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Voyager: Chapter 3

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ThatKidAh's Avatar ThatKidAh
Level 28 : Expert Skinner


I frantically waved my arms and kicked my feet, however I barely moved. I was sinking, slowly but surely, sinking. My vision was blurred, I could barely see a thing. My heart raced, I didn’t know what to do. Then, to my delight, Calypso was swimming towards me. He grabbed my hand and dragged me but my vision blurred and I closed my eyes. Everything went dark.

When I awoke, I was on a large piece of wood. Frantically, I coughed up a lot of water and my chest heaved in and out. Where was I? I could hear nothing but blood pounding in my ears. What happened to my friend? Where was the ship? Questions overwhelmed me as I continued to look around.

“Wyvern! Wyvern!” I heard my name being shouted.

I turned and looked.

“Calypso!!” I shouted happily, there he was, swimming to me.

“Wyvern! Are you okay?” I nodded vigorously in reply, awaiting him to get closer.

He climbed on board with me and hugged me, and for once, I willingly hugged back. I was very glad to see him. Afterwards, Calypso explained that he had dragged me up here and placed me on the wood and went to find Sorren, who was coming now but was slower because of his leg. I nodded and hugged him again, I didn’t want to let go. I was cold, shaking and quite frankly, afraid. Calypso could tell this visibly and gripped me tightly. One hand placed on my side with his arm wrapped around my back, and the other on the back of my head which pulled me into his chest. I felt safe, comforted.

“Calypso! Wyvern!” Shouted someone, I recognized it was Sorren. “Make room for me!! I live too, you know!” He teased me but I didn’t respond or move. Neither did my friend, but I could tell he moved his head to look at him and talk. All I could see was dark, half of my hearing was dedicated to hearing Calypso’s racing heartbeat. His mossy, dark green shirt was soaked and smelled like salt, but I didn’t mind.

“Wyvern.. Are you okay?” The tender voice asked.

“I’m afraid. I am cold. I am panicked and worried. I can’t solve this, I can’t do anything and I don’t know what to do.” It was the truth. What was I supposed to do? We were stuck on a floating piece of lumber in the middle of nowhere.

“It’s okay, I promise. We will get to shore.” Calypso reassured me. All I did in reply was nod.

Sorren had now reached our little ‘raft’ and gripped the side. There wasn’t much room and I think he saw that. I lifted my head and looked at him, floating in the water. Sorren waved to me and I gave a slow wave back and sat up. As I did, a sharp pain dashed down my spine and right arm and I winced. Calypso turned his head seeing something was wrong.

“What’s up?” Calypso asked, his voice growing concerned.

“When I sat up, my arm and back were like.. Jolted I guess?” I explained.

“You might have a shoulder wound from a piece of debris or something, Wyvern. Let me get a look at your shoulders.” Calypso replied and started to gently examine me. He came to discover there was a short, but deep gash in my right shoulder. I looked away from it though, I didn’t like blood. He slid my shirt back over top of the wound and shrugged to me as if to say there was nothing he could do about it at this moment.

“How do we get out of this..?” Sorren chimed in.

“I’m not sure but we need to do something, we can’t stay here forever and especially at night. The water probably gets really cold.” Calypso replied.

“We could possibly try to swim somewhere? See, since I grew up here, I believe we are not in the ocean. I believe we may be in a river or lake. That means it is not truly endless, so the shore may be nearby.” I explained to both of them, this was all I had as an idea.

“Alright.. I suppose we could try that?”

Me and Calypso got off the small piece of wood and hovered in the water, starting to swim somewhere in efforts to get to shore. Sorren followed behind us and I was in front. It was extremely painful to move my right arm but I pushed it aside.

It had now been about an hour and a half and we were still swimming. Nothing was in sight and this situation seemed completely hopeless. We were now in a foggy area, it was quite hard to see much of anything. As I continued to think to myself as we swam, I heard a loud, raspy voice.

“AHOY!” Screamed a person. I jumped and looked around to see where it came from.

“Hello?!” Calypso called back.

“Stay where ye are! I see ya.” The person replied. We all stopped on command.

A dark, swampy green boat came up to us with 3 people in it. At least that is what I could see. They put a rope down and gestured for all of us to climb into the small boat. We swam over and climbed aboard. I went last.

“Now what’re you kids doin’ in the middle of the water, eh?” The man questioned us. He looked quite strange; at least in my eyes. He had a stubbed gray beard, and his hair was the same color. Overall, he looked like a fisherman.

“The ship we were on crashed and we are trying to get to Oxford.” Sorren told him.

“Ahh.. I see. Welp! You’re in luck. Me and my pals here were about to go fishin’! But we heard you kids and decided to see what was goin’ on. We can take ye to Oxford!” The man explained as my heart leaped. Finally, we were going to be able to get to shore.

“Thank youuu!!” Calypso grinned.

“It’s not a problem! Glad we could help ye out. Say.. what are your names? Mine is Garrett.” He asked us.

“This is Sorren, this is Calypso, and I am Wyvern.” I replied, using my hand to point to each of them.

“Wonderful to meet you then. We will be at Oxford soon.” Garrett assured us with a toothy grin.

Just as he had said, we arrived shortly to a dock that I recognized. We were a bit away from my mother’s house but we had been swimming for so long, a walk like this didn’t seem too bad at the moment. We climbed out and waved to Garrett, thanking him. He grinned at us once more as a nonverbal way to say ‘No problem!’ We turned and left, starting to walk. I was in front but Calypso walked beside me. Eventually, he slowly drifted behind to talk to Sorren, but I didn’t mind. The pathway was now extremely busy but some people were walking or running on it. Some had things in their arms and others didn’t. A certain person had caught my interest so I turned and looked as I walked backwards. Abruptly, I tripped and crashed into someone.

