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Camp Massacre: 1990

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Reesey's Avatar Reesey
Level 36 : Artisan Prince

The sun was setting over Camp Shining Stone, casting long shadows across the grounds. In a worn-down pale green minivan, Reggie Hewitt looked out the window as they rolled past the sign: "Welcome to Camp Shining Stone!"

Reggie felt a surge of excitement as she thought about the long summer ahead, full of swimming, hiking, and all the other activities that camp promised. And, of course, the infamous Camp Massacre legend. It was said that during the year 1985, many grisly murders took place by an unknown killer, and the camp had been shut down ever since.

Now it was opening again 5 years later in the year 1990, and Reggie felt like one of the lucky few who had been chosen to attend. She was joined by her younger sister Samantha, her best friends Louise Delaney and Reese Abbott, and a few others they had met on the long drive up.

As the van drew to a stop, Reggie couldn't help but notice the creepy old cabins rising up around them. It was definitely going to be an interesting summer. But first, they had to unload their bags and get settled in.

As they unloaded their bags, Reggie saw a pair of familiar faces: Kelly Austin and Debbie Grant. The popular girls were the type to cause problems at school, and now they were here too, looking confident and in control. Reggie felt a pang of nerves, hoping to avoid their wrath.

Suddenly, a loud horn blasted, interrupting the group. It was the camp's new owner, Mr. Peterson, welcoming everyone to Camp Shining Stone- or Camp Newkirk. Reggie smiled, feeling relieved that there was at least one adult around.

But as the counselors walked through the gates, Reggie couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about this place. She just hoped that the legend wasn't truly coming to life again…

Chapter 1: Welcome to Camp Newkirk

Mr. Peterson stood beside the dilapidated minivan, his gaze sweeping over the group of young camp counselors. "Welcome to Camp Newkirk!" he announced with a forced cheerfulness that did little to mask the uneasiness in his voice. "After a quick tour, our task will be to breathe new life into this old place for our future campers."

In the midst of the group, a girl named Sam, her wrist adorned with an array of colorful bracelets, raised her hand. "Um... Mr. Peterson, is it true that people died here?" she asked, her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and mischief. The question hung in the air, causing a ripple of discomfort among the group.

Reggie, standing next to her, nudged Sam sharply in the side. "SAM-" she began, but Mr. Peterson interrupted her. "No, that's alright, Ms. Hewitt," he said, swallowing hard. "Yes, there were incidents... but that was five years ago. I'm sure we have nothing to worry about." His attempt at reassurance fell flat, his unease palpable.

A mischievous glint appeared in Sam's eyes as she continued. "Actually, I heard the killer was never found… no evidence, no clues. The murders remain a mystery..." Sam's grin grew wider, clearly enjoying the discomfort she was causing.

Rolling her eyes, Kelly, a brunette with a snarky attitude, scoffed. "Don't you know when to quit it?" She was flanked by Debbie, her loyal sidekick, who snickered at her comment. "Oh, shut up, AIRHEAD," Sam retorted, her dislike for Kelly evident. "Why you-" Kelly began, but was cut off by Sean, who had been watching the exchange with growing impatience. "Can you ladies please hold off for just- 2 minutes?" The request was met with silence from the two girls. "Thank you."

Mr. Peterson laughed nervously, eager to move on from the topic. "Uh- Ehm-... as I was saying, let's proceed with the camp tour... Then you can all get settled before the campers arrive next week." He forced a smile, trying to regain control of the situation. "Now follow me!" With that, the middle-aged man led the way, moving down a trail carpeted with old leaves and twigs. The counselors followed, casting wary glances at each other as they delved deeper into the heart of Camp Newkirk, unaware of the chilling adventures that awaited them.

Reggie strolled down the trail along with Sam, wearing her golden locks pulled back into a ponytail, secured with a vibrant blue scrunchie. She sported the classic camp t-shirt, now emblazoned with the words “Camp Newkirk” as a result of Previous incidents. Clasped in her impeccably groomed hands was a sunny yellow duffel bag, brimming with essential items like clothes, magazines, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a shiny new hairbrush. With a hint of suspicion in her voice, she addressed her younger sister, Sam, who at 15 years old was currently undergoing counselor training. “Sam.. I hope you're not up to something.” she admonished, her tone firm yet concerned.

Sam smiled slyly, greeting Reggie’s gaze with her brown hues. “Wouldn’t dream of it!” she retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Standing at a height of approximately 5’6, Sam's blond hair cascaded down to her shoulders, held back by two vibrant rainbow hairpins on the left side. Her outfit showcased a pink t-shirt with a picture of the singer Cynthia printed on the front, paired with light blue denim shorts.

Reese and Louise approached the two girls, their smiles lighting up their faces. “Looks like Sam is up to her usual mischief,” Louise remarked, casting a playful glance at Reggie.
“Seems like it,” Reggie replied, her tone a mix of exhaustion and amusement. Sam, with her signature sly smile, retorted, “Don't hate the player, hate the game,” before striding ahead of the group, her pale pink backpack slung over her shoulder.

Reese’s face lit up with a broad grin as he teasingly rolled his eyes at Sam’s antics. “So, which cabin are you all staying in? I heard we get to choose!” He exclaimed with genuine excitement. Standing fairly tall at a height of 6’1, Reese sported wavy brown locks that cascaded down to his ears, complementing his messy brown bangs that gracefully framed his almond brown eyes. The boy rocked an oversized red sweatshirt paired with bleached Lee denim jeans, effortlessly completing his look with a stylish pair of black chucks.

Reggie let out a soft chuckle as she spoke, “Hmm… I just have to see.” Louise, with an unenthusiastic voice, expressed her reluctance, “I’m not exactly thrilled about sharing a cabin with Kelsey.” Ares playfully patted Louise on the shoulder and reassured her, “Oh, come on.. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

Louise, possessed a waterfall of long, curly, ebony locks that gracefully cascaded down her back. Her deep, chocolate-brown eyes sparkled beneath her voluminous black lashes. She adorned herself in a stylish ensemble, comprising a white halter top, complemented by oversized jeans cinched at the waist with a sturdy, chestnut-brown leather belt.
In a hushed tone, she softly murmured, “Well I’m not so sure about that..”

At the forefront of the group stood two girls, their laughter and conversation echoing through the air, clearly putting on a display. Kelsey, the first girl, sported lustrous, chestnut locks that flowed down her back in a sleek ponytail. Pink earrings dangled gracefully from her ears, catching the light. She rocked a stylish crop top, adorned with white and red horizontal stripes, paired effortlessly with frayed denim shorts. “Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for my daddy to buy me a brand new Jeep Wrangler! Its going to be a vibrant shade of red and oh-so-gleaming,” she exclaimed, flashing a wide grin.

