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My lore theories(Collection of wall posts and threads+conclusions)(WIP)

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MaximusPrime23's Avatar MaximusPrime23
Level 38 : Artisan Vampire Droid
The Trial Chambers
The trial chambers have a strange warped timeline(close to my previous lore theory) as they summon mobs that should not exist(the breeze).
The chambers' purpose(2 Variants):

Variant 1: They were built as entertainment and to test their armies.
Variant 2: They were made to give treasures to those worthy of them

Both variants have the same part: The trial chambers are trials(the name already says that but i think it should be explained)
The mace is a perfectly balanced weapon with self-activating abilities(first time it was added, all other enchants just apply effects or change stats)
The mace eventually has a core, which CLEARLY is not made of iron and coal. It is something different, do you know the Silence Armor Trim? it has the same color pallete as the black spots in the Heavy Core, also the ominous trials are from an omen from the Illagers.
Which means the illagers dominated their own type of magic, soul-locking magic.
Some are going to say: "MaGiC DoEsNt eXiSt In mInEcRaFt" although there is enchanting table.
The illagers somehow either participated in creating the chambers or their magic was grabbed by the ancient ones, the ones of the ancient city.
Soul locking magic was also used by the Orb Of Dominance or SPOILER: Heart of Ender

That way the orb could control Archie's mind. But if the ancient ones built everything, what are the nether fossils? Well that is for another theory.

DISCLAIMER: This is not canon, you can make your own theories and share them if you want!

Why there is no voice chat
Did you ever think why is there no voice chat? There are 2 answers: the first is technical as it is easier to make text than voice but then there is the lore answer, the one i am going to write about.
Steve, Alex, Efe and all other characters were born in the ancient city, (i will skip the lore part to get to the theory faster), after the warden killed most citizens some decided to run, Steve, who was very prominent at time warping magic and telepathy, and some other children decided to run, and find the way to destroy the threat. The reason why now no one can teleport without pearls is because steve used echo shards. He grabbed what was needed for the ritual and they warped inside the Warden's Realm(or maybe something different but a similar concept), Steve had made his entire team able to communicate through telepathy, as if they spoke normally they would get killed, obviously, and the years passed, they ventured through many different places and Steve or Alex warped to a moment where they were on the surface, however with the years Steve and his team ventured into the Deeper Dark(that is what i called it) they improved with telepathy so much that they can use it tons of meters away, although they forgot how to speak, literally forgot(is it normal to forget a language after 10 years of not using it?) I mean they still knew telepathy but forgot how to close the vocal folds(and the muscles in the larynx got a bit weakened too). Anyways i doubt this is true but what is true is that Steve and the other characters are the final generation of a ancient race. However this is not canon so you can make your own theories and share them if you want!

Music Discs(WIP)
Pigstep is somewhat related to the trial chambers ost in that they both have a clock ticking sound, does that mean the builders were in the nether? Yes. They made the wither effect to defend themselves and the piglins seem to be advanced in strategy when defending a bastion. Does that mean the relics found are also related to everything? Yes. The ancient ones built both the ancient cities and strongholds, the fossils were also part of their knowledge. The ancient ones also controlled all dimensions, and made Jean(the dragon) immortal. They also made the end cities.

The fossils

According to the devs the sniffer is the final child of a dinosaur-like species, although we do not know about the ancient beasts

This post is not about the sniffer so let's get to the ancient beasts. According to the fossils they inhabitated the soul valleys and most of the overworld, the Warden's skeleton might have those bones or the ones of the citizens.

What we know is that they are around 50 blocks long and 10 blocks tall probably. Their fossils are more common around the soul valleys which means they are from the nether, which means that they were pig-like(hoglins and piglins are the last generation so it is pretty accurate).

You will probably say that it is related to the wither skeletons and it is true, piglins are hostile against wither skeletons, some fossils have some coal in them which hints towards that some were scarred by the wither skeletons.

What I said probably isn't canon so keep making theories and sharing them!

The Cataclysm
Part 1: A Scarred Land
As i said in the Fossils theory some of the ancient ones were scarred, but it was not just a simple fight, it was a war.

