This Blog is an entry in the completed A Life of Steve.

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Steve's Story

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Reer123's Avatar Reer123
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
"We got to go!", Steve turned to his friend Alex and dashed out the door. He could hear the building cracking as he jumped into the car. Alex, his friend dived into the driver's seat and slammed the accelerator. "Good bye, Earth" Steve thought as the car raced down the street.

Steve had got a report from his head scientist at Utopia Inc. that there was unusual activity coming from the Earth's core and that the end game was the destruction of Earth. The scientist was Steve's most trusted scientist and had predicted many things before that Steve thought to have been insane, so Steve decided to have an evacuation plan. There was meant to be a proffesional chauffeur collecting him but sadly he had died the week early and Steve was on the look for a new driver, but never found one.

He turned his head back and watched his old house collapse into ruin, he had considered the house to be his real home. It was too spacious for his liking, but when he was building it he had wanted it big, oh how he wished he could undo that . "Hold on!" Alex shouted. The car flew into the air, narrowly avoiding a stop sign. It flew over a ravine that had just opened up in the ground. Steve could see people falling in and he closed his eyes. The car crashed down on the other side, still intact amazingly. "That was close!" Alex sighed. The car sped off down the debris covered road.

They were heading for the airport, Steve had preapared a spaceship for his evacuation. Humans had already colonised a distant planet called Caramalo and his plan was to head there, to try and start a new life. He had heard reports that it was for the world's elites and of spaceships being shot out of the sky. But if Earth was gone, where else?

Steve could see the airport in the distance, "Two minutes until we're at the airport!" Alex shouted back. Steve was watching the as building collapsed and ravines opened up. "Alex" Steve shouted "I really hope the spaceship hasn't fallen into the ground" Steve had a akward laugh to himself. "Then we really are screwed" Alex replied, Steve could hear him laughing slightly. They smashed through the security fence "Looks like nobody's home" Alex said. As they raced down the runway at top speed. They were heading for Steve's private hangar. Alex avoided ravines as they opened in the ground and finally reached the hangar. They jumped out of the car and Alex started to open the gate while Steve hoped into the spaceship.

It was an impressive spaceship, it had combustion engines filled with fuel for the take off out of Earth's atmosphere and it then had solar wings, which were wings with solar panels covering them. This ensured that the spaceship would be powered when the fuel ran out. It had two cryogenic beds for Alex and Steve. The planet was a light year away and the ship could only travel the speed of light so Alex and Steve would have to sleep most the journey.

Alex got the hangar door open and started to run towards the spaceship, just as he was about to get to it a massive ravine opened between Alex and the spaceship. "****" Alex cursed as he looked around for an alternative rout. Not finding one he resigned. "Go!" He shouted, "Get out of here while you still can!" Steve, just noticing what had happened shouted back "No!, Both of us are meant to get out of here together!!!" He could see tears building up in Alex's eyes and could feel his eyes too, watering. "It just won't work!" Alex shouted as he slowly back away as the ravine grew bigger. "Go now, or you'll never make it!"

Steve, in tears started to drive the spaceship out of the hanger, as he looked back he saw the hangar collapse in on itself. The tears were streaming down his face now and he could feel himself start to sob. He booted up the engines and rocketed down the runway, it was just long enough and he flew off into the sky.

He braced himself as the spaceship jetted 90 degrees into the sky. He could feel the G's building up and just as he reached the other atmosphere the G's reduced until they were normal again. The fuel storage tanks fell off and the solar wings came out. He looked out the window and admired his piece of work. He could also see lava building up on the surface. He thought back to Alex, still stranded on Earth or, dead. The tears streamed freely.

He had planned to head for the sun and use it's gravity in unity with the solar wings to propell him through space until the closest star, which would guide him towards Caramalo. As he approached the Sun he could feel the temperature rise a small bit but his temperature shield held. Just as he was starting to round the Sun he saw in the distance a Asteroid hulding towards his ship. "Damnit!" he shouted as the Asteroid shreded the solar wings, he was propelled off course with one damaged wing. He had missed the oportunity to get to Caramalo. The Spaceship drifted off into Space.

Steve, resigning himself to being lost in Space went into the back of the ship. He lied down in the cryogenics bed, it was soft and he could feel the cold liquid cover his body. It put him to sleep. The spaceship drifted off without course, just powered by the one untouched solar wing.

After fifty years the spaceship had reached a area dense with stars, the life support had been filtering the space air into oxygen for Steve but it was starting to fail. The cyrogenics disengaged as it expected Steve to have reached Caramalo by this time and Steve woke up.

He looked around, half suprised but a bit tired. He had left an advanced stop watch in the control room and when he looked at it he gasped. He had been asleep for over fifty years. He felt the same age as he was. Just then the space ship hit an asteroid belt, the second solar wing was smashed into pieces, he could see more asteroids heading his way. He ran for the escape pod, it was his last resort if the spaceship got damaged. He hoped in and the door sealed behind him. He took a seat and braced as it disengaged, there was a small window and he could see a massive asteroid smash straight through the spaceship.

The escape pod blumeted down into a unknown planet. Steve was extremely lucky as the Planet happened to be habital. The pod crashed into the ocean and steve was lauched from it. He drifted on the ocean current until he reached land.

This is where his adventure begins!


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Reer123 08/10/2015 1:47:26 pmAug 10th, 2015

Updated the story fixing plot holes, mistakes and other things. Added in parts too.

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