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Mural for a fanfic

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I couldn’t fit the whole thing as the main image of the blog, so only half of it’s at the top. Here’s the full thing:
Mural for a fanfic
In my Transformers fanfic, there was a portion of the Decepticon army that remained on Cybertron. I made a list of these Decepticons and had planned to draw them all for a big mural that would be at the end of book 4, as they reunite with the spacefaring main cast in the final chapter. I would normally start at 10 PM and finish at 11 or later. (Each bot took at least an hour regardless of when I started.) Every time I finished a bot, I posted the art with a bio for them. Alas, burnout came along and forced me to cut a lot of the characters out, but I wrote their bios nonetheless just for this blog.

Mural for a fanfic
Contrail is a Seeker and former member of the Senate. He was a secret Decepticon sympathizer, along with his fellow Senator Ratbat, and he provided Megatron with access codes needed to break into the Spire and perform a hostile takeover of the building that ended in the death of Sentinel Prime, leader of the Senate and thus all of Cybertron. He served as part of Decepticon high command for 4 million years during the Great War, and in the Earth year 1984, when the Decepticons departed Cybertron aboard the Nemesis to pursue the Ark, Megatron left the high-ranking Seeker in charge of a group of Decepticons tasked with eliminating all Autobots left on the planet. 10 years later, Rodimus and his forces left the planet, leaving Contrail and his men in control of Cybertron, and they awaited the return of their leader for the next 23 years…
Ratbat was once a member of the Senate who, along with Contrail, was a secret Decepticon sympathizer. The two provided the Decepticons with access codes for the Spire, which allowed them to enact their hostile takeover, and they held their fellow senators hostage while awaiting their leader’s arrival, upon which he slaughtered them all. Ratbat became the Decepticons’ auditor, managing resources and ensuring that they used energon and the such efficiently, although he would sometimes get on the nerves of his comrades if they went just a little over the limit. While he had the ability to be stored in Soundwave’s chest in his data disc alt-mode, he preferred to stick with Contrail, who had a cockpit that he could ride along in when he was in jet mode. When Megatron and the crew of Nemesis departed, Ratbat was made sub-commander (second-in-command) of the troops on Cybertron.
Slipstream served as part of Cybertron’s military as a captain of an aerial unit. Once Megatron overthrew the government, she betrayed her unit, shooting them all dead with her retractable null rays, and then joined up with Megatron’s troops. Since Starscream left the planet aboard the Nemesis and Contrail was busy leading the entire Cybertron-based Decepticon army, Slipstream, a Seeker captain, took command of the Decepticon air warriors, overseeing units such as the Rainmakers and Flamemakers.

Mural for a fanfic
The gluttonous Hun-Gurrr has a voracious appetite, especially in his Algean two-headed razor beast alt-mode, which allows him to eat twice as much at the same time, fueling and strengthening this Decepticon warrior. He was one of Megatron’s more reluctant followers, but the amount of Autobots he realized he had the opportunity to devour boosted his loyalty. He wields a flaming sword and a sonic stun gun, and he became commander of the monstrous Terrorcons, who were modified by Shockwave to be able to form Abominus, of which Hun-Gurrr is the torso.
Rippersnapper likes to take out his inferiority complex on everyone he considers inferior… which is everyone else. Worse, all the “inferior” traits he calls them out on are simply his own. Despite how annoying he is to his teammates, he remains an important member of the Terrorcons. In addition to his back-mounted missiles, he has a short-term cloaking device that allows him to sneak behind enemy lines. Pair that with his bipedal shark mode for aquatic missions, such as a battle on Aquatron during the war, and he’s a force to be reckoned with.
Blot’s a smelly one. He exudes every kind of toxin imaginable and refuses to listen to his fellow Terrorcons’ pleas to clean himself. While this smell is a dead giveaway in combat, it also distracts enemy Autobots long enough for him to ensure them with his slime gun. In addition to that, the claws from his ogre mode are also usable in his robot form, so watch out. Lastly, Blot has a hard-light hologram generator similar to Runabout’s, and the modifications he’s made allow him to create explosive copies of himself in combat.
Sinnertwin is arguably the most aggressive Terrorcon. He’d be tied with Cutthroat, had it not been for one small factor: while Cutthroat knows when to stop slashing his victims, Sinnertwin’s teammates often have to pull him away from their foes after the battle’s ended. By then, however, his victim is usually maimed and burned beyond recognition. Aside from his sadistic combat skills, he also wields a grenade launcher, which can fire a timesplit grenade. This small explosive, masterfully engineered by Shockwave, is capable of slowing down opponents while speeding up anyone on the Decepticon side.
Cutthroat is rather bloodthirsty. The moment Hun-Gurrr (or whoever’s commanding him) gives the order to attack, he’ll fly into battle and release smoke behind him. The next thing the Autobots will see is a green and gold bird monster flying towards them. He’ll then tear his talons into them, ripping them apart with that and his beak before finishing the job with his blaster. Even his fellow Decepticons are scared of him, but he fits right in with the other monstrous Terrorcons, serving as their scout.

