BENT REBOOT Ch.6: A Battle's End, a War's Beginningbook

Elightin_elytra's Avatar Elightin_elytra3/11/24 11:15 am history
3/11/2024 11:31 am
GoldenScientist's Avatar GoldenScientist
BENT Reboot Chapter 6
Inspired by GoldenScientist
Written by Elightin
This is currently the longest chapter I've made, so sit back, relax, and read! Another thing, to avoid seizures, I have decided to remove BENT'S color system. I also get seizures from the colors every once in a while, so I decided to put the safety of the readers first! It also makes it easier to read!

  The storm swirled around them. As they held their weapons somewhat firmly, Phil's storm grew evermore. They seemed confident, but inside, they were more cowardly than ever, wanting to run at the slightest attack. They never had to go against their own friend, let alone defeat them. But even as all this encompassed the group, Elightin stayed inside, feeling too scared to aid in their overwhelming troubles. Peter looked up, just waiting for what could happen. He got an answer soon enough. Phil decided to roar across the land one more time, but it didn't come without anything this time. Upon this, spherical projectiles (thus being 4.5 feet large) with a black and teal smoke trail came down. Once seeing this, the rest of the group quickly retreated in fear of being hit. As the projectiles came closer to the ground, Evelyn decided to bring out their bow and shoot a singular arrow at one of them. Surprisingly, however, it didn't help them in any way. Upon a minor blow of an arrow, one of the projectiles cracked open midair. As Evelyn squinted her eyes, she saw humanoid figures fall from the skies from these projectiles, right above them. She quickly yelled out to the rest of the group while looking above, "Move out of the way!" They quickly cleared the area and got underneath some of the openings of the nearest house porch.
  A sudden thud finally shook the surrounding land. As they came out, they saw the figures (which we'll call "shrieks" here on out) rise up from their knees, they tightly clutched their weapons, waiting to defend themselves. Then, for a moment, as in a standoff, they stood there, looking into each other. These Shrieks were tall and slender, only amassing their size on their upper half. They had rather skinny arms and seemed rather withered and decrepit. "Are these the th- things we're supposed to be scared a- about?" chuckled Zachary (rather scared I would say). "Yeah, th- they are..." said Peter in fading voice. Then, as the group turned to each other, the Shrieks ran towards them. Peter then turned behind his back to only see a sharp blade that extended from the side of the arm of the shriek approach his face. Fortunately for him, he dodged at the right moment. At that moment, Peter pulled out his enchanted blade and struck back at the shriek. Even as Evelyn shot her arrows and Wyatt shook the ground with his hands, it wasn't enough. Soon enough, they felt they were overpowered, both in numbers and strength, as each projectile came down, one at a time.
  But even as Phil's rage rained down upon the contestants, Elightin was inside the building, just hopelessly watching the people he was supposed to protect struggling to fend for themselves. "Brother," began Crupalian. "Go out there and help them. We all know what you're capable of. Save them like you did with me." "I CAN'T" shouted back Elightin, smashing his cup of coffee against the table. "I just can't. What if I let them down like I did with them? Golden was the-" "It'll be fine brother. You're no little of who you used to be. Just go out there and protect those who can't do so themselves." Quickly, Crupalian went to the back. "That rusty machete won't be good enough for you..." he stated as he started shuffling through items in the back. "Here, have this blade." He threw Elightin the (unenchanted) sword, and, due to the fact he wasn't expecting it, the blade clumsily was tossed in his hands. "Might as well give it a go again." sighed Elightin.
  Elightin quickly ran out the entrance and was mortified by what he saw: a giant phantom that wreaked havoc, people running inside in fear, and contestants fighting for what would be their demise. Without haste, he rushed into the fight, holding the sword in his right hand. As he rushed, however, a Shriek swung one of their arms at him. Elightin quickly retreated at the sight of this. "What are you doing here? Go back and save yourself!" yelled Eli. Elightin however ignored his plea and instead clapped and yelled loudly to gain the Shriek's attention. As he intended, the Shrieks focused their attention towards Elightin and ignored the rest of the group. "Come on, take me on!" shouted Elightin. "Well, he had a good run. At least we can escape this demon." stated Zachary. Everyone spectating, including the local villagers, was unconfident in the man. I mean, he was outnumbered and even seemed overpowered. Again, they both stared into each other's eyes. Elightin himself though felt nervous. Soon, the Shrieks charged towards