Debbie enthusiastically nodded her head. “Totally!” she exclaimed in her signature valley girl voice. “But, like, does it really have to be red? Yellow is also, like, so fetch.” She flashed a bright smile. “As if!” Kelsey scoffed, clearly repulsed. “What are you talking about!? Yellow is disgusting!” She said coldly. “U-uh.. y-yeah, you're right..” Debbie responded softly.
“Of course I am-” Kelsey rolled her eyes and continued walking down the path, holding her vibrant hot pink duffel bag.

Debbie trailed after Kelsey, clutching a crimson duffel bag tightly. As she strolled, the gentle summer wind tousled her curly, chocolate brown hair. Her deep brown eyes gleamed with excitement as they darted around the vibrant emerald hued forest. Sporting the camp’s t-shirt and a vibrant pair of blue Dolfin shorts, the girl completed her ensemble with yellow Converse sneakers adorned with pale blue leg warmers.

After a little more strolling, the group reached their destination - the camp, where they were warmly welcomed by the main cabin. In order to reach the other cabins, they would need to venture down various paths. Behind the grand cabin, a magnificent lake sparkled, its beauty radiating as the dock extended 20 feet out into the water. The charming cabin, with its rustic appearance, was enveloped by towering pine trees that seemed to stretch endlessly into the distance.

Mr. Peterson turned to face the group of counselors. “Ok! We have arrived at our destination.. Everyone please head inside and get yourselves situated while I go check out the other cabins!”
Mr. Peterson was a short and stumpy man, standing at a height of 5’6. He wore a white button up that pudged out, along with a pair of beige khaki shorts. He had dark black hair that was thinning on the top slightly and a pair of coke bottle glass that enlarged his pale blue eyes.
The middle-aged man walked past the counselors and down the path to the other cabins, disappearing into the forest…

Chapter 2: The Arrival

Sean Micheals raced ahead of the group, flying past Reggie and the others. His neon yellow duffel bag that was strapped over his chest hit Kelsey in the side as he stormed past her, causing her to drop her duffel on the ground. “Hey! Watch where you're going!” she yelled, grumbling to herself as she picked her bag up. Sam grinned as she walked past Kelsey, sticking her tongue out of her mouth.

Kelsey was the last one to step into the cabin, as everyone else had already passed by her. As they gathered in the living area, they couldn't help but notice the room still adorned with decorations. Kelsey couldn't hide her displeasure and let out a groan, "Ugh, it's so damp in here." Sean, on the other hand, couldn't contain his amusement and flashed a wide grin. "What's the matter, Ms. Thing? Can't handle it?" he playfully remarked, reclining on the couch with his feet resting on the armrest. Sean had a dark brown shag haircut that went along with his dark brown eyes which glowed mischievously, adding to his charm. He sported the camp sweatshirt with "Camp Newkirk" printed in black on the front, paired with distressed Levi's denim jeans.

Kelsey let out an exasperated sigh, her eyes rolling in frustration. "Shut up, Spaz," she retorted. Making her way towards the cozy, brown sofa, she plopped down, causing a cloud of dust to fill the air. Reese and Sam couldn't help but cough as they too were seated on the couch. The dust swirled around, causing everyone to start coughing uncontrollably, prompting them to flee from the cabin and seek refuge on the porch.

With everyone gathered on the porch, Sam couldn't help but express her disdain. "Smooth move, klutz!" she sarcastically commented. Kelsey, not one to back down, retaliated with a fiery response. "Oh shut up!" she shouted back. Sam, unimpressed, rolled her eyes and made her way back inside the cabin once the commotion settled. Reese and Louise followed soon after, ascending the staircase to explore the rooms. Reggie busied herself in the kitchen, unpacking the much-needed food supplies. Sean remained outside, taking a seat on the bench, while Debbie and Kelsey made their way to the bunk room on the main floor.

Kelsey and Debbie pushed open the creaky door of the bunk room, revealing a pair of aging steel bunk beds positioned against the peeling wallpaper. Sandwiched between the beds was a dusty double window, its glass smeared with years of neglect. The room was dim and cold, permeated by a musty smell that hinted at its long disuse.

"Why does every room in this place have to smell like a crypt!?" Kelsey lamented, her nose crinkling in disgust. Despite the disturbing aroma, Debbie seemed unfazed, her attention drawn to the sturdy bunk beds. "It's not that bad, Kelsey. Besides, look at these bunks, they're like something straight out of a vintage war movie," Debbie commented, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Want to share one?" she suggested, already picturing the late-night gossip sessions that would ensue. "Sure, whatever," Kelsey replied, her voice dripping with disinterest. She tossed her duffel bag onto the top mattress, claiming her territory with a triumphant smirk. "But I wanted the top bunk," Debbie protested, her face falling in disappointment. "Too bad, I beat you to it!" Kelsey retorted, her tone dripping with sass as she shot a mischievous grin in Debbie's direction.

Debbie sighed, conceding defeat. She placed her red duffel bag on the bottom mattress and began to unpack, her mind wandering to the chilling tales that Sam had shared earlier.

Reese and Louise were wandering through the dusty corridors of the old camp building, their curiosity driving them to uncover every hidden corner. As they navigated the labyrinth of hallways, a door at the very end piqued Reese's interest. His heart pounding with excitement, he reached out and twisted the knob, his mind racing with possibilities of what might lie within. But what greeted him was the underwhelming sight of a forgotten cleaning closet. A bucket, filled with a vile concoction that looked suspiciously like five-year-old vomit, was the closet's centerpiece.

The stomach-churning stench that wafted from the bucket was so overpowering, it sent Reese reeling backwards. “Oh gosh- I'm gonna ralph-” he choked out, bolting down the stairs and out of the cabin, only to lose his lunch in the bushes by the front porch.

Meanwhile, Sean was lounging on the grass, a smirk playing on his lips as he watched Reese's misfortune unfold. "Boy, I love the smell of puke in the evening," he chuckled, his words dripping with sarcasm. Suddenly, the sound of a horn echoed through the quiet camp. Mr. Peterson had returned, skillfully maneuvering the beat-up minivan down the trail and parking it next to the cabin with a flourish.

As the dust settled, the screen door of the cabin creaked open. Sam stepped out, her gaze falling upon the sight of Reese, who was still looking rather green. "Well, well, looks like Reese is already puking his guts out. Reggie owes me 5 bucks," she chuckled, her voice filled with glee as she disappeared back into the cabin.

