annoying when another version comes out)

"pack": {
"pack_format": 22,
"supported_formats": {
"min_inclusive": 5,
"max_inclusive": 23
"description": "Place a Description Here!"

and lastly the file structure...

create a new folder inside the CherryBed folder called 'assets'

inside that one create a folder called 'minecraft'

inside THAT one, create a folder called 'textures'

inside that one create another folder called 'entity'

and now finally, inside that folder, create a folder called 'bed'

inside the 'bed' folder is where you can save your bed texture...

..so download it from PlanetMinecraft and put it into the bed folder

FINALLY, you must now rename that file to one of the bed colours in the game (for the purposes of this how-to we'll go with pink.png)

ok, so the pack is now made, now we have to get it into the correct folder...

there are a couple of ways to do this but we will go the easy way by heading into minecraft, hitting 'options', clicking
'resource packs' and then clicking on 'open pack folder'

now the correct folder is up, its just a case of grabbing your whole 'cherrybed' folder with everything we just created in it and placing it into the folder!

boom, done! :D

if you get stuck, feel free to pop another shout out, if im not here im pretty sure someone else will be to help out! :)
03/24/2024 8:19 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Nice mini-tute 🥂

I wonder how much use the supported formats data is…
[Near all of those I know personally who play MC would just change the format number manually, but this is clearly not a statistically valid sample.]
03/25/2024 6:03 am
Level 40 : Master Mage
Arkaliasus's Avatar
ive noticed that most of the texture packs i make seem to work from 1.15 onwards, so i just have it set up that way :)
it saves manually updating the pack for no reason and doesnt bug the people who use it by having to click on a popup every time they turn it on xD

personally i think PMC should have the ability to upload a file structure for the packs with a pack.png but minecraft allows you to create/update the pack.mcmeta file every so often without the need to reupload
Papa Enny
03/24/2024 4:49 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
A mod would be better, yet it is more complicated
Planet Minecraft


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