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PMC: War on the Nether | The Full Collection - Volume 2: Journey to the End

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the second volume of my collection of revised versions of PMC: War on the Nether! I hope you're as excited for this as I am! My initial plan was to collect the whole series as one blog, but I reached the maximum character limit on the blog after chapter 4 and made the decision to split it into multiple blogs that would be published on the anniversaries of specific chapters that they included.

This blog collects chapters 5 and 6 of the series, following IGE, Peter, Pig, and Ella as they journey into the End to seek the aid of Lord Piaccu and his army. I wanted to include chapter 7, but pasting the original text put me at about 59000 characters (Cyprezz told me the max is 65000), and when you add in the notes and extra words and letters from revisions, I'd definitely hit or be near the limit. Anyways, moving on, this blog also includes the usual cast list and notes/commentary on the chapters (which is written as I revise, so everything is in order). This time, I've also included some artwork, both by me and others, so I hope you guys like that. Now, enjoy the show story!

Chapter V - Into the End
At the PMC Military Base, General Playz awaited the return of his soldiers. He watched as they made port, disembarked from their ship, and stood before their general before saluting him. "At ease, soldiers." Axo said to them. "I believe I told you your mission briefly last night." "Correct, sir." Peter responded. "Well, let me give you a better explanation: I want you four to journey into the End and meet with Lord Piaccu." Axo explained. "I want you to convince him to send his soldiers to aid us. After all, the Ender Army are some of the best fighters in the three dimensions." Pig nodded in agreement at this statement. "Now, what are you waiting for?" Axo asked. "Go! Go!" He headed back to his office as they rushed to the parking lot. IGE started the car and the group drove to Cyprezz Tower.

When they arrive, IGE parked the car near the tower and the Strike Team exited the vehicle and used their military badges to enter Cyprezz Tower. "The portal's-" one of the guards was cut off by IGE. "I know where the portal is." IGE said. "I've been here several times before." He led the team downstairs to the portal room. It was a large room with four Nether portals on the wall, one each side of the End portal in the center of the room. The Nether portals have been closed and filled with reinforced deepslate to stop the Nether Empire from infiltrating the Tower. "Ready to enter the End?" IGE asked his team. "Let's go!" Ella said enthusiastically. "I haven't been back there in a while." Pig said. "I wonder if anything's changed." "Only one way to find out." Peter said. He leapt into the void-like center of the End portal, warping into a hub built in Void City. He is soon joined by his teammates, and before them, they saw a beautiful city made of End stone bricks, purpur, and End rods, but above them were the beautiful stars that lit up the sky. Around them, they spotted voidlings walking around the city, living their best lives. "It's so beautiful." IGE said. "Piaccu really changed this place since the last time we visited." Pig added. The last time IGE and Pig went to the End, this exact city was run down, the people were in poverty, gangs were running wild, people were fighting on the street, and it just looked like (as IGE described it) "a piece of sheet." Since his ascension to the throne, Piaccu was able to fix the city and turn into a peaceful utopia that meant the world to him.

The group made their way to Dragon Fortress, the home of Lord Piaccu. The two royal guards at the door were clad in purple and black Endersteel armor (the strongest metal in the End), and were wielding spears made of the same material. The pair deny them entry, but then a guard clad in purple and gold armor walks up behind them and speaks up. "You four must be the delegates sent by High Councilman Silabear to meet with Lord Piaccu." he said. 'I was expecting more... diplomatic men. I'm Commander Worpin, head of Ender Royal Guard as well as the Ender Army." They each sook his hand after the guards let them in. Worpin led the Soda Strike Team up the stairs to the throne room, where Piaccu was having lunch. "You're eating this early?" Ella asked. "It's 2:23 PM." "Void Time, remember?" Piaccu reminded her, pointing at the clock on the wall, which said it was 12:23. "Oh, right." Ella remembered. "Sit down." Piaccu said to his friends, finishing his sandwich.

The four sat down at the table with Piaccu. "So, from what I've heard, you four were sent by Sila and the Council of Mods to talk with me about the war?" the poet asked. "Pretty much." Peter said. "The Council and military are both hoping you'll send your army to aid us in the war. We could use the strength of the Ender Army, since the Nether Empire are taking out our outposts across the planet, and invading nations and imprisoning their people." "I understand your point of view, but I want you to understand mine." Piaccu said. "Ever since I ascended to the throne, I have been working extremely hard to maintain a peaceful nation where everyone can be happy and live their best lives, especially considering that this place used to look like, as IGE called it, a piece of sheet. I just don't want to risk going to war with the Empire than having them take it all away. I don't want to lose my home. I don't want to lose what I love. I hope you can understand that, and that's why I am denying their requests for me to join the fight. Now, please, leave. I'd love to hang out with you guys, but I have some important work to do." Feeling sad, the group left.

