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[GE] What is 3D Modeling? How does it apply to Minecraft?

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MC Modeling Collective's Avatar MC Modeling Collective
Level 28 : Expert Collective
Title Image credit: MasterianoX

What is 3D Modeling?

3D Modeling is the process of creating three-dimensional representations of objects.
3D modeling has multiple applications!

These can be broken down into two base groups, Technical and Artistic.
While these are used in similar situations, there are different workflows and uses.

Technical Modeling

This subset of 3D modeling is primarily used within Architectural design, Prototyping, 3D Printing, and engineering.
Technical modeling requires exact measurements with a small margin of error. The reason these need to be so specific is that they have real-world consequences! If an engineer makes one calculation wrong it could potentially cost lives!

Alternatively, it could also just mean that 2 parts don't fit together. If you're designing a custom lego piece and get the scale off slightly it could mean the parts are too loose or too tight.

[GE] What is 3D Modeling? How does it apply to Minecraft? [GE] What is 3D Modeling? How does it apply to Minecraft?

While you can use software like Blender - there are other applications that are better suited for quantitative modeling.
Some notable software includes AutoCAD, SketchUp, and SolidWorks. It should be noted that these are all paid software, though do offer free or discounted student versions for those that are looking to learn.

Artistic Modeling

This subset of 3D modeling is primarily used within Video Games, Computer Generated Imagery (CGI), and rendering.
The approach and workflow for artistic modeling are VERY different than that of technical modeling. With artistic modeling, there are several other factors that come into play. These include but aren't limited to topology, textures, polygon count, and lighting.
[GE] What is 3D Modeling? How does it apply to Minecraft?

How does it apply to Minecraft?

Minecraft is a video game that is made up of 95% 3D models. The most abundant model is the cube. As you know, this cube makes up the landscape, buildings, and structures that inhabit the Minecraft world. It's just strategically assigned different textures to represent different blocks. Now, there are other objects in Minecraft that are 3D models. Torches, mobs, and boats, just to name a few - are all examples of models that can be modified (if done properly).

In the early days of Minecraft, these models were made by manually coding .JSON files. However, there is now a wide range of visual modeling software available. Though, we'll take a look at those in the next blog post.

The bottom line is that 3D Modeling has never been this accessible or easy to learn.
Follow the MC Modeling Collective if you'd like to learn more about 3D Modeling in Minecraft and how you can bring your imagination to life!

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