Snaptrap is a ruthless warrior, leading his Seacons into battle and ferociously slashing through Autobots with his incendiary sword or blowing them up with his deadly armor-piercing ion cannons. His snapping turtle alt-mode is just as fearsome, with its jaws able to crush metal in seconds. He earned his nickname, the “Butcher of the Bogs,” after single-handedly decimating an Autobot camp in the Toxic Sludge Swamps.
Nautilator is, as any of the Seacons will say, utterly useless. He can’t be relied on for anything, and for some bizarre reason, he’s in an aquatic unit when he can barely swim. Once he’s sunk to the bottom, however, he’ll do what he does best and scavenge for materials. This is his only good trait: he can find and retrieve anything, and the lobster claws on his back in robot mode give him an extra set of arms for this job. In terms of his uselessness, he’ll often blame anyone and anything but himself. Due to his incompetence, he often forms the gun of Piranacon as opposed to a limb, serving as the combiner’s heat-seeking torpedo cannon.
Overbite loves hunting. He delights in following helpless Autobots around, be it in the sea or on land, and striking when they least expect it. The Decepticon will then tear them apart and feast upon their remains. However, Overbite knows not to devote his life to this hobby. In his downtime, he enjoys regular combat, training with his fellow Seacons, and tracking Autobot transports. He wields an incendiary sword, albeit less wide than Snaptrap’s, a freeze beam blaster, and he can transform into the deadly jawbreaker cannon (provided Nautilator isn’t serving as Piranacon’s gun).
Seawing is essentially the Seacons’ version of Dirge, able to scare the living headlights out of anyone he sneaks up on. Skilled at creeping around in his environment, especially when it comes to the water, he is especially suited to scouting and recon missions. In addition, he has a cloaking generator that allows him to be invisible for short periods of time. In terms of weaponry, Seawing wields a pair of venom lasers mounted on his wings, as well as a cleaver that forms part of Piranacon’s trident. Lastly, in his manta ray alt mode, he can fire a bullet that releases dark clouds, perfect for sneaking around, and he carries grenades that can release the same clouds, only smaller.
Skalor is rather good friends with Blot, a pairing that their teammates don’t find all too surprising. Both are smelly, unhygienic, and coated in disgusting fluids. However, where Blot’s poor hygiene is a result of pure laziness, Skalor’s is due to an undiagnosed condition that he refused to get checked out, and which causes him to leak lubricants from within his body. Despite his stench, however, he is an excellent fighter. This Decepticon bruiser has been known to take out three Autobots at once with minimal damage to his armor, and his dual crustation rifles can coat his foes in slimy scales. His strength is another similarity he has with Blot.
Tentakil is a nice guy, or at least, he makes himself seem like he is. When he first joined the Seacons, he acted kind and caring towards them, defending his teammates and breaking up fights, but this was all part of an act, an act that he puts on for any new person he meets. Once their guard is lowered, he shows his true colors. He didn’t do this with the Seacons, but if they’re an enemy, the next thing he’ll do is grab you with his tentacles, which can latch onto any hard surface, and then either shoot you with his dual slime lasers or decapitate you with his cleaver (which also forms a prong of Piranacon’s trident). The Seacons know this trick all too well, and pity any Autobot that falls victim to Tentakil’s trap.