However, on the way down, Pig spotted something. "Hey, guys, look out the window." "Oh, what is it?" the royal guardsman asked, annoyed. "Do you have a spyglass?" Peter asked him. The guardsman reluctantly handed Peter his spyglass. Looking through it, Peter saw what Pig saw. "It's a piglin scout!" "What?!" the guardsman grabbed the spyglass, pushed Peter aside, and saw the piglin. He rushed upstairs and found Worpin. "Commander, a piglin scout has been spotted in the Chorus Woods!" "What?!" Worpin asked. He looked out the window with his spyglass and saw the piglin hiding in the woods. "Sound the alarm." he ordered. "If there's a scout, there's probably troops behind him." "Yes, sir!" the guardsmen said. "I presume you'll get the king to safety?" "Correct." Worpin responded.

A short time ago, Noncommercial appeared via hologram on the Crimson Butchers' ship. "So, you failed your mission?" he asked with an angered tone. "Yes, my liege, but, in our defense, we weren't prepared for Guts to be there, nor for him to bring his entire army of monsters with him to liberate the island." Sgt. Porkus responded. "I don't care!" Noncommercial yells. "Not only did you fail, but you lost two of the Buchers!" Porkus had already forgotten about the deaths of Acidus and Chainclove. "My liege, I apologize." Porkus said, bowing to the hologram of his king. "How can I make it up to you?" "I want you and your remaining troops to raid Void City." "But that's the Ender Nation's capital!" Porkus responded. "There are guards swarming the city!" "If you were truly the best warriors in my army, you would be able to complete said mission." Noncommercial reminded his sergeant. "Very well." Porkus said. "Plus, you can get revenge on the Soda Strike Team." Noncommcercial added, knowing it would catch their attention. "My spy has informed me that Silabear is sending them to meet with Lord Piaccu." Hoghead leapt up. "Revenge for the killer of my brother?" he asked, excited and eager. "Chainclove, I will avenge you!" Noncommercial's hologram disappeared. Porkus sighed, his confidence in his fighting skills lowered after losing to Guts. "Fungar, set course for the mainland." he ordered. "There's a stronghold under the woods there." After sailing to the mainland and walking through the forest, where they saw a strange robot reading words on a rock, the Butchers and several squadrons of Nether Army soldiers that met them at the coast fought their way through the stronghold, which was guarded by Ender Army soldiers, and they entered the End. Arriving in the End wilds, Porkus sent a scout to stake out the city. Once the scout returned with the information, Porkus gave the order: "Storm Void City. Take no prisoners."

The city was now on lockdown. A message was anonymously sent to Piaccu, telling him they'd stop the assault if he surrendered. The Soda Strike Team were ordered by a soldier stationed at the Dragon Fortress (to beef up security) to follow him to the Starless Night, the flagship of the Ender Army. Flying by elytra to the ship, the four watched as Nether Army troops ran through the streets, killing voidlings with no remorse. IGE spotted a purple cloud in the middle of a street, assuming it was the work of Fungar. "Guys, I think the Butchers are here." he said as they landed on massive floating battleship. "Follow me to the armory." the guardsmen said. "Oh, no need." Peter said, pulling out his rifle. Pig grabbed a grenade from his tactical belt, with Ella taking out her electro-machete. IGE conjureds a kusarigama with his light magic. "Very well." the guardsmen said, rushing off to join his fellow soldiers, who were lining up in the hangar bay to receive orders from Lieutenant Endrys, the second-in-command of the Ender Army. The four of them walked there. "You said the Butchers are here?" Ella asked IGEBM. "How do you know?" "Well, I saw a purple cloud and assumed it was Fungar's work." IGE responded. "I know there are other fungus throwers in the army, but I'm worried they followed us here somehow." "No one can get through the shield surrounding PMC City." Peter said. "But they can get into the End." Pig reminded his teammate as they approach the hangar. "There are several strongholds across the Overworld. They probably stormed one of them, took out the Ender Army soldiers stationed there, and hopped into the End." "Good point." Peter says as they arrive at the hangar, having missed Endrys' ordered. Knowing they're not his men, he doesn't scold them, but instead gives them a dirty look, before shouting, "Ender Army, take flight!" The soldiers ran forth and jumped out of the hangar bay, deploying their elytras and flying across the city, dropping splash potions of harming onto the piglin troops. The Strike Team followed, but instead flew towards the Fortress. Endrys followed them, also preparing to guard the Fortress.

