Youtube's new Terms of Service is completely horrible...

AnimeFanFTW's Avatar AnimeFanFTW9/1/16 3:52 am
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9/6/2016 11:04 am
Zitzabis's Avatar Zitzabis
So, Youtube added a new thing in its Terms of Service, and it is so horrible, that basically no Youtube channel is safe.

Basically, Youtubers will lose ad revenue on any video if it is not "Advertiser-Friendly". And the way for a video to be not advertiser-friendly is if they reference violence and 18+ stuff (which does make sense, I guess), but also if you use vulgar language and if the topic is controversial.

Basically, you can lose ad revenue for an opinion and freedom of speech.
(If you want more info on this, Youtuber Phillip DeFranco made a video that basically explains more about it).

This is by far one of the worst things Youtube has ever done. This is basically unnecessary censorship. Youtube is putting advertisers before the community. Alot of Youtubers will be affected by this, and it ain't gonna be pretty.

Just thought I would pass this message here, since now every Youtube channel is no longer safe.

What is everyone's opinions about all this?
Posted by AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Forum Moderator
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai

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09/06/2016 11:04 am
Level 75 : Legendary Gent Programmer
Zitzabis's Avatar
Locking because fights and certain replies providing nothing to the conversation and only invoking possible arguments (not discussions/debates).

09/06/2016 10:04 am
Level 20 : Expert Hunter
Monotone's Avatar
if you are short tempered (like me) and you play a game where you rage a lot you will have to release your frustration somehow, if you are not angry fast you won't need to unless it's really bad. keep in mind: other people feel different things than you and have other needs

If you get this frustrated over a video game, you should see a mental health doctor for anger management.

That's extremely rude. Just because you and a handful of other people don't get mad sometimes doesn't mean everyone who does has anger issues. You must not play games a lot because if you hop into any online multiplayer game you will indefinitely find someone getting frustrated.
09/06/2016 9:51 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
brostermediabut how else are we supposed to release or frustration? hurting ourselves by slamming the desk very hard?

Why do you even need to do that? I never swear and all is ok.

if you are short tempered (like me) and you play a game where you rage a lot you will have to release your frustration somehow, if you are not angry fast you won't need to unless it's really bad. keep in mind: other people feel different things than you and have other needs

If you get this frustrated over a video game, you should see a mental health doctor for anger management.
09/06/2016 7:58 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
brostermedia's Avatar
brostermediabut how else are we supposed to release or frustration? hurting ourselves by slamming the desk very hard?

Why do you even need to do that? I never swear and all is ok.

if you are short tempered (like me) and you play a game where you rage a lot you will have to release your frustration somehow, if you are not angry fast you won't need to unless it's really bad. keep in mind: other people feel different things than you and have other needs
09/06/2016 7:46 am
Level 24 : Expert Prince
Govindas's Avatar
but how else are we supposed to release or frustration? hurting ourselves by slamming the desk very hard?[/quote]

Why do you even need to do that? I never swear and all is ok.
09/06/2016 5:12 am
Level 24 : Expert Prince
Govindas's Avatar
You all are just trying to be cool by swearing but it's not cool at all.
09/06/2016 5:35 am
Level 26 : Expert Zombie
Halorules555's Avatar
You're funny!
09/06/2016 5:34 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Or people just want to swear. Just saying.
09/06/2016 5:23 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
brostermedia's Avatar
but how else are we supposed to release or frustration? hurting ourselves by slamming the desk very hard?
09/06/2016 2:26 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Knightsundere's Avatar
I think you guys are blowing this out of proportion a little. The rules are fine, and have good intent, but the implementation and enforcement of them are the issue here. YouTube just did a terrible, awful job of letting content creators know about these kinds of rules beforehand, and someone stumbled onto them accidentally.

Secondly, uh, no one's going to leave the site. For real? The loss for leaving YouTube, for the very large majority of users/posters, is vastly worse than the benefits gained (oh now I can add terrible unmentionable things back into my video titles, hooray). No one's going to move, and you'll likely see an upswing in usage of Vimeo and such for maybe... a week? It's not feasible to change platforms like that just based on a ToS change, that only has a chance to affect you (seeing as the strikes are fairly random at this point).

Settle down, and this'll work itself out eventually, like it always does. YouTube is reckless, but they're not stupid.
09/06/2016 3:37 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
I would agree with you, but the amount of examples showing what types of videos being unmonetized can't be ignored.

