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Exhibit Based Maps - A Basic Genre With a New Name

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Escapazition's Avatar Escapazition
Level 18 : Journeyman Scribe
Among the different types of content available on Planet Minecraft, I've always found challange maps to be the deepest and most interesting to study. (Maybe I’m just Biased, but that’s besides the point.) There really is a just a whole lot to see in that field. Challenge maps range so much in quality, length, and style. They even have their own genres at this point: horror, puzzle, parkour, and CTM just to name a few. And while some genres are pulled from video games, others are completely original. I bring this up because after looking around this vast site, I think I may have discovered a new genre of challenge map, a genre that I am currently dubbing "exhibit based" maps.

So how does this new genre work? Insted of having a full map with one, streamlined idea to carry it to the end, the map is divided into really small chunks each with its own distinguished theme that you simply play in succession. Compare it to visiting a museum. Museums are able to showcase a broad topic because they are split into segments that each cover a specific detail, and this comparison is how I came up with the genre's name. The "exhibits" that these maps rely on really feel more like "rounds" than designated "levels". They're rarely long and are ment to feel bite sized in their own bubble.

As for playing and building with the genre, it can go two ways. On one hand, I can see new mapmakers really liking this genre. It's easy to work with, and can be met with any level of ambition. On the other hand, however, it's very possible for this genre to become stale because of how basic it is. Taking the structure too seriously can cause your map to be repetitive and uninspired. If you want to make an exhibit based map of your own, you should play loosely with the structure and not be afraid to put your own spin on it.

I found three different maps that could be considered "exhibit based" and wanted to look at each one to see what they do to fit into the genre, as well as stand out from each other.

Parkour Stairs
Exhibit Based Maps - A Basic Genre With a New Name
Creator: Zpizz

This is probably the plainest example of an exhibit based map, but even so, it still stands out as something special. The premise is that you’re trying trying to reach the top of a giant staircase of cubed environments, each with its own theme and obstacles. The themes of these set pieces are varied and interesting. They range from being recreations of existing biomes, such as a village, mushroom island, or the nether. But there are a bunch of custom made locations for this map including library, city, and pumpkin farm. The thing to notice with this map is how the theme works with the level design. The platforms that you parkour off of are more than accurately colored pillars. They are meticulously designed buildings, trees, cliffs, and candy canes that try to establish proper word building with the limited space they have. On the first step, for example, you are met by a house with a basic fence and lamp posts, but these objects will become your way forward. Hidden areas and challenges aside, this is the hardest and longest map of the three here, so if you do play it, you'll have quite a bit content to play with.

Find The Button
Exhibit Based Maps - A Basic Genre With a New Name
Creators: Qeco and TrxHqrd

Where the last entry was the exhibit based structure in a parkour map, this one is the same thing in a "find the button" map. Now, if you don't know what those are, it's a pretty simple concept. You're placed in an area filled with different set pieces, and have to find a lonesome button hidden there to move on. In this map, you are trying to reach the top of a skyscraper. Each floor has a different theme and pressing the button hidden on each floor will take you to the next. Now, I haven't played a lot of "find the button" maps as of writing, but I have looked into the genre. A lot of the problems with exhibit based maps can, and have, come up in this genre as well (becoming bland, repetitive, etc). So this map tries to make the effort to always stay interesting. The buttons in this map are hidden in very cleaver ways, which makes them really rewarding to find. And even after you do find them, you can still find replay value in just returning to see each room, because they're so nicely designed, packed with different features, and are fun to revisit just to look around at them. There's ten these rooms total, but the creators plan to update this map in the future, so there could be even more by the time you read this. If you're gunna check this map out, be sure to give both of the creators some attention, because they each have a different page for the Java version.

Island Parkour: Indonesia
Exhibit Based Maps - A Basic Genre With a New Name
Creator: DiamondSpaceGD

Yep, someone made a Parkour map entirely themed around Indonesia. I honestly find that pretty random, but I'm neither complaining nor questioning. This entry is a lot more streamlined than what we covered already. The transition between sections isn't as sudden or defined, not only because of the consistent theme, but also the level design. The only thing the only things diving each section are the clashing environments and the checkpoints. You never just teleport forward whenever the scene changes (save for the last section). This makes it all feel more connected. And the themes themselves, from deserts to caves and ruins, are all inspired by Indonesia and just Africa in general, but still with a Minecraft twist to it. One of my favorite details about this map, however, is that there's no fall damage. This means that you are allowed to try whatever crazy jump you want. It makes you feel a lot less limited. Frees up the level design too. There are times where you are required to climb on and through things that would normally hurt you, but you still flinch from touching it, so it creates a whole new type of obstacle. While this map’s creator is fairly new to the site, this map shows a lot of talent in this department. There’s even a sequel to this map if your so inclined, which I will try out in the future.

There are still a lot more exhibit based maps besides these three, and there’s still more ideas that are yet to be found. To create something worthwhile in this style, you have to be creative with your ideas, clever with your design, and willing to stretch out from the formula. If creators are able to do this, we can get some great things out of the exhibit based genre.

Thanks for checking out this rant. This was my first attempt at something like this, so it’s kind of experimental for me. If you want me to do more of these, or if there’s an actual name for exhibit based maps that I just don’t know about, be sure to let me know.

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05/03/2024 9:53 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter
DiamondSpaceGD's Avatar
thank you for mentioning my map, really appreciate it :D
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