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Voyager: Chapter 10

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ThatKidAh's Avatar ThatKidAh
Level 28 : Expert Skinner


We soon reached Calypso’s house, which I recognized actually despite having not been here that often. I was quite forgetful sometimes of certain details.. Calypso would usually come to Oxford, I wouldn’t normally come to France. But I had been here a few times.

“Hope she won’t be mad..” Calypso gulped as he knocked on the door.

“Coming!” Someone yelled, his mother.

She opened the door, surprised to see all 5 of us standing at the door.

“Calypso!! Where have you been?!”

“Well.. I’ve been to the Faroe Islands and Oxford. Then a captain of a mail ship took us here so I could let you know all that had happened and so that we could go.. Well actually either Oxford or somewhere else in France. Maybe even Australian for reasons unsaid at this moment.. But yeah Here I am!” Calypso said very quickly.

“Ookay.. Come inside boys.” She said after heaving a sigh.

We walked inside the house, it looked the same as when we had last been here a couple weeks prior. We took a seat at the counter which had raised up chairs, Calypso’s mother stood on the other side. I realized that despite being friends for so long.. I never actually knew what Calypso’s mother’s name was. I’d have to ask some day.

“Now. Why are you here again?” She asked.

“Well, I told you what happened before this, but now we wanted to make sure you were okay with me going back to Oxford.” Calypso replied, I merely just listened into the conversation like the others. I was honestly quite surprised they weren’t talking in French.

“Alright. I have been a bit worried about you not knowing why you have been gone so long, but it is okay since now I know where you will be.” She nodded, seemingly hesitant but willing.

“Thanks, Mom! I’ll be back as soon as possible.” Calypso grinned. They both stood up and hugged.

After about another hour or two of us being there, we left and headed back to the docks. Serl and his ship were still there, they appeared to be unloading the last items on the ship. I was glad we hadn’t held him up or taken too long.

“Welcome back, Lads. I was just finishing the last of the load.” He said.

“Glad to see we didn’t take away your time, Sir.” I replied with a shrug. He nodded in reply.

We got back onto the ship and headed for the top, the place where we had been before, and the entire time being on this ship. I took a seat in my normal corner against the wooden railing of the wheelhouse. Kaden, Sorren, Zephyr and Calypso began talking.

“Wait.. Zephyr. Weren’t you supposed to be going somewhere around here?”

“Oh. Yea, I was going to.. But uh..” He stammered upon my question, I tilted my head. “It’s quite a story..” His voice softened.

“Could you tell us?” Kaden chimed in.

“Alright.. You see. I didn’t want to come to France. This ship is one of the main ships that takes things from Northern Europe to practically wherever, but specifically France. Which also explains why there was so much that needed to be dropped off here. I usually stayed around the docks because well.. My parents uh.. Passed away a couple of years ago and those workers would take care of me to some extent. When I saw the ship come and saw you four on it, I decided to give it an effort to get on and go with you.. Make some friends.” He explained.

“Oh. Well, you can stay with us. I’m sure my mother wouldn’t mind and Calypso seems to like you.” I said, I felt bad.. Life without my mother? I didn’t have my father anymore and that was hard enough.. But without anyone? Sounded even worse.

“Alright.. Thank you.” Zephyr said, smiling a bit.

Serl got back onto the ship and trailed up to where we were, looking at us for a moment and then started to steer the ship off the dock. “So, Oxford we go?” He said.

“Yes, Sir! Here we goo!” Calypso squeaked.

Zephyr decided he didn’t want to talk anymore, he seemed to be upset but I understood. It was probably hard for him to talk about what had happened to his parents years earlier. Zephyr sat by me and I wrapped my arm around him briefly as a non-verbal way to say ‘It’s okay.’ He smiled at me when I did so. I wondered how long it would take to get to Oxford.. I was unsure of the distance it took to get there from this area since I hadn’t taken this trip many times and never really paid attention when I did.

Multiple hours had gone by and we were still at sea, it was about 4 pm I suspected at the moment.

“We will be there soon.” Serl said, as if he read my mind. I nodded in reply, so did Zephyr.

“Okay!” Said Kaden.

We eventually pulled into a large dock, one of the main docks in Oxford. It was nice to see it again. The only downside at the moment was that it had now started to lightly rain outside, a mere sprinkle but it still was not that pleasant as the sky got darker. Sorren came to my mind.. Knowing he eventually had to get back to Australia somehow. I thought about it for quite a bit as the ship was fastened to the dock and tied up. I had a brief idea.. A single idea.. I decided to go with it and talk to Serl.

I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, realizing I was just below his height. That was odd.. But I needed to push that thought aside.


“Yes, lad?” He turned to me with a quizzical expression.

“I need some help with one of my friends.”

“Alright. Whatcha’ need?” He replied.

“Allow me to explain.” I began.. Quickly thinking of how to put my idea into words. “You know Sorren? He isn’t from this area. He is from Australia and he has been gone from his father for multiple weeks. I do not know how to get him back there and I would like him to be able to explain to his father why he has been gone so long. He might not care that much or not at least show it but I would like to get him there.” I said then waited for a reply.

“I see.. And what would you like me to do?” Serl asked.

“I would like to ask if you would take him to Australia.” I shrugged.

“I would be able to do that after a stop somewhere. A marketplace I work with occasionally has things that need to be shipped to certain islands around that area so I can check and on the way, take him there.”

“Thank you, Sir. You have been a major help to me and my friends.”

“It is no problem. Now my question for you is, Would you like me to bring him back after we get to Australia and he does what he needs to do?”

“I would ask him afterwards and tell him to come back after he is done to explain to you what he wants.” I shrugged again. Serl nodded to what I had said.

