How to make creative resource pack names?

NPUzeal's Avatar NPUzeal5/29/20 3:44 am
3 emeralds 173 1
5/29/2020 4:29 am
Stubbs1's Avatar Stubbs1
I've seen all these neat-looking resource packs and I've thought about doing my own. But something I've wondered is how do people create unique and creative names for their packs? For example, there are the packs Prime, Miranda, and Sapixcraft. Those are all cool packs that also have cool names, so how do I come up with my own?
Posted by NPUzeal's Avatar
Level 31 : Artisan Engineer

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05/29/2020 4:29 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Stubbs1's Avatar
Well, usually a pack-name is only as cool as the pack itself. So the name should support the pack, and not the other way around. However that does present you with three options. There is deftly more but these are the three I can think of:

1. A common thing to do is name the pack after yourself, using parts of your IGN or even real life name to create the name of a pack. I can use my own name as a great example: TomConn is a combination of my real name: Tom, and one of my last names: Connor. Thus creating: TomConn!
2. A second option, best illustrated in the Doodles Pack by DinowCookie the name itself, instantly tells you what to expect of the pack.
3. Name your pack after a certain item. You see this done all the time, even, while it may not be intentional, the pack you mentioned: Miranda. That's a brand of Soda, and thus the pack name can be assosiated with certain things which people see in real life.

You can try out all three methods, and see if there's a name you come up with that you like, but please! Focus on making the pack good. The name isn't as important as creating something awesome :)
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