Needlenose is a lot like his older brother, Tracks. Both have a knight helmet-like piece on their foreheads, both have airborne alt-modes, and, most importantly, both are obsessed with appearances. While Tracks is incredibly vain, Needlenose is always looking around to see what looks are “last kilocycle” or “out of season.” He started out doing body alterations with Flatline, a doctor who specializes in that field. Needlenose would do measurements and designs, and Flatline would perform the surgery. Then, he started the Chic Chip business with his brother, which allowed Cybertronians to customize parts of their appearance without the need for expensive surgeries. He had a falling out with his brother over who to market them to, and devoted his time to the Decepticons, eventually becoming leader of a squadron of aerial fighters.
Triggerhappy is just that: trigger-happy. And crazy. At Decepticon boot camp, he was flying around on a hoverboard firing his guns when he fell off, hit his head, and kept firing, killing several of his fellow soldiers. He immediately graduated, and gained a position as a gunner in the Decepticon army. In addition to constantly asking people to say his name, he loves the sound his guns make when fired, likely explaining why he shoots so much. In addition to the four laser cannons on his arms, which fold down over his hands for combat, he also wields a compressed air cannon, which, as its name suggests, fires pressurized air as a projectile.
Slugslinger is your stereotypical tough guy. He claims he’ll always win in a duel when challenged… provided he still has ammo left in his automatic machine gun. Without bullets to spare, this Decepticon will quickly turn from confident to cowardly and take off in his twin-cockpit jet form. Luckily, it doesn’t usually come to that, as his comrade Triggerhappy is often there to back him up (and with Triggerhappy on your side, you can’t lose).

Horri-Bull is yet another Decepticon slob. Unlike Blot or Skalor, however, he is proud of it. He wears his stench like a badge of honor that would scare the slag out of Windsweeper, who has the misfortune of staying in quarters across from him. On the combat side of things, Horri-Bull is a brute of a warrior, with a mean streak and strength that’s made him known for being a thuggish bully. However, he is also proof that even the nastiest of bots can find love, as he has found companionship in the form of Needlenose, who he cares for deeply.
Fangry is stubborn, insubordinate, and aggressive. This Decepticon has transitioned from commander to commander, as none of them want to lead him. He refuses to follow orders, believing he has the best judgement and any advice or suggestions given are worthless and unhelpful. He is, however, a good soldier on the battlefield. His winged, wolf-headed alt-mode allows him to swoop over his enemies and tear their heads off in the process. The only problem is that he just doesn’t do what his commanding officers want him to do. Perhaps putting him with Roadblock will work…
Squeezeplay is a saboteur and a warrior. He believes that he and he alone is enough to tear through Autobot defenses, and that motivation proves useful. Most of the time, he and his squadmates Horri-Bull and Fangry are strong enough to break through enemy defenses, with Squeezeplay and Horri-Bull doing the bulk of the damage. Squeezeplay doesn’t stop, and focuses solely on his path of destruction, but this sometimes lands him in trouble, and he tends to need to be rescued (usually by Fangry, who grumbles about it every time).
Talk backwards Weirdwolf does. Talk to himself Weirdwolf also does. Lives up to his name he also does. Creeped out by him his teammates are, so embrace weirdness Weirdwolf does. Confuse his enemies his speech methods do, and unclear reasons for said speech methods are. Vocal processor damage it may be, but intentional it may also be. Rip, tear, and slash in battle Weirdwolf will do, pleasing comrades Skullcruncher, Mindwipe, and Apeface it often does.
Skullcruncher doesn’t do sneaky. He has a teeth-grinding habit that rears its ugly head (jaws?) right before a battle, and if he and his unit are sneaking up on the enemy, said sneak attack is going south quickly. Luckily, once he’s in battle, his other habit - binge-eating - rears its own, much less ugly head (again, jaws?). The Autobots will all have the same look of pure terror on their faces when they watch him voraciously consume their comrades, wolfing them down like energon goodies in his alloygator alt-mode. Alas, since the last of the Autobots left Cybertron (around 1994), he hasn’t had any to eat, so he began working on becoming, of all things, a comedian.
Apeface likes to show a commanding presence. He’s rather loud and obnoxious, and sometimes bossy, and he does it all in a bid to appear strong and tough. It’s been long debated amongst the Decepticon ranks about whether this is an act or his true personality, and he indeed does wish to lead and have others obey him. He started out as a gladiator fighting in the pits alongside the likes of Megatron and Clench, and, once the war began, he became part of the two-bot Horrorcon unit along with the lazy yet savage Snapdragon. When Snapdragon left to become part of Doubledealer’s crew of Mercenaries, Apeface was transferred to Skullcruncher’s new unit, which he swiftly became the leader of.
Mindwipe is the Decepticons’ resident hypnotist, a power granted to him due to being forged an outlier. His ultimate goal in life is to communicate with the dead, a goal he has attempted to achieve many times. He’s held séances, constructed elaborate communication arrays, and spent days locked away in the morgue trying to speak with various Vehicon, Battlecharger, and Seeker corpses. Sometimes, his fellow Decepticons wonder if, in his quest to speak with the dead, he’s lost his sanity…