We all got off the ship and trailed to my mother’s house. I wondered what she was doing and what she would do when she saw me. It was definitely a mystery for the moment. It was a decent walk to get there, this wasn’t the normal dock that I usually would use since this one had a lot of international ships who came from a lot of different places from all over.

We approached the white front door of where I lived, I could hear minimal noise coming from inside the house. My mother was probably baking something at the moment. I knocked on the door, louder than normal incase she couldn’t hear well. It took a couple moments for her to answer the door, although it felt more like minutes.. I was quite nervous.

“Wyvern! Where have you been?! Come inside.” She exclaimed, surprised.

“I’ve been in the Faroe Islands.” I shrugged, looking at her as I walked inside. What else was I supposed to say?

“The Faroe Islands?” She echoed.

“Yes, the ship back to Oxford took us there instead of here.”

“And then we get a sailor to take us to France and then here! And also this is Zephyr who we found at the docks of France.. He needs a place to stay.” Calypso cut in energetically to explain what I didn’t have the words for.

“Oh. You are more than welcome to stay here, Zephyr. I look forward to being able to get to know you better.” She began, smiling at Zephyr who beamed back joyfully. “I’ve been worried about you four, so I am glad that you are safe. Did talking with your mom go well, Calypso?”

“It did! She said I was allowed to be here.” He replied.

“Alright then, Kaden, you’re alright as well?”

“Yeah, my mom is practically never home and I’ve done this before.. It’s fine.” Kaden nodded.

“And Sorren, what about you?” She asked, turning to him.

“I should find a way to get back to Australia to check on my father, tell him I’m alright since I have been gone for about a month now.” He looked to the side sheepishly.

“I got you a ship back to Australia, Sorren. Serl is waiting for you at the docks.” I told him, and he seemed surprised.

“Oh.. well thanks! I should be getting there soon then.”

“I can walk you there if that is alright with my mother.” I offered with a shrug.

“Alright, let’s go.” He nodded.

I glanced at my mother and she nodded in a gesture that I could go, she knew I wouldn’t be gone too long. I left the house with just Sorren, he stayed quiet and looked to the floor. I did the same other than a few glances around the area.

“Thanks for taking care of me.” Sorren said abruptly.

“You're welcome. That is what a friend does.”

“Never had too many people like me, including my mother, so it means a lot that you became my friend.” He said.

“Oh.. well then, It’s no problem. I wanted to help you, I mostly only have Calypso as a friend but this whole journey has really changed that.”

“Heh. You and me both, Grumpy.”

We arrived at the docks shortly after and Serl was waiting, Sorren boarded the ship after hugging me, in which I hugged back. He went up to where he had sat the entire time and waved to me as the ship left within the next couple of minutes. I wondered if I would ever see him again.. Only time would tell that. I walked back to my mom’s house, not much happened when I got back. Calypso and Kaden were speaking in French and Zephyr was speaking with my mom. I sat down at the table and thought to myself, no one bothered me for the moment.

It had been a week since Sorren got on the ship to go back to Australia. Calypso and Kaden had gone back to France for a bit within a couple of days afterwards and it was just me, Zephyr and my mother. Zephyr was getting to know me and my mother, and he was sleeping in the spare room near mine. He wasn’t very troublesome and he was actually decently quiet.

I sat on my bed in the room for the moment, a large history book sat on my lap. I had read this one before but., who cared. I enjoyed it for some reason. Maybe it was the fact it was about the military, or maybe just because I like information of this sort. Whatever the reason was, I didn’t care for the moment.

“Good morning, Wyvern.” My mother came into the room.

“Morning.” I smiled at her and shaped my fingers into a heart.

“You know, I wanted to talk to you about something.” She began.


She took a seat on the edge of my bed. “I think after this whole thing, you may have forgotten this but I would still like for you to do it just for.. Well I don’t know. I can come with you if you need but I would like for you to visit your father’s grave site.”

“Oh..” She was right. I had forgotten. “I can do that if it will make you happy.”

“Alright then, we can leave this afternoon.” She nodded and tenderly smiled.

She left afterwards and I started to get ready to leave, knowing it was already late morning. We left just as she said we would and walked with Zephyr to where my father’s tombstone was. He had passed away years earlier from illness, surprisingly not in war. We stood over top of the gravestone and I looked at the engravings in it, reading:

“Nithe Serven. A father, husband and veteran of the British Army. May he rest in peace.”

I tipped my head as I read it but heard someone shout abruptly.

“Wyvern!” It was.. Calypso?! I turned around.

When I did, Sorren, Kaden, Calypso and.. Their families?? Why were they here?

“Your mother told us about what you were going to do today. All planned.” Sorren grinned.

“Oh. Well, nice to meet you Kaden’s Parents and Sorren’s Father.” I shook each of their hands.

We all stood there, it was now sunset and there was a light breeze. It was eerie.. Yet it felt quite comforting to be with everyone there. After multiple weeks of this whole journey and all the stuff that had happened.. This felt like a closer; an end.

Hello there! Thank you for reading Voyager Chapter 10. This is the final chapter so I hoped you enjoy the story! Will be starting the next story Millennium soon! This chapter is 2334 words- LOL. Have a blessed day and as always, the other chapters are below! (Reading in order is better so you get the context) <3
Chapter 1: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-1/
Chapter 2: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-2/
Chapter 3: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-3/
Chapter 4: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-4/
Chapter 5: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-5/
Chapter 6: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-6/
Chapter 7: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-7/
Chapter 8: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-8/
Chapter 9: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-9/

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04/21/2024 1:17 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
Mia_says_cya's Avatar
ur an amazing writer i will read millenium if i can :D
04/21/2024 2:30 pm
Level 28 : Expert Skinner
ThatKidAh's Avatar
Thank you!! Brought a smile to my face. <3
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