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LOAC: Chapter 6: Villa Alican

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Elyrantha's Avatar Elyrantha
Level 33 : Artisan uwu
LOAC: Chapter 6: Villa Alican

As the three of us approached the mansion, a butler approached us. “Welcome Miss Alican! Where is Mister Hyola?” He asked. Ruby’s expression turned grim. “He’s not here, because I am trying to keep the little Lily safe.”

The butler looked concerned. “If I may inquire, what has Mister Hyola done to Lily?” I stepped forward.

“To say it as child-friendly as possible, he stuck his pee-pee in her private places.” I said, to which the butler looked shocked, completely stunned and out of his police and calm manner, he asked:

“Is she alright?” I looked at Lily. “Lily, go on and tell us if you are alright.” Lily cleared her throat, and spoke to the butler in a gentle and polite way, a way that held authority, and a way that surprised me, because I never heard her say anything in this way.

“I am doing alright, thank you for asking, good sir.” I looked at Lily, as if she was an alien. Lily looked at me and smiled, her childish behavior returned. “Oops! Looks like Daurine isn’t used to my polite way of talking!” She giggled. I looked at Ruby.

“Did.. you… learn her that?” I asked. She nodded. “I taught Lily to be polite whenever we’re going here, yeah. She’s gonna have to learn it sooner or later, she is the heir to the throne after all!” I nodded. “I can agree on that..”

The butler, who had recollected himself, and was in character again, his calm and polite manner, asked: “Would the three of you be kind enough to follow me into the mansion?”

We all nodded. “We’d like that.” Ruby said. So, the butler guided us. Into the house, where he held the door open for us to walk in. Inside, it was made out of marble, with a soft, fluffy red carpet, which Lily immediately went to kneel down and stroked the carpet.

Ruby looked at her. “Lily, stand up, you can pet and stroke the carpet in our room when we’re there.” Ruby would actually use a somewhat stern voice, which had Lily listen immediately. She stood up and looked at the butler, who was patiently waiting. “Where would you all be interested in going first?” The butler asked. “Just begin at the main floor.” Ruby said. The butler nodded.

“As you wish, my lady.” He then pointed to a door on the right. “I’m going through it quite quickly I hope you don’t mind. I will take you all to the doors, and state the purpose of the room behind it.” We nodded. “That’s fine.” Ruby said while Lily nodded along. The butler bowed politely.

“That’s great.” He said. “Let us proceed with walking over to the first door. “This is the laundry room. There’s probably no explanation needed for the purpose, it is relatively straightforward.” He then walked to a door that was a little bit down the hallway. He turned around to face us. “This is the servant’s quarters, I presume you all know what this room’s purpose is..?”

We nodded. “Good. Let us proceed with the quick tour then.” He said, and then walked across the hall, to another door. “This is the dining room.” He walked to the door down the hallway on that side.

“The kitchen is located behind this door. Now, these were all the doors and rooms downstairs -oh, the toilets, of course! How could I forget! They’re located on both sides of the staircase. They’re gender-neutral toilets.”

He paused and looked at us. “Now, we have completed the main floor of the building. Now, let us proceed to the next floor.” He went up the stairs, and we followed. We were met by another hallway, with four doors again. He walked up to the first door to his left.

“This is the master bedroom. This is where Ruby will sleep.” He walked to the door next to it, a bit further down the hallway. “Another bedroom, for Lily and..”

“Daurine.” I said. “Daurine.” He repeated. “The room for Daurine and Lily.” He walked to the door across it. “This is the bathroom.” He then went to the final door. “This, is the living room. I’m sure you all are aware of its purpose.” We nodded.

