How to Become a Moderator on PMC

mommaCarole's Avatar mommaCarole9/26/11 7:27 am history
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11/10/2013 2:13 pm
the_soup's Avatar the_soup
Note: There is no application process. New moderators are chosen based on need and moderator recommendation.

First, I will explain what NOT to do:

How NOT to become a moderator on PMC:

1. Spamming the forums/chat asking how to become a moderator on PMC will NOT get you to be a moderator.
2. Getting a high level with experience points will NOT get you to be a moderator.
3. Complaining that you are qualified and should have become a moderator already will NOT get you to be a moderator.
4. Sending PMs to the other moderators begging for moderator status will NOT get you to be a moderator.
5. Being a mini-moderator and telling people off in the forums/chat for breaking the rules will NOT get you to be a moderator.
6. Responding to every introduction thread with a link to the rules will NOT get you to be a moderator.
7. Being a troll on the forums or on the chat will NOT get you to be a moderator.
8. Getting "noticed" by having the most warnings by any PMC member will NOT get you to be a moderator

Now. Helpful suggestions on how you might POSSIBLY be asked to be a Moderator:

1. Read the Site and Chat rules and do your best to follow them.
2. Be active! Post new topics, contribute to discussions, comment on posts, give constructive feedback, and be a part of the community.
3. When people ask for help, offer help if you can. Don't point and laugh, no matter how dumb YOU think the question is. Everyone started as a n00b once.
4. If you notice a post is breaking one of the rules, report the post using the report button so a moderator can review it. Don't make a whole new post on how someone is breaking the rules and do not post a comment saying "reported". Just report and leave. If you're reporting something stolen, please include proof!
6. Be respectful of everyone, including moderators and other users. Don't participate in arguments or insult others. Treat others how you would like to be treated!

The above suggestions WILL get you noticed by the moderators. New moderators are chosen based on need and moderator recommendations. The best way to get recommendations is to do the above things, NOT by asking to become one.

I hope that clears up the process of how new moderators are chosen!
Posted by mommaCarole's Avatar
Retired Moderator
Level 54 : Grandmaster Witch

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11/10/2013 2:13 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Button Pusher
the_soup's Avatar
Added more truth.
07/21/2012 2:54 am
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Nether Knight
Vrezh's Avatar
If you have any more questions or would like to discuss this, PM an existing mod.
07/21/2012 2:38 am
Level 24 : Expert uwu
Girouette's Avatar
Lol. This should get everyone to listen and NOT beg for moderator, also for people that want to become a moderator in the future. The one and only
07/21/2012 2:44 am
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Turtle Paladin
Palaeos's Avatar
You'd think, then again this is a 9 month old thread, which I link in chat every other day.
07/20/2012 2:07 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
Destroyer928343's Avatar
Thank so much! I love when people help out in PMC. I love these People!!!
07/16/2012 7:07 pm
Level 21 : Expert Miner
excervator's Avatar
Although its a pretty stupid question, I am right in assuming we get the right of choice if we ever get asked?
07/16/2012 6:38 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
JasonScott's Avatar
That's cool... But most is common sense...
07/16/2012 8:33 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Myxa's Avatar
07/15/2012 1:35 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Steve
DiamondDesignsHD's Avatar
Is creeperCarole Welsh?
07/13/2012 8:53 am
Level 41 : Master Herobrine
yoavsnake's Avatar
07/13/2012 8:36 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragon
ravenous456's Avatar
Let me ask if i wanted to be a moderator I must be asked by other moderators?
07/13/2012 8:56 am
Level 49 : Master uwu
Jack's Avatar
you are partially correct.

The other moderators discuss who would be a good candidate for promotion to moderator and we discuss these nominations, after choosing new mods, they are sent invites by Cyprezz.

Asking for mod will ensure that you do not get mod.
07/12/2012 1:46 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
tunika04's Avatar
as MrDad said, Even if you become a moderator, its very hard to become a GOOD one. I am not a moderator, but I agree that you must go by the rules at all times and you try your best. NEVER ask,dont beg. Also I think your best option right here as a PMC user, just follow the rules,respect all current staff,just dont even think about becoming moderator.
07/10/2012 9:32 am
Level 1 : New Network
TheMeq's Avatar
Nice guide. Very helpful!
06/22/2012 11:58 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Witch
mommaCarole's Avatar
AnimatrixIt's really about the way people are perceived. I know someone that's been on this site around 9 months, is very active, he's fairly well-known but not "popular", the admin and a lot of the mods have subbed to him and he's proven time and time again to be mature and responsible. Is he a mod? No.