As Mr. Peterson stepped out from the beat-up minivan, his face creased with worry upon laying eyes on the disheveled Reese. "Good heavens! What on earth happened here?" he gasped, rushing over to Reese, who was still looking rather green around the gills. Standing a few feet away, Sean was trying hard to suppress a laugh. "Hey! Don't look at me- I'm just an innocent bystander," he declared, his eyes twinkling with mirth as he watched the unfolding drama.

Mr. Peterson shot him a glance before heaving a sigh of frustration and heading towards the cabin. "Just shake it off, kid! Sean, fetch the hose," he instructed, his voice echoing from within the cabin. Reese's eyes widened in horror. "Hose?!" he exclaimed, the thought of being sprayed with cold water making him feel even worse. Meanwhile, Sean, enjoying the situation far too much, grabbed Reese by the collar of his shirt. A mischievous grin spread across his face as he said, "Let's go, buddy."

In the cabin's kitchen, Reggie diligently unpacked the pots and pans, carefully removing them from the cardboard boxes labeled "Kitchen". As she focused on her task, Sam casually strolled into the kitchen through the archway that led to the hallway. With a mischievous smile, Sam greeted Reggie, "What's up Reg?" Regina's eyes shifted upwards, her curiosity piqued. "What happened?" she asked, her words rushing out. Sam's face turned serious as she revealed the unexpected news, "Reese just vomited all over the front lawn! You owe me five bucks."

Reggie burst into laughter. "How?! And more- importantly, why?!" she exclaimed, standing up to retrieve some cash. "Hmm... I don't have a five-dollar bill, but I do have two dollars. I promise to pay you back," she assured. Sam narrowed her eyes mischievously and playfully grabbed the money. "You better keep your word, or I'll come after you!" With that, she swiftly exited the kitchen, tucking the money into her back pocket as she passed by Louise.

Louise grinned “You're staring at a future loan shark right there-” she playfully remarked. “I heard that!” Sam said from down the hallway, causing Reggie and Louise to burst into laughter. “..Did Reese really barf?” Reggie asked. “Yeah, big time.. He’s alright- Sean took care of him-” she grinned and kneeled down to help unpack with Reggie. “Ah… ok” she laughed. The girls unpacked and met up with everyone else later that night in the living room.

Chapter 3: Unexpected Visitor

As the inky darkness of the night settled over Camp Newkirk, the cabin became a sanctuary of warmth and camaraderie. The counselors had gathered around the flickering light of the television, their faces bathed in its soft glow. On one side, Sam, Reese, Reggie, and Louise were sharing a couch, their eyes locked onto the screen. Opposite them, Sean, Kelsey, and Debbie occupied the other sofa, their faces reflecting the anticipation of the movie night.

Feeling a surge of excitement, Sean rose from his seat and sauntered towards the VCR. His eyes scanned the collection of VHS tapes on the shelf, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Well, well... we've got quite a selection tonight, folks. So, which movie shall we indulge in? Friday the 13th? Friday the 13th? Or perhaps... Friday the 13th?" he asked, his tone filled with playful sarcasm.

Kelsey let out a dismissive laugh. "Oh real funny- Is that all there is!?" she exclaimed, rolling her eyes and folding her arms defiantly. Reese couldn't help but chuckle. "Come on, don't be so uptight! I'm sure they're not that terrible," he said, flashing a playful grin.

Kelsey shot him a furious glare. "I wasn't talking to you, barf bag!" she retorted sharply. Sam scoffed in response. "No need to be a jerk, dipface!" she fired back at Kelsey, her voice brimming with defiance.

Kelsey abruptly rose to her feet. "What!?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with rage. "THAT'S IT! I'M GOING TO KILL YO-" But her threat was cut short by the sudden roar of a car engine outside the cabin...

A hush fell over the room as their attention shifted to the door. "Kill the lights!" Sean yelled urgently. Debbie immediately switched off a lamp, Sam flicked the overhead lights off, and Reese extinguished a floor lamp. The cabin fell into a tense darkness.

Meanwhile, Kelsey remained seated on the couch, her arms and legs tightly crossed. "You guys are seriously overreacting," she muttered, rolling her eyes. But despite her words, a chill of fear had begun to creep into her heart as the sound of the car engine grew louder, and the unknown loomed closer.

Chapter 4: The Late Arrival

In the tense silence, Sean motioned for Kelsey to keep quiet, his eyes darting towards the fire poker resting by the hearth. He picked it up, the cold iron firm in his grip, and cautiously approached the door. The rest of the crew huddled down in the living room, their eyes wide with anticipation and fear.

"Hey, Reese," Sean whispered, waving him over. Reese quickly crawled over to the door, his heart pounding in his chest. "What's up?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

Sean took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on the door. "Okay, on the count of three, you're going to open the door, alright?" Reese nodded, his hand reaching for the doorknob. Outside, the slam of a car door echoed through the night, followed by the crunching sound of footsteps on the gravel. The creaking of the deck's floorboards sent a chill down their spines.

Sean's voice filled the room, "3... 2... 1... NOW!" At his command, Reese swung the door open, and Sean lunged forward, the fire poker aimed at the figure on the porch.

"Woah!??!!" the guy yelled, jumping back just in time to avoid the poker. His wide-eyed expression mirrored their own surprise.

Sean froze, the poker still raised defensively. "Who are you- are you a counselor?" he finally asked, his voice laced with suspicion.

The guy let out an exasperated sigh. "No duh- what else do you think I'm doing out here?!" he retorted, his tone filled with annoyance. Sean's grip on the fire poker didn't loosen as he shot back, "What... why are you here so late!?"

The guy, clearly unfazed by their hostile welcome, rolled his eyes. "Uh… take a chill pill- I chose to drive here myself. My buddy Brian's here too - we both signed up. Name's Jason, by the way."

As Jason's voice echoed through the cabin, a new wave of tension washed over the group. The unexpected arrival of a late-night visitor was just the beginning of the chilling surprises that Camp Newkirk had in store for them.

Jason was an imposing figure, with his dark brown hair cascading to his neck in gentle waves. He was dressed in a black t-shirt neatly tucked into a pair of stylishly ripped stonewashed jeans. His dark brown eyes held a mysterious allure that added an air of enigma to his persona.

Sean let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, man! You should have given us a heads up! Where's Brian?" he asked. Jason shrugged casually, "He's in the car, waiting. I'll go get 'em," he said, his gaze drifting over to the huddled group inside the cabin. "Um, what's up with them?" he questioned.

Kelsey scoffed from her spot on the couch, "These idiots believed you were a threat," she said dismissively, rolling her eyes. With a huff, she rose from her seat and stormed off towards the bunk room, slamming the door behind her.

Reggie chuckled nervously, "Um, ignore her... She.. can be quite a handful," she tried to explain. Jason merely nodded, his dark eyes meeting hers briefly before he turned away, "I'll be back." With that, he descended from the porch and made his way towards a sleek black 1976 Ford Mustang parked nearby.

