The Living Room ( Short Horror Story )remove_red_eye

ICanGamez's Avatar ICanGamez5/4/24 9:14 pm
5/4/2024 9:44 pm
ICanGamez's Avatar ICanGamez
As im writing this i hope to find someone, anyone, who could help or otherwise get me out of this mess. it all started yesterday evening~

  I hope i could grab some cookies from the kitchen, dissenting stairs grab me from below and beckon towards the kitchen. I rather would, i need sustenance, food, i need to feed myself the cookies from the kitchen countertop. They smell freshly baked, crispy with a hint of chocolate. Walking over i pass a corner turning left, in the library, connecting the kitchen to my eyes. passing beyond the library room i walk past a dark basement door wide open. Walking forward even further i go onward to the countertop, stocked full of delights. The cookies are as good as they smell, one, two, three. Soon i had so many they where all gone, every last one of them. Well that was a fruitful journey, heading back i pass the basement door again. This time it was a bit strange, something a bit different. Locking eyes with the darkness, not knowing whether what i was supposed to do next. Go back up? No, i must know what has changed, what is different. Curiosity is a strange thing isn't it. Well i flick on the lights near the door and the descent down the stairs starts. I check around the basement room with nothing i could see abstractly different.
  Heading back up the stairs i notice something. Do you notice too? The stairs, they seem one step too much, either that or im forgetting the room. Anyways, moving to the library, a feeling in the air rises. I feel like something is off in this room too, something different. Was that bookshelf missing a book? There was not much i could say about this room as i never really stay here but it just feels off somehow. Turning the corner again to the stairs I go, I remark that there, a picture usually of blue flowers, but now of yellow ones. this does not feel right. Someone must be pulling a prank or something, someone. Maybe just maybe i will head up the stairs and see who it is, who is pranking me. But stopping half way going up the stairs, i hear it. Glass, Shattering to the floor.
  Rushing even more now i head strait to the kitchen where the noise originated from. Nothing? What is this, no glass has even touched nor seen the floor here? Nothing was broken, nothing was found. Not even a shard of glass. My mind must be playing tricks on me, was it something in the food i ate? So many questions run through my mind, and so i go redo the journey to my room. Passing the basement again, Just something. Did i forget to leave the lights on, but its dark, so dark. The light switch must have been turned off somehow, someone. Was there actually someone in this house? I descent to the basement, Looking at every tiny detail. There!! the walls looked just a touch to gray. Something i would have noticed the first time down here but it must have just happened. Then i hear it, a low hum, a rumble even. The air goes still. Screw this im gonna go up the stairs. I rush hastily, moving as fast as i could up those stairs. Just endless, journey to the top. As i reach the door to the basement, i look back in awe and horror. There is no end to those stairs, not even the light could show how far those stairs descend to. Im freaking out at this is not normal, i was just down there a minute ago. i look back and in dread and the windows, WINDOWS!! There is no windows here!? The room, what ever i found myself in was going to take me with it.
  As i turn the corner there it was again, the library. a library leading into itself? I thought i was dreaming, or this was lucidity at its works. I at least wish it was but there was further insanity where i was heading. There is usually a door i do not mention about, the closet, as though i thought it could help me find a way through never ending rooms. I was wrong, dead wrong. I stood there, like a mirror i could see behind me, but i could not see myself. I entered into what was complexity, insanity, creativity, Rooms beyond comprehension. Was i dead? There was no way to find a way out unless i turn back now. But there is, The closet doors leading me here was gone, vanished without a trace. Any reason was leading me into rooms i have no map of, no thought they could exist unless poorly replicated. I kept on walking, and walking, and walking. I never knew how large a place could get until i found myself into a huge room. a room at least 20 stories high, almost higher than my eyes would allow me to see.
  There was a door at the end, the end of the room that was as high as a sky scraper. The door lead me to my room, my bedroom. the room looked completely normal. Im back?! This could not be, i refuse but i shall wait and see. A couple hours go past, staying in the only room that held my dreams. Nothing happened, even found a old laptop i kept in the room, still charged! I kept it just in case, I thought if this room was normal then all the rooms returned as though it never happened. I opened the door. oh My GOD! There it was, a wall of flesh. FLESH. I slammed the door shut hoping it would somehow disapear. that was the least of my worries. I hid in a corner but i heard something in the walls. the walls. the walls are... breathing? I Freaked out as no place was safe, i pull out my dusty laptop that was still charged and i pull up the first tab. Never would have known what would happen but this horror, my story, before i was.

  I write to you to help me, find how to help. Before, i know what it is now. a room made of tissue and meat, a room. a living room.
Posted by ICanGamez's Avatar
Level 45 : Master Sus uwu

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05/04/2024 9:43 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Musician Nerd
SnappNote's Avatar
love the little pun at the end.
05/04/2024 9:44 pm
Level 45 : Master Sus uwu
ICanGamez's Avatar
Thanks! It was fun hiding stuff in it :)
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