Sparkstalker is an incredible cryptologist. He’s been one of the major players in many a Decepticon victory, hacking into Autobot files and decoding intercepted transmissions. His biggest feat was when he saved Kolkular from destruction at the hands of Project: Damocles, a satellite built in secret above Cybertron by the Autobots that could fire powerful lasers with immense precision from space. Alas, this Decepticon genius wound up stuck in a military unit with the idiotic Cindersaur and the pyromaniacal Flamefeather. He has saved their lives many times, but most of the time, he’s saving his comrades from them. After complaining to high command about how this was like functionism (which they were against) due to them all transforming into fire-breathing creatures, Sparkstalker was also made a part of a science team known to others as the “Techy Trinity,” working alongside Bitstream and Mindwipe to better serve the cause.
Before you read this, bear in mind that the Decepticon army is full of psychos, lunatics, and flat-out violent freaks (for example, Overlord, or the entire DJD). Flamefeather, however, is too violent, and to be too violent by Decepticon standards is quite concerning. He loves destruction, especially when it involves soaring over Autobot camps and setting them ablaze with streams of flame fired a flamethrower in his mouth. He was thrown out from the Decepticon Military Academy (one year after the Misfire incident on the college campus) for being overly violent and destructive, but allowed into the army because high command assumed he’d get himself killed. Unfortunately for them, he was assigned to a unit with Sparkstalker, who’s dedicated his time with him and Cindersaur to saving their tailpipes.
Cindersaur’s function is “firestorm trooper,” and that fits him well. He’s a certified pyromaniac (Froid did an analysis before the war) and he’s also extremely stupid, perhaps dumber than Spinister. During his early days in the field with his fellow Firecons, it is suspected that he inhaled too much smoke, and it affected his cerebro-circuitry, causing irreparable damage that made even dumber and even crazier. From the day forth, he had a small torch installed in his head that keeps an eternal flame burning above his face. Many an Autobot fear encountering him, and for good reason. His preferred way to relax is by drinking lava and bathing in fire… yes, this is an accurate report.