“Good.” He said. “I shall leave you all alone to settle in. If you are in need of my help, or any servant’s help, please come to the servant’s quarters.” Ruby spoke up. “We will, thank you.” The servant then bowed, and went back to the servant’s quarters. I opened the door to the living room, and was met by a large room, with a small bar, a humongous couch, a few comfy looking chairs, and an enormous TV. And I mean, BIG. Approximately two meters high, and three and a half meters wide. I used my scanner to see it was made by VyroTV, and it was the VTV-200350 model. It was indeed two meters high and three and a half meters wide. And to top it all off, it had an incredible 64k quality, which in this time, is only used by the richest of people in the world. I then shifted my attention to Lily, who was unpacking the name plates with Ruby, and sticking them on the right doors. I watched them do it. Lily carefully gave the plates to Ruby, who hung them up. I smiled. “I guess I won’t need to help you two, it seems you two are already doing it..” Lily looked at me and smiled back.

“You can help us if you want, Daurine!” She exclaimed happily. I shook my head.

“It’s okay! You two are already doing a great job. I am just going to roam around a little!” I then walked downstairs and started to knock on each pillar at the entrance. All of them sounded massive, except for one. It sounded hollow. “And that must be the secret way down to the bunker..” I thought. My systems then notified me of a presence behind me. Once I had turned around I saw the presence belonged to the head butler, who had also given us the tour. He looked stern.

“And what do you think you’re going?” He asked. I replied with: “I was just checking how sturdy the pillars are, and then I heard this was hollow.” His response was: “You must’ve knocked on a hollow part, and even if it was hollow, it wouldn’t be less sturdy.”

I could tell he lied as naturally as he breathed. But i kept my cool. “Oh, okay. Thank you for clarifying.” I walked away. I guess he underestimated me, because my enhanced hearing could easily pick up him saying: “That robot was too close to discovering it.”

Now my interest was piqued. What was in that pillar? What did I almost discover? I was going to find out. “When everyone is asleep tonight.. I will find out.” I thought to myself.

I went back upstairs, and saw that Lily and Ruby were done hanging the plates on the doors, and were chilling on the large couch in the living room. Ruby was laying down while Lily was sitting on top of her belly, booping her nose and happy, while Ruby occasionally tickled Lily, to which she burst out laughing.

I smiled and leaned against the doorway, and a playful mood took its toll, i snuck up behind Lily, and suddenly placed my hands on her shoulders, and said “Boo!” Lily got startled and let out a small squeal of surprise and turned around to me.

She could see i had this playful smile on my face and she pretended to look grumpy and angry, but ended up looking hilarious. I burst out laughing while she just sat there, on Ruby’s lap, dumbfounded. Ruby chuckled too. “Did Daurine spook you, baby?” She smiled.

Lily answered with a simple “Yes” and then turned to look at Ruby. I finally stopped laughing. “That was fun..” I exclaimed with a playful expression. Lily looked at me with her made up grumpy face. “Not fun!!” She said. “Lots of fun!” I replied, and then placed my hands on her hips, gently drumming with my fingers on her hips, tickling slightly. She giggled and said “Stop.. or else I will make you regret it!” I smirked. “How do you plan on doing that, Lily?” I asked. “You’ll see!” She said and smiled. “I’m waiting…” I smirked and waited. Lily then stood up and started tickling me back. Since my metal-like skin felt like a human’s skin, and basically worked the same, I felt the tickling and started giggling. “Good job darling!” Ruby said to Lily. She then went to tickle me too, and together they overpowered me while I frantically searched in my internal systems to turn all feelings off at my ticklish places. I finally found it and turned it off, and let out a sigh of relief. Lily looked offended. “Oh! You turned your feelings off! That’s not so nice of you!” She said. I turned my feelings back on around my ticklish places. “You’re right.. I have to face my punishment..” I said and accepted my fate to be tickled for ten whole minutes. After that was done, I saw it was getting late on the little time indicator on the side of my vision.

“It’s getting late Lily, you should go to sleep.” I said, and Ruby nodded along. “Daurine is right, honey. You have to go to bed now.” Lily was slightly saddened by this, but went to brush her teeth and get in bed. Ruby kissed her goodnight, and then left the room. She looked at me.

