Official PMC Anime Hub [Weeaboo Central]

nyanekomimi's Avatar nyanekomimi5/14/12 2:57 am
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7/31/2017 4:03 am
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar AnimeFanFTW
1. Do not flame, harm, or harass anyone in any way, shape or form.
2. Do stay at least vaguely on-topic.
3. Keep it PG 13 [STRICT]
4. You can be banned for harassing members on mediums other than PMC.
5. Keep GIFs to a minimum.
6. If someone has a request of pronouns or would like you to respect their identity please do so. If someone is not harming you with their identity, then you DO NOT need to harm them because of it.
7. If you have an issues with another member or the hub, please private message a moderator or higher staff member (preferably me) or the hub over Skype or PMC PM. Do not insult or start arguments with other hub members or non-members.
8. If someone is not breaking a hub rule but is breaking a PMC site rule, then their post should be reported.

Hello fellow anime fans! This is Nyan, but you can call me whatever name you want.
I’m into darker horror anime, but most of the time I’m up for anything! I’m not into popular anime other than new anime of the season. Flaming over anime is ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED and please respect everyone’s headcanons, ships (though keep it PG-13), and opinions. Have fun everyone!
What Is Anime Anyways?
Anime is a style of animation originating in Japan, characterized by colorful graphics and often featuring themes intended for an adult audience. The word is the Japanese abbreviated pronunciation of "animation." The intended meaning of the term sometimes varies depending on the context.

While the earliest known Japanese animation dates to 1917, and many original Japanese animations were produced in the ensuing decades, the characteristic anime style developed in the 1960s—notably with the work of Osamu Tezuka—and became known outside Japan in the 1980s

Anime, like manga, has a large audience in Japan and recognition throughout the world. Distributors can release anime via television broadcasts, directly to video, or theatrically, as well as online.

Both hand-drawn and computer-animated anime exist. It is used in television series, films, video, video games, commercials, and internet-based releases, and represents most, if not all, genres of fiction. As the market for anime increased in Japan, it also gained popularity in East and Southeast Asia. Anime is currently popular in many different regions around the world.

Special people in Bold. Active special people are mostly provided with Skype name so you can contact them if you need them for any reason.

Brigade Cheif(Founder)
nyanekomimi (Skype: the_nylon)

Cheifs Assistants(Leaders)
AnimeFanFTW, Waffleman112, Dajj

Taking apps for mod!



Also MayuriYandere existed but she isn't on PMC anymore.

Death Note:(Ban list)
I am no longer using the ban list because it has no meaning.
Anime application:
Anime Name:
Your rating: ?/10
Shane's Reviews/Ratings
KissxSis(1 season)
Romance,Ecchi,Harem,School days,Comedy.
A little weird, again, a lot of ecchi all the time but not that bad.

K-ON!(2 seasons+An ongoing manga+a movie)
School Days,Music,Comedy.
Anybody should be able to watch this.

Shakugan no shana, some fighting but mostly talking. SFW but 13 year old may find it hard to understand. 9/10

Shinigami no ballad, Mostly drama SFW 10/10

Zombie loan, Action+romance NOT SFW LESBIAN SCENES! 7.5/10

11 eyes, action and romance SFW as long as he/she doesn't watch a couple of scenes.

B Gata H Kei(My first anime. i think theres 3 seasons.)
Ecchi(Super ecchi o.o)Comedy,School Days,Romance
Less ecchi than kissxsis, though when it does happen its pretty bad.

Sora No Orotishimo(i think thats how its spelled. Cant remember the seasons. There is a movie though.)
Ecchi, School Days,Comedy,Harem,Sci-Fi,Romance
Not that much ecchi, though the main character is a pervert.