“Ahh!” Screamed someone, they sounded about Calypso’s age.

“I apologize, sorry!” I stood and looked at them.

“It’s alright.. Sorry for getting in your way.” Their shy voice replied, collecting a large amount of books from the floor.

“Where were you going? If I may ask.”

“The library. I am going to try and sell these to the librarian for a bit of money.” The boy answered.

“Ah I see.” I started to collect some of the books, getting on my knees.

“Thank you for the help.”

“No problem. It would be rude not to help, I was being foolish walking backwards and not looking where I was going.”

“W-what is your name?” The boy asked.

“Wyvern, what about you?”

“Kaden. Nice to meet you.”

“You as well, Kaden.” I nodded.

Calypso and Sorren caught up shortly afterwards, and as expected, Calypso was in Kaden’s face talking. He couldn’t help himself honestly. I shook my head and gave a short, teasing sigh to him.

“What?! I like to talk to people!” Calypso questioned with a prideful look.

“I can see that..” I blinked.

“My friend you knew what you were getting into when you made me your best friend!”

“That’s.. Kinda true?”

“Tsk tsk.. My dear Wyvern. When will you learn!” Calypso teased, shaking his head.

“What do I need to learn?”

“I’m just joking, Wyvern.” I nodded in reply.

“I should probably go..” Kaden began. “I need to get these books to the library.”

“We can go with you if you want?” Calypso offered.

“Oh- well, I guess that would be nice.” Kaden gave a soft smile to us.

We followed the auburn-haired boy to a stone building. I had only been here a few times but every time I came I highly admired the architecture that had been put into this work of art. It was extremely beautiful with the rows of stone pillars and pathway leading to the tall entrance. The building was covered in intricate engravings in the walls of the building and had stone, hand-carved statues made to look like large waves on each side of the doorway. The building was encased, surrounded by an iron fence. We waited outside as the boy ran inside with the armful of books.

“I wonder what those books were about.” I said randomly.

“I was just thinking that actually-” Calypso gave me the side eye.
“Oh that is quite coincidental.” I replied.


Kaden waved to us as he came running out, I waved back.

“I got 50 silver! The librarian said they were wonderful books and a couple she had been wanting to put into certain collections.” He said, seemingly proud of himself.

“Fifty silver?! Lucky lucky!” Calypso exclaimed with a gasp. Kaden vigorously nodded in reply.

We continued walking, and as before, I was in front while Calypso talked with both Sorren and Kaden. I listened to their conversation momentarily.

“Wait.. you are French too?!’ Kaden asked.


“Sameee!!!” They both squealed. Calypso tapped my shoulder, thinking I was not listening.

“Me and Kaden are both French! Isn’t that cool, Wyvern?”

“That is cool.” I nodded solemnly.

“Now I can call you both Frenchy 1 and Frenchy 2.” Sorren teased the two.

“Let’s keep going. I want to get to my mother’s house before dinner time. We can surprise her.” I insisted, hoping the other would agree as well.

They nodded and we continued to walk down the pathway towards the marketplace and then trailed to my mother’s house. I was quite honestly excited to see her. I had been away for a couple of weeks now and after all that it took to get here, seeing her would be nice. We were almost there I suspected.

We had now arrived and I stood on the porch of me and my mother’s house. I knocked quietly, hoping she wasn’t sleeping or anything. The door opened and an emerald eye peeked through the crack of the door.

“Password.” The voice said. It was my mother, teasing me.

“Password is.. Mother is the greatest?” I replied, giggling a bit.

“Password accepted even though that is not the password! How could I turn down such a lovely compliment.” She said dramatically as she opened the door.

“Yay.” I grinned and stepped inside. I was abruptly pulled into a hug.

“I missed you, Wyvern.” Her soft hand stroked my hair. I smiled and hugged her back.

“This is nice.” I heaved a sigh.

Hi there! Thanks for reading Chapter 3 of Voyager! This one was really long.. it's 1960 words LOL! Hope you enjoyed and thanks for any support!
Chapter 1: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-1/
Chapter 2: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-2/
Chapter 4: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-4/
Chapter 5: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-5/
Chapter 6: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-6/
Chapter 7: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-7/
Chapter 8: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-8/
Chapter 9: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-9/
Chapter 10: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-10/
Have a blessed day <3

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12/10/2023 5:26 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Dragon
Procrafter's Avatar
Wow! Awesome. You have a great writing style! I hope to see more soon!
12/10/2023 5:41 pm
Level 28 : Expert Skinner
ThatKidAh's Avatar
Honestly, you have no idea how much that means to me! Thank you for the kind words, that made my day (3 I post about a Chapter a day!
12/10/2023 5:43 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Dragon
Procrafter's Avatar
Awesome! I am an amateur author. I have written a few short stories, and am working on a 2 novels rn.
12/10/2023 5:55 pm
Level 28 : Expert Skinner
ThatKidAh's Avatar
Other than the fact I am required to do school assignments and essays, etc, Voyager Chapters 1, 2, 3 etc is the first story I have ever written. I am a HUGE roleplayer so that is where I get slight experience from, I am very excited to continue book writing so I appreciate the support and I am always here to support, be a friend and help!
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