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The Ruins of Hell's Island | PMC: Apocalypse Chapter IV

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Last we saw them, IGEBM, Si, Tzyber, Dr. Golden, and Greief were on their way to Sodaville to find energy rods to help power a super collider, which they plan to use to trap the Maddened One in unspace. Unfortunately for them, this mission was easier said than done, as the group ran into the Maddened One's heralds, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, on their way back from IGEBM's house in Sodaville to put the rods on their ship, the Golden Glory. Following an intense battle, Tzyber tricked DarkIce into freezing his allies before he himself was knocked out by Greief, and the group returned to their ship to go search for a nucleon power core. IGEBM, who knew where one was but didn't want to go to the location, was unable to think of another place they could find one, and thus, the group found themselves sailing towards the ruins of Hell's Island, IGEBM's former kingdom.

Si finds IGEBM curled up on his bed, crying quietly. "Are you okay?" he asks. "I'm fine." IGE says, sitting up and wiping his tears away with his sleeves. "Is this because of Peter?" Si asks. "A little bit, but mostly no." IGE responds. "Then what's wrong?" Si asks, sitting down next to his friend. "There's a lot you don't know about me." IGE answers. "Especially my past." "Come to think of it, you're right." Si says. "All I know is that you were born on February 13th, 2022 and came to PMC City in late September. You never told me what you did before then." IGEBM sighs. "Well, I was born in Block City." IGEBM begins. "I worked at the hospital as a doctor. One day, in the hospital, a zombification virus broke out, and I had to survive a zombie apocalypse before escaping the island. From there, I moved around a lot. I got stranded on an island, and after escaping it, I found my way to another island and got taken in by a local tribe of mages. It was there that I began to tap into my light powers. When an enemy tribesmen was allegedly cast out from his tribe, I convinced the elders to take him in, but it proved to be a trick and the enemy tribe was let in, and they slaughtered everyone in the night. I couldn't stop, and ever since, I've had to live with the guilt of the deaths of over 50 people being on my hands. Even then, I couldn't find peace. An organization called AstroBlox, which was based in Blockopolis, hired me to work for them, and they told me that there was a cure for the zombie virus in Block City, but it was on Mars. I went on a mission to Mars, got the cure, and used a device to administer it to the people of Block City after returning there. They gave me money, a job, and a mansion, but I still felt guilty for what happened with the tribe. I eventually left Block City to start a civilization in the mountains, and a magical rune I discovered in the caves there fully activated my buried light powers. Then, the Amethyst Army underneath the mountain attacked us, and we retreated to the Deep Dark, where I fully mastered my powers. Then, the Army attacked us again, and I couldn't stop. My entire village was killed. I left the Deep Dark and settled on a vacant island, closer to the Mainland, and named it Hell's Island. I started a kingdom, but even that wasn't safe, as a rebellion formed and wrecked the island. Everything I touch, everyone I care about, die. Do you know how hard that is? After the Fall of Hell's Island, I left for PMC City and started a new life. This is going to be my first time coming back. Do you know how hard that's going to be?"

"I haven't experienced what you have, but I can understand how you feel." Si says. "We're here for you, though, and we promise to always be here for you." Tzyber walks down the stairs. "We're here." he says. "IGE, lead the way." IGE wipes away the last of his tears and heads up to the deck, walking off the boat and joining the others. "The docks." he says to himself. "I remember this place." He flashes back to when he fled the island in a boat from this location following the destruction of the city. "Alright, IGE, where's the core?" Golden asks, snapping him back to the present. "Follow me." IGE responds, leading the group towards the railway. They follow the tracks into a tunnel, which goes through the mountain and into the city.

