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Required Resource Pack
Level 22 : Expert Miner
Graffiti Datapack 1.20

Download the resource pack as well!

Its not that easy to use this datapack so please read carefully.

This datapack overwrites the doImmediateRespawn gamerule to true, the SendCommandFeedback to false, and the KeepInventory to true, as theese are required for the game to be playable. You can also turn off the naturalRegeneration if you want the writers to heal slower.

There is a map, which was made for this gamemode, you can download it on this link: Graffiti Minecraft Map (planetminecraft.com)

To give yourself or others permission use:
/tag <player name> add GraffAdmin

To take away permission use:
/tag <player name> remove GraffAdmin

There are two types of triggers:
Set triggers: e.g. GraffSetValue or GraffSetCooldownSensor
- You can customize you game with theese, so you can play however you want on any maps.
- All of them have an initial value.
- You can modify them using /trigger <trigger name> set <number>
- You can get their value using /trigger <trigger name>
- You can change their value to anything larger than 0 (For GraffSetWriterRespawn you can use 0 as well, for GraffSetValue the maximum is 10).
- Every time related trigger is using seconds.
Do triggers: e.g. GraffDoGiveSpot or GraffDoStartGame
- Theese are simple, you can do things with them :D

You can use theese triggers unless you are in game. There is one exception, the GraffDoResetGame, which you can only use while the game is on obviously.

Some examples:
/trigger GraffSetTime set 1800 --> Sets the game duration to 1800 seconds (30 minutes).
/trigger GraffDoRemove --> Removes the writer spawn/cop spawn/spot you are standing on.
/trigger GraffDoGiveSpawn --> Gives you the writer and the cop spawners.
/trigger GraffDoGiveSpawn set 1 --> Gives you the writer spawner.
/trigger GraffDoGiveSpawn set 2 --> Gives you the cop spawner.
/trigger GraffDoGiveSpot --> Gives you all types of graffiti spot spawners.
/trigger GraffDoGiveSpot set 3 --> Gives you the 3 blocks wide graffiti spot spawner.
/trigger GraffSetCooldownTaser set 1 --> Sets the cooldown of the taser gadget to 1 second.
/trigger GraffSetDurationSensor --> Tells you how long a sensor gadget will last until it will be destroyed automatically.

How to set up a game:
First, you have to set up the cop spawn, at least one writer spawn and at least as many graffiti spots as many will be tagged as "highlited". Without theese you will get an error message, if you try to start the game.
(You can check how many highlited spots will be with the GraffSetSpotsNeeded trigger, where the second number is the count of all the spots on the map.)
Cop spawn:
- You can only place one.
- You cant name it, what for? :)
- This is where all the cops will spawn when the game starts.
- The gray particle indicates where the player will be facing when spawned.
Writer spawns:
- You can place a maximum of 6 spawns.
- You can set names for them if you place a sign on them and type their name in the first row of the front side. (The back side is marked with # symbols, you cant overwrite them. You can get rid of the sign after you named the spawn)
Graffiti Minecraft Data Pack
Graffiti Minecraft Data Pack
- The writers can choose when starting the game or before respawning where they want to spawn.
- The gray particle indicates where the player will be facing when spawned.
- You can place as many as you want.
- Their initial value is twice their size. (e.g. 8 for the 4 blocks wide)
- You can set their value using the GraffSetValue trigger. (You have to be standing on the starting block of the spot to make this work, also true for the GraffDoRemove trigger)
Graffiti Minecraft Data Pack

- The gray particles indicate the top right and the bottom left corner of the graffiti spot.

Rules of the game:
This game doesnt require for the two teams to be the same size, i think its best if the writers have more members than the cops.

There is only one thing you souldnt do while playing, and that is moving your items in you inventory. So just dont do that please. ;)

When the game starts, everyone besides who started the game, have to join it.
The game only starts if at least two people are playing.
If the game started, first, you have to choose teams (The system randomly assigns everyone to a team)
If one team remains empty, someone randomly will get assigned to that team from the other.
Than you can build your loadout:
If you are cop, first you can choose a weapon, than a gadget, finally a secondary gadget.
If you are a writer, your abilities are locked, first you can choose a color, than a name, and finally a location, where you will spawn at.
Before the game begins, the system will draw as many spots as you set with the GraffSetSpotsNeeded trigger, and mark them with red particles instead of the gray ones, theese are called the highlited spots. (the cops will still see the gray ones)
You can paint all the spots on the map but u can only get points from the highlited ones, and only if you are finished with them.
From the highlited spots, the system will sum their value, and divide it by 2. This will be the score goal for the writers, that they have to reach to win.
When the game begins, the writers will spawn, than 10 seconds later the cops will spawn as well.

The cops objective is to eliminate the writers till they have no respawns, or eliminate them at once (unless there is only one writer in the game), or to waste the writers time till the game is over.
The writers objective is to reach the score goal.

Cop gadgets:
- Pistol: short range weapon, use right click to shoot.
- Baton: close combat weapon, use left click to hit.

First gadgets:
- Sensor: use right click to spawn a sensor which beeps if a writer gets close to it and mark them for the cops.
- Backup: use right click to spawn a baby zombie with low health, which can attack writers and mark them for the cops.

Secondary gadgets:
- Taser: short range gadget, you can shoot by using right click to slow down the writers with it.
- Gate: use right click to place it wherever you want, than you can hold shift to teleport to it later.

Writer abilities:
- Black cobra can: turn against the wall at a graffiti spot, than hold shift to paint. If its enchanted, you can attack a cop with it to blind them for a short time.
- Colored cobra can: turn against the wall at a spot, than hold shift to paint.
- Astro fat cap: use right click to attach it on your can, than paint 2x faster for a short time.
- Speed: hold shift to get a speed boost for a short time.
- Spot information: if you hold it in your hand, it shows where the nearest highlited spot is.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by CSIREKING 01/25/2024 5:39:11 amJan 25th

Update 25/01/2024

- Fixed gun instantly kills players
- Added respawn messages
- Added missing letter Z
- The writers only need the 1/3 of the highlited spots to win
- Changed gamerule showDeathMessages to false
- Changed gamerule naturalRegeneration to false

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