The fact that the old mods pick the new is a bit...iffy. I'm not saying that they are completely unfair, but vendettas, grudges and such like get in the way of professionalism. And the popular people are noticed more than non-popular, and so get more of a chance as the old mods see more of their pretentious faces than someone who is better suited to the job, but less known.

Really, you should look past the mainstream and let go of vendettas. I honestly think that if the "old" mods did that, PMC would be a lot more fun, and less hate would go around. Not that PMC is bad, hells no. But it can be made better.

And there you have it. A rant by a 14 year old on how to moderate. I'm sure it will be useful *Cough*:sarcasm:*Cough*.

When people are "overlooked" or even "snubbed" for moderator status there's usually a really good reason why. Not just because one person has a "thing" with them Ani. In fact, there have been a couple occassions where people have been given the promotion, BECAUSE they seem to have issues with some of the moderators. Strange thing is, once they because moderators... they had issues with ALL the other mods. As a moderation team, we have to be able to trust and work with each other, to a certain extent, rely on each other. We need to know that our teammates aren't going to do something really weird without warning us first, so we don't have to do damage control.

This, by the way, isn't always the case. We do have our differences, and we talk them out. But if there's one moderator who refuses to work with the rest of us... well, obviously, we can't work with them.
06/22/2012 11:53 am
Level 25 : Expert Network
Animatrix's Avatar

But seriously, thanks ^-^. Most people are just like "Meh, another butthurt kid".
06/22/2012 11:45 am
Level 36 : Artisan Network
Bethamez's Avatar
Your words speak volumes for us all Anima
06/22/2012 11:40 am
Level 25 : Expert Network
Animatrix's Avatar
They can't be stopped. Only laughed at and banished. Kinda like Goblins from Oblivion.

Back on the topic, the rule set on "how to become a mod" is solid, but the way it's carried out....isn't. I'm by no means jelly on butthurt, or whatever else is gonna accuse me of, but I honestly think that even something as menial and simple as that can be screwed over.

It's really about the way people are perceived. I know someone that's been on this site around 9 months, is very active, he's fairly well-known but not "popular", the admin and a lot of the mods have subbed to him and he's proven time and time again to be mature and responsible. Is he a mod? No.

The fact that the old mods pick the new is a bit...iffy. I'm not saying that they are completely unfair, but vendettas, grudges and such like get in the way of professionalism. And the popular people are noticed more than non-popular, and so get more of a chance as the old mods see more of their pretentious faces than someone who is better suited to the job, but less known.

Really, you should look past the mainstream and let go of vendettas. I honestly think that if the "old" mods did that, PMC would be a lot more fun, and less hate would go around. Not that PMC is bad, hells no. But it can be made better.

And there you have it. A rant by a 14 year old on how to moderate. I'm sure it will be useful *Cough*:sarcasm:*Cough*.
06/14/2012 2:59 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Artheties's Avatar
It bothers me how often flame wars occur over nothing, Yet it enthusiastically inflames the inner rage and passion towards the ultimate downfall of the troll race, which will be carried out by the true dragon spirited warriors of today's day and age.
We MUST stop the trolls
06/10/2012 5:36 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc218331's Avatar
06/14/2012 2:23 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
danfoxx's Avatar
Not really ban worthy. More a warn worth rule break, but to be honest it depends seriously how much they pester us. I mean, if someone basically spammed it in chat they'd be chat banned, or made like a blog or a forum topic, its likely it would be deleted and they'd get a warning.

Depends how much they break that rule, really.
06/10/2012 5:32 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Network
Bethamez's Avatar
Solid Rule set.....
06/10/2012 6:02 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Minecraftian159's Avatar
Yeup I posted again hopefully the moderators will understand what I did the first time and I was accused wrongly
06/10/2012 5:10 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Minecraftian159's Avatar
Haha I have supposedly broken rules before I had a whole arguement with them they said something was innapropriate when I was helping people and I plan to do that again sometime maybe
06/10/2012 4:37 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
danfoxx's Avatar
rstar42How many moderators exist and what happens when you become a moderator?

Thank You

Here's a list of the mods, it might not be completely up-to-date, though: staff-pmc-t26438.html.
Once someone becomes a mod, we all gather in the basement of Paril's house wearing black cloaks. Standing in a circle, we recite a few chants and then teach the new moderator the secret PMC handshake and hug. A candle is passed around the circle, and then we dance until the sun comes up (Paril's mom is never too happy about that last part).

Minecraftian159Now what they should have is how to get banned from pmc

That's an easy one, just break PMC's rules (don't try this, it's not worth it).