"Wow, this place is in ruins." Greief says as they emerge from the tunnel. "How are we gonna find anything in this field of rubble?" "The lab where the power core is stored is underground." IGE answers. "Follow me." He leads them through the wreckage of Hell City and past the Hell Spire, where he glimpses the corpses of his friends, Ant and Drome, decayed and rotting. He looks away and tries to hold back his tears. They soon arrive on the other side of the City, and stop at a stone wall in the side of the mountain (which surrounds the entire city like a ring or wall). IGEBM moves a stone on the ground to reveal a lever, which he pulls. The stone wall collapses into the floor, revealing a quartz hallway, which they walk down. IGE leads them through the halls of the lab and into a locked room with a netherite door. He types a passcode into the keypad on the wall next to the door, and it collapses into the ground like the one at the entrance. Inside, the group see a glass case containing the nucleon fusion core. IGE types a passcode into the keypad on the pedestal beneath the glass. "There you go." IGE says. "Now, if you excuse me, I need to go do something." He rushes out of the lab and heads up the mountain to a cave that was decorated by Drome, where he sits in a chair at the table.

"This is it." Golden says, picking up the core. "The last piece of the puzzle. Now, we can head back to the Cholan Empire, where Rob, Zibonzi, and Shadow Greief should have finished the super collider by now, and put the rods and the core in, and then we just wait for the Maddened One to arrive." "If it was this easy to prevent the apocalypse, I'm beginning to question the competence of you PMCers." Tzyber says. Greief laughs. "Oh, trust me, this is going to be tricky." a voice says behind them. They turn around to see DarkGEBM and the Four Horsemen, weapons out, ready for a rematch!

Meanwhile, in the cave, IGEBM begins to let out his tears while contemplating all the mistake in his life. "Their deaths are all my fault." he says as the tears stream down his face. "I'm cursed. Everyone I love and care for dies. Everything I love and care for gets destroyed." He takes out the picture of him and Peter and looks at it, before stuffing it back in his pocket. He decides to go back to his friends, and gets up, walking down the cliff. As he walks, he wipes away his tears and sees that the others haven't come outside yet, even though they should be out of the lab by now. "Something's wrong." he says to himself, contacting his teammates over the comms. "Guys, is everything okay in there?" "No- orsemen- here- ing- em-" Si responds over the comms. His voice is cut off multiple times, as if the signal is being blocked. IGE wipes away the last of his tears and runs down into the lab.

In the lab, the Horsemen have backed Si, Tzyber, Golden, and Greief into the room. "No escape now." Shadow Zibonzi says, blocking the exit with sculk. "Why are you even here?" Golden asks. "Yeah, shouldn't you all be terrorizing Morbid Island or some other place like that?" Greief adds. "We were going to, but we have unfinished business with you guys." DarkIce answers. "And plus, we may as well take that core from you, since, from the way you're hiding it, you seem to really need it." He leaps forward and punches Golden in the gut, knocking her back and causing her to drop the core, which he catches. "Hey, Golden's mine!" Shadow Zibonzi says, grabbing her with his sculk tendrils. "Then I'll take the robot." DarkIce says, generating his frost glaive and swinging it at Tzyber, who responds by drawing his Tzaber. "I'm an android!" he says as he slices DarkIce's glaive in two. Silence generates his shadow daggers and attacks Si, who responds by dodging the swings. He takes out his plasma rifle and holds it like a sword, swinging it around so the bayonet hits his opponent. "Well, that leaves you, Greenie." DarkGEBM says to Greief, generating his dark scythe. Greief takes out shiv and dodges DarkGEBM's scythe swings and energy blasts.

Several minutes into battling, it seems like the Horsemen are going to win. However, that all changes when DarkIce, still holding the nucleon power core in his hand, is shot in the back! The core flies out of his hand as he falls forward (Tzyber got out of the way), and it rolls across the floor to the entrance, getting caught in the sculk wall. They all turn around to see who fired the shot, and see a hole in the wall. Through the hole, they see IGEBM's hand, with which he had just fired a light blast. He then proceeds to generate a light sword and cut through the sculk, grabbing the core and swinging the blade at DarkGEBM. With IGE here, the tides have turned. Tzyber beats up the wounded DarkIce, and since IGE is keeping DarkGEBM busy, Greief is able to shoot Shadow Zibonzi with his plasma rifle and then cut his tendrils with his shiv, freeing Golden, who gets up and tackles Shadow Zibonzi to the floor. Si and Silence continue to battle. "Why side with the losing side?" Silence asks Si telepathically. "Losing?" Si asks. "We're winning! The Maddened One is no match for us!" "It's cute that you think that." Silence responds telepathically, entering his shadow form to dodge a shot from Si's plasma rifle.