Anime Name: Sankarea
Genres: Dark, kinda wierd-funny and with some romance.
Your rating: 8/10

Anime Name: FMA (First series, not Brotherhood)
Genres: Funny, action, some darker themes.
Your rating: 9/10

Anime Name: Code Geass (Both series, R1, R2.)
Genres: Action, dark, drama, alternate history, tragedy, epic.
Your rating: 10/10
Anime Name: Fairy Tail
Genres: I don't even know. It has a lot of magic and fighting and one guy who strips a lot. Shounen
Your rating: 1000000/10
A way to judge if its SFW or not: I don't know what this is.

Anime Name: Fruits Basket
Genres: People who turn into animals, curses, shojo, romance, I suppose.
Your rating: 9/10
A way to judge if its SFW or not: See above.

Anime Name: soul eater
Genres: epic :3
Your rating: 10/10

Anime Name: Zero no Tsukaima (Familiar of Zero)
Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, Seinen
Your rating: 10/10
A way to judge if its SFW or not: SFW? is it Safe to Watch XD?

Anime Name: Black Butler
Genres:Action, Dark fantasy, Supernatural
Your rating: 10/10
A way to judge if its SFW or not: See above.

Anime Name: Steins;Gate
Genres:Sci-fi,Thriller, (maybe Drama, Can't decide :/)
Your rating: ∞/10
Not SFW, in episode, I think 13, one of the main characters (as the show contains time travelling) dies about 20 times through various means, not going to say what happens to her at the end of the series though...

Anime Name: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Genres:Action, Adventure.Science,Fantasy,Shounen
Your rating: 10/10
A way to judge if its SFW or not: idk

Anime Name: Gintama
Genres:Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Parody, Samurai, Science Fiction, Shounen, Slapstick
Your rating: 10/10
A way to judge if its SFW or not: idk

Anime Name: XxXHolic
Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Parody, Super Natural, Fiction,
Your rating: 10/10
A way to judge if its SFW or not: SFW (Though a kid may not understand all of it)

Anime Name: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Genres: Sci-fi, Comedy, Action
Your rating: 9.6/10
It's fairly SFW

Anime Name: Spice And Wolf
Genres:Romantic, adventure, funny, apples (Watch it and you'll get the apple's part)
Your rating: 10/10
Age appropriateness: should be 14, 13 is ok.

Anime Name: Yumeiro Patissiere
Genres: It has some romance, but it's mainly about baking and stuff.
Your rating: 9/10
Yumeiro Patissiere is a shojo manga/anime, which means it's generally sold to females between ages 10-18

Nylon's Reviews/Ratings
none yet, suggest me some!

Keep on suggesting!

Random animes I watch. I tell you if I approve or not
This Time: Mirai Nikki
Currently on episode: 2
Mood: 5 minutes in and 2 people are already dead. T_T Summertime would approve.
General Fun:
AMV Battles, declare that you want to have one and someone will probably join in.
Art Battles, declare you want to have one and someone will probably join in.
Favourite Anime/Vocaloid/Genre art. We do this from time to time. Just say you like a peice of art then show us the picture and it sometimes turns out that people will comment on it.

Support us:
PM me if you want to add a signature here ^_^

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Made by Thunderhooves, An (Ex) PMC Anime Club Artist

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Made by Thunderhooves, a PMC Anime Club Artist.

Put it in your sig: [url=http://www.planetminecraft.com/forums/the-anime-pmc-fanclub-t84962.html][img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37348114/bannernlj.png[/img][/url]
Made by BoneHunter9, a fan.

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Made by PrestonsProjects, a Dead Person.

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Made by Ghostymctoasty. A Leader.

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Made by Ghostymctoasty. A Leader.

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Made by Superch00b. A leader.

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Made by HatsyaSouji. A PMC Anime Club Artist..

Made by HatsyaSouji. A PMC Anime Club Artist.

Made by Longgirls, A Member.