There are strange holes in the world sometimes, it is where the golems fell and the great beasts were thrown, but what was the Cataclysm? It was a chaotic event happening across entire minecraft, i'll explain it now.

The Cataclysm's start was seen in Minecraft Legends, where some of the pig-like beasts are shown, but it is not all.
After the biggest portals made to prosper in the Nether opened, the beasts went to the overworld where they worked as peaceful workers and guardians. However, the Wither Beasts were banished, and then the conflict started heating up.
Some outcasts of the pig species decided to help the skeletons to take over the overworld.

All golems sent to mine in the Nether never returned, the outcasts set up traps to break them, suspicion grew in the native population of the Overworld. The outcasts, with help from the wither beasts made the portals secured(the gold block on top is a broken mechanism to protect them from humans).

The beasts and outcasts grouped up together to open a fracture to connect both worlds,
that fracture also opened the Deeper Dark which had a much smaller fracture but the sculk spread.

The builders had to flee to the end, and the creepers were eventually broken cameras like @illager said. They self-destructed when attacked and also were giving the ancient headquarters information.

Redstone beasts were made to protect the headquarters, they were much stronger than normal golems, with incredible power they could decimate armies. The scar in the land started to grow, great beasts and overgrown piglins(who were the outcasts) started exiting the scar.

Part 2: The Rift
The nether opened a large chunk of obsidian to create a giant rift, which scarred the land,
and allowed the large beasts to start a large outbreak.

However, one day, the Builders decided to finish everything by sending their strongest warriors, the machinations, and a obsidian monstrosity to help break the rift.
When the machines started digging Herobrine just decided to dig out some giant chunks in a single second, therefore speeding up the process.
Null, as now called, went rogue recently and started breaking everything, including the end, and the nether.

When the team entered the nether, a strange shake broke the monstrosities, and then Herobrine fell into the lava. Silencer and some remaining soldiers were alone, surrounded by lava, just by the entrance to the wither fortress, very different to the Nether Builder HQ.

The building seemed to be really large, made out of nether bricks and simply blackstone,
when the coordinates were checked, it was way too far from the HQ, 5 thousand blocks away and 500 blocks under.

And as they stepped in...

Part 3: Uneasy Alliance

The builders knew their batch sent to finish the conflict had low survival chances, and they couldn't help them because of the Villagers who killed all mites.

So the builders asked the Illagers to join them, the Illagers were happy of having new weapons, territory and gear, at the small cost of patrolling the builder territories.

Although, the Illagers were known as bandits, because they were, and the alliance with the Builders made the conflict with the villagers even greater.

The first Illager-Builder patrol was sent, it was sent to break down the storage camps of the villagers. With incredible success the conflict between the new Illager-Builder alliance and the Villagers grew even more.

Part 3.1: Sealed away
As the conflict grew enough to tear apart the End, the Heart was tired and didn't want to burn down the entire universe just to end the war.

"Seal it with the blueprints for monstrosities and also 6 golems, when someone worthy picks it up, I'll take my revenge on the villagers" the Heart said before giving one of the builder battalions the Orb, a fragment of the Heart's soul.

Some Illagers went to listen to the Delegate about the Orb, they knew it would be a Illager the one who would be worthy, so they searched within the babies(or blockies or whatever)
to find the worthy one, they gave the strongest ones extra care, not knowing that the smallest one was the worthy one...

Why the trial chambers are made from copper and tuff
here are 2 answers, first being technical one(it looks cool and counts as a extra feature) and the other one being lore, which i am going to explain.

There seems to be no information about the mob vote losers, but they surely are in the lore, the ancient builders eventually did make tuff and copper golems.
The golems were great help for building the chambers and also were simple assistants for the farmers and also helped with greeting guests.

