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The Tales of Clayman1077 / Chapter 3 / The Flames of Fate: part 1

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ClayMan1077's Avatar ClayMan1077
Level 51 : Grandmaster Skinner

BelleChxn stepped down the newly erected streets of singing skull bay,

underneath the star filled sky.

the town had been through so much, first a gang war with daemons and skeletons, then

a massive enchantment turned the hole town into a pirate village.

it was nice to finally see things had calmed down she thought to herself.

come to think of it, things seemed a little to calm, there wisent a sole to be herd.

streets were devoid of lifter and song, not even the rats dare not stay in sight.

something was wrong, she could feel it.

she continued down the street, looking down on her phone rapidly typing out words to her

friend Arianwyn, or katress if they new of anything.

then she clumsily rammed rammed into what felt like a stone wall.

she barley caught herself, and quickly tried to apologies, but found she laced words for they

had abandoned her as she saw who she had pumped into.

A pail green ghostly figure had turned to face her, the ghost stood like a solder.

and his conquistador uniform suggested so.

She quickly dashed down a near by ally as the slogger dew his weapon.

he shouted in a booming voice.


ran duking under hanging cloths and pulled down loosely stacked crates to

slow the ghostly solders advance. she rounded the corner to find the bilge rats tavern had been

barricaded, crates and timbers had been staked into makeshift barriers and cannon towers.

it looked like a fortress the perfect place to hide she thought,

but then she felt a cold hand grab her arm tightly.

"I said halt pirate scum!"

"Hay, LET ME GO!

"resist and I will-"


a loan pistol shot rang out from the dark, the ghost exploded into a blinding light then disappeared.

Aelle- "Isabelle! are you ok?"

a black haired girl stood before Isabelle, the girls eyes were as read as blood, here hair as black as the

night, she quickly grabbed her by the hand.

"come on more of them will be on the way!"

"Aelle? what's going on, what happened?"

"Just get inside quick!"

the two quickly posted down the tavern door as someone quickly closed it behind them.

the tavern was filled with ghostly pirates and other residence of singing skull bay.

BelleChxn- "Ok, can someone please explain what is going on!!"

an old cloaked skeleton pushed his way through the crowed of people

ClayMan1077- "Well turns out we got ourselves into a fine mess."

MadLibs112- "There's a new skeleton lord in town, call himself Gray Marrow.

he took over the Crimson Gang and stuffed my boss in a painting."

Pendragon- "and now he's brought an army of the dead with him, it seems he plans to take controlee

of the hole town."

Isabelle- "wow, that all happened?"

ClayMan1077- "pretty much ya, but we've got a plan to send him back to where he came from."

"all we need is to gather up the six Flames of Fate and banish him forever!"

Pendragon- "The problem is there a bit... eh... difficult to acquire..."

Isabelle- "oh, are they in some kind of forbidden temple?"


"steel them from a powerful forge master!"

"again no..."

"do we need to find a make that will take us to NEVERLAND!"

MadLibs112- "NO!!"

"the problem is Isabelle... you need to die in order to collect them."

"and every one here is a bit apprehensive on the idea."

"I'm just saying we could shoot Gray Marrow and be done with it!"

"you cant just kill him, he will just return again will be back where we started."

"we need the flames of fate to send him back. its the only."

"why don't you just use Aelle's magic, its how you guys got all of this here in the first place?"

"we tried that and... uh..."

"it backfired, it brought all those conquistadors here."

and so without any other ideas, we decided to draw rocks from a hat to decided who would be first.

one by one with bated breath we drew are hands into a small worn old sack, when the sack was empty

we revealed the stone that was selected, out of all the white stones in that bag, pendragon's hand gave way to a black stone... he would be the first.

"well, I suppose I get to pick the first flame then?"

"how would you like to die?"

"I suppose getting shot by my previous murderer will do."

"fine, have it your way."

ClayMan1077 reached from his belt, and pulled out a pistol, and slowly loaded it.