The bot that is giving out these unmonetizations is going crazy. When you have videos of how to deal with acne being unmonetized, something is clearly wrong. I don't believe there is any good intent. If there was good intent, they would have told us that they were already unmonetizing videos before the whole controversy, and they would have given everyone a warning before the system was officially in place.
09/06/2016 12:05 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1231920's Avatar
09/06/2016 12:22 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Not really, it wasn't insanely enforced back then...
09/06/2016 12:47 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
Just because something wasn't "insanely inforced" doesn't mean that it's invalid.
09/06/2016 12:37 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1231920's Avatar
09/05/2016 11:50 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
TheBrainOfThePanda's Avatar
I'm waiting for GradeAUnderA to start a rant/petition.
09/05/2016 11:16 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
Oh, art finds a way. Sites like Vimeo will become more popular, or perhaps a new site will arise for us artists to express our true talents. What the future holds, I cannot say. But even the greats must fall, so is it really all that surprising that YouTube has just initiated a downwards spiral?
09/05/2016 1:26 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Strawberry
ej987's Avatar
Ugg! Now I can't show like half of the video games I own for lets plays.......

Just wait for YT to die out completely... Then some other company will be in business
09/05/2016 5:33 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
Google owns YouTube, so YouTube will die out when Google does, and that time is nowhere soon. Also, are there anay better video sites that are willing to pay video makers like YouTube is? I doubt it.
09/05/2016 5:47 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
Oh, you'd be surprised. Plus, these YouTubers have lost a lot of their revenue already. I'm sure they would gladly make the switch.
09/05/2016 10:57 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
Really? Then where is it that they would go? I'd better be surprised.
09/05/2016 6:53 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Musician
DigitalSquirrel's Avatar
As a Youtuber myself (small, but still), who's has 2 videos so far unmonetised, I strongly believe this was a horrible decision on Youtube's part. People were already angry for the whole copyright system that lays in shambles. (e.g. Some random with no affiliation to a video can flag your video down, which limits your channel in many ways) Adding these new rules, whether or not they be considered "censorship", is an extremely bad move, as it is seen in a very negative light at the moment. Even though these rules have only been out for a few days, it's already taken it's toll on many popular Youtube channels, driving negativity towards Youtube to a insane level.

Personally, I really disagree with these new policies wholeheartedly. It seems like it's turning the entire website into a kid's playground. Along with so many events and "controversial" topics that are now considered taboo by Youtube, they've now determined that swearing is an offence. If I owned a business, and was sponsoring a popular youtuber, I wouldn't really care whether or not they swear or talk about controversial topics, after all, whatever the youtuber is doing is obviously working considering they have a large following. Rather than youtube making the decision that a video is "unfit for monetization", it should be the businesses and sponsors, which can reach out to the content producer and ask them to cease the behaviour which they don't want to sponsor.
So many people have Youtube as their main source of income, The fact that the can unmonetise old videos for swearing is pretty rubbish too.
When you break it down, because a youtuber makes a certain sound/s, youtube has the ability to bring financial instability to a person by unmonetising videos.

So many people say that "youtube isn't a legitimate job", and well, they'd be wrong. It's more than just sitting down and talking over a game, or vlogging or whatever. You have to be smart about the way you market, and where and who you market it to. Youtubers can be classed as "entertainers", along with people like Sports stars, movie actors and things of that nature. While they may not be fit and athletic or stunning in looks and such, they have their own set of skills and perks, to entertain and bring laughter in a lot of cases to their audience. As a Youtuber myself (small, but still), who's has 2 videos so far unmonetised, I strongly believe this was a horrible decision on Youtube's part. People were already angry for the whole copyright system that lays in shambles. (e.g. Some random with no affiliation to a video can flag your video down, which limits your channel in many ways) Adding these new rules, whether or not they be considered "censorship", is an extremely bad move, as it is seen in a very negative light at the moment. Even though these rules have only been out for a few days, it's already taken it's toll on many popular Youtube channels, driving negativity towards Youtube to a insane level.

