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Importance of Isnspiration

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hobo joe's Avatar hobo joe
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
Have you seen my other blogs?
-Leadership Qualities
-Creativity, and its influence in Minecraft

Inspiration, the process of being stimulated to do something special, the act of being creative. It is important that we as individuals are able to set a standard of a good example, because people starting out need to look up to someone so they can be inspired to always keep improving. When young people don't get inspired, they are more likely to stop what they were doing because they have no influence or motivation from others. It's not hard to inspire someone, just give them advice and support, and above all; be the person you want them to portray.

Inspiration is the only way you and I are always competing or trying to improve because we look up to someone that we believe is someone worthy to aim for. That is why I believe and know inspiration is a very important factor of minecraft, which is sadly not mentioned very often. The purpose of this blog is to help readers get a better understanding of what inspiration is, so they may be able to some day help others out. I sincerely hope you enjoy reading this blog. Here we go!

How building something can inspire someone

Currently, I play on the server named "FactorCaraft", and my brother and I run the most successful faction with 20 members and counting. When we first started on the server, it was brand new and I had noticed that there was a lack of buildings. So I made it my personal goal to build a grandiose castle in our new faction land. Soon enough, people were very impressed, in fact VERY impressed because everyone wanted to join our faction. The reason I know that I inspired someone is that one of our faction members set off to build his own home, and when I had asked him what he was building he replied "Im building a castle because your's was really cool :)". The feeling when you know you inspired someone is amazing!

How did I do it?

-I built something that stood out from everything else. I put a lot of time and effort into it to really make it unique.

How did I inspire someone?

-They saw me as someone who knew what they were doing, and respected that.

I'm not trying to be a narcissist, I just wanted to provide an example of how I inspired someone. But the most funny thing of all...I didn't even know I had inspired someone until I saw their castle! This may come as a surprise, but people will always be looking up to you, young or old, whether you are aware of it. I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but be who you want then to be.

Why it's important to inspire people
It's important that younger people are always able to be inspired, otherwise they may never reach their full potential. They need someone to be able to count on, and someone they respect. I guarantee you that every person who "made it big" got their inspiration from someone in their life.

All of the following people I have written about, are true examples of people who put hard work and effort in their respective fields. Please feel inclined to ask these people for advise, as I once have

How Mr_Cheach inspired me

It started out as any other day on PMC, just scrolling through the "recently updated" project page. I had refreshed the page several times out of boredom, hoping to find something interesting. It was on the fourth time I refreshed the page that I saw a project titled "Modern City Project", and so I clicked to see if it was anything interesting. Oh my gosh, I hit the jackpot of cities! His City of "Rosevania" featured many different types of buildings and architecture, ranging from Roman-revival to modern. I had finally decided to download the project, to explore it a little bit more. To me, exploring Mr. Cheach's world was like being in the Disneyland of Minecraft, if there ever were such a place.

Mr. Cheach inspired me with his supportive attitude, as well as his own creative capability to keep rolling out structures and buildings that would leave his viewers agape. That very same week, I decided it was about time that I started working on my very own city project, and the title I had come up with was so very fitting considering it was built in Pocket Edition; "Pocket Project". The ideas were flooding my head faster than I could build. For about a month, I was on cloud nine with my unstoppable effort to keep building. I kept looking up new building ideas such as the "Ironclad" in New York, or the 9/11 memorial building also in New York. If I haven't accidentally run into Mr. Cheach's project, I would have never known my creative capability in building and architecture.

Here is Mr. Cheach's project that inspired me most: Rosavia City - Modern City Project [DOWNLOAD NOW]

How OfficialHG_PMC inspired me

I've always been a big fan of Lord of the Rings, and I have watched every movie a dozen times. My brother was looking for a good LOTR map, but couldn't find one. He asked me to search Planet Minecraft to see if I could find anything interesting. I kept scrolling and scrolling, nothing but Aragon and Frodo skins. When I finally came across OfficialHG's LOTR adventure map, I was stunned and amazed to see that one person, was recreating the entire LOTR movie into a minecraft project. It had everything, so accurate and precise, he had been putting a great deal of time and effort into it. I couldn't wait till the actual map was available for download!

He inspired me, because his persistent effort on this grandiose project really shifted my gears toward creating an adventure map. I was so excited to start on my very first adventure map, so I began to study up on OfficialHG's adventure map as well as some other big ones. I had decided to make a Parkour map featuring my two very best friends from Australia; Parkour Master and Drop Master. The Parkour Adventure map I made, "Parkour Challenge", is still in the works as I continue to improve my skills towards adventure maps.

Here is OfficialHG's project that inspired me most: Lord of the Rings Adventure Map (LOTR)

How Le Diamond Creeper inspired me

I remember when the "Minedeas" contest was going on. To be completely honest, I envied everyone who had made a finalist position, not that I wanted to beat them out but because they knew how to write a blog and how to write it well. I decided to get over my slump when I found Creeper's blog on the pop reel. WOW! Reading his blog was as if you were eating the worlds finest piece of Chocolate, except you could not savor it, you just had to eat it all at once. What I especially liked, was his attention to detail and choice of vocabulary. It was my instinct, to ask him how I could improve my blog, as I did with everyone else.