However when The Cataclysm came, they needed war force, not housing assistance, also the ancient builders knew they might lose and what would happen if their treasures fell in the wrong hands. They had to store the treasures in the trial chambers to make sure those who get their treasures are worthy. The golem cores, eventually, were taken from the house assistants to make powerful redstone golems(see MCD for confirmation) who would help defend and protect from the combined enemy forces.
The Heart Of Ender knew about that(after seeing it through the eyes of ender), so it learned about the magic made for redstone golems, something we now know as Redstone Signals. Archie remade those golems with the help from the Orb and their strength was seen again.

The materials and remaining energy was used to power the Trial Spawners while some of the materials were used for the building.

What I said probably isn't canon so keep making theories and sharing them!

The iron golem
What is the iron golem(idea by MistFaller)

The iron golem is known for being a good bodyguard and a essential component of iron farms, but what is it?

The devs will answer: X lines of code
But the lore answers:

The iron golem is eventually a marvel of technology which replaces a golem core with the soul of its first enemy.
The villagers probably do not want tons of scrap so they only summon golems when needed.

The golem in itself is similar to the warden in 3 things: 1. The mob model and 2. The attack animation and 3. The golem consumes souls like the warden does.
That feeds a bit the "wardens are corrupted golems" theory but the warden might just be a vengeful soul which absorbed everything around.

But why there are no more golem cores?
The villagers surely do not mine a lot(like that they do not have raw diamonds, just armor probably obtained from the undead), which means that they do not have the golem cores from the redstone golems.

But how does the golem work before the first soul? It takes a fragment of the villager's soul.

What I said probably isn't canon so keep making theories and sharing them!

The minecraft gods
The Minecraft Gods(idea by BLACKMAGE_NEW_GHOSTE)

Did you ever complete Minecraft? You seen the last part, where the gods whisper.
But what they are? Devs? Souls? Gods?

Deep inside the lore we hear those whispers in two places, the soul valley and the End.
"ThEy ArE uNrElAtEd!1!11"
No, they are related, everything in Minecraft lore is related.
There is not much information on the gods but there is lore for them.
You have heard of the (not) canonnical character herobrine probably.
Well, his existence in LORE(not gameplay) is confirmed, they added "removed herobrine"
to most updates. In the fanmade lore herobrine is one of the gods although in canon lore it would be Jeb and Notch(probably)
Jeb would be the one who has blue text and Notch would be the one with green text.

They mentioned that the player reads minds, therefore confirming my theory of steve being an expert of telepathy, although the potato plant must have been a potato as a potato's mind cannot be seen as it has no mind.

Anyways, we know that we probably hear the gods in the soul valley. You should have heard those eerie whispers.

There is not more info on this topic

What I said probably isn't canon so keep theorizing and sharing theories!

Builder Outcasts
The Builder Outcasts

Did you ever wonder who the small wither skeletons are?
Well, I got an answer, which is a lore-theory:

During the Cataclysm there was a cult of humans who worshiped a ancient variant of the Wither, they were great inventors and made daggers to help their cult accomplish their goal.

Their daggers generated bursts of air when dropped, it allowed them to jump pretty high while also throwing enemies, the daggers were made of breeze rods and the strange metal which the mace is made of.

During the Cataclysm War they betrayed raid parties and thrown off their own soldiers while giving the skeleton invaders weapons.
It was impossible to catch them as they would fly away, however, one of the builders made a similar system into a mace to catch them, it worked by jumping on enemies and hitting them, absorbing their energy and unleashing it to fly.

The Wither Cult was eventually banished into the nether, where they prospered and made fortresses with altars, although when they died they still had their daggers, but the daggers got weathered, therefore instead of throwing wind, they withered away enemies they stabbed. The piglin outcasts accepted them until one skeleton went rogue and created a deadly force, a human artist who was trying to draw the nether saw the beast and put it in a painting,

The beast was the Wither, their god, the Wither came vengeful on those who banished it.
The Piglins.
They were the ones who saved the nether, even as outcasts, they thought this wouldn't happen. But it did, the piglins now seek revenge on the skeletons who reinforced their fortresses to survive the piglin raids and sieges.
Eventually the skeletons attacked a bastion, they broke most of it to declare war on the brute pig species.

What I said probably isn't canon so keep making theories and sharing them!

