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The Barren End-Lore Theory

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illager's Avatar illager
Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme
Enderlings are one of the most talked about mobs in the lore community. The term "Enderling" refers to any mobs that come from the End, with the exception of Shulkers and possibly the Ender Dragon. I won't be talking about the dragon, nor Shulkers here, maybe later.

The Enderlings aren't really that interesting in normal Minecraft. I hate to say that, And I probably just angered a LOT of people out there, especially MatPat fans. What is more interesting, is how they are portrayed I Minecraft Dungeons, the canon Minecraft spinoff from 2020. There, we see a plethora of different plants in The End, as well as special new variants of Endermen. The game has Watchlings, who are covered with eyes and are sort of the footsoldiers of the hierarchy, it also has Blastlings, who have sound files similar to those of Skeletons and can shoot fire out of their arms. The game also has some other fun versions like the Endersent and the Snareling.

My point is that The End in Minecraft Dungeons is far less barren than the one in the Base Game. Why? Is it because the game needed to have more content? Is it just a gameplay design, thus rendering it non-canonical? Is it because Dungeons was made in part by Double Eleven Studios, not Mojang?
No, I think not! I think that the reason The End is barren is because of Endermites.

Endermites are very, VERY common in Minecraft Dungeons. In the Base Game they are tiny, pathetic mobs that you can easily forget exist. They only have a 16% chance to spawn when a player throws an ender pearl and are insignificant even once spawned. The only reason anyone remembers them is because they can be named and used in Enderman farms.

In Dungeons, though, these mobs will swarm the player, causing quite a nuisance at times. But this isn't about how annoying they are, but about how common they are. The Endermites are incredibly common.

My theory--which is shared with MatPat--is that the Endermites were what killed off The End, making it so barren. My theory is that Heroes had visited The End before the events of Dungeons, and they had killed hundreds or even thousands of Ender Dragons, putting their heads on their ships. The Heroes ran the Dragons into extinction, but they also did something else that could not be foreseen. With the dragons gone, the Endermites would have enough food to eat, and would be able to breed continuously. This would cause a huge influx in population of Endermites, who would continue to eat and breed. However, the bugs would eventually run out of dragons to eat. So, they'd eat the trees, and the other fauna, at least until that was also gone. Once fully out of food, hundreds of Endermites died, and the only ones that survived where the ones that were inside solidified ender pearls, like amber, only being released once the pearl breaks after being yote (past tense of "Yeet").

This also explains why Endermites are hated by Endermen in the base game. The Endermen resent the mites for ruining their once great land.

I want to post more theories on The End, mostly about who the Enderlings are, and more on the Heart of Ender. I also have an Illager blog in the works, it's about 500 words long right now, but it's growing steadily. It's gonna be a long one. Again, as I've said in blogs prier to this one, please don't take my word as canon fact. Theorise for yourselves, and make up knew ideas so I can steal them!
CreditMatPat, RetroGamingNow

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02/23/2024 9:58 am
Level 34 : Artisan Nether Knight
W1ther_Skeleton's Avatar
hm, i should do one of these
02/23/2024 8:55 am
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator
Darkfap's Avatar

Thanks, I'm stealing that.

Nice theory!
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