In the words of the Autobot psychologist Froid, Quake is “fundamentally attracted to, and nostalgic for, violence.” He’s a berserker warrior who doesn’t stop until the whole battlefield has been razed and reduced to nothing but rubble and fire. Whenever he goes into this psychotic frenzy, however, his systems begin to overheat, but he just turns the pain into more rage and starts shooting Autobots at point-blank range and bashing their skulls in with his guns. He is one of Megatron’s favorite bots to send in should he ever need to go scorched metal* in battle.
Dreadwind is a gloom machine. Like Dead End, he is endlessly depressed, but unlike Dead End, he also manages to bring others down. There have been many a party held in Kolkular where the happy vibe has been killed by the arrival of this Decepticon. Because of his glum attitude, most of his comrades avoid him, as do enemy Autobots. This leaves Dreadwind constantly lonely, save for Darkwing, his only friend, and the only one known to be able to cheer him up. The two often go on missions together, soaring across the planet in their interstellar combined jet form, Dreadwing. (A name the stealth bomber Dreadwing dislikes.)
Dreadwind is gloomy. Darkwing is a gloom-spreader. This Decepticon is about as sad and depressed as his partner-in-crime, but he likes to make himself feel better by making others feel worse than him. Decepticons who pass him in the halls or on the battlefield will often receive insults that cheer Darkwing up. However, they don’t complain, as having a cheery Darkwing means having someone who can cheer up Dreadwind.
The Decepticon Army has 4 main punishments for its troops: torture, imprisonment, a spot on the List, and transference to Roadblock’s command. (And no, this Decepticon is not related to Autoroller of the same name.) He is a master of instilling fear and utter terror in his troops, which both makes them miss their old commander and motivates them to do better. He is without fear or cowardice in battle, and he expects the same from his troops. Autobots have theorized and joked in combat that Decepticons running towards them were likely running away from Roadblock, and some Decepticons have confirmed these beliefs.
Roadgrabber delights in going into battle and watching Autobots die in slow and horrific ways. It gives him an eerie sense of pleasure, and he’ll often talk to his fellow Decepticons about it. What he fails to notice is that they don’t actually listen, and are in fact creeped out, and when they get the chance, they’ll leave. Despite loving killing Autobots, Roadgrabber is also not one to fight on the front lines, preferring to stay behind cover and fly over to the dying and defenseless bodies of his victims after he’s crippled them.
In the pre-war days of the Golden Age, Finback was a sailor who traversed the Argon Sea carrying shipments of supplies from place to place. Then the war broke out, and he became a naval officer in the Decepticon Army. One day, his unit raided a chemical-polluted planet, but this mission went horribly wrong and left him with a slow rusting disease. Luckily, he was outfitted with a new body by Thunderwing that somewhat slows the spread, and his second lease on life has removed his fear of death, which makes more confident in combat.
Iguanus is the Decepticons’ resident herpetologist. He is infinitely fascinated and amazed by reptiles and amphibians, and has developed a sort of kinship with them. To this end, he reformatted his body (with the aid of Thunderwing) to be more reptilian, hence his unique look. His quarters is always hot and humid, and there are various species of alien creatures that he keeps as pets. As herpetology is not a useful skill in a war between mechanical lifeforms, Iguanus makes use of his recon bike alt-mode to serve as an advance scout.
*Scorched metal is the Cybertronian equivalent of the scorched earth military tactic.

Outside of the final set, the following bios are for characters who I did not draw to burnout. They are grouped based on who would be on each canvas.
Ruckus is your standard adrenaline junkie. He's loud, aggressive, and potentially mad. However, he is also fiercely loyal to the Decepticon cause, which makes him a perfect front-line trooper. He quite literally does not care how damaged he is at the end of the fight; all that matters to him is that he's mode the most amount of loud noise possible, trashed as many Autobots as he could, and hopefully contributed further to Decepticon victory. Along with Crankcase and Windsweeper, he was also part of the Triggercon Program, which outfitted them with concealed rapid-deployment plasma cannons that Ruckus simply cannot stop firing in battle.
Windsweeper adores neatness and abhors anything dirty. Before the war, he was head of Cybertron's Department of Sanitation, even personally going out to help his employees keep the streets clean. The slightest spec of dust is enough for him to bust out his closetful of cleaning equipment. His disdain for germs meant that, during the entirety of the Great War, he refused to go to organic planets, as he saw them as just more pests. When he agreed to partake in one of Shockwave's projects to equipped with rapid-deployment plasma cannons, he requested that the scientist make his a shiny chrome so he could see any dirt that got on them.