Meanwhile, on the ground, Porkus and Hoghead were fighting back-to-back. "Just like the old days, eh?" Hoghead asked as he ran through an Ender Army ground trooper. "Fighting for Lord Noncommercial in the basalt deltas?" "I remember." Porkus responded, swinging his mace and taking out a soldier. "We were trying to take over the villages there and expand the Empire for the King. That battle was when the Butchers united." "You think I'd forget?" Hoghead jokingly responded as he picked up a potion of invisibility off of an Ender Army soldier's corpse. "We should probably head to the Fortress." "And kill the King." Porkus added. The two began fight their way through the streets.

On their way, they picked up the other Butchers and the four of them stormed through the Dragon Fortress' defenses, eventually making their way to the central building, a tall spire with a large rooftop area. "I can't wait to avenge my brother." Hoghead said. Fungar threw down some blast fungus, which destroyed the door leading into the spire. Upstairs, an alarm goes off. "Commander, they've breached the door to the spire." Endrys said, having arrived several minutes earlier alongside the Soda Strike Team. "May I ask why Lord Piaccu is up here instead of on his way out of the city?" "Because I'm not leaving." Piaccu responded. "Violence is never the answer, but neither is cowardice. I refuse to abandon my home as it burns, and if I surrender, the Empire will call off the attack. Sometimes, sacrifices must be made for the greater good." "I tried to talk him out of it, saying there was another way." Worpin explained. "But in the end, he won the argument." "You argued with the lord of a powerful nation?" Ella asked. "I'm the commander of its military." Worpin responded. "I'm allowed to." "He's right." Pig said before taking a bite out of his carrot. "You're having a snack while the most powerful troops in the Nether Army are charging up the stairs?" Peter asked. "Relax, we beat them once." Pig said, staying calm. "With the help of a darkness-fueled Guts." Peter reminded his teammate. "Oh crap." Pig realized as he threw his carrot off of the roof. "You didn't have to do th-" IGE was interrupted when the Butchers finally got upstairs.

"Give us Lord Piaccu, or we'll kill every last one of you!" Porkus ordered. "Then fight it-" IGE was once again interrupted as he conjured his kusarigama by Piaccu stepping forth, hands in the air. "I surrender." he said. "That was easier than I thought it would be." Hellsnout remarked. "You sure this isn't a trap?" Hoghead asked. "I promise." Piaccu assured the sword-wielding piglin. "Worpin, Endrys, drop your weapons." "What?!" Worpin asked, surprised. "Just do it, brother." Endrys told him. He dropped his Endersteel spear. "Fine." Worpin responded, dropping his spear. Piaccu was handcuffed by Fungar. "Thank you for surrendering." Porkus said. "However, we lied about stopping the attack." Hoghead leapt forth, wrapping his arm around IGEBM and putting his sword to his neck. Fungar readied his fungus, and Hellsnout aimed his flamethrower. Porkus pulled out a dagger, preparing to kill Piaccu, but then the Lord of the End took everyone by surprise, cutting his handcuffs in half with a switcblade and ducking under the dagger as Porkus slashes it across what was supposed to be Piaccu's neck. Piaccu himself picked up Endrys' spear off of the ground and slashed Porkus' chest, before tossing the spear to a confused Endrys. "What the hell just happened?" he asked as he caught his spear. "I don't know, but it's time to fight!" Pig cheered, throwing a grenade at Fungar, which exploded, knocking back the Butchers.

Chapter VI - Battle in the Void
Everyone was surprised to see Piaccu ready to fight, as he had said countless times that he was a pacifist. As the Butchers recovered from the explosion of Pig's grenade, the Soda Strike Team turned to Piaccu. "What was that?" IGE asked. "You just slashed Sgt. Porkus with a spear!" Peter said. "I know, I know." Piaccu responded. "But why?" Ella asked. "Yeah, I thought you were a pacifist." Pig added. "Well, after seeing my home get destroyed by a bunch of savage pig men, I realized that maybe it was okay to fight if it was for the things you love." Piaccu explained. "Cut the mushy-mushy stuff!" Hellsnout said as he fired up his flamethrower, shooting a burst of flame at the group. Endrys rushed into the flame's path, using his Endersteel shield (which was previously mounted on his back) to block the fire.