The ghast
The ghast:

You might have seen those annoying, moaning, flying things.
But what are they?
"The force of chaos", actually it is just a remnant, souls of the overworld, fulfilling the nether wastes, where one of the greatest empires was founded.
In the wastes there were the Nether Ancient Builder Headquarters, which are now simple debris and scraps(found in my mod).

But returning to the original question, it isn't who, it is from where.

The ghasts were eventually souls of ritualists worshipping an ancient god, something buried deeper than the Wither, the ancient beasts.

They have 2 mouths, maybe that is why they moan all day, but what are they?
They are eventually also mixed with squids somehow, so the panda genes are also in the ancient builders,

CONCLUSION: The ancient builders have genes, similar to the pandas. The ghasts are souls with 2 mouths and there was a ancient builder HQ in the nether wastes.

Probably this isn't canon so keep making theories and sharing them!

The Ender War
Chapter 1: Battle for the Citadel
You thought the Cataclysm was the biggest war?
During the Cataclysm there was another, the Ender War, the biggest one, but the one between allies.

The Heart of Ender supplied Endermites to the overworld forces, a great addition to the army because the mites could sabotage, track, kill, delegate and distract.
However, the villagers didn't want the endermites.

The Ancient Builders offered them tons of Dragon Breath and other supplies, but the Villagers declined. Eventually the strongest villagers fled to the end, and became endermen.

Then the Heart was asked to implant a self-destruct into the mites so they could stop the villagers who attacked them.

The builders started transporting, however, the villagers attacked those transportation lines and they reached the Citadel, where the biggest battle happened, the battle for the Citadel, the Heart was about to receive the payment and the endermites when the villagers entered, they crumbled most of the city before the Heart unleashed its power, powered by many Ender Batteries made by the builders as a gift. The explosions killed most villagers but teared apart the citadel.

Since that there is a huge conflict between the Villagers and the Heart, shown in Minecraft Dungeons.

Chapter 2: Heroes and Builders
So the player supports the villagers, like in MCD as a hero, so the player is a hero.
Heroes were eventually outcasts of the builder race, the heroes supported the villagers without knowing why the builders hated them.

The heroes and builders were once known as a single species: Humans
They separated during the Battle For the Citadel, when they killed the ancient builders who targeted the villager heavy soldiers.

And the builders actually made the creepers, who were recording machines(yes in this i agree with @illager). But why are the builders so hateful towards heroes?

The heroes assisted the villagers who killed endermites, which helped preventing the biggest possible war.

But the heroes eventually weren't that wrong, they just didn't see the bigger picture.
But is Steve a hero or a builder?

Steve's parents were builders, but steve supported the villagers as he learned telepathy and time warping instead of history, he just knew not to teleport to 0-9 DC(during cataclysm) because that time was the cataclysm eventually.

The advancement Hero of the village confirms how steve is a hero and not a builder.
Alex's parents were heroes so it is obvious that Alex is a hero.

But what are illagers?
Outcasts of society, the last remaining allies of the builders.

Chapter 3: Machinations
The builders already had Monstrosities, Abominations and Golems, but all of them were too big, too weak, too stupid.

So they made 3 Machinations, each out of deepslate and powered by redstone.
The 3 machinations were: HeroBrine: The current urban legend and a talented shapeshifter, protecting the world from other machinations, he could become a pig or a human, but the white eyes were always kept, having perfect eyes would make him blind.

Then there was Silencer, a machination who used sound to break enemies and was sent to calm the Warden, the Silencer always preferred not to make noise and then backstab the enemy, it had troubles with shapeshifting. After getting its noise system damaged it used pressure in the brain and eardrums(through inexplicable abilities) to do the same eventually.

And the last one was Void, named itself Null, who created desolate voids wherever it stepped, it has been known to navigate multiple timelines at the same time, stalking players while also running through timelines.

Herobrine was sent to lead a battalion into the villagers' HQ, which was well defended through simple traps where the heavy golems stepped in.