Calcar is the Decepticons' battle analyst, observing a fight from the sidelines to understand the enemy's tactics and strategies. He then uses this information to advise their strategists in how to go about the next assault. He is also a war history buff; ask him an obscure question like, "How many shots did Zarak Maximus fire during the Battle of Quintessa?" or something obvious, such as "What was General Big Bang's strategy for defeating Gaidora and her turbofoxes?" and he'll give an accurate answer on the first try. He often uses his knowledge of military history when suggesting strategies to his peers, his reasoning being that "if it worked then, it'll work now."
Don't let his neon yellow paintjob fool you, because Fearswoop is actually a master of sneak attacks. The special booster module on his back not only increases his speed, but also serves a silencer for his engines, allowing him to quietly fly at supersonic speeds over his targets. When they least suspect it, he'll pelt them with fire from his twin machine gun. Because of his sneakiness and accuracy, many Autobots (and some Decepticons) have given him the nickname "Black Omen."
Blackwall is used to working security. This hulking brute of a bot once fought in the gladiator pits, before becoming a spectator; his favorite combatants were Megatron and Slag. Eventually, he turned away from illegal deathmatches and got a job as a bouncer for the Jump Joint in Kaon, where he was quite literally a large, black wall for anyone not allowed in. He witnessed some of Megatron's early, early speeches at this bar and became one of the first members of the Decepticon faction. His security skills were so good, in fact, that he became Megatron's personal transport, carrying him around in his armored SUV mode.
Jetstorm loves his job as mission coordinator. He relishes in barking orders and making sure all of the Decepticons' assaults and missions are carried out. Sure, many are sick of him, and he has no friends, but does he care? No. All he cares about is making sure that the insubordinate are put in their place. Jetstorm also possesses a special camouflage ability that allows him to change his colors when wet; while this may seem inconvenient, as most combat is done on the dry surfaces of Cybertron, he also wields one of Hydradread's fluid cannons, which allows him to spray himself with water to activate his power.
Road Pig is one of the most annoying pains in the tailpipe in the Decepticon Army. He's a basic, low-intelligence thug who was assigned the role of "Autobot harassment" because a) he's good at it and b) no one wants to be around him. He's so utterly annoying that Autobots and Decepticons will sometimes chat about their shared hatred of him while fighting. On the bright side, he's also hated enough to be gunfire magnet that allows the other Decepticons (who were probably offered more shanix than were ever made to work with him) to sneak around and catch the Autobots unawares.
Battletrap is one of a rare few forged with a mitotic spark, and his metal was molded in a way that allowed him to split his consciousness across two alternate modes. He became part of a two-bot unit called the Duocons alongside Flywheels (who later abandoned the cause). Battletrap likes to make use of his two alt-modes to play with whoever he's pursuing, and then kill them when he has them cornered.

Rage is just that: rageful. He is almost always angry, and he takes out his anger by crushing everything in his path. Despite coming off as an angry brute, however, he is very intelligent, as well as being quite strong and having stellar aim. He is also a great commander, leading the Stormtroopers, a team of Decepticons armed with fluid-based weapons.
Aquablast is the Stormtroopers' repair-bot. Even in the middle of a fight, he's on the job, speeding to his allies and fixing their weapons if they ever malfunction. His best area is engines, which he's been known to fix in mere minutes while such repairs would take others at least an hour. Hydradread often suggests that they work together, but Aquablast is more into field repairs and slaughtering helpless Autobots than he is in helping a mad scientist like him.
Drench is a bully, simple as that. It doesn't matter if the victim's wronged him or not, they'll still return to their quarters and find it a mess, or be walking down the hallway when they're shoved in a storage closet that gets locked behind them. The Stormtroopers hate his mean streak, especially since he's just as cowardly as he is rude, if not worse. They've considered sacking him (as in literally putting a sack on his head and tossing him in a pool of toxic sludge), but he's also excellent at coordinating military units.
Hydradread could be described as crazy, sick, depraved, certifiably insane, a lunatic, a psycho, and the list goes on. Where Shockwave builds weapons that make sense, he's more like the Decepticon version of Wheeljack, creating new devices with a 25% chance of working and 75% chance of blowing up him, his lab, and maybe a chunk of the facility he's working in. His peers must admit, however, that his work is truly genius. Arguably his most well-known invention are his fluid blasters, which he's supplied his fellow Stormtroopers with.

Venom suffers from being paranoid that he'll lose his spot as Insecticon leader to someone else, and in a way, he has, as the group split into two units, with one being led by him and the other by Bombshell. His paranoia leads him making some insane decisions that put the command he's so afraid of losing at risk, with his primary tactic being psychological manipulation. Many of his subordinates will joke about threatening to usurp him and mock him for his fears, but they fail to realize that this is actually worsening his condition.
Chop Shop is a compulsive kleptomaniac. No matter where he is or what he's doing, he'll always steal something from someone, and they likely won't notice until it's too late. It doesn't matter if you're Autobot, Decepticon, neutral, or alien - if you've met him, you've probably been robbed. Oh, and don't bother attempting to protect your belongings better than normal, because the harder it is to take, the more Chop Shop will want to take it. Luckily, this means he's very good carrying out energon heists from Autobot-occupied facilities.
Barrage doesn't stop with victory; he stops when there's nothing left. The post-battle scene he desires so very, very much is a barren wasteland littered with mangled and mutilated corpses. He shoots all enemies, be they the fighters, the runners, the injured, or the captured. It takes the full strength of the other three members of his unit to pull him away from a battle after it's ended, and even then, they all end up with a gunshot wound somewhere on there body from their comrade trying to continue wrecking the place.
Ransack is your average warrior. In fact, he may very well be one of the few "normal" troops in the Decepticon Army that's not a Seeker, Vehicon, or Battlecharger. He likes to fight, destroy, and kill. He completes his missions diligently and doesn't focus on the paranoids, kleptos, or destructive maniacs around him. In fact, it's those types of people that drive him crazy. The only issue he may have is that he's so focused on his work that he starts shooting straight ahead the moment he arrives at the site of a battle... and his teammates are usually in front of him.

