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hotguysixpack's Avatar hotguysixpack
Level 57 : Grandmaster Answer

Week 3
Pentakill: Hi Fanny :)

Fanjawi: ._ .

Pentakill: Hehe, Fanny, I'm going to ask you a question and direct the interview in that order, alright?

Fanjawi: That's okay

Pentakill: If I were to give you a choice between becoming the best skinner on PMC or becoming the most adored member on PMC which would you choose? Or blogger is included.

Fanjawi: Hm. Hard decision.

If I had to choose, I would pick being the most adored member on PMC. Why? Well, I just love the members here. I like to have fun, joke around, all of that stuff everyday. Especially help. It saddens me when I see a member not get any help.

 I don't like being selfish, though.

Pentakill: Interesting decision. You've been on PMC for well over two years, what things have you noticed with the members over time? Obviously there are new members pocketng their way through or members who have seemingly disappeared. Are the new members more enjoyable? Do you miss the ol' days?

Fanjawi: Oh man, I miss the old days alot. Those times just bring back lots of memories. I remember hanging out with the members back then. And if I had to choose, it was much better during the times I was a member compared to me being retired. Nowadays, I just don't feel like I fit in the community anymore. Most people from the old times left, and I'm not used to hanging out with a whole new different crowd. But that still doesn't stop me from coming here.

Pentakill: I didn't intereact with the members when I first began. I was "scared" because I thought everyone else was better than me and would think I'm an awful skinner. I felt like I didn't fit in. Do you feel like people think differently of you now because you're a retired moderator. Such as the way people talk to you in chat?

Fanjawi: Nah, don't think so. It's just that people are used to seeing me everyday, that they forget that I am even retired hah. New members talk to me in a bit of a different way just because I have the tag. But for me, it doesn't matter what the tag says. If you are a nice person, I don't mind counting you as one of my friends.

Pentakill: Ah I see. I almost always see you in chat everyday, do you think there could be any changes or have any opinions about the chat itself? I know the moderators do a great job holding the fort.

Fanjawi: Oh yes. Even though the chat used to be, how can I say, less of an advertising house in the past, it will always be in my heart. I got so much help from members in the chat, it's amazing. I honestly don't know where I would have been without it.

And yes, the moderators are amazing. I remember in the past, where it was a bit different. There were more moments where mods where either AFK, or not in chat at all, but now, they work harder than ever before. Respect to them for taking time out of their day trying to keep PMC a great place.

Pentakill: Definitely! You've always been a blogger or builder, but now I see you're more into skinning. Who is your role model or inspiration for those three type of submissions?

Fanjawi: Oh man. It's really hard to choose. There have been way too many people that inspired me to do what I do, that I don't even think we have enough time for that haha. Well, the first person that comes to mind, is peytonisgreat. Legendary skinner at the time. I remember when I didn't even know how to shade, I watched his skinning tutorial video. That video, I learned alot from. It just inspired me, that a young member like me, could one day be an awesome skinner like Peyton.

Today, I can say I'm still not there yet. I still have room to improve on. But I can tell you, when the day comes, I will know it, I will feel it, and I will still thank everyone who has helped me in the past and present.

Pentakill: Ah definitely. So many members, so many inspirations. Next question!

Throughout the year there have been some amazing ideas and submissions. Are there any memoriable ones that you remember seeing?

It's only been half a year but yeah.

Fanjawi: I see so much every year. And half a year through, I don't think we have seen anything big yet. But let me tell you, the summer holidays, that's when most people are free, everyday. And I can see something big happening there. Especially around July or August.

Pentakill: Yeah, I would assume when everyone is free is when the highlight submissions come out. Say, let's transition into blogging. The area is a bit dull to me lately, what things do you say could be done to make the blogging section a little more exciting. *cough* t1 *cough*

Fanjawi: Haha. I'm glad you asked that. *Wink.* Because I planned something big for the blogging section. A blogging group. Which you are in! We are calling it T1. You might ask, what does that mean? Well, T translates into "The", and 1 translates to "Ones". So if you put it all together, we are "The Ones" of the blogging section. We've started about a week ago, and we already have all the people we need. Yourself, HappyKeysTV, SoggyTractor, -Rusty, Hobo Joe and myself, all of us working together to provide you the best of blogs, and to hopefully bring the blogging section back to it's finest moments.

Pentakill: Awesome idea! I hope to see a great start to T1 during the summer. Fanjawi- hm, that's a pretty interesting name. Where did you come up with it?

