A Complete Summary of the Secret

IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM2/22/23 6:03 pm
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2/22/2023 6:04 pm
OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar OrderOutOfChaos
What is the secret? It's the knowledge of my best friend Noah's crush. So, to understand how we got to what happened to today, when a bunch of stuff related to me and the Secret were revealed, let me give you a complete timeline of events. (Note: This thread was in 2023, if you're reading this in the future and wondering the year.)

Saturday, February 4th
I was on a call with Noah (while at a house in the Poconos on a weekend vacation), and I accidentally let it slip that I still liked Stella. He thought I only liked her 2 grades ago, like he did. I was worried, because he has a grudge against Stella because she kicked a soccer ball that ended up hitting him in the head last (school) year in a PE class. He was pretty cool with the information, however, and told me his crush: our friend Zoey.

Tuesday, February 7th
I was texting Zoey that I found who Noah liked. I decided not to tell her at first.

Wednesday, February 8th
I changed my mind and told Zoey that Noah liked her. I honestly don't know why I did, but I guess I thought it didn't matter since Zoey doesn't like anyone (she told me when I opened up to her about liking Stella).

Sunday, February 19th
As explained in this thread, Noah, Bria, and I devised a plan for Noah to find out if Zoey liked him while we were on a call with Bria. Keep in mind the fact that no one except me and Zoey know I told her Noah liked her, but Noah and Bria still knew that I knew Zoey didn't have a crush, but Noah thought Zoey was lying and might be more truthful to another girl (ex: Bria). Anyways, I was at Noah's house for the long weekend, so him and me were using my phone to call Bria. However, that also meant he almost found out Zoey knew all the secret stuff that was supposed to be kept between me, him, and Bria because of the frickin' text alerts. I did manage to turn off alerts in the middle of Bria's talk with Zoey, because she kept texting me about this situation and Noah wanted to hold my phone to hear it better. You can read the thread for the full story about the entire call, not just the operation to figure out if Zoey liked Noah. In the end, what we basically found out was that Zoey liked Noah "as a friend." (Her exact words when Bria asked her if she liked Noah.) Lastly, I just wanna say that I was against the idea of this operation.

Tuesday, February 21st
I texted Zoey in the afternoon while I was writing Greppi's section in the lore and told her about the fact that me and Noah were behind the camera during the call and how we had told Bria to ask her the questions.

Wednesday, February 22nd (aka TODAY!!!)
While me and Bria were talking before classes started, Zoey walked up to me and said, "I KNEW IT!" in reference to the texts I had sent her yesterday. Then, for about 3 minutes, Bria was asking me what Zoey was talking about. Kaylah was also asking, because she had to be Kaylah and get all up in a private matter between me, Bria, and Zoey as soon as she saw Bria asking me what Zoey was talking about. Kaylah was wondering if it was about Stella. Now, let me just say that I could have very easily lied and said that it was about Stella, and that Zoey was saying that she knew it in that she knew I had a crush on Stella somehow, as if I had told her yesterday, but for some reason I didn't. I just went to my locker to get my phone, open the messages I had sent to myself, and memorize the pre-chorus and chorus of "The Great Unknown." However, Bria and Kaylah thought they could find something on my phone and so began a 50-second moment of me wrestling my phone out of Bria's hands. I can't believe I managed to get it back. Also, let me just let you guys reading this know that I deleted all the texts to Zoey about the whole "Noah's crush" thing last night, so there was no evidence of anything on that phone. Anyways, I went to lean against some lockers to read the lyrics and Kaylah asked if I was memorizing a song I had written for/about Stella, or a "medieval song." (She's talking about heavy metal, but she doesn't get it.) I said it was the heavy metal song, and then decided to tell Bria in Mr. Dollar's Math classroom what Zoey was talking about. She hit me with my planner, went outside, told Kaylah, and then Jarius overheard. I went over to Zoey and told her to shut her mouth quietly, and she said she thought Bria knew, even though I literally sent her a text last night (which she saw because it says, "Read Yesterday" under the text) telling her who knew what. Then again, she may have just quickly looked at the text and not read the whole thing.
At lunch, Kaylah gave me a whole talk about loyalty, which she did in front of Reese, Mira (who shoved my head away from my plate as I was eating lunch so Bria could tell her the story), and Jarius. Outside at the recess, Bria said she was gonna tell Noah during our call on Saturday, no matter how much I begged. If she told Noah, not only would he probably hate me, but he'd also tell Bria to tell Stella I liked her (which she would most likely be glad to do after telling him my secret about telling Zoey everything).
This afternoon, about an hour ago, I begged to Bria over text not to tell Noah. At first, she just said karma was now gonna come. However, here's a transcript of conversation (B is Bria, G is me):

G: Look I regret telling him
G: I mean her

B: As you should

G: Once again, is the guilt not enough of a punishment?

B: Fine I won't tell him

G: Thank you
G: How about this: I'll tell him in June (or late May, I'll figure it out later).

If you need context, I had said the whole "guilt" thing in a previous text about 30 minutes before and Noah plans to tell Zoey he likes her when he visits the city again in May (after he finishes school). Despite me and Bria's warnings that he'll embarrass himself, he might still do it because he's never really cared what people think of him.

So, yeah. I've learned my lesson and I'll never do this again. Let's also hope Bria won't tell him, because it's highly possible that she still will and was just lying to me to get me to stop begging. GracieMockingjay, ShadowOnTheLoose, Greief, TheCrypteral, Boba_Mushy, BelleChxn, and OrderOutOfChaos, I hope this clears up what I said in that wall post.
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Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster

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02/22/2023 6:04 pm
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