Elightin, with blades of their own (not on their arms). But just as they approached him, he thrust his sword into one of the Shrieks (with Sculk pouring out and oozing down his sword) and kicked it back. He then spun his sword in his hand. "Is that all you got?" asked Elightin. The Shrieks didn't take too kindly and, as a group, they all charged in one force. "Oh crap, that isn't all they have." As they swung their blades at him, he blocked every single one of their attempted hits and, if he had the chance, slashed them back in their center or thrust his sword into them. Slowly but surely, he was destroying the tiny regiment of Shrieks, one hit of a sword at a time. "He actually has this!" exclaimed Alayna. "Surprising, isn't it..." replied Vector. Even as Elightin's sweat fell from his face, Elightin still swung his sword and blocked every blow, even successfully striking his sword against the Shrieks' faces. Finally, without even knowing until looking around, he took down the swarm of Shrieks. As Elightin stood there in awe, amazed by what he thought he couldn't do, everyone cheered and the contestants even came and rushed towards him to celebrate his "victory." "YOU DID IT!" repeated everyone in disbelief and excitement.
  But even as that happened, the phantom (no, I didn't forget his name) let on a large shriek (again, not one of the figures). With that, everyone remembered their current situation. "How do we stop him now Mr. Bigshot?" questioned Zachary. "Uh, um..." Elightin was deep in thought, trying to figure out a way to put an end to this. Suddenly, it felt like a lightbulb went off in his head. "Evelyn, pass me your bow and arrow." "Uh, sure?" replied Evelyn. As he got the bow and arrow, he got one of the arrows, rubbed some tar (nearby) on it, and placed the arrow inside one of the fire-lit lanterns. "What is he doing?" wondered Peter. With the arrow tip on fire, he quickly aimed the arrow toward the gigantic phantom and aimed at its head. Once aiming, he released the arrow. In awe, most watched the arrow fly, piercing the sky, and soon, with precision, pierce the head of the phantom. In reaction to this, the phantom let out a large groan of pain.
  It now seemed apparent that it lost the power to summon any more Shrieks or anything else to attack them. Elightin, in a rapid pattern, continued to do the same process of lighting the arrow on fire and firing toward the giant phantom. Soon enough, others found bows (and arrows) of their own and aided in Elightin's fight against Phil. But the end was far from over, as though they thought they were close in defeating Phil, a great cloud formed over him, and from that cloud, a beam of dark teal light descended upon the phantom. Not knowing, this beam had regrown his strength and gave back the necessary power needed to send another barrage of attacks. However these attacks wouldn't consist of Shrieks, but instead, something considered either better or worse. The sun had already set and the sky was dark, so even the unsettling sight of lightning coming out of the teal clouds seemed to blend in with the night (and the well-lit mountain village with little vegetation). Everyone around noticed something, however. The color of teal quickly transitioned to a bright red that somewhat lit up the sky. At the same time the colors changed, people quickly took sight of spheroid objects with a cloud of flames following it coming down on them from the phantom's mouth. Multiple of them in fact. They were smaller than the ones the Shrieks came from, but they made up in numbers and the damage they could do so with such numbers. The people that decided to take up arms however decided not to back down and wanted to aid in Elightin's fight, even if Elightin himself felt too scared to do so himself. Soon enough, the projectiles came closer to them faster than they could shoot an arrow. For them to shoot, they would have to dodge. Noting that a vast majority of the villagers were old folk and young kin, they decided to give up on the fight. The contestants however decided to stay and help Elightin out. Even as the projectiles crashed into the nearby ground, they all shot and jumped out of the way to avoid impact from the objects.
  This continued for a long while (an hour). Some of them even had to leave mid-battle to just rest. But this was of the last concern of Elightin. He just wanted them to be safe and didn't expect much from them (right now). But then, as Phil's mouth opened to send another barrage of projectiles upon them, Elightin took it as a chance to get at his weak spot. Noting the fact he was out of arrows, he called out to Evelyn, "Evelyn, pass me that arrow!" Quickly, she lit the arrow on fire and threw it to Elightin. As he aimed the arrow, the very same projectile was about to hit him. In an instant (as well noting that he was on a thick stone railing near the stairs of the entrance to the cafe), he jumped to his right and, midair, let loose of his arrow and shot as the mouth closed. As he collapsed (and quickly rose), everyone's eyes followed the arrow. The arrow once more pierced the sky, and as the phantom's mouth closed, the arrow successfully went in. But despite the arrow making it inside the phantom's mouth, everyone watched in anticipation, just hopefully waiting to see what would come next.