Made By DerpyKat, a Trusted Member

Made By nyanekomimi, an Owner

Made By Cherry_Rosey, a trusted member

Made By TheBlockWar, a trusted member

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Created by aROGUEtoast, a member

Nyan is back and made minor updates to staff list, rules, etc.
Posted by nyanekomimi's Avatar
Level 51 : Grandmaster Technomancer

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07/30/2017 11:18 pm
Level 29 : Expert Birb
Auradyme's Avatar
This is sad, just talk here smh
- Auradyme.
07/31/2017 12:19 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thought you forgot your PMC password lol
07/31/2017 2:59 am
Level 29 : Expert Birb
Auradyme's Avatar
watching it die was hard so I reset it.
07/31/2017 4:03 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Zan plz
07/30/2017 8:22 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
This hub is being too quiet
07/21/2017 2:35 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
No you haven't. Actually, I don't think I've ever even used either one of those before.
07/21/2017 8:29 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Ah fair enough lol
07/20/2017 9:38 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
The show has memes?


It died down a lot since the show is over, but on r/Animemes, there was a lot stuff for the show when it was airing. Most of it was just finding various ways to call Sagiri garbage, cause she is. There was even a loli war between her and Kanna because some degenerates thought that Sagiri was the superior white haired loli. I'd post some, but I don't wanna be put on a list get in trouble cause of rules and all that crap.

Yeah, probably a good idea.

Have I friended you on Skype/Discord? You can explain it to me there.
07/20/2017 12:55 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
The show has memes?


It died down a lot since the show is over, but on r/Animemes, there was a lot stuff for the show when it was airing. Most of it was just finding various ways to call Sagiri garbage, cause she is. There was even a loli war between her and Kanna because some degenerates thought that Sagiri was the superior white haired loli. I'd post some, but I don't wanna be put on a list get in trouble cause of rules and all that crap.
07/19/2017 10:08 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
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I honestly can't like it, even for its trashy-ness. Only thing I like about the show is the main girl is cute. Other then that, it's just bad. I like none of the characters, and unlike Oriemo, which kinda poked fun at itself and didn't care, Eromanga is just too bland. It gets to scenes where the music is sad and the characters are sad, and I feel nothing.

plz no Season 2. Panty and Stocking needs a S2 before this.

Well I thought Bootleg Kuroneko Elf was pretty good. But yeah, other than her everyone else was ranged from okay to meh. Sagari is cute but worst girl. Muramasa is okay I guess. Chin-chin & the manga store girl are meh, as well as the MC. I don't care too much for the characters, but for whatever reason I still liked the show. I need help. Although, maybe it was all the memes that made me like it more. I dunno.

The show has memes?

07/17/2017 10:43 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
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I honestly can't like it, even for its trashy-ness. Only thing I like about the show is the main girl is cute. Other then that, it's just bad. I like none of the characters, and unlike Oriemo, which kinda poked fun at itself and didn't care, Eromanga is just too bland. It gets to scenes where the music is sad and the characters are sad, and I feel nothing.

plz no Season 2. Panty and Stocking needs a S2 before this.

Well I thought Bootleg Kuroneko Elf was pretty good. But yeah, other than her everyone else was ranged from okay to meh. Sagari is cute but worst girl. Muramasa is okay I guess. Chin-chin & the manga store girl are meh, as well as the MC. I don't care too much for the characters, but for whatever reason I still liked the show. I need help. Although, maybe it was all the memes that made me like it more. I dunno.
07/17/2017 10:11 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
AnimeFanFTWSo, been watching Eromanga-sensei

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Don't watch it. It's basically diet Oriemo, and it's bad.

Click to reveal
It's garbage and I loved it. I wanna a second season, although let's hope he doesn't do a complete Oriemo.

Click to reveal
I honestly can't like it, even for its trashy-ness. Only thing I like about the show is the main girl is cute. Other then that, it's just bad. I like none of the characters, and unlike Oriemo, which kinda poked fun at itself and didn't care, Eromanga is just too bland. It gets to scenes where the music is sad and the characters are sad, and I feel nothing.

plz no Season 2. Panty and Stocking needs a S2 before this.
07/15/2017 3:33 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
So, been watching Eromanga-sensei

Click to reveal
Don't watch it. It's basically diet Oriemo, and it's bad.
07/16/2017 6:00 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
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It's garbage and I loved it. I wanna a second season, although let's hope he doesn't do a complete Oriemo.

