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Modern building tips! - [Updated!] - Ninaman - 75,000 Channel Views!

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NinamanOfficial's Avatar NinamanOfficial
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Architect
Hey guys Ninaman here with my first blog! So Ive been getting questions along with other builders on how to get better or what are secrets behind modern building!

SO...I decided that id make this blog for everyone to post tips about how THEY build their style of modern and what adds or takes away from a build.

Ill start with my main checks when Im building a modern house! Here they are! :3

Building Tips

Examples: Modern Interior Pack #1

1: Is it unique?? I try to make all of my builds different even in just a little bit then mine and my inspiration source.

2: Does it have depth? A good modern build (supposing it is more than 1 element) has depth to the different parts with different levels, colors, indents, and shapes.

3: Do the colors match? Yes color is good but a yellow, pink, glass, and netherrack house...? Maybe not. Try and picks colors that match each other and contrast at the same time!

4: How does everything fit? In a modern build overlapping shapes is usually a big part. Picking what shape goes where and how far it goes over/under can make a big difference.

5: The surroundings/landscape? This can make or break a build. Having a custom or at least edited partially terrain to fit your build adds so much more to a build! And in general (aka not always but...) FLAT = BAD

6: Hows the lighting? For me at least, cool lighting is an enormous part of a good modern build. Glowing slits on a blank wall or hidden lighting can add a lot to a build.

7: Is it realistic? This tip really doesn't apply to ALL modern builds but for the standard modern house it does. It is always fun to make huge cliffside mansions with 5000 ft cantilevers off the edge into a ravine (speaking from experience xD) but for a normal house try and keep things somewhat to what could be in real life. Check out other houses on PMC (good ones) or look up modern houses on google to see what a real modern house looks like. it will suprise a lot of you!


8: Dont do a survival interior. if your gonna build a modern house in creative that isnt meant to be for survival...dont make it survival. try and use realistic style or at least original decor and furnishings. For an example of an interior that is not survival check out a few of my houses or tons of other builders on PMC building a bit more realistic and less survival-like.

9: Beds....bed blocks are not great for interior of a house. They are very out of scale and dont really look great either... I recommend beds made of either wool or different layered snow. with the new carpets, you could use slabs on the top of the block with carpets and snow as the pillow.

10: Make sure your interior flows with the house. a lot of modern houses feature open plans..which is good but you need to be careful. i have seen houses with the bedroom as the entry and then you walk through that into an indoor pool and then living kitchen and...toilet in the middle? it can be bad..so try and think about the flow of a house. think about real houses and how they are setup too!

11: Make the interior features fit with the houses. in modern builds, the interior is a lot of the time extensions of different elements of the houses shrunken down and to scale for a table or cabinets or something of that sort. try to keep the same theme throughout the house!

12: LIGHTING. Please please please please please please don't have exposed glowstone. please. yes, it works as lighting, but no it does not look good. burning furnaces in the ceiling or under plants or other blocks that are covering but still let though light is a great way, and what i tend to use most often. Also, beacons, or hidden torches also work very well!

13: World Edit (WE) furnishing. With all the snow glitches, other glitched blocks, and //fast, there are even more furnishing possibilities now. Take a look at many of my houses for example. In the house Sections Modern EcoHome, the kitchen, as well as bedroom storage are all done with WE. a great decorator as well as divider for a space can be a wall of reeds, or even just some framed in glass panes with a flower pot or 2 around it.

14: Interior Coloring. For me at least, i prefer darker warmer natural interior colorings with touches or bright white or a lighter grey for accents. Grey, black, light grey, 43:8, stone, dark wood, jungle wood, and other materials of that theme i find look the best for modern as well as many traditional homes too.

Industrial / Larger Building tips

15. When doing an Industrial or a larger build, you have to think of what your doing a bit differently. what will the spaces be used as? Does it fit the purpose of the building and still look good?

16. Function. Although it is important for a building to look good, when doing an office building or a restaurant or something of that sort, they must also be functional and have a simple and flexible layout to best work with the purpose or function of that building.

17. Height. yes skyscrapers are cool and super tall, but too tall can be bad. The scale for skyscrapers in Minecraft often goes wwaaaaayyy out of proportion and it winds up either looking like a toothpick, or very stubby and awkward. It is important to make sure that there is an amount of floors that can make sense and still be used!

18. Materials. Skyscrapers and office buildings generally aren't made out of cobblestone and gold right? Good blocks to use in taller office buildings or skyscrapers are often cement like blocks, or a plain colored block. some of my favorites are:

Stone, Snow, Grey/Lightgrey/Black Wool, 43:8, 43:9, Iron,Grey/Lightgrey/Black Stained Clay, Ice, Glass/Glasspanes, and types of sandstone.