  Then, the phantom let out its last groan of pain, and finally, started its fall towards the ground, with its wings overshadowing the village. What would've been joy swiftly turned to panic, as many wondered what to do as the large titan-like phantom fell upon the village and how to survive such an impact. Fortunately for the villagers, Phil shrunk on his fall back down. As he watched, Elightin quickly shook his head (like he was trying to get back into focus, not disagreeing) and positioned himself to catch Phil. Luckily, as expected, Phil fell right in his arms. As Phil gained consciousness, he opened his eyes and looked towards Elightin and asked him, "W- What happened?" Elightin responded, "Quite a lot actually..." Elightin quickly laid Phil inside the cafe next to Crupalian and told Crupalian, "Take good care of him and tend to his injuries." "Look who saved us after all." chuckled Crupalian. "Yeah, yeah, just take care of him as I check on the villagers with the rest of the group. Elightin quickly ran out the entrance, with a grin on Crupalian's face, as if a face of accomplishment. Elightin quickly checked up on the villagers, checked if they were okay, and helped repair parts of the village. It was now 8:19 P.M. when they finished, taking them an hour and forty-three minutes to help out the village.
  After doing so, they decided to leave back to the campus. "Shall we leave now?" asked Elightin. "Sure!" replied Paige, with the rest of the contestants nodding in agreement. Elightin quickly went back inside the cafe and picked up Phil. "Thanks for taking care of him, little guy." thanked Elightin. "Anything I could do for the guy who saved us time and time again." answered Crupalian. Elightin quickly ran out, and with that, they started their journey down the mountain, back to the campus, with most of the contestants speaking to Elightin in amazement and congratulations towards him.
  But despite this, Zachary was in the way back of the group, just muttering these words without anyone hearing, "What did he do to get this attention? What he did isn't anything. It's not like he had to destroy a giant robot. Why does everyone care about him so much?" But as he thought his complaints fell on deaf ears, it gave birth to a breeding ground for far worse things to come. A dark soul flew in the air, hopelessly wandering, but then, due to it having an unhuman ability to hear speech from great distances, it looked down and found one who had spitefulness towards a person that the spirit itself disliked. So without hesitation, it swooped down and entered Zachary's body. Once this happened (due to him being farther from the rest of the group), he felt a headache that gave him tremendous pain he never felt before. He let out groans of pain that sounded more like yells, but he soon found out that wasn't the only thing. "Shh, be quiet. Listen to me!" yelled the voice inside his head. "What? Who are you and why are you in my head?!" asked back Zachary. "My name is Zerovia and I'm one of the Souls that roam this earth. I'm in your head for one reason. We both hate one person: Elightin-." "Wait, you know him?" interrupted Zachary "SHUT UP! Just listen. I can offer you strength and the ability to beat Elightin on two conditions: You can't tell anyone about me and I must abide in you inside your body as if it were my home. I can also control your body at any time to give you such strength. Is this okay?" Zachary was hesitant, but noting that he despised Elightin, he agreed to such. To finally occupy his body, it would as well fill a portion of it with sculk, giving Zachary much pain. It took a minute for the pain to subside. This sculk wasn't visible but would be in his bloodstream. Zachary quickly rushed to catch up to the rest of the group. What everyone else didn't know is that as they conversed in conversation, little did they know that Zachary quite literally sold his soul to the devil, just moments away from the campus.
  Where was Peter in all of this? Well, before they left, while no one was around, there was a metallic gleam that caught the corner of his eye. Out of curiosity, he decided to follow it. When he came near it, he found out it was a book, but not just any book. He picked the book up and decided to read the front cover. "Evelyn's Diary: Do Not Open!!!" He himself did have a crush on Evelyn long ago. Of course, how would that crush change? Giving himself that answer and wanting to know if Evelyn herself liked him, he picked up the diary and placed it inside his pocket."Should I give it back?... Nah, it wouldn't hurt to just skim a few pages." Those words would haunt him for what would come (seriously? you just had to say that again!). He quickly ran back to the rest of the group (before Zachary did).