Oh, and a crossover game between Blazblue, Persona, and Under Night In Birth was announced. ArcSys taking a dump on Capcom once again. First with DBZ Fighters being MvC3, and this being Infinite.
Oh, and RWBY too.

And holy crap dude. Geese Howard is in Tekken!! It's been a good week for fighting game hype (unless you're a Capcom fan lol).
06/27/2017 10:41 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Urrnge, gonna ask you to stop swearing please. Rules are rules :/
06/25/2017 5:36 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
So I started watching DBZ Abridged not too long ago. **Damn** dude I haven't laughed so hard in quite a long time.

I also finished Tokyo Ghoul. ...Well it didn't suck at least. Other than Toonami, I haven't really been watching anime lately. I was watching Eromanga Sensei, but I kinda drifted away. Still wanna get back to that later though.

EDIT: Well actually I did finish Eromanga Sensei. That show was trash, and I can't believe I sat and watched all 12 episodes of it. Season 2 when? Oh well, see y'all in jail.
06/21/2017 1:24 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Bump :c
06/14/2017 9:13 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
SInce E3 is happening, I'll just say this:

Nintendo wins E3 this year. The announcements they made are beautiful
06/12/2017 7:29 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
I got curious, Urrnge,

06/12/2017 6:41 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar

It's made by Arc System Works, and is using the same style as Guilty Gear Xrd. It also a 3v3 similar previous Marvels, and it looks a hell of a lot better than that garbage Capcom is putting out with Infinite. I really wanted it to be good, but it looks like Capcom mucked it up, again.

06/09/2017 11:05 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
I'll just leave this here
05/29/2017 5:42 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
Mei confirmed to be weeaboo trash. And the Hare Hare Yuki? Boy oh boy that's an old one. Been like, what, 10 years or so? Might as well add the Caramel Dance and... whatever the Lucky Star dance is called while they're on these fresh anime fads, am I right fellas??
05/30/2017 12:42 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
I think the funniest part, is the fact the main character of the anime is basically god, while many people in the Overwatch community refer to Mei as "Satan".
05/29/2017 7:33 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
So it seems the Hare Hare Yukai dance has infested Overwatch.

May Haruhi help us all.
06/12/2017 11:07 am
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
League did it first

Also, hi. Ded, been watching some Grimgar, Diabolik Lovers, and Psycho Pass. In order, amazing, not sure what I saw, and loving it like GitS.
06/12/2017 6:28 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Blizzard confirmed to be a bunch of weebs
05/22/2017 4:25 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
I think people just like part 1 for Speedwagon.

05/23/2017 5:42 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
True dat
05/22/2017 9:20 am
Level 29 : Expert Birb
Auradyme's Avatar
Finished part 7 of JoJo, Steel Ball Run, no onto JoJolion.
So far my ratings go (from best to worst)
7, 4, 2, 6, 3, 5, 1
05/22/2017 9:53 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
It must really be said, that I've been hearing alot of people find Part 1 to be their least favourite, and yet, Part 1 is still very highly praised.

Really makes you appreciate the fact Jojo's is so good lol
05/18/2017 2:58 am
Level 38 : Artisan Prince
Summertime's Avatar
This still exists? LOL
05/18/2017 3:13 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar

05/18/2017 4:23 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Prince
Summertime's Avatar
being gay on Twitter honestly. Also persona 5 is pretty good. I liked p5 before it was cool Kek (and so close to plat in ow)
05/18/2017 7:22 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
ah fair enough.
Still need to play the Persona series...
05/16/2017 4:13 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
UrrngeI dunno if that show aired in Australia, but I watched it all the time when I was younger.