Anywho, that's my rant for today, I'm gonna go edit a video.
09/05/2016 9:30 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
Making videos could be a job, but you don't really have a "job" unless someone is paying you. So YouTube offers a job for video makers to enhance YouTubes use, which enhances its ad view-count, which increases their funds significantly. If ads say they wont pay utube for videos with cussing in it, then how is YouTube gonna pay those people? With money earned off other channels, and with YouTube ls own money? If YouTube was democratic, then yes, this would happen. But it's not.
Basically, don't blame YouTube for enforcing this old rule, blame the advertising companies!
09/05/2016 3:14 am
Level 24 : Expert Prince
Govindas's Avatar
I love this new terms of service, no more swearing! yay!
09/05/2016 3:18 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
brostermedia's Avatar
people who don't want swears should just go to youtube kids
09/05/2016 3:57 am
Level 24 : Expert Prince
Govindas's Avatar
Why kids? kids aren't the only people who don't like swearing. It's just stupid to swear and should be bannable on youtube.
09/05/2016 12:57 pm
Level 22 : Expert Blockhead
raidarr's Avatar
It should be bannable to not grow a thicker skin.

See how that works?
09/05/2016 10:51 am
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
Um, no. Swears are not a deadly sin. Didn't your mother ever say, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words shall never hurt me,"? Swears are just part of the English vocabulary. They have definitions in the dictionary, like any word does. So what if they have a negative connotation? Restrictive use of these words on YouTube is stupid, as it limits true thought and messes up tone in stories.
09/05/2016 9:22 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
I'm not going to agree with this,.especially because it's besides the point. YouTube needs money way more than it needs YouTubers, so if the advertising companies are saying that they don't want their advertisements on innapropriote videos, then so be it. But I have seen innapropriote ads before, so hopefully those will go to the cussing channels.
09/05/2016 10:55 am
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
Ok, really. If YouTube loses YouTubers, who the heck is going to make videos for them? Plus, by limiting the range of videos that can be advertised, they lose a lot of money-making chances and different audiences. A lot of the gaming channels are going down, and now many gaming companies are going to lose their chance to reach the right audience for their game.
Sergeant Sarcasm
09/05/2016 11:16 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Lumberjack
Sergeant Sarcasm's Avatar
I don't think you get what he's saying. YouTube is enforcing this because it's ADVERTISERS don't like cursing and mature content. Not YouTube, they could care less. If YouTube had a significant amount of advertisers that didn't mind being put on videos with mature content, don't you think they would do that? This is not some maniacal plan that YouTube has to run certain content creators off it's website. The case is probably that some advertisers were complaining about their content being put on mature videos and wanted them to enforce it more. You're right that if YouTube didn't have YouTubers they wouldn't make money, but there isn't an alternative website for them to go. Therefore, basically any business decision is a sound one. Competition is what makes risks in business, and YouTube doesn't have competition. So they're not going to loose every creator, maybe just a few small ones but the big ones that actually make them money are going to stay and adapt to the advertiser friendly rules. I don't like it, none of YouTube's community seems to like it, but it's what they did and it's what they've been doing for a while now. Not to mention, it's really just a bot that auto-flags content with key words in metadata. They're not going to have people working around the clock finding videos where people curse in it.
09/05/2016 6:27 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
09/05/2016 4:51 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
brostermedia's Avatar
if you did a bit of research you would know that youtube kids is a sub site of youtube dedicated for kids, there is no swearing there and if you don't like it go there. youtube itself should be free in terms of language and restricting us to give an opinion by stripping away the easiest way of income is just pure nonsense.
09/05/2016 4:35 am
Level 40 : Master Droid
Scott's Avatar
Bro, if you don't like swearing then just ignore channels that do swear.
That's like saying you don't like Minecraft then watching a Minecraft video.
09/05/2016 1:07 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
Marlinespike's Avatar
I can already see this backfiring and I can also see Scarce revealing himself from behind a tree saying 'screw youtube' and there being a meme of it.
09/05/2016 1:05 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
I don't think it's bad, personally. Suure, it's restrictive, but it makes sense.

I think it makes absolutely no sense. I've already made my points, I don;t wanna write a paragraph again. xD
09/05/2016 1:02 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
JosephpicaClearly nobody here is going to fully agree with anyone else, and arguing abiut it here is never going to change it, so continuing would be pointless.

But everyone here can agree the ToS is bad. Some say it's absolutely horrible, others just think its bad, but everyone is in some sort of agreement.

HippyKatI see the petitions writing themselves :^]

You can blame that on AnimeFanFTW.


I don't think it's bad, personally. Suure, it's restrictive, but it makes sense.
09/05/2016 1:00 am
Level 1 : New Network
WindowsWorld's Avatar
I believe that someone's going to make a new platform for videos, or Dailymotion/Vimeo will take over, and YouTube will become the MySpace of video sharing websites.
09/05/2016 12:45 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
Clearly nobody here is going to fully agree with anyone else, and arguing abiut it here is never going to change it, so continuing would be pointless.
09/05/2016 12:56 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
But everyone here can agree the ToS is bad. Some say it's absolutely horrible, others just think its bad, but everyone is in some sort of agreement.