Acid Storm likes to blend in. Sure, he may be good at data gathering, but he doesn’t like praise, or fame, and he never pursues it. All he cares about is that he’s remembered as the “green Seeker.” Most will remember him for his outlier power, which allows him to generate acid rain. If he truly puts the effort in, he can also create a massive storm of acid. While he prefers scouting missions, this Seeker is normally called in along with the rest of his unit - the Rainmakers - to spice up the battle.
Ion Storm, like his fellow Rainmakers Acid Storm and Nova Storm, was born an outlier. His unique spark granted him electrokinetic powers, which he uses in battle to create EMP blasts. He believes there is strength in numbers, and is thus rarely seen without the rest of his team. Ion Storm can also supercharge his EMP powers to create a wide-range EMP wave, which was used during the takeover of the Senate to knock out all their communications and deactivate the security systems.
Nova Storm is yet another Decepticon outlier, with a spark that gives her armor the unique ability to withstand extremely hot environments, with the hottest place she’s been being the chromosphere of a star, for approximately 5.6 seconds. She cares about her friends, but don’t mistake her kindness towards her friends for weakness; she’ll gladly leave their side if they’re wounded to go slag some Autobots, but only if she knows they’re sage. She also hates being mistaken for Sunstorm, and fails to understand why they always get confused for each other.

Hotlink loves making weapons on the spot. Need a very specific type of gun in the middle of a fight? Give Hotlink five minutes and it’ll be ready, loaded, and in your hands. He always carries his tool kit on him, which seems to have every engineering item and tool imaginable. He’s also a weapons geek, and, much like how Calcar knows military history facts off the top of his head, he knows anything and everything about weapons, be they Autobot or Decepticon. If they Autobots are showing off a new weapon in battle, you’re likely to hear Hotlink obsessing over how awesome it is and wishing the Decepticons had their own version of it. Hotlink’s most famous invention is the pyropathic flamethrower, which is a special flamethrower that wields in combat.
Bitstream is a computer genius. He serves as their resident hacker, able to bypass firewalls with ease and infect their systems with malware without them even knowing. Because of this skill, he became part of a science team along with Mindwipe and later Sparkstalker; upon his addition, they began to be called the “Techy Trinity.” He does, however, sometimes get lost in the digital world, blurring the line between computer and reality. He was the lead designer of the data-bomb, a digital “explosive” that could knock out systems from within.
A nuclear explosion left Sunstorm with a sort of radiated skin, which he can make so hot that so much as a light tap will reduce your hand to a mess of droopy, metallic sludge. This is the scientific explanation of it; he thinks he was blessed. No, seriously. He believes that the explosion was Primus’ way of “choosing” him to purge the world of sinners and heathens, and that the radiation he gives off is his creator’s “Divine Light.” Most are used to his insane delusions, especially his fellow Flamemakers, who spend most of their time listening to him rant about how the Autobots are damned to an eternity in the Pit and it’s his job to send them there. High command has frequently suggested locking him away, but Shockwave has argued that he’s a deadly warrior, and as long as he remains motivated to fight Autobots, he can continue fighting.
Nacelle just wants to prove he’s good at what he does. He’s a younger Transformer, part of the last generation to come online before the Senate fell and the war began, and he idolized Hotlink’s work. When he joined the Decepticons, he begged and begged Starscream to transfer him to his unit, and, much to Hotlink’s annoyance, he was. Time and again, Nacelle has proved his engineering skills, aiding Hotlink in his projects as his assistant and understudy, and he’s a surprisingly good fighter in the air. In general, the Flamemakers have warmed up to his presence, and they enjoy working with him nowadays.