I'm pretty sure Cartoon Network was a thing in Australia lol
Codename KND was awesome. But Billy and Mandy was always my favorite CN show.

I think I remember seeing videos of the creator of KND wanting to continue the series. Would be cool if it did. Samurai Jack got a resurgence, and from what I've heard, it's been going great.
05/16/2017 12:52 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Finally got internet back yey

Finished Stardust Crusaders.

Click to reveal
My favourite part was the ear-destroying bass that plays whenever Dio stopped time lol
05/16/2017 3:18 am
Level 29 : Expert Birb
Auradyme's Avatar
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Reading Steel Ball Run rn (Part 7) it's good.
05/15/2017 7:41 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Batman
Cid_of_Lufenia's Avatar
Jojo part 5 isn't coming out yet apparently the producers want to do some of the "Thus spoke Rohan Kishibe" side stories before Vento Aureo

It's coming out in June 28 this year
and in the link below there is more information.


This makes me wonder if they will animate other Jojo side stories at some point.

*Crosses fingers and hopes they make Purple haze feedback*
The Silver Paladin
05/15/2017 8:36 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
Jorge Joestar animation when?
05/15/2017 9:30 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Batman
Cid_of_Lufenia's Avatar
I would guess three to four years as David productions makes the anime chronologically and Jorge Joestar technically takes place after Stone Ocean
05/06/2017 4:21 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
Looks like there's gonna be an anime version for every Jojo ehh? Well I know nothing about part 5 other than that Juri from Street Fighter was based off this part's Jojo.

Also damn, RIP nyaa.
The Silver Paladin
05/12/2017 12:11 am
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
Oh, the Zoolander Part?

A group of people I know are excited for that.
05/05/2017 3:29 am
Level 29 : Expert Birb
Auradyme's Avatar
Oh my.
Bucciarati from JoJo part 5 will be voiced by Noriaki Sugiyama (Emiya Shirou), Jolyne from part 6 will be voiced by Sawashiro Miyuki (Celty, Mordred in Fate/Apocrypha) and Pucci will be voiced by Joji Nakata (Kotomine Kirei, Alucard, Chaos from Tsukihime)

3 of my all time fave VA's, just yes.
05/05/2017 2:01 am
Level 29 : Expert Birb
Auradyme's Avatar

Finished JoJo part 6, that ending was a mind*oopsIbrokearule* kek
The Silver Paladin
05/04/2017 10:40 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar


05/02/2017 3:49 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
Joseph is voiced by the same dude that did Numbah One from Codename: Kids Next Door in the dub. I dunno if that show aired in Australia, but I watched it all the time when I was younger.
05/02/2017 9:42 am
Level 29 : Expert Birb
Auradyme's Avatar
05/02/2017 3:56 am
Level 29 : Expert Birb
Auradyme's Avatar
I watched in sub. and yeah I prefer young Joseph, having Sugita voice him was genius, half the reason he's in my faves list now. (Gintoki's VA)

"I think the only reason Jojo's is so popular nowadays was because of the beginning of the 2012 series."
Most JoJo fans I know didn't care for part 1.
05/02/2017 1:40 am
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
No, I got Saber. C'mon now you're the Fate guy, I thought you'd at least know who Saber is! For shame.

My favorite Jojo is Speedwagon Joesph. I like both incarnations of him, but I like Young Joseph better. Still like the Old Man's engrish though. It will be missed in the dub. I don't know why hearing characters in though Chinese cartoons say stuff in English is so funny, but it's one of the things subs have over dubs.
05/02/2017 12:45 am
Level 29 : Expert Birb
Auradyme's Avatar
Oh wow you got Arturia? wew.

I didn't like part 1 of JoJo, nearly dropped it, I found Jonathan pretty bland and uninteresting.
Jotaro and Joseph are my fave JoJo's so far, read part 5 a week ago, wasn't bad but the characters felt undeveloped, and Giorno didn't do much, reading part 6 rn and it's pretty good.
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