Minecraft Data Packs / Farming and Food

Daenvil's Baked Goods

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Required Resource Pack
daenvil's Avatar daenvil
Level 57 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Important: the links above are for Minecraft 1.20.5+. For earlier game versions, check the table at the bottom of this page.


A datapack which adds new pies, cakes, cookies, and other baked goods to Minecraft. Bake apple pies, chocolate cakes, glow berry cookies, and many more! Foods with golden apples/carrots/melon, chorus fruit, and glow berries provide special effects when eating them.

New Foods

A total of 25 new baked goods, including:
  • New pies: (golden) carrot, sweet/glow berry, (glistering) melon, cream, (enchanted) (golden) apple, chorus fruit, and mushroom pie.
  • New cakes (with their own 3D models!): carrot cake, golden carrot cake, and chocolate cake.
  • New cookies: sugar cookies, sweet berry cookies, and glow berry cookies.
  • New breads: carrot bread, golden carrot bread, and pumpkin bread.
  • Others: sponge cake, cocoa sponge cake, custard tart, and mushroom quiche.
Each food has its own nutrition and saturation values, balanced according to its ingredients. Cookies, sponge cakes, and custard tarts are eaten twice as fast as regular food (0.8 seconds).

You can find the complete list of recipes, with screenshots, on this page. Remember you need to load the resourcepack (download above) in order to see the textures and names of these foods.

Recipe summary
Pie recipes:
Egg-based pies recipesSimple pies recipes
Cake recipes:
Cake recipes
Cookies and bread recipes:
Bread and cookies recipes
Other recipes:
Other recipes

Special effects

In summary:
  • Golden carrot foods provide night vision for a certain time.
  • (Enchanted) Golden apple foods provide similar effects to (enchanted) golden apples.
  • Glistering melon foods provide a bit of instant heath.
  • Glow berry foods end the darkness effect and provide night vision and the glow effect for a very short time.
  • Chorus fruit foods have the effect of chorus fruit but amplified by 4.
Again, you can check a more detailed list of these effects in the webpage linked above.

Other info:

Compatibility with my Plant-based Foods datapack
This datapack was made to be compatible with my Plant-based Foods datapack. As such, if Plant-based Foods is also installed, you will be able to replace eggs with wheat or potato in any of the recipes, and the custom advancements of that datapack are also supported by the foods in this datapack.

None of this will affect you if you don't have that datapack installed.

Legal terms
You are allowed to:
  • Download, use, and edit this datapack* for personal use.
  • Use this datapack or variations of it in a Minecraft server.
  • Publish audiovisual content that uses this datapack or variations of it (e.g. gameplay videos on online platforms), as long as you acknowledge me (Daenvil) as the author of this datapack and provide a link to this website or to this datapack's page on PlanetMinecraft.
  • Share this datapack or variations of it privately (e.g. transferring the files to friends), as long as there is no financial profit involved, the files are not publicly available, and this text file is included with the files you share (this text is already included in all my zip files, just don't remove it).
You are not allowed to:
  • Publish this datapack or variations of it without explicit permission from me.

*For all legal purposes, "this datapack" refers to all the files (source code, images, and any other) downloadable from this page's Download button(s).

Supported Minecraft versions
Tested in
Download links
1.20.5, 1.20.6
Use the download button on this page.
1.20.1, 1.20.4

Other credits:

CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19
toMinecraft 1.21 pre-release

3 Update Logs

v2.0 update - for Minecraft 1.20.5+ : by daenvil 04/30/2024 2:58:15 pmApr 30th

- All items now have their own "give" function, which can be used to give yourself the food if you have admin privileges or cheats turned on. The command is ``/function dnv.baking:give/<item_id>``.
- E.g. ``/function dnv.baking:give/golden_carrot_pie`` will give you a golden carrot pie.
- Adapted recipes to new format, hugely simplifying the datapack and allowing the custom items to appear in the recipe book as if they were regular vanilla items.
- New nutrition and saturation values to all foods except cake slices. Each food now has these values roughly calculated from their ingredients, so they are more balanced.
- All cookies added by this datapack, the sponge cakes, and custard tart are now twice as fast to eat (0.8 seconds).
- Glow berry foods now also provide the glowing effect.
- Holding chorus fruit pies no longer attracts endermen and eating a chorus fruit pie no longer angers nearby endermen.
- Some items, such as foods with golden carrots or apples now have a "rarity" level, showing their name in a different color.
- Changes to existing recipes:
- The egg-based pies now require only 1 of their main ingredient instead of 2.
- Custard tart recipe now requires an additional egg (to avoid conflict with cream pie recipe)
- The sponge cake and custard tart recipes now output 2 items instead of 1.
- Adapted to work with any ``player.block_interaction_range`` attribute value.
- Optimized the chorus fruit pie's teleport mechanic using the ``random`` command.
- Fixed bug where golden carrot cake special effects were not being granted when eating its last slice.

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05/06/2024 7:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
tarlic_goast's Avatar
I love this datapack, I use it on my singleplayer world all the time, but I tried to add it to a modded 1.19.2 server I have with friends and it completely filled their inventories with the baked goods and kept doing it over and over, they were spilling all over the floor, I have no idea why? It's a wonderful datapack and we really want it in our server, do you have any fix for this?
05/07/2024 9:17 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
daenvil's Avatar
That usually happens when using a recipe unlocker datapack, they tend to give conflicts with custom recipes. If you are using one, simply remove it and this datapack should work fine.

There's also these 2 recipe unlockers that in principle should work with custom recipes (I haven't tried them though):



If that's not the issue, give me a list of the datapacks you are using and I can try to find the problem.
05/09/2024 6:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
tarlic_goast's Avatar
Yep it was the recipe unlocker we had installed, it works just fine now. Thank you so much! :)
02/11/2023 2:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
soppywotsit's Avatar
love these!! great additions that are fun to make. use it on our server for the players really into baking and it's great!!!
would love if you updated with some more baked goods some day, but love everything already here either way! If you did would also love it if you'd consider adding advancements for eating each item for the first time to add more incentive - not sure how tricky that is? (saw in another pack)
But thank you for the great pack :)
12/09/2022 9:34 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Juleea's Avatar
11/25/2022 1:57 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Annijang's Avatar
Can I get it through a command? I want to use it on my rpg map.
11/25/2022 3:04 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
daenvil's Avatar
Hi, do you mean getting the custom items? if so, you should be able to get them through the command:

/function dnv.baking:recipes/<item>

Just replace "<item>" with the name of the custom item that you want (for example, "/function dnv.baking:recipes/carrot_cake" should give you a carrot cake, "/function dnv.baking:recipes/sweet_berry_cookie" gives you a sweet berry cookie, etc.).
11/25/2022 6:27 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Annijang's Avatar
Thank you, I just made a &quot;zh_cn&quot; language file, how should I submit it to you?
From &quot;daenvils baked goods&quot;
11/25/2022 11:33 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
daenvil's Avatar
I sent you a private message :)
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