And that's a wrap!
I hope you all enjoyed this recent chapter. I want to receive feedback as a local author! If it felt this was self-centered, please let me know! I felt it was kind of self-centered, but I'll let you guys decide that! Again, thanks for reading this long chapter! Bababooey.

From the last part
GoldenScientist- "Still watching:)"
AxolotlArmy- "e"
LeafpoolCat2009- "Wait- what did I do that deserved a "good job"?
Also, awesome job with the story so far!" (note: you did everything my friend!)
CrownDeluxe- "it's back people"
Shoutouts to great participants and supporters(not announcements)!
(Does classic ping) GoldenScientist, Greief, StarbucksLatias, IGEBM, Arianwyn, Zibonzi, KaiOceansword, BelleChxn, Darkfap, Rob333, Sus_Sus_2, AxolotlArmy, BlueBoyBuilds, CrownDeluxe, ikkefleresmaragder, TheMountaineer, Kefaku, Totodile, Veillax, anonpmc4072473, RYAN_LEVI_WEDDLE, ClayMan1077, Boggerzoomtrott, fatcat109_, Lioncat6, KacerASlabyReper, ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy, Luish54, _Grace, WhisperOfTheWild, & NoodleMouse anonpmc4611129, autumn, r a i n b o w, Silabear, Marshal GrossDemonStein, Bubbles_
Cholan Empire:
:GoldenScientist, Greief, Rob333, CrownDeluxe, BlitzFloh869071, phjic, pinkpenguin, blackconverses, Copper_boi111, CORRUPTRO HUNTER CAT, Darth_CWC, Diiby, DreamWanderer, fatcat109_, FISH5398, fox1hunter, GalaxiumNation2, GhostlyBit_57, Goldenflyfisher, Jozum5, KaiOceansword, KitKatCat, Kokano, Triskelion, Totodile, ManuelXXVI, MasterOfDisaster11, Mr-Kirbo, mrcool654321, Rakkitatoru, Shadyghost, SilverStarShine, spookyshxdow, StarbucksLatias, TheEvokerQueen, Tonytime34567, Trotelot, Tzyber,
Veillax, Xx_Alone_1244 - Offical_xX, Zibonzi, anonpmc4072473, Jabooty2, Papa Enny, Spongie, Cacodemonplayer69, Doruk1, ikkefleresmaragder, ShadowOnTheLoose, snowyvulpixes, ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy, _Grace, WhisperOfTheWild, LeLovesJazz, SpartanHarv, TravisaInc, RB22486, LegendarySi, _-Zuimba Wields a Blackhole-_, 20w14infinite, _Alexa118MinecraftAmici006_

(not mentioned? I'll edit as soon as you ask!)

(Group link: The Cholan Empire Federation on Planet Minecraft)
BENT Group link: The Official BENT Group Collective on Planet Minecraft

Posted by Elightin_elytra's Avatar
Level 34 : Artisan Warrior Prince

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03/11/2024 11:31 am
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
If I may, I'd suggest new lines for dialouge for readability. I'd edit it here, but im not supposed to use pmc on my school computer anymore heh
03/11/2024 11:21 am
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
Nice :3
((Still watching from the main timeline. I shall not interfere.))
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