This Blog is an entry in the completed A Life of Steve.

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Steve's Origin For A Life Of steve Contest

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mephilis12's Avatar mephilis12
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dragon
Bit Before We start I might get alot rushed on typing and Yet I havent seen My oponents yet and It is not the best I Made it took me 3 weeks and well I will be making sequels For more minecraft stuff and Probably A other view of the story And the story in machinima or animated so enjoy.

Chapter: 1 The begining.
It was A regular Day On steve's village With His Friends and His Familly Doing their Regular Work.
When Suddently A Weird Creature came and Haunted Steve's Shadow. Then A figure apeared Named Herobrine.
Herobrine Started Killing everyone on the village. Steve Said To His Wife
-Run Get The Kid Safe I will Catch Up with you. His Wife Ran to the woods So Herobrine Couldnt Find her.
Herobrine Gave To Steve A Curse The Power To Be Imortal.
Steve Ran Into The Woods To Find His Wife But He Had a Sad Suprise Instead.

Chapter: 2 A New Start
After Steve Found His Wife Dead He Looked for his Child but it was nowhere to been seen.
So Steve Went To The Plain Where He Used to Lay every Night and started Building His New Home.
After Hours of work Steve Finished his home and put on some lights It was the perfect timing
It was getting late. So he went to sleep.
Next Day He went On Mining With the remaining tools he had.
- Ok Then Time to get meterials. He said as he was Mining on the deep caves.
When He Found a very odd Looking structure underground.

Chapter: 3 Ender Wars
After few hours looking in the stronghold, he found a library where inside of that he found books about a very old legend.
The legend of the Enderman.
He read inside a book about an alter inside that scructure he was on and he need ten eyes of ender.
When he approached that alter weird shiny figure appeared out of nowhere.
- It's not time yet for you to enter that world.
- Why not yet?
and thet that figure disappeared.
Steve thought to himself: did he need to get prepared for a very big fight? 

Chapter: 4 the nether
Steve found some obsidian to make himself a portal to the nether. 
As he approached the surface of the world he found a horse standing right there
He thought to himself should he take it?
As he wondered around on his horse, he found a village.
On that village he found very good trades that could be useful to him.

Villager - what do you want boy?
Steve: - I want some food so I can survive here
Villager: - That's easy... here's some
Steve: - Thank you

Then Steve got to his home before nighttime and built his stable so the horse could sleep for the night as well.

Chapter: 5 The Long Journey
Steve went to find some material in the deep caves and went to the deep and dark nether.
At the nether he found the glorious fortress of the underworld which he fought many enemies as the wither and Magma cubes.
Steve cought the skulls of the wither and returned home.
He went of the hill on the top of his house and sumoned the great wither.
The battle was intense but he won eventually and got a nether star.

Chapter: 6 Rabbit Hunt
In The fortest Next To His house Steve Found a Pack Of Rabits. 
he got them to follow him and he put them in the stable too with some pigs cows and sheep.
Then Went make his Diamond armour and tools and go to the end.
after some hours looking around he found what he needed and he was ready to fight
The Enderdragon.

Chapter: 7 The Enderdragon
Steve went back To the Altar To The End and fight he mighty Army of the endermen.
-im ready. Steve Said
And he Jumped In The Portal.
The End Was Full Of Endermen Endermites and Obsdian Pillars
So Steve Took His Bow And Started Shooting The Pilars One By One Till None remain Active.
He was ready To FInish The Ender Dragon And Save The World.
When He was Ready To get Up A Piller to get a more clear shot for the dragon The Dragon Charged to Him left him
Badly Damaged.

Chapter: 8 The End
After Steve got thrown into the ground The Dragon Was Ready To Do One finall Hit to finish Steve of When
Steve Got a Golden Apple out of his Pocket and ate it.
Then Got Up And Fought The Dragon Once Again Till The Very End
and So steve Won.
and Run Off with the egg on his Hands.
When He Got Out of the portal Steve was at his house.
-strange. He said
and looked outside his door was a girl with ginger Hair and a green torso
He Got outside to say hello And Say Hello
When He Got out She saw Him and Ran into His Hug

Steve - wow wow calm down Who are you?
? - you say you forgot me?
Steve - I dont remember you 
Alex - Its me Alex
Steve - oh But How? Oh Come Here 
Alex - Oh Dad I missed you
Steve - So Do I ... So Do I

The End?

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10/26/2014 7:08 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dragon
mephilis12's Avatar
sorry for the lack of creativity I was siposed to type 6 pages into a small text
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