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LOAC: Chapter 9: Excavation Initiation

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Elyrantha's Avatar Elyrantha
Level 33 : Artisan uwu
LOAC: Chapter 9: Excavation Initiation

Lily stood in the doorway, looking into the room. She looked from Ruby, to the ex-butler, who was clutching his nuts while lying on the ground, barely holding onto consciousness. Once she laid eyes on me, she was completely awake. “DAURINE!!” She ran and hugged me. “Where were you?! I missed you!” She looked at me. “Do you see Elyrantha? The woman with the elf ears and the demon tail and horns? She’s from a laboratory. I went there to save her from this monster who WAS the head butler.” Elyrantha then spoke up. “Princess Lily, please allow me to introduce myself.” Lily cleared her throat. “Go ahead.” She said. Elyrantha then got on one knee, and looked at her. “My name is Elyrantha. I am an elf demon from another world. The ex-head-butler teleported me here for his testing. He abused me, along with other fantasy creatures.”

“Like the ones in the movies? Elves, orcs, all those creatures?” Lily asked. Elyrantha nodded. “And mixed races. Your protector, Daurine, has freed us, and promised us all a way out. You see, not everyone is small enough to fit in the small hole we came through.”

Lily looked at Ruby. “Mom?” Ruby replied. “Yes, dear?” Lily then asked something that surprised me. “Can I solve this problem? Please?” Ruby nodded. “Go ahead, dear.” She smiled. Lily smiled back.

“Alrighty! What I was thinking, is that Daurine goes down again, and gets the coordinates of the room where they are, and then Ruby will order an excavation team to dig a tunnel with one of those big laser digger thingies, and that tunnel has to be diagonal enough to get from here to the coordinates, without it being too steep and once the tunnel has been dug out we can get the fantasy creatures and build them a home next to here!”

She looked at Ruby. Ruby was staring at her in awe. She smiled brightly and warmly, and then spoke in a proud voice. “That’s an a-m-a-z-i-n-g idea! You’re definitely going to be a very very very good Empress once you’re crowned!”

Lily smiled back. “So you are going to do what I just said?” Ruby nodded. Lily then screamed “YAAAAAY!!!!” And hugged her tightly. Ruby chuckled and hugged back, kissing her on the forehead and muttering “My precious little angel…”

She smiled at Lily who broke the hug and was happily dancing around, and eventually pulled me in her dance, while happily exclaiming “Mom is choosing my plan, mom is choosing my plan” over and over again. I smiled at Lily.

“Congrats Lily! You will be the savior of some amazing people! I’m sure they’ll all be super happy!” Lily looked over the moon. “Oh! I forgot one more problem! My inexperience with kicking in between legs!” She looked at Ruby with a look that implied ‘You know what I want’.

Ruby laughed softly. “He’s all yours..” Was the only thing she said. Then, Lily smiled. She then proceeded to.. practice her kicking skills at the ex-butler, who probably wouldn’t be able to stand for the next hour or so.. all while Elyrantha was watching her with a small smile.

“She’s such a little and innocent girl.. but when it comes to kicking in certain places.. she’s a monster…” I chuckled. “She sure is… I suppose I will have to tell a story.. one that’s quite.. disturbing..” Elyrantha perked up. “Tell me.”

“Alright then..” I paused. “So, you know, -actually you probably didn’t know that Lily has a father-, but she does, and one night I had a nightmare about her being in danger, and I woke up and went to check up on her, and I walked in on her father doing the deed with her. So… I pulled him away and almost wanted to cut his thing off.. but held myself because he needed to still pee.. and after that Lily, Ruby and I fled. Since then, Ruby ordered me to shoot him on sight and restrain him so he can be punished and Lily can then kick him.” I paused again. “So that’s why she is practicing.”

Elyrantha nodded. “I see.. I see…” She mumbled. “I feel bad for Lily… even though I know absolutely nothing about this world.. I do know that it is a dark.. and twisted world.. where everyone is doing what they want without caring about others..” I sighed. “That’s the most simple explanation of life on earth right there…”

Ruby nodded. “Elyrantha isn’t wrong there…” She smiled. “On earth.. people see demons as big scary red looking creatures.. with red eyes and bloodlust… they are seen as soulless monsters, who kill everyone…. and then there are the incubus and succubus.. who have craving for pleasure and blood…. But luckily they don’t exist..” She paused. “Until now.. because now there’s a demon.. be it half elf and half demon.. but still, a demon! Only this demon isn’t the demon that we see them, this demon is a rather kind demon! A gentle, kind, and calm demon..”