"Alright, guys, I guess it's time to fight some hogs." Worpin said. The Soda Strike Team began firing on the Crimson Butchers, and everyone picked a target: Worpin and Endrys teamed up to battle Hoghead, Pig challenged Fungar, Peter readied his electro-machete to fight alongside Ella against Hellsnout, and IGE and Piaccu prepared to face Porkus himself. "Alright, you little son of corn muffin!" Pig said. "I'm going to blow you into next week." He threw several grenades at the fungus thrower, who responded by chucking a few blast fungus spores at Pig. He dodged them, but Fungar forgot to avoid the grenades and was blasted to the edge of spire roof. Pig, getting an idea, pulled the pin on another, more powerful grenade and rolled it towards Fungar's feet and the guard railing of the roof. The explosion behind him (caused by an End crystal) pushed the grenade further. Too focused on getting an explosive and too weak to get up because his legs were injured by the blast, Fungar didn't see the grenade at first and was unable to get away in time before it exploded. The powerful blast damaged the railing and sent both Fungar and part of it off of the edge. Pig rushed to the edge and fired a few laser blasts at his enemy, killing him before he could even hit the ground.

Meanwhile, Peter and Ella battled the flamethrower-wielding pyromaniac that was Hellsnout. "I'm gonna cook you two alive!" he said, his voice full of madness. He fired up his flamethrower and burned a line of fire before him. "Ella, throw down your water." Peter said. "I have an idea." Ella opened her water bottle and splattered water all over the line of fire. As it slid across the ground towards Hellsnout, Peter activates his electro-machete and electrified the water, which touched Hellsnout, zapping him. As the pyromaniacal piglin stumbled backwards, Ella rushed in and started punching him in the face. However, he punched her in the gut, knocking her back. Peter, angered that he hurt his teammate and friend, dropped his machete and started firing on Hellsnout, who responded by dodging the laser blasts and firing up his flamethrower again. Peter ducked under the flame, and then got an idea. "Worpin, toss me a crystal!" he shouted. Worpin briefly turned away from his battle with Hoghead, pulled an End crystal off of his tactical belt, and tossed it to Peter, who caught it. "Everyone get out of the way!" he said. He took out an obsidian cube, placed it down, and then placed the ENd crystal on top of it. As everyone got out of the way, the fire triggered the End crystal, with the explosion knocking everyone back and knocking Hellsnout off the roof and down to the ground. Peter and Ella ran to the edge and saw a guard impale the shattered body of Hellsnout with a spear.

While everyone else battled their targets, Worpin and his brother dueled with Hoghead in a 2-on-1 battle. Even the strongest warriors in the Ender Army were having trouble fighting him. Then, Endrys pulled out a small dagger and stabbed the sword-wielding piglin through his armor, hitting him in the chest. Hoghead pulled out the dagger and threw it on the ground, still strong enough to fight. He used one of his golden swords to knock Worpin's spear out of his hand, and the head of the royal guard responded by warping behind Hoghead and kicking him in the back. "You get rid of my spear, I kick you!" the commander said as his foot hit his opponent's back. As he lost his balance and fell forward, Endrys sliced Hoghead's left arm, and with it, his dominant hand, clean off. As blood dripped from what was left of his arm, Hoghead swung his other sword with less precision (due to using his right hand). However, he was knocked back by an End crystal explosion, and died instantly after he hit Worpin's spear, which he had gotten back and warped behind his enemy with after obtaining it, knowing what the End crystal blast would do. As his armor and flesh were pierced by the Endersteel, Hoghead rapidly threw his sword at IGEBM, in attempt to avenge his brother. "IGE, look out!" Endrys shouted.