Duststorm* leads the Seeker Elites, a commando unit of the Decepticon air warriors. He specializes in desert warfare, hence his tan color scheme and engines that allow him to live up to his name by creating small sandstorms. This, of course, isn’t of much use on a metal world like Cybertron, but Duststorm is also an excellent strategist, known for his elaborate plans. Often times, when he pitches one of his strategies, he’ll have several alternate versions of it to allow for versatility. To high command, this makes him seem very eager for his plan to be given the green light, but they also admire his ability to cover all angles.
Blackout is a member of the Seeker Elites, specializing in covert operations. His engines are silent, and his black color scheme lets him blend in with the night sky. His colors don’t seem to be enough, however, as he also has a cloaking devices that lets him turn invisible for short periods of time. He’s also exceptionally strong, often not needing to use the Elites’ special nullification cannons to win a fight.
Cloudcover is one of the best aerial combat specialists in the Decepticon Army. He is rarely seen battling in the ground, instead taking out enemy forces in the skies. He is also a lover of chemical warfare, and to this end, he is equipped with a device under his fuselage that can dispense toxins as he flies overhead. These gases are deadly and corrode the armor of his enemies until they reach their vital organs. To avoid injury, the other Seeker Elites wear special shields that can withstand the toxins.
*He’s a renamed version of G2 Sandstorm, since there’s already a Wrecker with the same name.

The bulk of the Decepticon Army is made up of generic troops. In addition to the the versatile-yet-weak Vehicons, the swift Seekers, and the destructive heavy troopers, there are the Battlechargers. Patterned after the designs of twins Runamuck and Runabout, these sword-wielding warriors are a force to be reckoned with for land-based Autobots. Where Vehicons possess ranged weapons and thinner armor, these ground soldiers have thicker plating and, as previously stated, swords, which allows for close combat.
Vehicons are easily the weakest soldiers in the Decepticon army. Whether they’re grounded or airborne, their poor marksmanship and lack of thick armor makes them some of the easiest opponents to kill, which is not good for them. Despite being weak, Megatron still has a use for them… as cannon fodder. Contrary to what you may believe, these Decepticons are not clones, but rather an entire class of constructed cold Cybertronians created for manual labor. They have their own individual personalities, voices, expressions, and friendships, and more continue to born throughout the war from a massive stash of sparks stolen by the Decepticons.
The Seekers once made up the bulk of the Cybertronian Air Force, an army of highly-trained Cybertronians constructed cold in identical bodies that predisposed them to be either airmen, scientists, or politicians. When the war began, every last one of them sided with the Decepticons, and were placed under the command of Starscream. They retained their null-rays, and some kept their energon maces as well. Initially, most Seekers (there were exceptions) were told to all change their color schemes to lavender, white, and gray, although this rule was eliminated, leading to some choosing more unique color palettes.
If you need some hard-to-destroy-but-still-expendable warriors, chances are you’re looking for a heavy trooper. These brutes joined the Decepticon ranks when they realized they needed some throwaway bots that could still do more damage than a Vehicon or Battlecharger. Blitzwing was chosen as the base schematic, with more of the stolen sparks used to give these troops life. The only differences between them and Blitzwing besides their colors are that they lack his fire and ice cannons and they cannot transform into jets. However, they are armed with powerful hammers that can create miniature shockwaves and knock opponents off their feet.
CreditThe plethora of reference images and TFWiki pages I used for the art and text

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03/15/2024 9:56 pm
She/Her • Level 12 : Journeyman Princess
Gracelyn's Avatar
Looks awesome!
What exactly are “Seekers” in your fanfic?
03/16/2024 6:58 am
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Any of the Starscream-looking Decepticons, all of whom joined from the Cybertronian Air Force

The reason why they all look like him is because his spark was put in the same type of body as the others, and as a sign of loyalty to him, they usually change their appearance when he does (ex: when the ones aboard the Nemesis went to Earth, they all changed to Starscream's Combiner Wars design)

and ty!
03/15/2024 6:57 pm
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03/16/2024 6:59 am
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
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