That way Herobrine was alone, having to break down the HQ through a hole Void created,
when Herobrine stepped in one of these holes he fell down and broke one of its pig legs(because of having a pig shape at the moment).

Chapter 4: Silence was never an option
After tearing apart the Villager HQ the leader of all heroes was caught.
A redstone golem carried the captured hero, who was left without weapons and with blocked hands.

In the Nether HQ the captured hero was locked in a room, 20 minutes later Silencer entered.
"What do you think you are doing by saving the villager?" the machination asked.
"We are saving what must be saved, you infested their homes and they were just taking revenge!" the hero replied
"You know, the endermites actually spread seeds found on the ground to add them to your farms, they also work as personal guards and pets." it replied
"First of all, why did you capture me?" the hero asked
"It wasn't me, it was the other one" it replied
"How?! I thought you were the only one of those machinations!" the hero yelled
"I was just asked to interview you, before they asked I was digging to find a abomination called the Warden" the machine said
"Wait, the Warden? The thing that killed a city?! Are you brainless?!" the hero replied
"I am a machine, I do not have a biological brain, I do have some command blocks but not a brain" the machine said.
The door closed while Silencer exited, just before giving a disc with the recording of the interview to one of the builder leaders.

Now the builders had the information they needed, the heroes just thought that the builders were evil.

Chapter 5: Pig's Wrath
The pigs see everything, from the overworld to the nether, it was impossible for the conflict to escape their gaze.
They knew about the Heroes, their biggest fail, and the builders, who captured the leader of the Heroes.

Then a wave of attacks began, the piglins(who were evolved ancient beasts but not outcasts) (I mean, there were piglin outcasts but they hated the builders and didn't support them) summoned large amounts of portals around the heroes' camps.

The heroes defended well the camps, although, not everyone survived.
Exactly counting 5 heroes died and over 30 piglins died too.

So the pigs asked help from the builders, who had the same goal as them, killing the heroes and ending them. The builders, happy of getting new allies, gave them crossbows made out of reinforced redstonic string, which was quicker and better than normal.

"We got this, time to summon portals inside the heroes' camps" the piglin chief said.

They entered, attacked with their new improved crossbows, and managed to kill away most heroes, before the last 4 flooded the piglins with lava and blocked them off with obsidian traps. Then they stole the crossbows, which were already broken.

This probably isn't canon so keep theorizing and sharing theories!

After the Cataclysm
Part 1: The Final Blow
Once the Illagers were sent to assist the machinations in taking over the fortress, the monumental rift closed almost fully.

The first hall was calm, with only a single wither skeleton batch, which was defeated in question of seconds.
Each hall was more defended than the previous one, with the 3rd floor having at least 3 overgrown piglins per hall.
By the 4th floor most Illagers died, although roughly 40% of them survived.
When they reached the 5th floor, where the last hall was located, 5 wither beasts dropped, just to strike.

The remaining ones broke them enough to defeat them, although the final floor was awaiting.

"What is waiting us up there?" a pillager captain asked
"The responsible of opening the rift, Silencer defeated a similar beast before" a builder replied.

As they entered the Lava Pinnacle(the obsidian pinnacle was based off it),
they heard a large amount of skeletons rattling.
The leader, a simple human-sized skeleton started summoning large amounts of wither skeletons.

The Illagers were organized enough to clear off the waves while the builders warmed up their cannon.

When the cannon shot it broke around half of the pinnacle, killing multiple Illagers and the skeleton leader.

Part 2: Within the Dark
I documented the Warden a bit, but what about its origins?

It only exited because of the large rift which was opened by the Cataclysm.
But was the sculk a dimension's fauna or just pure soul essence?
The dimension was full of souls which couldn't reach the nether.

The data was documented in one file found within a HQ:

Archive 987S-Sculk

The strange fungus invading our city has incredible properties which can be used for both time-warping and soul-locking magic.
However, it has a strange property which locks the soul into it, and the bones are absorbed.
We should make a graveyard away from here.

Its origins seem to be within a rift which was opened, we recreated it in a portal to get more data about it.

The portal is powered through the bones of the leader of the Cataclysmic forces, as its influence is needed to activate the portal.