As everyone else fought, IGEBM and Piaccu teamed up to battle Sgt. Porkus. The brutish piglin swung his massive mace around, barely missing his opponents, who were skilled in dodging weapons of all kinds. "Piaccu, I never knew you could fight!" IGE said as they dodged Porkus' mace swings. "I learned when I was quite young!" the poet responded, dodging a hit from the mace. "It's just that there was a day in my life when something terrible happened due to a fight and, seeing the dangers of violence and combat, I took a vow to never fight again, and became a pacifist!" He warped behind Porkus and tried to strangle piglin, but was thrown off and onto the ground by the powerful warrior. IGE shot Porkus with a light blast and combated his mace by creating a light kusarigama, which he swung at Porkus. The blade managed to make a dent in the tough Netherite chain holding the mace together. "Piaccu, aim for the chain!" IGE shouted. However, before they could, everyone iswasknocked back by an End crystal blast. As Porkus got up, he noticed IGE and Piaccu still on the ground. Since they were a little closer to the crystal, he thought they may have been crippled by the blast. As he moved closer to IGEBM and prepared to crush him with his mace, IGE swiftly spun around, sweep kicking Porkus, and causing him to lose his balance. Piaccu warped out of the way and threw an Endersteel dagger at the chain of his mace, which broke it. Porkus saw this as he landed on the ground and let go of his mace. "I don't need weapons to take down two scrawny little teleporters." he said as he stood up. He charged at the two, and IGEBM tried to hold him back. Then, he heard Endrys' voice calling his name and turned to see a golden sword flying at him. Entering light mode, the sword went right through him and towards Porkus, causing the blade to go straight through the Butcher's head.

Everyone looked around. "Did we actually just do that?" Ella asked. "Heck yeah!" Pig answered. "We just killed the rest of the Crimson Butchers!" "They're all dead?" Peter asked. "Porkus is definitely dead." Endrys said. "You can't survive a sword through the head." "And the others?" Piaccu asked. "Hellsnout was killed by a guard when he was knocked over the side and fell to the ground." Peter responded. "And I shot Fungar dead in midair." Pig added, feeling proud of the kill. "Hoghead was impaled by my spear." Worpin said, shaking some blood off of his spear. Piaccu walked to the railing, looking at his city. "After seeing what these people can do, I don't want you to lose your home either." he said, turning to face everyone. "IGEBM, tell Silabear I'll be sending my troops through portals across the Overworld to join the war later today." "Thank you." IGE said. Then, he heard a ring coming from his phone. He pulled it out. "It's Axo. He never calls us unless it's something really important." He nervously answered the call. "IGEBM, you and the team need to get back here!" the general shouted. "The city is under siege! Somehow, the army broke through our shields!" "Go." Piaccu said. "We'll take care of the city." Worpin added. "The portal is in the plaza." Endrys told them. "I remember." Pig responded. "We passed by it on our way here." "C'mon, let's go!" Peter said. "Time to fight some more piglins!" Ella cheered.

The Soda Strike Team ran to the railing, jumping over it and taking flight with their elytras. They landed in the middle of the street and ran to the plaza, where they hop into the portal. When they arrived in the portal room beneath Cyprezz Tower, they noticed that one of the Nether portals wasn't blocked, with bits of deepslate lying on the ground. "I'm already worried." Pig commented. Drawing their rifles, the team snuck up the stairs to find that the building seemed fine, except that it was empty and the lights were off, but there was no damage to the structure. "So far, so good." Peter said. "You were saying?" IGE gestured to the glass doors, which were open. In the street, Nether Army troops were battling PMC Military troops. In the distance, IGE could see a massive hole had been bored into the defensive shield that was surrounding the city. "What happened?" he wondered aloud as his phone rang again.

AxolotlArmy as General Axo Playz
OrderOutOfChaos as Peter
TheMcPig as Pig
Pixella_9487 as Ella
Commander Worpin, Head of the Ender Royal Guard
LeLovesJazz as Lord Piaccu of the End
Noncommercial as King Noncommercial of the Nether Empire
Sgt. Porkus
Private Hoghead
Private Fungar
Tzyber as Tzyber (unnamed; see notes)
Lieutenant Endrys of the Ender Army
Private Hellsnout

