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Internet Safety

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Level 67 : High Grandmaster Soldier
Hello everybody it's STEALTHy again after a long time away but I'm back. I'm here to tell you all about internet safety such as what you should do and why it's important. First off you may all be wondering why internet safety is important. Well that's because out there in the autonomy of the internet people wanna attack you for their own gain or just to do bad. This can come in many ways such as hacking your account and posting very inappropriate content all the way to putting viruses on your computer.  

1: Password Protection
Password protection is very simply and straight forward just have a password that only you know and is difficult to guess. However you won't believe the things people do everyday that get them hacked. Such as making your password "password" or "123456". Your password should never be this simple. never ever use a word in the dictionary as your password. A good password would be something like "CuPlEx129827" an even greater password would be "Xe928L7GHmNdbu439". How are you supposed to remember these though? Well never put a password on any device because that too can be hacked and then your passwords are their's and probably with you never knowing it was taken, and yes this applies to Apple users as well because they do have viruses. Instead just have a piece of paper with your password on it under someplace because paper can't be hacked. (Don't take a photo of the paper either) Most places online also provide 2-step verification where to log in it requires an additional code sent automatically to your Phone or Email to type in, these also help boost protection and are highly recommended. 

2: Don't click what you don't know
This as well may seem super easy but trust me I even did this wrong.
-Don't fall for click bait: Click bait is the stuff you see on sites that go along something like this "You won't believe what happens when he drives his car". You usually see it on social media sites and such. These often contain viruses right after you click it.
-Don't click adds: If you ever see an add on any place ever online do not click it. They as well often contain viruses and will do severe damage to your computer. If you find something you like such as an add for a GoPro or a movie just go straight to website from a google search, never click the adds. 

3: Social Media Safety
This is important for you because it doesn't just deal with your internet safety but also your own safety from being physically harmed. I have no doubt in my mind that you or myself could find out where some random person online you get the name of lives; even down to the exact address and get their birthday.
-No Address, - No B-Day, Max Privacy Settings, - No vacation post
Never have your address or even a picture of your address where you live available to be seen online. Keep your privacy settings to the max to where only you or your friends can see them. Don't accept just any invite from anybody and double check you don't already have them added because people will make fake accounts of friends you have so you accidently accept their friend request. Lastly never ever post anything related to a vacation your on, because an address and an empty house could lead to your home being broken into. 

4: Email Safety 
When on your Email you will be hammered daily by spam, most of it you probably don't realize because your email will usually auto filter out spam. Never click on an Email you got that you don't know who it's from. Never download anything via Email if you don't know where it's from because again it will probably contain a virus. Little clues for knowing a dangerous Email will be things like bad spelling and grammar and a bad Email. A good example is this one I just got actually "COSTC0 Member Expiring: Attn your membership needs to be renewed" First off you know it's a fake because it uses a zero instead of an actual O and uses Attn for Attention. Don't fall for these and never even make the first click. 

5: Phone Safety:
-Ignore Random People-

This one has been in recent in the news lately with text message apps like Kik leading to major crimes of young people; of which I won't say what happens on here. Just remember Stranger Danger this applies for everyone I even follow it. A random unsuspecting person begins asking for an address or your age. Instantly block and ignore them. Please for your sake just do it. 
-Don't take calls from unknown numbers: This one is important for many reasons. First usually it ends up being a waste of your time and also could end up hurting your or whoever is paying for your phone. If someone calls and say's they are some company saying your account got hacked into and they need your information. Don't give it to them, they will usually sound very polite and be calm. Instantly hang up the phone because giving them any information will get them closer to their goal. Lastly don't take any phone calls from any phone number you don't know, even if it uses your area code don't answer it. If it's important they'll probably leave a message which you can play back to see who it is. Last year people in Africa had a computer that made thousands of phone calls a minute that lasted only a second with the persons local area code number on it, This was so the person called would call back since it was a local number.  However since it was a long distance call from Africa it charged the person $20.00 a minute, which I'll tell you does a lot to your phone bill. 

Final - Additional Ways to Stay Safe

I could only fit so much into one blog to maintain your attention span and for sake of time. So I put some extra places to learn how to keep safe online below. 



If you feel there is something I missed feel free to comment what it is and I'll add it. Better safe than sorry.

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Energy Master
04/27/2019 12:25 am
Level 23 : Expert Procrastinator
Energy Master's Avatar
Internet safety in a nutshell: use common sense
03/13/2016 10:12 am
Level 49 : Master Engineer
AirforceCraft's Avatar
I have missed you so much STEALTHy, I am officially 'retired' from building in minecraft, but i do like to have a peep on this account every now and then, I see you have enjoyed you Military Academy, My career pathway has kind of diverted from the military side of aviation due to personal reasons but i am now working for Airways Aviation (a global commercial aircraft industry) at Coolangatta Airport, Gold Coast. I'm soon becoming a flight instructor later on after my full CPL and I may be going for my RPL as well but not for commercial use as there is EXTREMELY high competition in Australia for rotary wing jobs, to the point where no one running for it is your friend unless they are in the same company as you! I am glad to see you are doing well, hope to talk soon. :)
03/27/2016 4:45 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Soldier
STEALTHy's Avatar
Well I'm glad you chose that path buddy, do whatever makes you happy. :) As for myself I do plan on retiring soon as well for my final days of highschool are approaching 42 to be exact as I write this message. Not before posting everything I ever made though ;) Anyway it's good to hear from you and if you ever wanna talk I'm on Instagram daily at militaryaircraftus. Good luck my friend <3
02/17/2016 7:33 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Baconator
Rainbou_Fondler's Avatar
boy have i missed seeing a post from you!
02/15/2016 9:06 pm
Level 82 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
Can I ask how was Military Youth Academy? I hope you returned to build stuff!
02/16/2016 12:21 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Soldier
STEALTHy's Avatar
It was pretty tough it was on the local base and we lived there for 6 months straight. It was pretty much like juvenile prison or boot camp. A little more fun though we got to ride on black hawk helicopters and do rappelling and jump towers that are used for Airborne training. Overall an exciting and new experience which prepared me pretty well for actual boot camp which I'm going to in a couple months.
02/15/2016 3:07 pm
Level 44 : Master Architect
tobbestark's Avatar
Installs AdBlock

Computer stops prompting Error messages ;)
02/15/2016 1:33 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Taco
Tommypoop___'s Avatar
Cool post! So very true! Say, When will i recieve my letter about my rank, military builders, etc
02/15/2016 1:03 am
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Geek
OneSidedBattle's Avatar
Excellent return to the land of the living! Welcome back.
02/15/2016 12:35 am
Level 38 : Artisan Cupcake
RaindropFox's Avatar
Nice. I always get call from people asking me about my Windows computer although I have a Mac T_T
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