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Reading Recommendations

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Bookworms and Wordsmiths's Avatar Bookworms and Wordsmiths
Level 9 : Apprentice Community
This is a reading recommendations blog for the group Bookworms and Wordsmiths that anyone can use to make or view recommendations for reading material!

Recommendations can include but are not limited to books, articles, and fanfics

A few rules to keep in mind before posting are:
  • Make sure to say if whatever you're recommending is nsfw (contains sexual content, swearing, drug use, or other mature themes)
  • Please include the title and author if you are recommending physical material or a link if it's online (Wattpad, Google, etc)
Example recommendation:

I recommend the book "[​title]" by [​author's name]. This book contains nsfw content and may not be suitable for all audiences. (Everything from here is optional but preferred) This book is of the ____ genre and it is about [​any description without spoilers]. I hope you all get a chance to check out my recommendation!

It doesn't have to be worded just like that, but those are good guidelines to help get people interested in your recommendation

P.S. this blog was based off of Fleather's original, but since he's inactive, I'm posting this new one to the group to reopen the blog
CreditFleather's original blog: https://www.planetminecraft.com/forums/discussions/general/bookworm-s-book-recs-bookworms-wordsmiths-653088/

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05/22/2024 7:53 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Some Mature Content: Cussing and 'Adult Relations' are mentioned but well lampshaded as is much of the violence. Some drug use and other forms of human failings (corruption, treachery etc) occur… [​Given the projective sociology that forms much of the background and drive parts of the plot, some may take issue with certain possibilities explored.]

The Peace War — Vernor Vinge © 1984

Set in a dystopian future where a tyranical technocratic bureaucracy rules an Earth where most current countries have been balkinized, the plot follows the efforts of a group of rebels seeking to overthrough the world government and restore progress and personal freedoms.
Some thematic elements include AI, cybog/direct brain interface/techno-feudalism/force-field generators and considerable exploration of possible social evolution as related to both technological limits and government form.

Don't be put off by that rather cold description: this is a book it's very hard not to 'spoiler'. Vinge creates a very interesting and complex world in which his characters (also diverse [​old meaning] and interesting ) act.

Great fun as light reading and deeply interesting for those who enjoy projective sociology.
04/28/2024 1:44 am
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
NOTE: Written for 'children' but copyright 1943; nothing about which I'd be concerned, but YMMV…

Homer Price – Robert McCloskey ©1943

This is a collection of six shorts [​mostly] about the improbable adventures of a small town boy.
Probably the best known is "The Doughnuts" which was adapted into a short movie of the same title 28m – 1963

There is also a second collection: Centerburg Tales Robert McCloskey ©1951 [​sometimes know as Homer Price #2 or similar]
of four additional stories.
02/24/2024 1:18 am
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Mature Content: Corruption, vice, violence, minor sex, various other illustrations of human 'foiblies'.

Gullivers Travels by Jonathan Swift (~1726) was originally published as “Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World”: anonomously due to the contained social and political satire.

There are four 'voyages' described: Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa, and the Houyhnhnms: each being an essentially seperate work of roughly novella length.

In each instance, Gulliver serves as the outsider whose observations of the habits of the natives are used by Swift to comment on various issues of his time.
Some measure of the lasting impact of the work may be seen in the terms lilliputian, brobdingnagian, and yahoo having become English words.

Being in the public domain, the work is available for free at www.gutenberg.org/files/829/829-h/829-h.htm
02/11/2024 9:56 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Mature Content: Corruption, vice, violence, minor sex (well lampshaded by modern standards) etc.

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

A novel set is a future [​at the time, published in 1957] American dystopia, the book follows the struggles of a partcularly competent female protagonist [​unusual at the time of publication] against a crony infested collectivist government before finding an unexpected solution.

Most objections to the book have been [​and continue to be] based on disagreement with the economic and political philosophies of teh author.

For students, a free ebook version can be requested at https://aynrand.org/students/free-books/order-details/?book_request=Atlas%20Shrugged&cc=1
[​Found the link when looking for the Britannica reference, no experience with the site.]
01/26/2024 5:47 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Mature Content: Corruption, vice, violence, etc.

Catch-22 by Joseph Heller

The book follows the efforts of a US Air Force member to avoid combat and/or get out of the military.
Set in the 1944 Mediterranean theater this is an extremely funny (if often very darkly so) book.

It was also made into a very watchable movies (somewhat less dark, but still far from kid-friendly) in 1970.

[Note: The sexual references, violence, etc are (particularly in the movie version) not particularly noteworthy by contemporary standards, but the overall tone of the works still probably indicate that the reader/viewer should have acquired a level of maturity.]
01/19/2024 9:45 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Mature Content: Corruption, vice, violence, etc.

The Sprawl series by Willam Gibson

The series consists of three novels:
  Neuromancer    1984
  Count Zero     1986
  Mona Lisa Overdrive  1988

but also encompasses (to varying degrees) the stories in the collection:
  Burning Chrome (collection)    1986

Near future dystopian sci-fi.
The short story Burning Chrome (Omni 1982) is often considered seminal to the cyberpunk genre.
(Gibson appears to be the originator of the term 'cyberspace', among other things.)

For movie buffs, Johnny Mnemonic 1995 is based on the eponymous short story (which is included in the Burning Chrome collection) and may give some further indication of the sort of content involved.
[​I would not describe the movie as a close adaptaion of either short or series, but it is of the genre. ]
10/20/2023 7:48 am
He/Him • Level 48 : Master uwu Gent
Cirxett's Avatar
The Book I will be recommending includes NSFW content and may not be suitable for all audiences.

The Title is

Stone Blind

by Natalie Haynes

The Book is based on a greek mythology about the tragic mythology of medusa, it is quite tragic.

09/02/2023 3:03 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
KitTheSkinDesigner's Avatar
1 of my fav book series is "Skyward" by Branden Sanderson
PS a definite to read is u like sci-fi!
08/13/2023 9:34 pm
Level 43 : Master Botanist
violiie's Avatar
I definitely recommend "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte

It doesn't contain any NSFW content really, but there is some child abuse so if that's a trigger for you, I wouldn't read it

The genre is classical romance

How I heard it described was "Pride and Prejudice" but more depressing, which I agree with to an extent after reading both. It's basically about a miserable young girl named Jane who grows up pursuing happiness and romance despite her circumstances

I hope those of you who read it enjoy the story :)
07/29/2023 4:59 am
He/Him • Level 48 : Master uwu Gent
Cirxett's Avatar
Currently, losing my mind but I remembered a good book that corresponds to my mental state

The Book I will be recommending includes swearing and may not be suitable for all audiences.

The Title is "The subtle art of not giving a fuck" By Mark Manson

It is a self help book to help live a happy life. Using the writer's life experiences
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