As a chat mod, I can confirm this as accurate. XD
06/10/2012 4:03 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Minecraftian159's Avatar
Now what they should have is how to get banned from pmc
06/10/2012 3:45 am
Level 29 : Expert Pokemon
rstar42's Avatar
How many moderators exist and what happens when you become a moderator?

Thank You
06/10/2012 4:30 am
Level 72 : Legendary Button Pusher
the_soup's Avatar
Here's a list of the mods, it might not be completely up-to-date, though: staff-pmc-t26438.html.
Once someone becomes a mod, we all gather in the basement of Paril's house wearing black cloaks. Standing in a circle, we recite a few chants and then teach the new moderator the secret PMC handshake and hug. A candle is passed around the circle, and then we dance until the sun comes up (Paril's mom is never too happy about that last part).

Minecraftian159Now what they should have is how to get banned from pmc

That's an easy one, just break PMC's rules (don't try this, it's not worth it).
06/04/2012 1:52 am
Level 36 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Aikyrox's Avatar

what is a "flame war"?

it says there do not participate in flame wars...
06/10/2012 5:27 pm
Level 28 : Expert Pirate
ThunderHooves's Avatar
A "flame war" is when people are debating about something by passing insults about the person's personal life, or anything.
06/10/2012 5:05 pm
Level 21 : Expert Robot
Themoonwolves20's Avatar
Well I tried not to participate in a flame war in a forum that I made about Must be over 13 forums. Yet I did get A LOT of warnings and stuff from the moderators. Flame wars are basically wars that involve flaming.
Nyaruko Yasaka
06/04/2012 1:58 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Blockhead
Nyaruko Yasaka's Avatar
Someone who starts quite a large fight involving alot of people lol.
06/04/2012 9:06 am
Level 36 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Aikyrox's Avatar
ahh okay..like a fight in the forums or chat?
05/28/2012 9:16 am
Level 35 : Artisan Musician
Obey_Agony's Avatar
Thanks! This helps a lot!
05/27/2012 11:40 am
Level 21 : Expert Taco
Wow Good tips! Me: Can I be Mod now?
05/27/2012 1:33 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
You don't ask for mod.
You earn it.

*Or was that a joke...*
05/27/2012 10:01 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pegasus
luew12345's Avatar
Thank you i will now follow these! So far i have so
05/21/2012 4:20 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
AntVenom99's Avatar
I don't get why everyone wants to be mod.
It's hard, it's time-consuming, and does it actually give you anything besides a colored name?
05/28/2012 4:33 pm
Level 40 : Master Network
ZaphodX's Avatar
Dude, seriously, this is bang on.

Quoted For Truth.
05/28/2012 8:04 pm
Level 44 : Master Scribe
Happybandaid's Avatar
The colored name *is* pretty awesome.
05/28/2012 4:25 pm
Level 21 : Expert Goblin
Windows7HomePremium's Avatar
Not everyone wants to be a Moderator. I've not been wanting to be one because it's a hard responsibility.
05/20/2012 10:50 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
middy_the_waffle's Avatar
is that drawing suppose to be GLaDOS?
05/17/2012 10:11 am
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Luthery's Avatar
DO NOT REVIVE THE DEAD POSTS! .... The ancients must sleep, do not wake them up! Let them rest.. Okay, I'm going to play some DIABLO III now. SEE YAH
05/17/2012 7:45 am
Level 23 : Expert Network
Kytoko's Avatar
You people have it all wrong, you buy him WD40! That lil cyborg loves the stuff
05/17/2012 7:40 am
Level 27 : Expert Ninja
mcninja's Avatar
Want to know how to be a Moderator instantly? Be friends with Cyprezz In Real Life.
05/17/2012 7:43 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Witch
mommaCarole's Avatar
huh, strange... none of us are friends with Cyprezz in real life. So either your statement is

a) wrong


b) Cyprezz has no IRL friends....
05/28/2012 4:28 pm
Level 29 : Expert Network
Oni__'s Avatar
Or like the rest of us he hasn't got a fabled "real life"
05/17/2012 9:35 am
Level 38 : Artisan Grump
Doughty's Avatar
C) none of his IRL friends are on PMC


D) none of his IRL friends want to be Mod

I think that B is the best choice though.
05/15/2012 10:53 am
Level 36 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Aikyrox's Avatar
I almost made a terrible mistake of making a new topic asking what are the qualifications to become an PMC mod haha
05/12/2012 9:27 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Lumberjack
Kovren's Avatar
Your TWO equals are Ultrasquishy and burger1018.
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