Elyrantha blushed heavily upon hearing. “T..thank you.. for the kind words.. Miss Ruby…” Ruby chuckled. “Oh, keep the formalities away, for you it’s just Ruby, ‘kay?” Elyrantha nodded. “I understand, Ruby. Is it the same for Lily?” Ruby nodded. “It’s the same for Lily. She’s just Lily to you.”

Ruby smiled and then looked for Lily. I pointed to the phone. As she looked at the phone, her expression turned from cheerful, to shock, and then to pure happiness and joy. Lily took it upon herself to call an excavation company. She was very busy talking to the.. lady on the other side of the line. And since I had my super hearing, I could understand it perfectly fine.

“Alright miss, you want to have a team with the Lazer Excavator dig out a hole to an underground facility, a-“ Lily cut her off and said “Lab. It’s a lab.” The woman confirmed. “An underground lab. You want a tunnel to be dug from the Hyola Mansion to that lab, am I correct?”

“You’re correct miss!” Lily said.

“And the workers will get the coordinates of the place they need to dig a tunnel to on site?” The woman asked.

“Yes.” Was Lily’s simple reply.

“And who’s going to pay? Your mother?”

“Yes.” Was her reply again.

“Alright miss, if I would be allowed to speak to your mother really quickly, I would greatly appreciate it.”

Lily looked over at Ruby, who was sitting there with tears in her eyes.

“Mom! Someone wants to speak to you!”

Ruby quickly went over to Lily and took over the phone. “Hello, this is Ruby Hy- i mean.. Ruby Alican.”

I could clearly hear a gasp on the other side, followed by the woman clearing her throat. “Uhm.. jeez… uhh.. okay! Miss Alican, your daughter has ordered a team of diggers with the Lazer Excavator to dig out a tunnel to an underground laboratory, and she told me that you would be funding it. I just want your confirmation and then it’s all set and ready, and then the excavation team will arrive shortly after, by spacecraft.”

Ruby cleared her throat. “I confirm that I will be funding the operation.” She said. The woman replied with “Alright then! The excavation team will arrive within three hours.”

“Alright then.” Ruby said. She then spoke again. “Are you a mother, miss?” The woman at the other end of the line responded with a subtle “Yes. Four kids.” Ruby could be seen smiling. “Good. Now, a question as just mother on mother. What would your reaction be if your ten year old daughter with the mentality of a six year old would do things like that just to save some very interesting creatures?” The woman was silent for a whole. “I’d be the happiest mother ever.” She eventually said. Ruby chuckled. “I’m so proud of my little baby girl.. so young and she already has the Empress in her, if you know what I mean..” The woman chuckled. “I know what you mean..” She said.

Ruby then got in her babble mood, and just started talking and talking about all topics ranging from Lily, to me, to the Emperor and his deeds, to criminals, to her first execution sentence, to family who died.

In the mean time, I would go down in the lab, get the coordinates, and went upstairs to be met by Ruby still talking, and eventually a spaceship could be heard, indicating that she’d been talking to the woman for almost three hours now. And as fast as she started it, she also ended it.

“Alright! It was very fun and relaxing to have a chat with you, Amanda! But the excavation team arrived, and I will have to go see it.” The woman, Amanda, agreed. “You do you, Ruby! Have a great day!” She then hung up, after the typical “Goodbye!”.

Ruby looked up, as if nothing special or out of the ordinary had happened. “I guess we get going then..” I chuckled. “Alright then!” I gently grasped for Lily’s hand. She took it firmly and clung onto me. I began walking outside, with Elyrantha and Ruby following. Outside, a group of men were maneuvering a giant machine with a giant needle-like thing, which was designed to create a laser beam that would be able to melt stone out of the cargo bay of a spaceship, which had ‘Dig & Co’ written on it. The men looked at us and greeted. “Greetings to all four of you!” They said, and then looked at Elyrantha. She sighed. “I suppose you guys are wondering what i am and how I got here, am I correct?” They nodded. “Please tell us if you feel comfortable, miss..” One of them said.


“Elyrantha.” The man replied back.

Elyrantha paused before continuing. “I am a half elf, half demon woman from another dimension, one of many hells. I got teleported to this world by an idiot who thought it’d be funny to create fantasy races.”

They looked intrigued. “And we are digging a tunnel to the lab? I get it.. we will get to work immediately!” And with that, they continued to get the machine out of the cargo bay.

I walked up to them, and gave one of them a little piece of paper with the coordinates of where the tunnel should start and where it should be headed and with which angle. He thanked me, and changed the course of the machine to get to the coordinates written.