Author's Notes
Chapter 5
- IGE's mention having been down to the portal before and Pig's mention of it having been a while since he was there are both references to the first season of the Soda SMP, on which the two of us had this whole covert operation where we gathered the necessary materials to defeat the Ender Dragon (you can read all about it here).
- "Voidling" is another term for End-native humanoids and other PMCers living there.
- As many of you know, "sheet" is my non-swearing alternate for the s-word.
- Standard equipment for a royal guardsman in the End consists of a spear, a dagger, and a spyglass.
- Yes, PMC has time zones, but they're dimension-based: OT (Overworld Time) is standard and used across the planet's Overworld. It's based on whatever time it is for the writer (and I'm normally the writer, so I base it on Eastern Time; if Si's writing, which is only for The Anarchist, then it's based on Central). Nether Time (NT) is an hour behind, and the End goes by Void Time (VT), which is two hours behind.
- Porkus forgetting about the deaths of his men was meant to illustrate that he's one of those leaders who doesn't care for his troops; in his mind, they're only good if they can fight well and survive, and Chainclove and Acidus didn't accomplish the latter.
- Yes, Hoghead and Chainclove are brothers.
- The "strange robot" carving words on a tree was part of my foreshadowing for PMC: Apocalypse and the coming of the Maddened One; it's Tzyber, and at the time, he was on a journey across the world to see if he could jog his memory circuits and remember important knowledge about the apocalypse in the future and who caused it, and, as stated in Apocalypse chapter 2, he was reading a prophecy about the coming of the Maddened One on the rock. Apparently, the original version of this chapter said he was writing words on a tree, but I forgot what that was about, so I changed it.
- This skin by Dragon Citizen is more or less what I imagined the base armor of the Ender Army would look like.
- Ah yes, one of my favorite orders: take no prisoners (or as Soundwave put in Transformers: Dark of the Moon, "no prisoners, only trophies").
- The Starless Night is named after one of my favorite weapons from Minecraft Dungeons.
- IGE is a very good guesser, given that he predicted the Butchers were there just by seeing a fungus cloud and assuming it was Fungar, even though the Nether Army has plenty of other fungus throwers.
- Porkus and Hoghead are good friend. Most of this was said in the story, but they were part of a military unit together that took over defenseless or poorly-defended villages for Noncommercial. During one battle in the basalt deltas, several other units were sent in, each with a few of the other Crimson Butcher members, and their combined skills won the battle. Since then, they worked together as a singular unit that got their name for taking over numerous villages in the crimson forests.
- The scene at the top of the spire is hilarious. For one, there's the part where Worpin and Pig say that the former is allowed to argue with Piaccu because he's the commander of the military, and then there's the whole thing with Pig's carrot.
- Yes, I gave Pig a carrot as a nod to Minecraft.
- Man, IGE can't get a word in up there.
- An enemy soldier not holding up their end of a "you surrender, we call off the attack" bargain is almost always what happens...
- Then again, so is Piaccu lying about surrender, but that's aweso- oh, false surrender is a war crime? Well, um... I mean, he never technically agreed to join the Nether War...

Chapter 6
- I'm pretty sure it's a trope when a pacifist character rationalizes going against their beliefs if it's for what they love. If it is, then I'm just pulling these tropes out of a hat now!
- "Son of a corn muffin" is a substitute swear my best friend taught me a couple years. I realize now that I don't use it as much as I should...
- Yeah, so this chapter was me attempting to write one of those stories where everything is happening in a close vicinity. I think it turned out pretty good.
- Unnecessary exposition hurts my brain, but I wasn't writing author's notes for individual chapters, so I had to explain Piaccu's pacifism somewhere. I don't have an exact detailed version of what that "terrible thing" was, but I imagine it would be something involving the deaths of his parents and some group of criminals (this was back when the End was struggling).
- Sweep kicks are one of my favorite fighting moves to use in stories, so you can imagine why I had to have IGE perform one in the series.
- Fun Fact: the shield dome technology used to protect PMC City in times of war is the same tech used by the Chaos Legion to shield Anarchy Island. I based the concept of it on the Mayor Luskey Dome from Transformers: Rescue Bots, which was a shield dome built to protect Griffin Rock (the setting of the show) from disastrous weather, like hurricanes.
- I must admit, the Nether Army unit that broke into Cyprezz Tower was very kind to the building; I bet most people (in-universe) would've expected them to the shatter the glass, but no, instead they walked right through the doors.
- Normally, the ending would be a cliffhanger you'd have to wait a week to find out the conclusion to, and because I would reach the maximum character limit with chapter 7 and the notes, it still is! Hahahahahaha!

The Art of War (on the Nether)
PMC: War on the Nether | The Full Collection - Volume 2: Journey to the End
Sgt. Porkus - skin by Aspirin60
Published 3-14-2023

PMC: War on the Nether | The Full Collection - Volume 2: Journey to the End
The Soda Strike Team's ship and their weapons - drawing by me
Posted on 3-23-2024

Credits and Resources
Original Series

Volume 2 began 2-24-2024 at 12:51 PM EST
Volume 2 completed 3-23-2023 at 5:10 PM EST
Published 4-4-2024 at 3:35 PM EDT
Written by IGEBM
Cover art by IGEBM

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04/04/2024 10:29 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Birb Birb
JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
wait this is so cool

the first time you did it was 3-23-2023, and the second was 2-24-2024

you deff planned that
04/04/2024 10:32 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
I didn’t even realized until just now

All I noticed was that I finished just under a month later lol
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