Sam rose from her seat and joined Sean on the porch, "Well, that was quite interesting," she quipped, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Sean could only nod in agreement.

The Mustang's door swung open, revealing a tall, slender blond guy. His face held an expression of displeasure, his green eyes glowing with annoyance. Dressed in a blue polo tee and khaki shorts, he walked over to them with a dramatic sigh. Shoving an orange duffel bag into Sean's hands, he introduced himself with a snarky remark, "Names Brian by the way. Now where's my bed? I'm exhausted."

Sean chuckled irritably, dropping the duffel bag onto the floor with a loud thud. "I dunno, Go find it," he retorted, turning back towards the cabin. Brian's face turned red with anger. "WHAT is WRONG with you!?!?" he shouted, before grabbing his bag and storming off upstairs.

Sam smirked at the spectacle, "Geez, he's only just got here and he's already mad about something," she said, stretching her arms. "Well, I'm beat. Night, everyone." After saying goodnight to her sister, she too ascended the creaking wooden stairs, each step echoing through the silent cabin.

The remaining others, Reggie, Louise, Reese, Debbie, and Sean stood in the living area, waiting for Jason to return. The dark haired teen stepped through the green wooden door, the screen door squeaking briefly as he opened it. “I see you met Brian-.” he expressed with a grin, his laughter soon following sounding somewhat forced. In Jason's left hand he held a black duffel with the name of the band “Kiss” printed on the side. “So do I just go upstairs?” He inquired.

Reggie agreed with a nod. "Yes! Just go down the hall and make a right and you’ll find a room," she said warmly, her eyes filled with curiosity and excitement about the new arrival. Jason's face lit up with a grin. "Cool," was all he said before making his way up the wooden staircase. Reese smiled faintly and waved, bidding him goodnight. Reggie softly whispered, "Goodnight."

Sean smiled and casually leaned against the fireplace. "Well, well... Looks like Ms. Hewitt has a little crush," he playfully remarked, giving Reggie a mischievous look. He had noticed a certain chemistry between Reggie and Jason. "Haha- real funny," she replied, playfully rolling her eyes before heading upstairs. "Goodnight, everyone," she said with a warm smile. Reese got up and said, "Goodnight, Reggie," with a smile before following Reggie upstairs. Louise and Sean soon followed.

Chapter 5: The bonfire

As the new day dawned, the sun gradually ascended, casting its gentle rays and causing the shadows to gradually recede. The melodious chirping of the birds filled the air. While everyone else was still nestled in their beds, Sam was the one who embraced the morning first. She took the time to groom herself, brushing her hair and teeth, before venturing out of her room. Sam strolled down the hallway and paused at the railing, taking a moment to observe the living area below, before descending the staircase and stepping out onto the porch.

As she settled on the porch steps, she took a deep breath, surveying her surroundings. Suddenly, the screen door let out a creak, causing Sam to swiftly turn around and find Louise standing there. "Oh- hey Sam. What brings you up so early?" Louise inquired with curiosity, joining Sam on the steps. With a wide grin, Sam playfully retorted, "I could ask you the same thing..."

Louise's face lit up with a wide smile. "Okay, okay, you got me," she admitted. Sam, noticing Louise's cheerful demeanor, inquired, "Is everyone still asleep?" Louise stifled a yawn before responding, "Yeah, it's still pretty early." Sam, adopting an overly dramatic voice, exclaimed, "Are we going to do something exciting today? I'm tired of just sitting around! Let's head out to the lake or something!" Her eagerness was noticeable in her tone.

Louise pondered for a brief moment, her face lighting up with a smile. "I mean we just got here but.. How about... We go to Mr. Peterson and ask for.. Drumroll please~" she suggested, her excitement evident. However, Sam didn't share the same enthusiasm. "Spit it out already!!" she exclaimed, playfully shaking Louise. "Alright, alright! How about we propose a thrilling bonfire session to Mr. Peterson?" Louise finally revealed. Sam paused, contemplating the idea. "A bonfire? Really? Well, I guess.. it's fine..." she responded, rolling her eyes in a playful manner before getting up. "I'll go have a chat with Mr. Peterson about it," Louise offered. Sam's face brightened with a smile. "Okay," she replied, turning around and making her way down the steps and across the grass towards the trail. "Where are you off to?" Louise called out. "Taking a walk!" Sam yelled back, disappearing into the forest.

Inside the cabin a little later, everyone (except Sam) was occupied with their own activities. Regina and Reese were busy preparing breakfast, Debbie was enjoying some TV time with Sean, Brian and Jason were jamming out to some rock in their room, and Kelsey was in her room blow drying her hair. In the midst of it all, Louise entered the kitchen and curiously asked, "What are you guys making?" Reese playfully replied, "We're making... Waffles," while Reggie smiled and mentioned, "Yeah, eggs and bacon too," as she stirred the eggs in the cast iron skillet. Curious about Louise's whereabouts, Reggie inquired, "What are you doing?" Louise responded, "Oh, I'm just looking for Mr. Peterson. Have you guys seen him?" Reese chimed in, "I think he's currently fishing at the lake, why?” He inquired.

Louise’s gaze shifted onto Reese. “Oh, well I was gonna ask him if we could all head down to the campfire tonight!” she exclaimed, her excitement evident in her voice. Reese responded with a joyful expression, saying, "That sounds great! Count me in!" Regina, wearing a grin, poured the eggs onto a plate. "Okay, but make sure to come back soon! You know Sean will try to eat everything," she said, chuckling. Louise's grin widened as she made her way out of the kitchen through the backdoor, heading towards the lake.

Meanwhile in Kelseys room, she was currently brushing her hair before hearing loud blasting music right above her. Apparently, Jason and Brian's room was right above hers. Each beat caused dust to fall from the ceiling, almost as if the room would come crashing down on top of her. Feeling frustrated, Kelsey released a scoff, tossed her brush aside, and swiftly got off her bed, storming out of the room.“THOSE PRICKS-” She grumbled as she stormed past the couch,

which Sean and Debbie were sitting on.

Sean's face lit up with a smile as he observed Kelsey sprinting up the stairs, while Debbie wore a concerned expression. Kelsey approached the bedroom door with anger and forcefully pounded on it. "Open the door!" she demanded. The door swung open, revealing Brian, who wore the same irritated expression. "What?" he retorted with a snarky tone. "Turn the music down!" she exclaimed. "Uh, no?" he replied defiantly. Kelsey's eyes widened in disbelief. "What!?" she snapped. "Im sorry, lemme me repeat myself, NO!!" Brian prepared to slam the door shut, but a hand grabbed hold of it and pulled it open. "Brian, go take a chill pill," Jason said, glaring at him.