"You are no match for the power of the Maddened One!" DarkGEBM says as he fights IGEBM. "We'll see about that." IGE responds, swinging his sword at his opponent. "Our plan to stop him is nearly complete, and we know everything that'll happen in the future if he succeeds." "But how?!" DarkGEBM asks, surprised. "Tzyber over there is from the future." IGE explains. "He had a sort of robotic amnesia at first, but seeing your boss caused all his memories to come back to him, and he told us everything we need to know about the next 1000 years." DarkGEBM simply growls in anger and swings his scythe at IGE, who enters light form, causing the scythe to go right through him. Before returning to his normal state, IGE looks around and gets an idea. He returns to his normal state just in time for DarkGEBM to fire an energy blast at him. He bends backwards and the shot passes over him, hitting Silence right as he exits shadow form. The blast hits Silence in the back, knocking him down. "Guys, run!" IGE says as he tackles DarkGEBM to the ground to prevent him from stopping them (they were battling near the doorway). Si runs out of the room as DarkGEBM pushes IGE off of himself. IGE continues to draw his opponent's fire towards him, before getting out of the way so he hits his allies. DarkIce, too distracted with fighting Tzyber, gets shot in the back of the leg by a blast from DarkGEBM. Tzyber runs out of the room as IGE said.

With two Horsemen down, DarkGEBM realizes what IGEBM is doing and tackles him. However, IGE enters light form once again, causing DarkGEBM to land face-first on the ground. Before he can get up, IGE runs over to Shadow Zibonzi (who has gotten up and is continuing to fight Golden and Greief), enters his normal form, and kicks him in the back, knocking him down. He then rushes out of the room with Golden and Greief and closes the door, going to the keypad and entering an emergency code to lock the door from the outside, turning the room into a prison. "DG can teleport them out, but they're all on the ground right now, so we have a few minutes to get off this island before they come after us." IGE says. "Come on!" They run out of the lab, with IGE closing the entrance behind them. They proceed to run across the city back to the boat, but IGE stops at the ruins of the Hell Spire. "Go on without me!" he shouts as they turn around. "I'll catch up!" He generates a pair of light gauntlets around his fists and begins to move the rubble around, searching for something. He uncovers the rest of Ant's body, and sees ants crawling across his corpse. "Gross." he says upon seeing it. He continues to dig through the rubble, and finally finds what he's looking for, picking up a damaged picture frame containing a picture of him, Ant, and Drome outside the Hell Spire, after construction of it had been completed.

He puts the picture in his pocket and looks up to the where the lab entrance is. He sees the Four Horsemen materialize outside the door. "Carp." he says before laughing at what he just said. IGE turns around and runs as the Horsemen spot him. He runs into the tunnel and follows the tracks. The Horsemen dismount from their horses (which disappear) and chase IGE through the tunnel. DarkIce covers the ground with corrupted ice so they all slide, but IGE uses a pair of light beams to boost himself. DarkGEBM does the same, while Shadow Zibonzi crawls along the wall with his sculk tendrils and DarkIce uses his ice powers to control the ice so he can move quickly. Silence simply rushes down the tunnel. DarkGEBM leaps forward, attempting to once again tackle IGEBM, but he responds by entering light mode and teleporting away. DarkGEBM slides down the tunnel on his belly before DarkIce causes all the ice to disappear. DarkGEBM gets up. "Now my suit's wet." he says. "Dang it." "What now?" DarkIce asks. "I say we report what just happened to the Maddened One and see if our orders change." DarkGEBM says. "We'll have another chance to kill IGEBM and his friends, I promise." They turn around and exit the tunnel, with DarkGEBM conjuring their horses once again. They ride off of Hell's Island and back to their cave on the Mainland.

