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⚜Λμιςι⚜ - Unpleasant Encounter (CE) Popreel Blog!! 🎥

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SuperLuigi77's Avatar SuperLuigi77
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pirate
This is my story entry for -Rae- deactivated's contest entry. I hope you guys enjoy and have a nice day at the seven seas. There's two parts to this story. :D

Blessings come in many shapes and sizes. An abandoned dollar bill on the ground means the world to a beggar. A warm home and two loving parents are more than an orphaned child could hope for. And the little ball of fur huddled on my doorstep would come to mean the world to me.   
The day he arrived it was a stormy one. The radio had been spewing flood warnings at me all morning, and I'd been hard at work doing as much as I could to stop my leaky basement from flooding again. I was taking a break for lunch when I heard something scrabbling at the door. It didn't sound like a person, anyone in their right minds would have just knocked, and whatever was outside my front door was scratching at it trying to get in. I cracked open the door to see who or what it was and a little fuzzy puppy fell through the opening. He was shivering and dripping all over the floor. He looked up at me and I knew that he got lost in the storm. I didn't know where he was from or if he was a neighbors dog, but I took him in as he was my own. I wrapped him with cozy blankets, placed him on the leather sofa near the fireplace and went back to work patching up basement ceiling. I didn't think much about the puppy like it was a daydream because I was so concentrated into my hard work when I was remined of him when he started to whine. I was angry at first that I rescued him, but my kind heart gave in and I walked up to the small ball of joy. The poor puppy was a Scottish Terrier breed with the smooth silk black fur covering its cute body. I knew from that point he was mine when he cuddle in my laps and licked my tried hands and went to comfortable sleep. I stared at him with my restless eyes for a while, patting his fur when I drifted to sweet slumber.
I woke up the next day refreshed and was about to step up from the couch when I felt warm lick. I look to the right and there sat the Scottish Terrier with a small roll of tape in his mouth. I was confused and then remembered about the rainy storm. I bolted towards the nearby window and glanced out and I was relieved at the sight. The happy sun peeked out from the clouds and greeted the earth. Turning around and heading towards the basement, I scanned the ceiling for any leaks which there weren't for my relief. The terrier puppy is now in my life and he stayed with me forever when I experiences something out of the ordinary almost the next week.

Story told by my (fake) friend from the story
I wrote this part

Deep in the forest lived a young lad named Richard. He isolated himself from the urban lights, built a spruce cabin and a brick fireplace to keep him warm in the night. One day, as the full cold moon illuminated the spelling-binding paths for wild beasts stalking their delicious helpless prey who seeks refuge from their sharp claws and pointy teeth. Richard heard faint whispering noises from behind the oak door. His companion loyal dog growled at the front entrance, protecting her beloved owner at all costs. The whispering became louder and louder. The oak door began to shake, and painful shrieks began to cry and sounds of scraping claws in echoed the hall.

In these frightful circumstances, Richard bolted for the large closet for his rifle gun. His mind panicked with wild thoughts as he reminisced to himself about eerie folklores and spooky legends surrounding the beautiful woods he calls home. He hid behind the comfy sofa, trying to concede to himself that this was a nightmare. Rickie’s brain buzzed with stories of drastic gruesome crimes which mostly took place in abandoned cabins, sinister obstacles and menacing woods. His sense made up ghostly victims still crying from fierce pains and never-ending terror that their ruthless murders brought against them with cold weapons.

Richard’s heart raced as he heard broken glass shattered and chilling wind gusted out from the stone chimney. He clung to rifle closer to his beating chest, ready to strike whatever was behind the door. He waited; waited for a call of a hungry wolf howling to the corn blue moon. Suddenly, the noises stopped and everything fell dead silent. Peeking out from his fortified spot, the Scottish Terrier stood still as hard stone, looking towards the long hallway with fierce eyes.

Admittedly, Richard hollowered the loyal companion name. She didn’t budge from her planted spot. The young man got up with cautiously, eyeballing the oak door as he walked closer to his black dog. As he approached to her, someone stood staring back at them from the back door. It’s grin stretched from ear to ear, pitch dark eyes like owl’s eyes and skinny body with disgusting eroded garments on itself.

Rick tried to shriek from the spine-chilling sight. But nothing came out like something was pressing his vocal chords. The brave dog barked and charged at the creature, only to be tossed away like a tiny broken toy towards her master. The lad quickly dashed out to the misty woods with his dog in one arm and the rifle in other, He ran like his life depends on it. He bolted out like a mad man out of his mind, scraping himself along the winding paths of darkness and soulless shadows. He reached a familiar place. His heart jumped with mighty glee as he approached it.

The wonderful lake glistened in the bright moonlight beckoning him in. He went for the old boat he used for fishing. Quickly untied it, hopped in with his trusty canine and paddled to the open deep water. In the meanwhile, the dark forest bursted with same sound. Richard saw the anonymous monster again from behind the pine trees with glowing crimson eyes glancing at back him. Rickie curled into compact ball inside the cramped space in the old birch boat. Closely holding his dog and the gun, he tried putting himself to a deep sleep. A sleep of happy sunshine and playful dogs sprinting across the flowery fields. It worked like a charm and slept like a baby dreaming his nightmare away.

The next morning, the warm sunrise kissed the young man’s face as it rose from behind the enormous mountains. Richie woke up with red flags everywhere. He scanned the surroundings from top to bottom. With warning signs, he headed back to sandy shore. Quietly as a gray mouse, Rick snuck in a contrary route back to his wooden cabin.

Rather than preparing his rifle gun for the tentatively beast which might be lurking behind him and attack him at any point. He investigated the destroyed home that the creature bestowed upon it. Overturned furniture was tossed across the dining room. Torn curtains and fragmented carpets littered the wooden floors. Shattered glass was spread around the kitchen and huge scratch marks graffitied the pine walls. His lovely cabin became a unique place of deconstruction of filthy rubbish.
Nevertheless, Richard had no alternative but to leave his beloved house filled with memories. He packed some food and aid supplies. And headed towards the crowded city with his Scottish Terrier following him. Although some concisely say he lived a fantastic life, made a great family and lived to tell the mysterious tale. Yet, certainly few people agrees that the woodland creature had captured him in his heavy sleep and dragged him to the marsh waters. And his mournful moral haunts passing valorous visitors adventuring close to his abandoned cabin. Firing of his rusty gun in the foggy night or his dog indistinct barking chasing them away. But the uncanny monster still prowls in the pitch dark forest to ambush its next innocent victim.

Back to me.

At that moment, I jumped out from hiding place and scared the little children with my dog. We all laughed, but I never forget the unpleasant Encounter I had with the monster.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by SuperLuigi77 06/06/2019 12:37:58 amJun 6th, 2019

Added the (fake) :D

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-Rae- deactivated
06/06/2019 8:19 am
Level 36 : Artisan Sheep
-Rae- deactivated's Avatar
I do really love the ending though. Good job. :)
06/09/2019 10:09 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pirate
SuperLuigi77's Avatar
-Rae- deactivated
06/05/2019 2:18 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Sheep
-Rae- deactivated's Avatar
So wait, are there two authors to this story? If so, who else worked on it?
06/06/2019 12:31 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pirate
SuperLuigi77's Avatar
Nope, i wrote both parts. I just made that my (fake) from the story is telling his part.
-Rae- deactivated
06/06/2019 8:07 am
Level 36 : Artisan Sheep
-Rae- deactivated's Avatar
Oh, Okay. That makes more sense.
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