Brian rolled his eyes and walked away, heading back to his bed. Jason shifted his attention towards Kelsey and asked, "What's up?" Kelsey's frustration was evident as she shouted, "Your music is SO loud that I can't even hear myself think!!" Jason nodded understandingly and made his way to the radio, lowering the volume. "Is that better?" he asked. Kelsey's anger subsided slightly as she replied, "Uh, yeah, thanks." She turned away and descended the stairs. Jason couldn't help but smile as he playfully leaned his upper body out of the doorway. "If you need anything else, just give me a shout~" he teased, before closing the door.

As Kelsey descended the stairs, her attention shifted towards Debbie and Sean. "What are you two lovebirds up to?" she asked, her tone dripping with sarcasm. Debbie's eyes widened in surprise. "U-uh, we uh... We're just watching a movie!" she stammered nervously. Kelsey nodded slowly, rolling her eyes in disbelief. "Right, whatever you say." With a laugh, Kelsey continued on her way, making her way towards the kitchen. Meanwhile, Sean's face contorted into a grimace as he glared at Kelsey, his expression cold and distant. Sitting next to Debbie, she called out to him, "Sean?" When he didn't respond, she tried again, "Sean?" Slowly, Sean snapped out of his daze. "Hm? What?" he mumbled, turning his gaze towards Debbie. Concerned, she asked, "Are you okay? What's wrong?" Sean quickly brushed off the question, replying, "Nothing... Nothing at all." He leaned back, wrapping his arm around Debbie, and suggested, "Let's just watch the movie." Debbie then nodded in response.

Sam strolled along the trail, her vibrant red walkman swinging gently from her front pocket. With a pair of sleek black headphones, she enjoyed the melodic tunes of her favorite artist, Cynthia, specifically "Change on Me." As she continued her walk, the sound of leaves and sticks crunching under her white Skechers accompanied her humming of the song. Lost in the music, Sam unintentionally disregarded her surroundings. Out of nowhere, a fleshy crunch went off nearby , causing a swarm of birds to scatter into the blue sky, their wings flapping frantically, creating an eerie symphony of sound that echoed through the air.

Sam abruptly stopped in her tracks, removing her headphones from her ears and placing them around her neck. She scanned her surroundings anxiously, calling out, "Who’s there?" The only response she received was the eerie silence, accompanied by the sound of the wind whistling through the air. Frustrated, she muttered to herself, "Screw this," and quickly made her way down the path towards the cabin.

Meanwhile, in the cabin, everyone gathered around the dining table where a delicious spread of waffles, eggs, and bacon awaited them. "I'm SO ready to eat!" Sean exclaimed, a mischievous grin on his face. Kelsey couldn't help but roll her eyes at his enthusiasm. "You're always ready to eat," she retorted sharply, her voice laced with sarcasm. Sean chuckled, brushing off her comment. "You know me too well," he replied, playfully ignoring her attitude. Kelsey scoffed and helped herself to some eggs. However, Regina interjected, “Guys, we should wait for Sam to get back.” she said hastily. "But I'm so hungryyyyyy!" Reese exclaimed dramatically, clutching his stomach in hunger. "Yeah, it's not our problem that Sam's late," Kelsey added dismissively. Reggie let out a sigh, acknowledging the situation, and began serving herself some food.
Jason grinned, looking at Regina. “Reggie.. May I just say.. You did a wonderful job on these eggs.” He grinned and kissed his fingers. “Chefs kiss,” he said jokingly. Reggie grinned shyly as she ate her food.

The kitchen's backdoor swung open, and Louise and Mr. Peterson strolled in. With a wide grin on her face, Louise approached the table and asked, "Guess what!" Sean, intrigued, responded, "What?" "We're officially going down to the campfire!" she exclaimed, brimming with excitement. Kelsey, however, scoffed and shot Louise an annoyed look. "Campfire? What’re we 12 years old?" she remarked sarcastically. Louise rolled her eyes and retorted, "If you don't like it, then don't go." Kelsey then replied with a dismissive "Whatever.." and continued eating her scrambled eggs. Reese, on the other hand, beamed and asked Mr. Peterson, "What time are we going?" with genuine curiosity.

Mr. Peterson gently pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "The decision is in your hands, I'm afraid I won't be able to join the campfire," he stated. Debbie's face fell, and she cast a sorrowful gaze at Mr. Peterson. "Oh... why not?" she inquired. Kelsey discreetly kicked Debbie's shin under the table, causing her to let out a yelp. "Debbie! The man clearly said he couldn’t go. Can't you show some understanding?" Kelsey scolded, fixing a stern gaze on Debbie. "Um... s-sorry..." Debbie stammered, before returning her attention to her meal.

Kelsey rose from her seat, expressing her regret to Mr. Peterson. "I am so sorry that you can’t make it tonight, Mr. Peterson. However, I assure you that we will act responsibly in your honor," she declared, turning towards the rest of the group. With a smile that concealed her true feelings, she asked, "Don't you agree, guys?" The room fell into silence as everyone hesitantly responded, "Um... yeah..." Louise eyed Kelsey suspiciously, choosing to remain silent, while Mr. Peterson seemed oblivious to the tension. "That's wonderful! You all are truly amazing! Now, I'll be back tomorrow morning as I have some important matters to attend to," he hurriedly announced, making his way towards the exit. "Be careful tonight, kids! You never know what dangers lurk in the darkness," he warned before closing the door and driving off in his minivan.

As the van drove away, Sam stepped onto the porch and opened the door. She glanced at the others briefly before speaking. "Um, where is Mr. Peterson going?" she asked, her confusion evident. Reese walked over to Sam and reassured her, "Oh, he mentioned he had something important to take care of and he'll be back tomorrow morning," he said with a gentle smile. Sam exclaimed, still perplexed but trying to brush it off, "What!?" Sean turned around in his chair, looking at Sam with a mischievous smile. "Feeling hungry? Reese and Reggie made breakfast," he grinned and placed a plate in front of her.

Sam let out a deep sigh and a smile formed on her face. "Indeed," she said softly as she made her way towards her seat. She gracefully pulled out a chair and settled herself down. Across from her, Brian leaned back in his seat and absentmindedly poked at his waffle with his fork. A mischievous grin appeared on his face as he remarked, "Well, well, well, looks like the toddler has joined the big kids table." Sam shot Brian a disapproving look, her eyes narrowing in response to his comment. “Sorry, couldn’t hear you old man, gotta speak up," she retorted dismissively, turning her attention back to her plate. Brian's jaw dropped in disbelief as he glared at her, unable to find a suitable response.