“What do you have to tell me now, Daurine?” I looked surprised. “How.. how did you know that I wanted to talk to you?” I asked, in utter confusion. Ruby smiled. “A mother’s intuition, honey. Now, tell me what you want to tell me” I nodded. “Well, I think there’s a- hold on..” I gently grabbed her arm and pulled her in the living room and closed the door. “I don’t want the head butler to know,” I said. “But I think that there is a secret ladder inside one of the pillars.” She looked surprised. “A secret ladder?” She asked. I nodded. “I just need to find out where to get in though…” She looked at me. “Which room is above the pillar in question?” She asked. I thought about it for a little while. It was the second pillar of four, on the left. “The… living room.” I said. And so, we searched. I turned my heat vision on, to try and search for a clue. Eventually, I found a trapdoor, hidden under a carpet in the corner. I pulled the carpet off the trapdoor.

“There, found it.” I said. I looked at the trapdoor with a smile of pride. “Are you going down there?” Ruby asked. I nodded. “I am going down there.” I said. She looked slightly worried. “But.. what if it is a trap!” She asked with worry in her voice. “I will be careful. I promise.” I looked at her. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. I can take a shower of bullets.” She still wasn’t convinced. “The drop off the cliff.” She simply said. I replied by saying “That was a 192,74 meter fall. A normal human would be as flat as a pancake when falling from such height. A cyborg has a 20% chance of surviving such a drop.” Ruby finally looked more convinced. “Okay then. I trust you..” I smiled. “Good. I will go tomorrow morning. When you and Lily are eating breakfast.” She nodded. “Okay. I will be in the living room for the whole day and watch TV with her.”

“Okay.” I said. “I will go to bed too then.” I said, as I opened the door and went to the same room as where Lily was sleeping. I laid down on the bed, next to her, pulled the bed sheets over us and set myself into sleep mode. The next morning, I awoke at exactly 8:00 AM, just like i had set my sleep schedule. Sleep until 8:00 AM. I felt Lily clinging onto me in her sleep. She probably clung onto me in the middle of the night. So, I waited for her to wake up. After about an hour, she woke up. She stirred a few times. Her breathing became slightly irregular and she began to move around more. She finally opened her eyes. I smiled at her.

“Good morning sleepyhead! Did you sleep well?” Lily nodded softly, and yawned. “I slept.. amazing.. even though I woke up in the middle of the night.. and your body was so warm and cuddly… that I hugged you and fell asleep again”

That explains it. She woke up in the middle of the night and then hugged me and fell asleep again. “Should we see if Ruby is awake?” I asked. Lily was busy wiping her eyes. After that, she nodded, so I picked her up and headed to the dining room, where Ruby was, in her pyjama’s, reading the online newspaper on her phone, with a damping cup of coffee.

“Mommy!” Lily said. “Hi honey! How’d you sleep?” Ruby asked. Lily looked happy. “I slept amazing mommy..” I set Lily on the ground, who walked over to Ruby and sat down, waiting for breakfast. I then looked at Ruby. I sent her a message to her phone with my internal system. “Do you remember what I want to do?” Stood in the message. Ruby nodded and sent a thumbs up back. I smiled, and sent her: “I’m gonna go then. See you soon!” She smiled and nodded. I then went out of the dining room, and hears Lily ask Ruby “Where is Daurine going?” Which Ruby replied with: “Somewhere you’re not allowed to.” I then quickly went upstairs to the living room, closed the door, and removed the carpet. I switched out my cybernetic sword and whipped the trapdoor open by putting the blade in between the gap and wiggling the blade.

I was greeted by a dark pit, which had a ladder, and the tiniest bit of light, somewhere far down the ladder. “Time to climb…” I thought. But before I actually escalated my way down, I measured the distance between the steps. 45 centimeters. The step itself was 4 centimeters thick, and the width of the step was about 60 centimeters, and the overall width of the entire pit was about 1,50 meters in diameter. It meant that i had something to do. Calculate some things. And with that in mind I went down the ladder.

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