Is the Bedrock edition of Minecraft actually bad, or is all the hate from purists/OG players?

archie10's Avatar archie104/17/23 10:31 am
10/11/2023 10:20 pm
DinoWattz's Avatar DinoWattz
My bro in-laws will have a Switch soon, and I figure one of the games we’ll be able to play together is Minecraft. But when I tried to look up YouTube videos for the game, every comment section was filled with negativity and general bashing of the Bedrock edition. Now, I understand that Java is the home to all the free mods and such, but for someone looking to simply play Minecraft with friends, is Bedrock actually bad?
Posted by archie10's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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10/09/2023 8:58 am
Level 20 : Expert Miner
Blaukerl's Avatar
free bedrock mods at mcpedl are the best
10/11/2023 10:20 pm
Level 22 : Expert Pixel Painter Engineer
DinoWattz's Avatar
java players simply wouldn't understand bedrock having free mods
Sadako Kogo
09/26/2023 10:24 am
Level 22 : Expert Artist
Sadako Kogo's Avatar
Bedrock as a lot of cool features that Java doesn't have, and the coding language is simpler meaning it has a much better game performance. However, there is currently a bug where sometimes the game performance isn't good. They are just saying Bedrock is bad because they are bias.

And you can have invisible skins on Bedrock. You can dye armor using a cauldron. Plus, boss fights are actually challenging and fun in Bedrock. In Java, winning the game is easy, but in Bedrock it is difficult like it should be. There are some things which Bedrock doesn't have, but Mojang is working on fixing this. They are adding new commands, controls, and other things which can only be found in Java.

Cool fact
Back when Herobrine was in the game, it was most common on Bedrock edition. It was still very very very very rare, so rare that most people don't even believe it was real at all, but it was in the game. I know this from personal experience. I asked my friends and people I met about their personal experiences, and I tried to see which of them seemed real or a lie. I only saw Herobrine once in my single player world, and I had no mods at all on my device. Out of everyone I knew who claimed to have seen Herobrine, three of them were undoubtedly telling the truth. I was skeptical until I actually saw Herobrine in the game. It was cool and I wish they would bring it back, but Mojang won't. And of course, they'll deny that it was in the game, but it was in the game.
09/26/2023 9:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CyndiEddy's Avatar
09/18/2023 9:49 am
Level 49 : Master Toast
20w14infinite's Avatar
09/18/2023 9:45 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Scribe
CarterST1's Avatar
It is good for me because it works for me and my friends, and it doesn't lag.
04/20/2023 4:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
archie10's Avatar
My bro in-laws will have a Switch soon, and I figure one of the games we’ll be able to play together is Minecraft. But when I tried to look up YouTube videos for the game, every comment section was filled with negativity and general bashing of the Bedrock edition. Now, I understand that Java is the home to all the free mods and such, but for someone looking to simply play Minecraft with friends, is Bedrock actually bad https://100001.onl/?

I got this,...
04/19/2023 4:45 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Wolf
ModMaker101's Avatar
You have bedrock on all devices and just need to buy it once were java if you want it on a different pcyou have to pay for it again.
04/19/2023 2:06 am
Level 25 : Expert Pig
JustAnNPC's Avatar
Bedrock is fine, but there are some flaws.
In java there are handy items you can't obtain in Bedrock. Like the Debug Stick.
In java you have access to WAY more mods and data packs.
Lastly, you have access to more commands.
Bedrock has more flaws then java, but it's fine for average players
But java is honestly better to me.
04/19/2023 1:03 am
Level 27 : Expert Miner
blueragdoll's Avatar
As a guy who plays bedrock, really don't know why they hate bedrock.
04/18/2023 10:29 pm
Level 41 : Master Lego Builder
LegendaryConch's Avatar
Personally, Bedrock is awesome whether on Tablet or Console! The only real issues with it is no mods and the Marketplace, but honestly the Marketplace isn’t really that big of a deal to me. I would like to have the option of ray tracing though, just to have better graphics.
04/18/2023 8:46 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
Chirpybuilder's Avatar
No bedrock is actually Really good.
All the hate comes from the fact that there is a marketplace. Also some people have put stupid lies up on yt about bedrock.
04/18/2023 8:52 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
Chirpybuilder's Avatar
Also I play bedrock Wayyyyyy More
A Lost Boy
04/17/2023 4:40 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Magical Boy
A Lost Boy's Avatar
It depends on your playstyle. For casual players just trying to play with friends, Bedrock Edition is great because it supports simple cross-platform play via Xbox Live. It is also fairly straightforward to get used to because everything you need is in the application - no separate launcher needed. That being said, Java Edition has fewer limitations due to its nature as a PC game. Java Edition supports mods, third-party resources, servers, and is backwards-compatible with older versions of Minecraft. Bedrock Edition on consoles only supports resources and skins that come from the Minecraft Marketplace, which is unfortunately locked behind a paywall. Third-party servers are also only supported to a limited extent on Bedrock Edition. Bedrock Edition also has performance and graphical limitations on the Switch. But for casual players looking to play with friends, Bedrock Edition is a good choice because you can play multiplayer without any third-party servers or equipment.
A Lost Boy
04/17/2023 4:45 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Magical Boy
A Lost Boy's Avatar
Bedrock also has several limitations simply because of its nature:

- Capped FPS
- Capped render distance/simulation distance, further restricted during multiplayer
- World size*
- Performance
- Locked to the latest version
- Cosmetics locked behind a paywall
- Limited support of third-parties

*The "Far Lands," a graphical and performance glitch caused by the world generation system, still generates at a certain distance in Bedrock Edition. Additionally, stuttering and physics issues occur more often the further the player travels from the origin. Although it is unlikely for casual Survival players to notice this, in Creative mode or in largely spread worlds, the player may experience jittering, graphical glitches, AI misbehaving, and eventually, an inability to move and a lack of collision with the world.
04/18/2023 8:50 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
Chirpybuilder's Avatar
Actually no. Render distance is better on bedrock. With no rescorce packs, bedrocks render distance is way more chunks than java, eveern with optifine installed. It also runs better than java, with less lag in general.

Also /playanimation. Need I say more?
A Lost Boy
04/18/2023 9:55 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Magical Boy
A Lost Boy's Avatar
Oh and yes, Bedrock Edition has several exclusive commands and settings that are nice to have. They won't make much of an impact on casual Survival players, though.
Sadako Kogo
09/26/2023 10:38 am
Level 22 : Expert Artist
Sadako Kogo's Avatar
Mojang is working on updating this. They just added crawling, so these might be added next. Parity is one of the things at the top of their list.
A Lost Boy
04/18/2023 9:54 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Magical Boy
A Lost Boy's Avatar
I suppose I did not specify that the performance limitations I stated have been observed on consoles/lower end devices. On a PC, yes, Bedrock Edition does in fact run better. Not sure if this is still possible, but with some tweaks to the files, it is also possible to reach an extremely high render distance. I've managed 128 chunks with few issues, and 256 chunks works as well. However, I have observed an input delay on Bedrock Edition that doesn't happen on Java. I believe it is fixed for the most part now. I was mentioning those limitations for Switch players, as the OP stated they would be playing with Switch players. However, I do believe render distance is limited during multiplayer (unless you're the host), no matter what platform you are using. Correct me if I am wrong about that, but that's what I've observed.
04/17/2023 3:37 pm
Level 40 : Master Dragon
Eligames2009's Avatar
bedrock is good and a solid version of mc, its just not quite as good as java
04/17/2023 2:32 pm
Level 24 : Expert Engineer
Piorunowy6002's Avatar
Bedrock is not really bad, but it's good only when you bored or just want to play with friends without java edition, also the achievements in bedrock edition are good and its really fun to try unlock them all! But bedrock edition is really bugged for example powder snow can be used make an nether portal with no obsidian around it, and building a nether portal in an end portal makes another bug also the AI of mobs can be really unpredictable for example when you fight with drowned with trident it can throw to you, and after 1 or 2 seconds can throw at you again, in java edition it has normal cooldown. Also the java edition has things like datapacks or mods, bedrock has addons but addons are really uncomfortable to install, also if you want to copy your world from one computer to another you can't just find them in a normal way because the names of folders of the worlds ARE RANDOM NUMBERS! Oh, almost I forgot! Bedrock edition is over-monetised
Sadako Kogo
09/26/2023 10:42 am
Level 22 : Expert Artist
Sadako Kogo's Avatar
These are valid points. Some of these are being changed in patches. The mobs in Bedrock are made that way so that they are more difficult, same with the bosses. Bedrock is for people who are actually good at Minecraft, while Java is for players who want it easy. The folder names is something I really hate. They do need to fix that. That is a very big problem.
04/17/2023 12:17 pm
Level 23 : Expert Modder
Naavajoy's Avatar
Bedrock would be fine for casual play with family. Especially if your not trying to add mods and stuff. That said there are free mod/add-ons available for bedrock.
04/17/2023 12:06 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
MrJakkar's Avatar
Microtransactions are what is causing the most hate for Bedrock Edition, with randomized redstone and bugging terrain after a certain distance from spawn being right behind. Just for a normal "have fun with friends" style of playing it is fine, but personally I pick Java Edition every time.
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