Reggie's face lit up with a smile as she glanced at Sam. "Sheesh, what's eating you?" she playfully inquired. Sam, with a mouthful of food, rolled her eyes and hastily replied, "Uh- Nuffing?." Reggie let out a sigh and persisted, "Come on, tell me what's bothering you." Sam scoffed and placed her fork on the sturdy oak table. "Alright, fine! So- when I was out jogging - and I know it sounds silly - but I felt like someone was following me.. I didn’t see anything.. But I had that feeling.. You know?" She reluctantly took another bite of her meal. Jason leaned in, a teasing grin on his face. "Really? Maybe it was the infamous Camp Massacre killer!" he exclaimed, mimicking fear in his voice, teasing Sam. "Oh, shut up! I'm serious!" Sam yelled back. Jason chuckled and reclined in his chair. "Alright, if you say so..." he said before standing up, rolling his eyes, and making his way back upstairs, followed closely by Brian.

Jason stood by the railing, gazing down at Sam from the top. "Sam.. make sure you be careful, the killer could be watching... Waiting.. Just for the opportunity to strike at any moment!" He playfully made claw hands, a mischievous grin on his face. Sam looked up at him with a stern expression, not finding his antics amusing. "Oh real funny!" she exclaimed in frustration. Regina took a bite of a waffle, smirking as she looked up at Jason. "You know, for someone who always acts so serious and cool, you have quite the geeky side," she remarked, a sly smile spreading across her face. Jason rolled his eyes and turned away. "I'm not geeky, princess," he retorted. His footsteps faded away, and the sound of a closing door followed soon after.

Regina leaned in closer to Sam, offering reassurance. "Sam, I'm sure it was nothing.. Perhaps just a deer?" she said in a soothing tone, gently rubbing Sam's shoulder. "Alright... maybe I suppose... ," Sam sighed, rising to her feet to head into the kitchen.

It was later in the day, and the sun was slowly descending behind the mountains, almost as if it was seeking refuge. The group gathered around the campfire, basking in its warm, orange glow. Kelsey couldn't help but roll her eyes, feeling a tinge of annoyance. "Seriously, why are we even here?" she questioned, her frustration evident. Sean peered at Kelsey in the darkness, his eyes hidden from the flickering flames. "I'm not sure, Kels... what do you think we are doing out here?" he responded, his tone eerie. Kelsey rolled her eyes once more, crossing her legs in exasperation. "Just stop it," she retorted, taking a sip from her Coca-Cola bottle. Jason smirked mischievously, his voice dripping with a creepy tone. "I have an idea. How about I tell a scary story?" he suggested, playfully wiggling his fingers. Reggie couldn't help but grin. "Scary story huh? Are you sure you could handle that?" she teased, her smile widening as she indulged in a marshmallow.

Jason grinned, “Worry about yourself, princess,” he said playfully, Regina grinned in response. Reese's face lit up with a joyful smile as he nodded in agreement. "Yeah! I freaking love scary stories!" he exclaimed with excitement. Kelsey, however, couldn't resist making a snide remark. "Scary stories are SO middle school," she said, her tone dripping with snark as she glared at Reese. Reese shot her an annoyed look. "Nuh uh!," he said. Kelsey retorted, “Yes it is!" Brian, growing impatient, rolled his eyes and interjected, "Can you two please shut up so Jason can start the story?" he said in an irritated tone, shifting his gaze from the two of them to Jason. Reese and Kelsey exchanged a glance before refocusing their attention on Jason.

Jason smiled, “Great.. Now.. Let me tell you all about the Camp Massacre legend…-” he was then cut off by Kelsey. “Oh come on, we have all heard this story-” she said unamused. “Shh!” Debbie said hastily, Jason then smiling as he continued. “As I was saying- 5 years ago.. There was a group of counselors.. One in particular named Ronnie, Ronnie Summer was a shy counselor who attended the camp, he was bullied and ridiculed by the other counselors. Each time he was picked on, it just chipped away at his sanity, until one day he snapped, murdering all the others who did him wrong before killing himself…” He grinned as he finished, feeling proud of his story.

Reese smiled widely, who seemed to enjoy it, Kelsey scoffed and rolled her eyes so hard that they nearly went all the way to the back of her head. “That’s it? Wow.. lame..” she said annoyingly. Jason sat down on a log and shrugged. “Wait.. how do you know Ronnie did it?” Sam asked curiously. “I mean.. Who else?” he responded back hastily. “The killer could have escaped,” she responded. Jason scoffed “What do you know” he then tossed a marshmallow in his mouth.

Sean flashed a mischievous grin, casting a glance towards Debbie. "So, who do you think is right, Jason or Sam?" he asked, his tone dripping with an eerie undertone. Debbie's gaze slowly shifted towards Sean, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "Um... I'm not really sure," she replied, her voice tinged with nervousness. Suddenly, the dark sky growled and tiny droplets of rain began to descend upon the group. Kelsey's eyes widened as she felt the raindrops collect on her skin. Swiftly, she rose to her feet and dashed down the path, her long, damp hair clinging to her neck and face. Sam swiftly snatched the bag of marshmallows and joined Reese, Louise, and Brian in their sprint towards the main cabin. Regina hurriedly stood up, intending to follow the others, but before she could move, a hand firmly grasped her arm…

As the others ran ahead she turned to face Jason, “What!?” she exclaimed, annoyed that she was getting wet. “Follow me,” he swiftly led her down a separate path to one of the old cabins. She didn’t say anything and just followed him so she could get out of the rain. Debbie ran through the rain alongside Sean who gripped her hand tightly as they jetted down the wet path. The others laughed from the rain, except for Sean who had a dead glare in his eyes but Debbie didn’t seem to notice.

The group swiftly gathered on the porch and promptly unlocked it, with everyone trailing behind. Kelsey let out an exasperated groan, drenched in water. "I am so done with this," she scoffed and brushed past Sam, making a beeline for her room. "I’ll be in my room!" she exclaimed, slamming the bedroom door shut. Sam rolled her eyes. "So, what's the plan now?" she asked. Reese shrugged and glanced between the others. "Well, I was thinking of watching those Friday the 13th movies!" he said excitedly. "Anyone up for it?" he inquired. "Sorry... I'd love to, but im feeling it really right now.. I think I'll just hang out upstairs and listen to music," Sam replied. "Yeah, I'm actually going to catch some sleep," Louise chimed in. "Oh... um... alright!" Reese smiled faintly. "That's okay, I'll just watch it... by myself," he headed upstairs to change. Brian followed Reese up the stairs to go to his room, while Sean stood beside Debbie. "Want to grab a bite?" he asked. Debbie smiled softly. "I'd love that."