IGE materializes on the Glory, which has begun to pull out of the harbor. "What happened?" Tzyber asks. IGE explains the chase. "Why'd you stop at the ruins of that building?" Greief asks. "I'll tell you guys later." IGE says, heading down the stairs to lay down on his bed. "Just so you know, we're heading back to the Cholan Empire to finish up the collider and prepare for the Maddened One's arrival!" Golden shouts so he can hear her. IGE briefly heads back up the stairs to give her a thumbs up before going back down to lay down.


Cast (in order of appearance)
LegendarySi as Si
Tzyber as Tzyber
GoldenScientist as Dr. Golden
Greief as Greief
DarkGEBM666 as DarkGEBM/War
DarkIce8727742 as DarkIce/Conquest
ShadowZibonzi as Shadow Zibonzi/Death
-Silence- as Silence/Famine

Mentioned (in order of mentioning)
Rob333 as Rob
Zibonzi as Zibonzi
ShadowGreief as Shadow Greief
The Maddened One

Writing began 5-23-2023 at 6:10 PM ET
Writing completed 5-30-2023 at 5:12 PM ET
Published 6-6-2023 at 4:00 PM ET
Written by IGEBM

Why the song?
Well, if you're wondering why there's a Metallica song linked at the top of this blog, I've decided to link a song at the top of each Apocalypse story blog that I think fits the story. In this case, I chose "The Memory Remains" because, in this chapter, we return to IGEBM's former kingdom, Hell's Island, which he thought would be the end of his journey of moving around in life and constantly having to move around. When I was picking out songs for each chapter, I thought in my head, "The memory of this kingdom still remains, even though it's gone." We see him vent a lot about his experiences to Si in the beginning of this chapter and he later finds an old picture of him and his friends, which isn't the end of his journey of finding closure. Lastly, I chose the S&M version because it sounds much better than the other recordings of this song (in my opinion).

Read the prologue!
Back in the beginning of May, I published a prologue of sorts for this chapter, containing a slightly more detailed version of the Fall of Hell's Island. If you want to read it, here's the link.

People I'm Tagging So They Can See This
Stormy, ghostoftheglade, Aspirin60, GhostlyBit_57, Guts N Pixels, DarkRob333, TheMcPig, Pixella_9487, violiie, Sp3nc3r_, Rakkitatoru, CrownDeluxe, AxolotlArmy, BigFatPotat, FE98, Noncommercial, Owange, ShadowOnTheLoose, Crois, GracieMockingjay, Arianwyn, Insomniac_Toad, ItsYeWffl, TacoFromTheSky, TheGrimmKnight, Silabear

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06/06/2023 4:26 pm
She/Her • Level 40 : Master uwu Robot
Tzyber's Avatar
I'd suggest adding a little more personality to the characters, but other than that,,, great story!

I was listening to this track wile reading this chapter, really brought the text to life imo
06/06/2023 4:55 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Yeah, the characters don't get much personality. The main person who gets character development in the series is IGE, especially in this chapter and the next, where he needs to come to terms with what happened on Hell's Island and move past it.
06/06/2023 5:27 pm
She/Her • Level 40 : Master uwu Robot
Tzyber's Avatar
06/06/2023 5:50 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
that's also mainly cause my stories focus more on the action and plot and don't go to in-detail about the character's personalities
06/06/2023 4:25 pm
Level 43 : Master Enchanter
WhisperOfTheWild's Avatar
06/06/2023 4:54 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
thank you!
06/06/2023 4:14 pm
Level 48 : Master Sus
Rob333's Avatar
Wow! Epic!
06/06/2023 4:54 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
06/06/2023 5:25 pm
Level 48 : Master Sus
Rob333's Avatar
you're welcome!
06/06/2023 4:03 pm
She/Her • Level 40 : Master uwu Robot
Tzyber's Avatar
Ooo I'm exited for this one *gets an icy cup of lean and some takis*
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