HippyKatI see the petitions writing themselves :^]

You can blame that on AnimeFanFTW.

09/05/2016 12:22 am
Level 41 : Master uwu
HippyKat's Avatar
I see the petitions writing themselves :^]
09/05/2016 12:42 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
You can blame that on AnimeFanFTW.
09/04/2016 11:35 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
ExohI also saw some jerks being persistent on watching a certain video no one wanted to watch.

Don't bother excluding my name next time, it really is hurtful, you know.
09/04/2016 11:17 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Artist
ChickenMac7's Avatar
09/04/2016 10:00 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Toast
twiz's Avatar
Alright, leafy's so dead..
09/04/2016 9:46 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Network
Konrad's Avatar
ChickenMac7This is a terrible idea. Not only for the viewers but also from a company's standpoint. Channels that focus there content around making fun of others, like Leafy, will now be breaking the rules. Those channels will then be taken down and YouTube will lose millions of viewers. I'm not sure what YouTube's thought process is, but they need someone else making their decisions.

Also, how technical will they be? All humour is mocking another group, system, person etcetera, so will all comedic videos be taken down? This seems ridiculous and unnecessary, and harmful to the website. Poor decision.

People will only take so much before they move to an alternative.

I'm sensing YouTube's downfall.

ClassierHarpSomething else I forgot to say earlier, should YouTubers be paid in the first place?
Imo, it seems like most of them just do it for the cash, which I don't think is right.
I get the big fuss that's going on, but maybe YouTuber's income should only come from fan-donations?
I don't know, maybe I'm not seeing things right.
After all, they're not censoring, per say, just cutting off the revenue to videos they see appropriate.

I'm probably going to regret saying this...

I think they should. Uploading on a weekly or daily basis is difficult, and all the equipment can accumulate to a lot of money. If they don't get paid for this, how are they going to work a job and their YouTube career?

Put it this way; are you going to continue working your job if you don't get paid?

I agree.

Youtube has been in a steady downfall for a while down in my opinion. This is just putting another nail in the coffin.
09/04/2016 9:42 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Artist
ChickenMac7's Avatar
This is a terrible idea. Not only for the viewers but also from a company's standpoint. Channels that focus there content around making fun of others, like Leafy, will now be breaking the rules. Those channels will then be taken down and YouTube will lose millions of viewers. I'm not sure what YouTube's thought process is, but they need someone else making their decisions.

Also, how technical will they be? All humour is mocking another group, system, person etcetera, so will all comedic videos be taken down? This seems ridiculous and unnecessary, and harmful to the website. Poor decision.

People will only take so much before they move to an alternative.

I'm sensing YouTube's downfall.

ClassierHarpSomething else I forgot to say earlier, should YouTubers be paid in the first place?
Imo, it seems like most of them just do it for the cash, which I don't think is right.
I get the big fuss that's going on, but maybe YouTuber's income should only come from fan-donations?
I don't know, maybe I'm not seeing things right.
After all, they're not censoring, per say, just cutting off the revenue to videos they see appropriate.

I'm probably going to regret saying this...

I think they should. Uploading on a weekly or daily basis is difficult, and all the equipment can accumulate to a lot of money. If they don't get paid for this, how are they going to work a job and their YouTube career?

Put it this way; are you going to continue working your job if you don't get paid?
Calendar Man
09/04/2016 9:36 pm
Level 44 : Master Sweetheart
Calendar Man's Avatar
Something else I forgot to say earlier, should YouTubers be paid in the first place?
Imo, it seems like most of them just do it for the cash, which I don't think is right.
I get the big fuss that's going on, but maybe YouTuber's income should only come from fan-donations?
I don't know, maybe I'm not seeing things right.
After all, they're not censoring, per say, just cutting off the revenue to videos they see appropriate.

I'm probably going to regret saying this...
09/05/2016 3:39 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Drum's Avatar
There really is nothing wrong with YouTubers solely doing YouTube for gaining income. It's a job of course, some people do their job solely on income, and not because they enjoy it, so why can't that be the same for YouTubers?
09/05/2016 3:48 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
09/05/2016 3:51 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Drum's Avatar
Thanks xD,
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