Regina and Jason found themselves standing on the porch of one of the ancient cabins. "What's the purpose of being here?" she inquired, her annoyance evident in her tone. "Well... since you're curious... I thought we could have some quality time alone," he replied with a wide grin. "Hmm... anything to get out of this rain," she hastily remarked. Jason then opened the creaky wooden door, revealing a dusty interior. "Ladies first," he playfully bowed, his grin still intact. Regina smirked in response. "Why, thank you," she said as she stepped through the doorway, surveying the dusty surroundings. "Gosh... this place looks terrible," she glared around the room in disgust, but Jason paid no mind. "Oh, come on... It's not that bad. If we clean off that sofa, maybe we could relax a bit," he suggested slyly. Regina’s gaze slowly shifted towards Jason. "Slow your roll there, buddy," she grinned and stepped aside, allowing Jason to clear some space.

Jason swiftly brushed off the worn-out cushions of the sofas and turned to face Reggie with a smile of accomplishment. As she made her way towards him, gracefully settling down on the sofa, she applauded him with a clap of her hands. "Bravo," she exclaimed. "Um..Could you please light a fire? It's freezing in here," she requested. Jason let out a sigh of annoyance. "Do we really have to do that?" he grumbled. Reggie, maintaining her composure, replied, "Pleaseee..." Jason rolled his eyes and began to wander around the cabin. "Alright, alright, your highness," he sarcastically remarked as he entered one of the other rooms. Meanwhile, Reggie delicately ran her fingers through her wet blond hair, wiping away rain droplets from her face. Jason rummaged through the backroom and stumbled upon an old packet of matches. "Bingo," he exclaimed with a grin, making his way back to the main area. "I have successfully retrieved the matches," he confidently announced, approaching the ancient iron furnace and tossing a few logs inside. Impatiently, Reggie urged him, "Can you please hurry up? Any longer and I might become an icicle," Jason responded, "Okay, okay, hold on," before striking a match and tossing it into the furnace, igniting a warm and comforting fire.

In the meantime, Reese made his way down the staircase, he was dressed comfortably in an oversized gray sweatshirt and cloud-patterned pajama pants. With a determined look on his face, he approached the old shelf and picked up a VHS tape. Curiosity sparkled in his eyes as he turned the cover to reveal the title, 'Friday the 13th: Jason Goes to Manhattan'. A mischievous smile formed on his lips as he made his way to the VCR and inserted the tape. Taking a seat on the sofa, Reese settled in as the movie began to play. The sound of thunder outside added to the eerie atmosphere, but Reese remained undeterred in the darkness. Little did he know, a mysterious figure lurked outside, gripping a cleaver tightly in their right hand.

Chapter 6: The Nightmare

As the night deepened, the camp was blanketed in a thick silence, interrupted only by the occasional hoot of an owl or the distant howl of a lone coyote. Inside the main cabin, Reese had surrendered to exhaustion, sprawled out on the couch under a thin blue blanket, the flickering images from the TV casting an eerie glow on his peaceful face. Suddenly, the front door creaked open, and a shadowy figure slipped into the cabin.

The figure paused, standing ominously in the glow of the TV light before moving forward, passing the couch where Reese lay blissfully unaware. The figure's destination was clear - Kelsey's bunkroom. The gloved hand of the figure turned the brass handle of Kelsey's room.

The door opened with a soft creak, revealing Kelsey asleep on the top bunk, a cute pink sleeping mask with cartoon eyes printed on the front covering her eyes. The figure moved silently towards the bunk bed, lowering themselves onto the bottom bunk. The bed creaked uneasily under the added weight, causing Kelsey to stir. "Ugh... Debbie, could you please stop shaking the bed?" she grumbled, adjusting herself in her sleep. No response. But Kelsey didn’t seem to mind, dismissing it as Debbie's usual antics. But then, the figure shifted again, causing the bed to creak louder this time. "Debbie! Enough!" Kelsey shouted, her voice muffled by the mask. Again, no response. Kelsey let out a sigh, trying to ignore the disturbance and get back to sleep. Unbeknownst to her, the figure slowly rose from the lower bunk, moving towards the head of the bed where Kelsey lay. A shadowy hand, clad in a black glove, gripped the cold iron bars of the bunk bed, shaking them violently. Startled, Kelsey screamed, her mask being thrown off as she tried to sit upright. "What the heck!?" she exclaimed, her heart pounding as she clung to the guard rails. The figure didn't relent, shaking the bed with even more force. "STOP! PLEASE!” Kelsey pleaded in terror, but her cries fell on deaf ears. In a final, brutal move, the figure pushed the bunk bed forward with all their might, causing Kelsey to be flung from the top bunk. She landed onto the hard single bed on the floor, her neck snapping against the iron base in a sickening crunch.

With Kelsey now lifeless on the floor, the figure silently retreated, exiting the room and passing the couch where Reese still slept, oblivious to the horror that had unfolded. The figure then slipped out of the cabin, closing the door with a soft click. The cabin fell into darkness once again, the only sound being the steady hum of the TV as it played on into the night.

Secluded in their own cabin, Reggie and Jason were enjoying the calm serenity of the night. They were both nestled comfortably on the worn-out couch, the dim light from the table lamp casting a warm glow around them. Jason, with a sly grin on his face, wrapped his arm around Reggie, pulling her closer. "Aren't you glad we got our own cabin?" he teased, his voice layered with playful intent. Reggie responded with a sweet smile, her eyes sparkling in the dim light. "Yeah..." she replied, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

Jason, seizing the moment, decided to push a bit further. "Maybe.. We could get even more... Comfortable.." he suggested, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. Reggie hesitated for a moment, her heart pounding in her chest. After a moment of contemplation, she nodded. "Oh- uh.. Well.. Alright.. Um.. let me go… freshen up," she stammered, standing up from the couch. Jason watched her walk away, a satisfied grin on his face. "Well, alright…" he murmured, leaning back into the cushions.

Reggie moved towards a rustic wooden door, her hand gripping the handle and turning it gently. Stepping into the bathroom, she was greeted by a charming, wood-themed decor. The wooden sink and the vertical paneling on the walls created a quaint, rustic atmosphere. "Hmm…" Reggie mused, studying her reflection in the slightly foggy mirror. She noticed her makeup had started to run due to the rain. With a sigh, she began to fix her makeup, her hands moving with practiced ease.

Back in the living room, Jason was lounging on the couch, his arm casually draped over the backrest. His gaze fell upon an old comic book collecting dust on the side table next to the couch. "Oh.. what do we have here.." he muttered, picking up the comic and wiping off the dust. The cover revealed a classic image of Wolverine. "Ooo.. Wolverine.." he mused, his interest piqued. He flipped open the comic, immersing himself in the world of mutants and superheroes.