Fanjawi: Heh, well, the name is something in my heart. And no, it's not someone I love before you ask, haha. It just brings me back so many awesome memories. I might tell everyone the long story behind it at a later date, but for now, I better keep it a secret, heh.

Pentakill: Aw, is it ya bae? Just kidding, anyways let's wrap this up. If you could change one thing about PMC what would it be? How do you think it'll affect PMC?

Fanjawi: Well, there are just so many things I would love to see. I honestly don't know. This is something that comes to mind, I heard Paril say a while ago that he will add a new feature in chat. The feature will add private rooms. And you can add members that you have set as friends. It will be so cool to have that. Could be a mini-skype (without the voice and video calling.).

Pentakill: That would be awesome actually. Now I just want to give the audience some more information about you. These are lame questions, but I just wanted to do it.

Whats your favorite color?

Fanjawi: Blue. Love it.

Pentakill: Who's your favorite member other than you? Or friend.

Fanjawi: I honestly don't know. So many great people. But if I had to choose, would be Cyprezz. If it wasn't for him, PMC wouldn't have existed.

Pentakill: True, what country do you live in?

Fanjawi: I'm glad you've asked that, since many people don't even know my country exists. I'm from the Sultanate Of Oman. Or Oman in short. I am/was the only Arabian moderator ever in PMC. Nobody came before me, or after me. So that's that, but I don't like to talk about myself so much haha.

Pentakill: Alright, now lets head back to PMC. How did you find PMC, I always like to see how other fellow members find our wonderful website.

Fanjawi: Well, I honestly don't know if this was the real reason, but this is all I can remember. I was searching great builds on Youtube, and I saw this really awesome build, I wanted to download it so I can experience it. The link was a PMC submission. I clicked, sent me to PMC for the very first time. It was an amazing site. I download what I wanted, and from there, my PMC life kicked off as I started exploring it myself.

Pentakill: Interesting! That's similiar to most people, for me I was searching for skins and wanted to become a skinner myself. I thought skinning was easy... hahaha... ha... to finish off our interview would you like to say anything?

Fanjawi: Haha. Well, I can't let you go without some help, so here is some advice for all of you starting out.

If you are a new member, reading this right now, here is what I have to tell you. Just be yourself. If you be yourself, you wouldn't need fame to keep going. If you simply have fun in what you are doing, you don't need to let yourself down if someone gave you hate or told you that you have no chance. Whether you are just a new member starting out or an experienced master, it's always important to do what you enjoy doing. If you do something you don't enjoy, you wouldn't produce the best quality. Why? Because you feel like you have been forced to be someone you don't enjoy nor are used to being.

It's always important to keep faith in yourself, and believe. If you believe in yourself, that you can do something, nothing can stop you. If you don't believe in yourself in life, you won't achieve anything.

Basically, if you do believe in yourself, it won't matter who is against you. Be strong. Keep going.

Pentakill: Great advice Fanny. Thanks for your time :)

Fanjawi: Haha, thanks for giving me this awesome interview.

Apply For The Team! 


2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by hotguysixpack 06/10/2014 12:21:42 amJun 10th, 2014

- Added Week #3

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Monster Unicorns
06/13/2014 8:54 am
Level 37 : Artisan Unicorn
Monster Unicorns's Avatar
Wait I'm a mom OBAMA CARE HERE I COME - Man I couldn't stop laughing for some time ahahah XD
06/13/2014 9:46 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Answer
hotguysixpack's Avatar
Thanks haha :P
Monster Unicorns
06/13/2014 9:54 am
Level 37 : Artisan Unicorn
Monster Unicorns's Avatar
Welcome :P heehe
06/10/2014 5:38 pm
Level 82 : Elite Technomancer
Drazile's Avatar
I just realised why you only have the head of Contrucid. It's a 1.8 skin, and MCSkin Viewer (which you use for the images) only supports 1.7 :D
06/10/2014 5:54 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Answer
hotguysixpack's Avatar
Yep. Also I'm too lazy to edit. I could use MCSkin3D and edit it out, but naaah </3
boy toy name troy
06/10/2014 3:16 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Fish
boy toy name troy's Avatar
06/10/2014 3:45 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Answer
hotguysixpack's Avatar
06/10/2014 4:40 am
Level 25 : Expert Hunter
bigf's Avatar
Week 3 seems incomplete, for some reason
06/10/2014 8:36 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Answer
hotguysixpack's Avatar
Yeha what I said to drazzy, I forgot the links also.
06/10/2014 2:53 am
Level 82 : Elite Technomancer
Drazile's Avatar
Haha, I'm a Senpai :3
You should probably change the display image, as you've got week 3 there, but the image says week 2.
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