LeDiamondCreeper inspired me because he was very nice, supportive, and gave me simple advise on how to improve my blog. It may not seem like much, but what he did for me really got me thinking about blogging more, so I have! It was his simple gratitude that has got me in the direction I am going now. And as I look back on my past, I am so proud to be headed into the future.

Here is Creeper's blog that inspired me most: The Dream Realm [Minedeas] (Huge) [25th Place]

How Yisewalton inspired me

I've always know Yise as kind and humble fellow, and I had always heard good things about him from chat. When I started working against on my creativity blog, he was someone I looked up to for guidance. When I examined his blogs, I knew two things that were very evident: he was a good remodel, and I had a lot of work to do! Immediately following, I started brainstorming ideas for how I could make improving changes to my blog.

Yise inspired me because he had experience, and he was in fact very humble to me. This kind of manner is very encouraging from a higher ranked person, especially because they are willing to help others gain from their knowledge. To this day, my two blogs have gained a lot of recognition, but the thing I find most valuable aside from the diamonds is the chance to help someone off their feet.

Here is Yise's project that inspired me most: Interview: OliverFrenchie!

What it feels like to be a "noob"

Ah, I remember this. Nothing is more sinister than the first night of a server, the first night of a PVP server that is. Minecraft is meant to be a creative game, but it is sad to see others enjoy the aspect of killing for fun.

My first day on a new server I had found, my brother and I set off with ambitions of finding a great amount of valuable items. We found a large cavern that was a bit of a hike from spawn, and set out base secretly behind the stone walls of the non-lustful cave. I was mining in a shaft I had dug when I had found DIAMONDS. It was great and we were so thrilled that we had hit it off well. During our celebrations, we suddenly saw a name plate appear in the distance. I squinted at the small frail nameplate, all I could make out was "Jason". After a bit, we figured we were ok because the nameplate that read Jason had vanished. But, we were not safe.

Soon after, we started hearing explosions, and they began to get oh so close. We decided to take to arms, and as the perpetrator entered we gave him nether! We slang an gouged at one another, until we thought he had left. We decided to take every valuable thing with us to the spawn, just to be absolutely safe. Right as we were leaving, the trespasser came back, this time killing my brother! He had taken all of my brothers valuables, then came for me. He came sprinting at me, and I did my best with my iron sword. But alas, it wasn't enough, for he had slain me, and my brother for no apparent reason at all! To him, it was a sadistic game to see how many people he could kill. I was agape at his amoral behavior, because I had a hard time remembering weather we were playing Minecraft or Call of Duty.

When you play Minecraft, play "Minecraft"
I find it very sad that some like to play Minecraft to KILL for fun, as depicted in the above article. If you enjoy playing games where the motif is "killing", then there are other games like; Halo, COD, Gears of War...the list goes on. Minecraft is a game for people to build, explore, design, survive, and inspire others with their creative abilities. It's important for everyone to be inspired, and if a sword-happy someone conflicts with someone and their chance to be inspired, its unclear weather or not they will want to continue what they are doing. Its not very fun, nor exiting to be killed in a creative game.

Inspiration can come in many ways. It can something as simple as a polite gesture from someone you look up to, or an illuminating creation by someone you wish you could be. I really hope you have enjoyed reading this blog as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please don't hesitate if you have something you want to ask me about.

As I now look back upon my work from the past, I can see how much I have improved and all the fun memories I made during my building. At times I was tempted to remove or delete my older "not as good" projects, but if I did that then I wouldn't be able to see how much I have improved. You will always have the opportunity to inspire people, so always be the person you want them to be.

My fellow hobos, one last thing before I conclude this, a favorite quote of mine

"keep Moving Forward"

-Walt Disney

As always, I was excited to write this blog because I know you'll gain something from reading it. please let me know if i need to fix anything, and as always...

Keep Crafting,

Importance of Isnspiration
Thank you so much!!!!
CreditMr_Cheach, OfficialHG PMC, Le Diamond Creeper, Yisewalton

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12/29/2013 9:02 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
Yisewalton's Avatar
I... I.. Never realized I was in this... I'm proud of you, Hobo :)
hobo joe
12/29/2013 10:08 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
hobo joe's Avatar
of course man! You were a big inspiration to me :)
12/30/2013 6:40 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
Yisewalton's Avatar
05/31/2013 9:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PilsburyGuy's Avatar
I LOVE THIS, especially the killing antidote.
hobo joe
05/31/2013 9:30 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
hobo joe's Avatar
Thanks man, glad you liked it :)
03/25/2013 10:24 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Scribe
Set_46-Give_51's Avatar
LOOK WHAT I FOUND ON THE CHAT! www.planetminecraft.com/skin/hobo-joe-1989280/ ITS YOU!
hobo joe
03/25/2013 10:36 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
hobo joe's Avatar
Dang! Thats to good lol!!
03/24/2013 11:06 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
Wolfcross's Avatar
That was a pretty "inspiring" post Thanks you brightened my day a little
hobo joe
03/24/2013 11:20 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
hobo joe's Avatar
Thank you sir, I am glad I was able to :)
03/24/2013 9:33 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Scribe
Set_46-Give_51's Avatar
Why. Did. This. Semi-Famous. Mature. Guy. Give. My. Post. A. Diamond. I. Don't. Even. Know. Why. He. Checked. Out. It. In. The. First. Place. Um. §-§ And. Then. 3. Minutes. After. I. Posted. This. He. Favorited. The. Same. Blog. o_0
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