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In Chaos We Find Power | PMC: Apocalypse Chapter VI

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Previously, we saw IGEBM and his team - Si, Tzyber, Dr. Golden, and Greief - return to the Cholan Empire with the parts to complete their super collider, which they plan to use to send the Maddened One to unspace. After finishing the collider at Golden and Greief's house, the group (now joined by Rob, Zibonzi, and Shadow Greief) drove to Zibonzi Beach, where they tested the collider in a military-guarded area reserved for them by King Elightin Elytra earlier. Among their tests were several tests on a new collider feature, which allowed the machine to use a DNA scanner to find the counterpart of someone in another universe and open a portal near them. This led to the arrival of IGEBM.MKII, and soon after, IGEBM Green and IGEBMtron arrived as well, with Rob's idea being that the best person who could fight the Maddened One (another version of IGEBM) would be IGEBM, and thus more IGEBMs would give them an advantage against him. Then, they did the final test and successfully opened a portal to unspace. While they waited for the collider to cool down so they could initiate phase 2 of the plan, the group took a break. IGE took the other IGEBMs for a walk down the beach and told them about his experience on Hell's Island several months ago, and how he used to move around a lot, and how he felt that everyone he cared about died. The other IGEBMs helped him come to terms with things, and they began walking back, eventually being notified by Si that it was time to begin phase 2. Meanwhile, in a cave on the Mainland, the Maddened One met with his Four Horsemen, telling them it was time to initiate their plan. Then, they began to make preparations to travel to the Cholan Empire.

"So, what exactly is phase 2?" Si asks. "Phase 2 has three parts within it." Greief begins to explain. "First, I'm going to travel to Chaoseus 1122.27, and then I'll have 20 minutes there to tell the army there what's going on. If they don't agree to come with me, I'll come back here and let you guys know. If they do agree, I'll stay in Chaoseus until my 20 minutes are up, at which point Golden will open a portal to the universe and begin to bring the army through. That's parts 1 and 2." "For part 3, all of the armies need to have arrived here, which they should be by the time we're done with parts 1 and 2." Dr. Golden explains. "Once everyone's here, we'll all gather around the castle, where me, Greief, Tzy, Elightin, and the other nation leaders are going to go over the battle plans. Phase 3 is the battle against the Maddened One." "Got it." Si says. "So, Greief, I guess we'll see you in 20 minutes." "Yep." Greief says as green sparks begin to surround him. "See you guys soon." He disappears in a burst of green energy.

Greief materializes in the hallway of what looks to be a military base. "Well, this must be Chaoseus 1122.27." he says, taking a cloak out of his pocket and putting on to cover his face. He then begins to sneak through the base, making his way to the center. On his way there, however, he bumps into himself, but clad in the Chaos Legion Commanding Infantryman uniform and with a scar on his left eye. "Who are you and why are you here?" the other Greief asks, drawing his dual plasma blasters. "And why do you look familiar?" Greief doesn't respond, trying to think of what to do. After a few moments, he punches his Chaoseus counterpart in the gut and runs down the hall, arriving at the center of the base while the other Greief goes to sound the alarm. He looks around the large room and sees the stage. "Alright, there's a stage for me to give my announcement on, but how do I get everyone here?" He runs across the room - thankfully, no one was in there to see him - and rushes down the other hallway. Legion soldiers ask him who he is, but he ignores them and eventually finds the office with access to the PA. He knocks out the Infantryman in charge of giving announcements and on the PA. "Attention, all Legion soldiers, this is an emergency." he says. "I need you all to head to the stage area for an important announcement." His voice is heard throughout the base as the alarm goes off. He then runs back to the stage area as the security guards recognize who he is and chase after him. The Legion members nervously head to the stage, recognizing the voice as Commanding Infantryman Greief, but they fail to realize that that Greief is also walking with them to the stage.

Once everyone has arrived, Greief begins his announcement. "Before you all ask who I am and what I'm doing here and prepare to throw me in a prison cell, let me make this announcement." he says. "Do some of you remember when IGEBM went through a portal and disappeared? Well, he went to my universe." Greief takes off his cloak, revealing his face. "Wait, Greief is standing right next to me!" Infantryman Toast shouts. "You must be an Astral Beast shapeshifter!" "What's an Astral Beast?" Greief asks. He sees their leader, Supreme Commanding Legionmaster LegionairreSi, go the front of the crowd. "Don't play dumb." he says, drawing his plasma rifle and aiming it at Greief, who puts his hands in the air. "Please, just let me finish." he pleads. "It'll all make sense in a second, just let me finish!" "Fine." LegionairreSi says. "But first, let's hook you up to a lie detector so we can shoot you dead once the red light appears." Infantryman Libby goes to the security office and returns with a lie detector, going up to the stage to hook up Greief to it. "Alright, continue." LegionairreSi says, keeping his rifle aimed at him. "As I was saying, IGEBM went to my universe." Greief continues nervously. "And there's an android in our universe - his name is Tzyber - who told us that he caused the apocalypse that left PMC a barren wasteland 1000 years from now. We just want to stop him, and we have a plan. Me and my friends built a super collider that can send him into unspace, the space between universes, where he'll eventually die." The light turns green. "He's... telling the truth?" LegionairreSi notices, puzzled. "Go on." Greief, now less nervous knowing that they'll believe what he says, proceeds to explain their plan and the events of the last day or so, and where they fit in. "Basically, we need your help to battle his forces." "Alright." LegionairreSi says. "How do we get to your universe?" Greief looks at his watch. "In about 10 minutes, my friend Golden will open a portal nearby." he answers. He looks at LegionairreSi's ID and sees his name and rank. "I would start getting your troops ready."