Although it is less of a modern feel, Brick is very common for older industrial buildings and Victorian era Skyscrapers.


So. where does inspiration come from when making a modern build? For me it comes from many many places. Here are some of the most used ones for me.

19. Real Life! If you live near anything with anything modern. Look at it. it helps! If you are living near or in a city with modern buildings can just walk outside and look around!

20. HOUSE HUNTERS <3 yep. House Hunters. and Hawaii Life. All those HGTV shows. The episodes with 1 M+ budgets often have some AWESOME Modern houses as well as some great interior. Others shows like Property Brothers have detailed floor plans as well! If you see a house you like on a show like that, it gives you a full tour!

21. Google Images. A lot of people use this primarily. Just type in "modern house" or "minimalistic house" or something that you want to see an IRL version of. (Minimalistic houses are SO different IRL then most people build them as in MC). Also, there are plenty of architectural blogs on the web with cool designs and great concepts to build off of.

(make sure to never use others ideas unless given permission or full credit to the maker. always ask first.)

22. Blogs. not PMC blogs necessarily, but real architecture blogs. Look up any style or area that youd like to see houses (or buildings) and you will most likely find something :D Again, make sure to never use someone else's idea exactly. you can get inspiration but dont copy >.<

23. Keralis's Inspiration series is great for getting some good ideas for modern (actually any style!) builds! A few of my builds are in the series as well as some amazing builders on the World Of Keralis server. There about 100 episodes give or take now and each one is something new :D Be sure to check the series out!

Other Misc tips!

Well, over all I just have a few more things to say on this haha :) For one, GIVE THE BEST EFFORT. People on PMC often make fun of modern builds and builders because they say its a "lack of effort" or "just shaders with too much brightness" etc... Make sure you dont give them the chance to. Dont cover up a build with too much brightness and not put in any effort just to post. Another tip is CLASSIFY YOUR MODERN BUILDS CORRECTLY. This is a MAJOR pet peeve of mine. People who build any random modern house or build and then just for flash call it "Minimalistic". Nope nope nope nope. This is not ok. If a house is not minimalist or ultra modern, DONT call it that! Simple as that. It doesnt add anything to a build. It may even drive them away!

these are not mandatory, however they are goodin general but always can have exceptions!

WELL for now this is it! Ill post more as I think of them as being this is just the start. Id love to hear what you guys use to make your modern builds! Thanks so much guys! Be sure to reply to this as well as check out my projects to see some examples of these ideas in context. Diamonds to everyone and thanks :D

Check out my other work for examples of these tips in action :D

ALSO! If you ever want further help, send me a PM and ill be happy to give you some specific tips to what you are building! Also you can add me on skype at Ninaman598.

Make sure to Diamond,Subscribe,Favorite,Comment and tell me what you think,and Tell your friends!

8 Update Logs

More and Misc : by NinamanOfficial 03/09/2014 4:06:20 pmMar 9th, 2014

Reformatted AGAIN with the new text box to all sixe 12, and spaced correctly.

Added in more info under building matierals

Added the brand new Misc tips section! More will be coming soon!

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08/25/2018 11:52 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
RosyBuilds's Avatar
I wasn't super into building when I first started playing Minecraft. However, I knew I was a builder when I built a small town house and the whole server came to see it. C: Building isn't just about creating things. It's about creating things for others. I recommend that anybody reading this blog post take this information you've learned and make something special for other people.
02/07/2018 12:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
LGSkully_'s Avatar
That's very useful, thanks a lot ! I'm trying to get better and someday -who knows- I'll get as good as you or othe pro modern builders !
11/20/2017 7:00 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
EKOMusiX's Avatar
Very nice! This has been very helpful! Thanks! :D
12/07/2017 8:36 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Architect
NinamanOfficial's Avatar
Glad it was helpful for you man! :)
08/19/2015 11:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheDerpCreeper's Avatar
Dude! That's gonna be so helpful to so many people!
PS do you still play on WoK? And would you be keen to collab? I have big plans :D for WoK
PPS dw about this PMC account I just made it so its noob af.
12/07/2017 8:36 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Architect
NinamanOfficial's Avatar
Only 2 years late here oops....
03/31/2015 8:31 am
Level 1 : New Network
-Dogg-'s Avatar
Thank you! This was very helpful.
03/31/2015 4:46 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Architect
NinamanOfficial's Avatar
Thank you! :) Glad to hear dude!
11/23/2014 2:38 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1495382's Avatar
07/01/2014 7:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Caltech_Cans's Avatar
Thanks! I enjoyed the suggestions and will try out the texture pack! :)
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