In the mean time, I went down the ladder. I went down as fast as possible, and when I got there, I ran straight to the cells.

When I arrived, I saw Angelica and Harpina were flying around, as well as Dragina, who was doing barrel rolls. The three elves were sitting in front of one of the cells, chatting. Milo and Werm were busy with a tournament of who can break the glass first, while Pupp and Missi were playing with each other. Dragina was first to spot me, and flew down towards me and gracefully landed.

“Daurine! You’re back!” I nodded. “You guys are gonna be saved soon! The tunnel is getting dug now.” They all cheered. Pupp ran up to me and hugged me. She was hot -literally and figuratively- so it made me feel warm.

“Thank you so so much Daurine! I don’t know how I can repay you for this..”

I smiled softly. “I’m sure you’ll find a way eventually…” She agreed. She then broke the hug, and sat on the ground, patiently waiting for the tunnel to be dug. I sat down next to her, and also waited. After about twenty minutes, it started to become a little hot. Not because of Pupp, but because of the laser of the tunnel bore.

Eventually, one wall began to melt away, and there they were. Emerged from out of the wall, like moles. They had melted away the stone. They shut the machine off, and one began driving it back up. The other men walked towards us and greeted us.

“Hello everyone! I’m assuming you all, except the cyborg, are created here, in this lab, correct?”

Everyone nodded. “And I heard from Princess Lily and Elyrantha that you all were abused?” Everyone nodded again.

“Well, if you go through the tunnel, you will meet the person who called us to save you all. And besides, you’ll get to be free.

“The princess called a building company who will be building an apartment complex for you all, and each of you will have their own room.”

Everyone looked excited. The man started jogging to the tunnel, and went into the tunnel. Everyone followed, including me. Angelica, Dragina, and Harpina flew up, and were flying high in the sky when we reached the surface. I saw Lily’s smile, and happiness.

She ran at the fantasy creatures and took Milo’s hand, and studied him closely. “Oooh! You look like a normal human, but you have the head of a bull…” She paused, and then they said “A minotaur!” In perfect sync. They then both chuckled, Milo with his low chuckle, and Lily with her high, clear chuckle. Milo then picked Lily up in his strong muscular arms, gently pressed her against his chest.

“So this cute little girl has saved me and the others out of the lab? And you’re the little one who Daurine is protecting?” Lily nodded enthusiastically. “Yup! That’s me! I’m the princess, and my mom is the Empress! And Daurine is my adopted sister!”

Milo nodded. “And what about your father?” He asked, totally oblivious to the trauma she’d gone through. Ruby spoke up, her tone full of hatred. “We don’t talk about her father. Unless you want two women angry, and a child who has memories flooding back.”

Milo looked shocked. His eyes were wide. He spoke again, his low voice full of acknowledgment. “From what I can understand, I think that he’s done some dumb things with the little one?” I, Ruby and Lily nodded. Milo looked down. “My apologies for bringing those memories back.” I spoke up. “No need for apologies, you didn’t know it, so we won’t get angry.”

“Thank you..” was the only thing Milo said. I smiled. “Don’t be sad now, Milo..”

His expression immediately turned happier. “Alright!” He gently placed Lily back on the ground, and speaking about Lily, as soon as she was on the ground, she’d be running fast the wind to the three elves. She enthusiastically approached them. “Ooh! I know what you three are! Elves! Aww! Those ears are so cute and adorable!”

She went to Mink, who was heavily blushing, just like Monk and Eljari. She reached out to touch Mink’s ears, but stopped and pulled back. “May I touch your ears please?” She asked politely.

Mink nodded, and spoke in her usual soft voice. “Of course, go ahead.. you saved me after all, and I know that you won’t hurt me..” Lily then went to gently touch Mink’s elf ears, gently squishing them and feeling their softness. Mink’s ears began to flap slightly, and my system began to try to calculate the reason.

Within a few seconds, my system found out. The elf ears flap due to excitement or happiness. So, Mink was either very excited, or very happy. I looked at her to scan emotions, and I only found happiness and trust.

I smiled. “You’re happy, Mink… how does it feel to be happy?” I asked. Mink closed her eyes, as Lily massaged her ears. “It feels absolutely wonderful.” She said softly.

I smiled, and then looked at the rest. At Monk, Eljari, Werm, Pupp, Missi, Jori, Harpina, Dragina and Angelica. The winged creatures had landed, and were watching in curiosity, as well as everyone else. Lily had a long day ahead of her, that was certain.

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