In Normax 1010.17, IGEBM, Si, and Tzyber watch as ships from every nation begin to arrive at the docks of the Cholan Empire. "How long until you open the portal?" Tzyber asks, turning to Golden. "9 minutes." the scientist responds. It is now nighttime, and the beach is lit up by fireflies. IGEBM.MKII is doing target practice on a holographic bullseye, and IGEBM Green and IGEBMtron are sparring with each other. "Ow!" Green says as he is lightly punched by the metal IGEBMtron. "Cybertonium is pretty hard, isn't it?" the Autobot Micromaster asks. "Well, obviously!" Green responds. "Will you two quiet down a little?" MKII asks. "You're making me lose focus." After 9 minutes, Golden says it's time to open the portal. "I'm guessing this means he convinced them to help us." IGE says. "Hopefully." Golden says as she opens the portal to Chaoseus 1122.27. "Everyone, step out of the way. A bunch of soldiers are gonna come out of this portal." As the portal opens, they see Greief and LegionairreSi on the other side. "Is that me?" Si asks. "Looks like it." Tzyber answers as the two of them walk through the portal. Golden tells the Cholan Military soldiers surrounding the area where they were testing the collider to clear out and make space for the incoming troops. Then, Chaos Legion soldiers begin to file through the portal.

After everyone gets acquainted, they all leave the beach and head to Castle Cholan. The Chaos Legion troops join the thousands of other soldiers from other nations gathering outside the castle. IGE, Tzyber, Golden, and Greief join King Elightin Elytra and the other United Nations representatives at the top of the steps. Elightin goes to mic. "Hello, everyone." he says. "You're probably wondering why you're all here, crowding around the castle steps in the darkness. Well, I'll let my friends explain." He leaves the mic and Golden walks up to it. "As I'm sure you all know, an alternate version of IGEBM that's more psychotic and who's hellbent on killing us all recently got into this universe due to an incident that occurred during a collider test." Golden begins. "Anyways, as Tzyber here told us, his small army is coming here tomorrow at 12:27 PM OT to open a portal to his home universe - the same universe those soldiers you just saw arrive with us came from - and bring the rest of his army here to raze the planet. So, here's the plan."


Cast (in order of appearance)
LegendarySi as Si
Greief as Greief
GoldenScientist as Dr. Golden
Commanding Infantryman Greief
T0ast as Infantryman Toast
Anarchist LegionairreSi
MadLibs112 as Infantryman Libby
Tzyber as Tzyber
Elightin_elytra as King Elightin Elytra of the Cholan Empire

Mentioned (in order of mentioning)
The Maddened One

Writing began 6-12-2023 at 4:56 PM ET
Writing completed 6-16-2023 at 1:19 PM ET
Published 6-20-2023 at 4:00 PM ET
Written by

Why the song?

Well, if you're wondering why there's a Metallica song linked at the top of this blog, I've decided to link a song at the top of each Apocalypse story blog that I think fits the story. In this case, I chose "For Whom the Bell Tolls" because, well, to be honest, I don't know. The song is about a battle, and I just thought it somehow fit this story, so I guess that's why I chose it.

Fun Facts

1. I imagine Greief's cloak as looking like his Magolor-style persona that's currently his profile picture.
2. This chapter's name is taken from the Chaos Legion motto.
3. Originally, there was supposed to be a part in the chapter where LegionairreSi had to be convinced by Supreme Commanding Legionmasters Cloudkitty (cloudkitty) and Neon (SynthesizedEcho) to go through the portal with the rest of the Legion, as I had planned out this story when Si was taking a break from managing the Chaos Legion and left the SCLs in charge. Originally, this chapter was going to feature Neon interrupting Greief's announcement instead of LegionairreSi. However, it seems that Si is going to be active on the Legion again, but just can't be because he's been banned from posting content for a month, so I switched out Neon for him when I wrote the chapter.

People I'm Tagging So They Can See This
Stormy, ghostoftheglade, Aspirin60, GhostlyBit_57, Guts N Pixels, DarkRob333, TheMcPig, Pixella_9487, violiie, Sp3nc3r_, Rakkitatoru, CrownDeluxe, AxolotlArmy, BigFatPotat, FE98, Noncommercial, Owange, ShadowOnTheLoose, Crois, GracieMockingjay, Arianwyn, Insomniac_Toad, ItsYeWffl, TacoFromTheSky, TheGrimmKnight, Silabear, Rob333, Zibonzi, ShadowGreief, DarkIce8727742, ShadowZibonzi, -Silence-, cloudkitty, SynthesizedEcho

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by IGEBM 06/28/2023 4:38:24 pmJun 28th, 2023

Added the cover image (for some reason I forgot it)

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06/20/2023 5:06 pm
Level 48 : Master Blockhead Demolitionist
cloudkitty's Avatar

you monster j/k
06/20/2023 5:36 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
lol I figured that be a good place to end this chapter

i wanted it to be longer, but a) I was in a bit of a rush and b) I wanted to save my energy for the big finale that comes out next week
06/20/2023 4:06 pm
Level 40 : Master Toast
T0ast's Avatar
I'm either scared, or a fan boy. XD
06/20/2023 5:35 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
wdym by that?
06/20/2023 8:21 pm
Level 40 : Master Toast
T0ast's Avatar
Infantryman Toast shouts. "You must be an Astral Beast shapeshifter!" "What's an Astral Beast?" Greief asks. He sees their leader, Supreme Commanding Legionmaster LegionairreSi, go the front of the crowd. "Don't play dumb." he says: Great story!
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