We entered the Dimension, it all seems to be dark, with some stra-


Our reporter died to one of the creatures, seems like we shouldn't make much noise here.

Anyway, I am pretty sure this thing has a noise silencing opt-

Well yes it did silence all noise for now.
Should be useful.


Sending files...


Alright, now we have a copy of the file for if we die.

It seems like there are no bones within here.
I guess the bones are what forms the creatures around.

Sending files...
Finishing record....
Adding to library...

Part 3: A new Government
After the Builders fell, the Heroes started controlling the Overworld, resulting in a peaceful civilization, as seen in Story Mode season 2.

But in season 1 something different happened

The government was teared apart when a rebel found a Command Block and caused the pure apocalypse, the Wither Storm.

Eventually, that was only the 3rd wither. Not the first, the Builders and Heroes defeated 2 withers.

However, what was the Command Block?
The ultimate power
A reality-twisting item
Something capable of bringing an end

In Story Mode you make endermen attack it and then the storm brings extinction, however in my timeline it didn't happen.

In my timeline what killed the last Heroes was the Heart, along with Archie.

"but story mode happens after dungeons...."

Eventually, it happens before the hero camps are teared apart within the Ender War.
The ancient builders and the heroes were allies in Season 1.

I am pretty sure this isn't canon so keep making theories and sharing them!

The Builder Emblems

So, there are warm ocean ruins.

They were made by the builders, and in one building there is a heavily weathered end city emblem.

"Were the builders in the End?" Obviously, they made Jean(the dragon) immortal and also became endermen or just visited but they built the Strongholds and end cities.

They look like a square with 2 pixel types resembling a missing texture with granite and clay.

Warm ocean ruins also seem to be bigger, that means the desert was once a nucleus for prosperity. Desert temples confirm that.

The sea lanterns are found in all ocean ruins and also ocean monuments, implying that a ocean monument is a ocean ruin, which is true.

But what are the Guardians? Well, that's for another theory

This might not be canon so keep making lore-theories and sharing them!

The Sculk Abomination
The Sculk Abomination(also called minecraft:warden)

If you found an ancient city, you know the Warden, that one hugger(?) stalking you when you trigger him.
If they are huggers those hugs are brutal so better discard that.
Anyways, let's start by looking at the sculk, it is known for warping time(examples: My "why is there no voice chat" theory and the Deep Dark's theme also echo shards and recovery compass)

@illager said that sculk is a fungus and the Warden is a corrupted golem(maybe judging by their hitbox) but actually I think it is the remains of something ancient, as it can consume souls the same way soul sand does, "But why are there no fossils in the Deep Dark?". Well, the question is about the similarities, maybe the nether ones had more resistant bones(joke), actually it is because of the nether being the place where there are souls and the Deep Dark is infestation from another world maybe.
Alright, sculk is solved, it is pure soul essence which steve used.

Now to the Warden, the protector(?) of the cities, it is disturbed by sound and lurks within the rock(that was mentioned by one of the mojang article writers). It consists of sculk and bones, which means it probably consumed the souls to start getting souls and then also absorbed the bones to make its skeleton. The warden has also little to no mind although incredible senses. It killed the citizens of the city, obviously, a skull is seen by the fountain, it means the warden did kill the citizens and also somehow managed to place it?!
There is something behind the sculk, a entity(in the Sculk Dimension Bedrock map it is known as the Warden Queen). And all is related to the extinct, ancient, colossal ones, and also the intelligent, supreme, ancient, HUMAN ones. Steve is the final child of those species(and all other default characters are too though). An alternate dimension, beyond the void, beyond the moons, beyond the minecraft world. An alternate timeline.
But that's for another theory.

What I said probably is not canon so keep making theories and sharing them!
CreditPMC for the thumbnail which is collections icon

11 Update Logs

Update #11 : by MaximusPrime23 06/02/2024 3:35:27 pmJun 2nd

Added Builder Emblems theory

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05/16/2024 4:03 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme
illager's Avatar
This is cool. You should check out some of my theories!
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