Pendragon turned his back to clay and strapped an old beet up lantern to his belt.


the old skeleton carefully aimed at the back of his head, with a small click came

a lowed boom. pendragon fell to the floor.

BelleChxn- "now what?"

ClayMan1077- "we wait..."

everyone just sat there and stared at the fresh corps on the floor. unsure of what was to happen.

then a door in the neglected upstairs bed rooms slammed open. fallowed by Pendragon with a green flame

flickering inside the lantern.

'One down 5 to go, clay your next!"

"Wait what?!"

without sparing a second pendragon grabbed another hanging lantern blew out its candle and tossed

it over to Clay

"Fine... I choose lightning."

"Aelle if you would be a dear and-"

without a moment of hesitation Aelle let out a volley of lighting from her fingertips, reducing the skeleton to ash.

once again the bedroom door flew open, and Clay stomped out the door with a white flame flickering

within its cage.

"you didn't have to be so enthusiastic about it!!"

"hehe sorry."


just then a man in a green coat slipped from the tables to the foot of the stairs.

Gale- "Ay Sir?"

Clay- "Your next!"

Gale- "Yes sir..."

Gale then grabbed a bottle of how knows what from a nearby shelf, pulled the cork and drank up.

after some fierce vomiting, Gale came out the door with a purple flame.

"alright who's next?"

MadLibs112- "I'll do it..."

Libby grabbed a bottle from the bar stuffed a handkerchief down the bottles neck and presided to set

a table on fire and jumped into the blaze,

and acquired the red flame.

next was Sophia who after being held under water for several seconds, collected the blue flame.

"now there's only one more to go... the pink flame..."

"and how do we get that?"

"through betrayal of coerce."

Aelle quickly thrusted a knife into Isabelle's chest as she slowly faded out of consciousness she hard

everyone start to hurry off with there colors.

when BelleChxn finally came to she found herself looking down at her hands.

her skin was glowing turquois just like the other ghost she had encountered before. she looked

around. she was sitting on a dark wooden floor, small tongs of green flames briefly wedged there way

up and down the splitting's in the wood.

she looked around all she saw was open sea, a dark ocean with nothing in sight for miles. not even

the stars could be seen. only a green mist filled the air on that decrepit ship.

she then spotted a cage suspended one foot over the deck of the ship.

BelleChxn- "Hello?!"

???- "greetings..."


Behind Isabelle stood an decrepit old man. his figure matched the condition of the ship, with his long

wavy black hair and beard, cold dead skin, skeletal feet, and a single green hook on his right hand.

???- "who are you, and how did you find yourself aboard my fairy?"

"My name is... uh... Isabelle."

"I presume you've come to collect you flame like the others, have you not?"

"My flame?... oh yes, yes my flame!"

"HAH, and yet you have no lantern it seems..."

sure enough Isabelle checked every were but it seems her friends forgot to give her one.

panicking, she looked around and found a half melted red wax candle resting on the deck.

"can I use this?"

"very well... you may use it to collect the flame from my well of souls"

the old man simply lifted his hook to pint toward the suspended cage filled with a glowing ghostly

flame Isabelle stuck the wick of the candle in the fire, the fire began to grow on the string of the

candle then bursting into a bright pink flame.

"go, return to your collages."

To be continued...


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07/20/2023 1:08 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Birb
JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
for some reason I wanna be included lol... I mean the story's rlly cool lol
07/20/2023 2:04 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Skinner
ClayMan1077's Avatar

I'll think of something
07/03/2023 11:02 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Waffle
BelleChxn's Avatar
07/04/2023 2:54 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Skinner
ClayMan1077's Avatar
Just now keep up
07/04/2023 3:12 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Waffle
BelleChxn's Avatar
Also you spelled hey wrong lol.
07/05/2023 10:53 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Skinner
ClayMan1077's Avatar
07/02/2023 2:31 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Birb
JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
*claps* cant wait for the next part lol
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