Unbeknownst to Reggie and Jason, their peaceful night was about to take a terrifying turn. As they basked in the tranquility of their cabin, the horrors of the night were just beginning to unfold at Camp Newkirk.

Chapter 7: The Unseen Visitor

As the night pressed on, an eerie stillness settled over Camp Newkirk. The once bustling campsite was now silent, save for the occasional hoot of an owl or the rustling of leaves. Inside their secluded cabin, Reggie and Jason remained blissfully unaware of the ominous atmosphere outside.

Reggie, having freshened up, emerged from the bathroom, her makeup impeccably redone. She had traded her previous attire for a more comfortable one: a soft pink sweater and a pair of denim shorts. A fresh wave of nervous excitement washed over her as she made her way back to the living room.

Meanwhile, Jason, engrossed in the thrilling adventures of Wolverine, barely noticed her return. He was sprawled on the couch, his eyes scanning over the comic strips with keen interest. As Reggie's soft footsteps echoed in the room, he glanced up, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "You took your time, didn't you?" he teased.

Reggie blushed, a shy smile playing on her lips. "Well... I had to make sure everything was perfect," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Jason chuckled, setting aside the comic book. "And perfect you are," he said, his dark eyes gleaming with admiration.

Just as the atmosphere between them started to heat up, a sudden chill ran down Reggie's spine. An unsettling feeling of being watched crept over her. She glanced towards the window, her heart pounding in her chest. The curtains were drawn back, revealing the pitch-black night outside.

"Jason... Did you leave the curtains open?" she asked, her voice quivering with unease. Jason, now sitting upright, looked over at the window. "No... I didn't touch them," he replied, his playful demeanor replaced by a more serious one.

Suddenly, a sharp, piercing noise broke the silence. It sounded like... scratching? It was coming from the window. A fear-stricken Reggie and a now alert Jason turned to face the window, their hearts pounding in their chests as the scratching grew louder, more frantic.

The cabin was silent except for the low humming of the wind outside and the soft crackling of the old lamp. Reggie's eyes were locked onto the window, her heart pounding in her chest. "What was that?.." she stammered, a hint of fear lacing her voice. Jason shrugged it off, trying to maintain a brave face. "It's probably.. just an animal or something.." he suggested, attempting to brush off the growing unease.

Just as he was about to divert the conversation back to their earlier intimacy, a loud thud against the front door of the cabin brought them to an abrupt halt. Reggie took a step back, her eyes wide with fear. "That wasn’t just an animal.." she whispered, taking refuge behind the couch.

Jason sighed, a playful grin adorning his face despite the situation. "Reggie.. Regina.. Sweet sweet Regina.. You get scared so easily.." He started walking towards the door, his grin widening with every step. "What are you doing.." Reggie called out, her voice trembling. "Just showing you there is nothing to be scared of.." he replied, his hand reaching out for the door handle.

Ignoring Reggie's protests, he turned the handle and swung the door open, revealing nothing but the darkness of the night. "OH MY GOSH!! IT'S JASON VOORHIES!!" he screamed jokingly, before turning around to face Reggie. "See, nothing is out there-"

His sentence was cut short as a fire axe suddenly swung down onto the side of his head. The cabin was filled with a horrific splattering sound as blood and brain matter painted the walls. Jason stood there, his eyes wide in shock and disbelief. "R-reg…" he managed to utter before he collapsed onto the wooden floor, a pool of blood forming around him.

Reggie's scream filled the cabin as she stared in horror at the gruesome scene. With Jason's lifeless body sprawled on the wooden floor, the cabin door creaked open further, revealing a hulking figure. The dim light from the lamp barely illuminated the intruder, casting an eerie shadow on the cabin floor. The figure slowly stepped over Jason's body, his heavy boots echoing ominously in the silence of the night.

Reggie's breath hitched in her throat as she watched the figure approach. The fire axe, now stained with Jason's blood, gleamed menacingly in the hand of the intruder. Her heart pounded in her chest as the figure lunged towards her, swinging the axe down with a ferocious force.

With a scream, Reggie dove over the couch, the axe embedding itself into the cushion where she had stood just a moment ago. Standing to her feet, she glanced back to see the killer wrenching the axe free, his intent clear.

Reggie's mind raced as she desperately looked for an escape route. The cabin was small, and there was nowhere to hide. The only option was to go through the window. She sprinted towards it, the killer hot on her heels. With a final burst of adrenaline, she flung herself through the window, glass shards flying around her as she tumbled onto the rough terrain outside.

Reggie quickly scrambled to her feet, her heart pounding in her chest. The cabin, once a place of comfort and solace, now loomed ominously behind her. She could hear the heavy footsteps of the killer inside the cabin, the sound echoing in the still night air.

Without a second thought, Reggie bolted into the dense forest surrounding Camp Newkirk. The branches whipped against her face as she ran, the sounds of the pursuing killer growing fainter behind her. She did not dare to look back, her entire focus on escaping the nightmare that had turned her peaceful night into a terrifying chase for her life.

Chapter 8: Unaware and Unfazed

Meanwhile, oblivious to the terror unfolding at the secluded cabin, Sam was ensconced in the comfort of her upstairs bedroom in another part of Camp Newkirk.

Sprawled across her bed with a comic book in hand, Sam was a picture of casual relaxation. Her shiny golden hair spread out on the pillow, her foot tapping rhythmically to the beat of the music.

A small, bright red cassette player sat on the bedside table, its speakers blaring out the iconic opening riff of "Sweet Child 'O' Mine" by Guns N' Roses. The bass-heavy tune reverberated through the room, the lyrics echoing off the walls as Axl Rose's voice filled the space.

Worn-out cassette tapes of various rock bands were strewn about, each one a testament to Sam's love for music.

Completely absorbed in her world of rock music and comic book adventures, Sam remained blissfully unaware of the horrors that were beginning to unfold just a short distance away from her sanctuary. The chilling events of the night had yet to encroach upon her peaceful solitude. Little did she know, the tranquillity of her night was on the brink of being shattered.

As "Sweet Child 'O' Mine" reached its crescendo, the tranquility of the night was shattered by the sudden onset of a storm. The wind howled, whipping against the cabin walls, rattling the windows in their frames. Thunder boomed in the distance, each roll echoing ominously across the desolate campsite.

Sam's attention was momentarily drawn away from her comic book as she glanced out of her window. The storm had come out of nowhere, the once clear night sky now obscured by heavy, menacing clouds. Lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the landscape in flashes of stark white light.

Among the torrent of rain and gusting wind, a figure emerged in the harsh glare of a lightning strike. The large, imposing silhouette of the killer stood outside the cabin, an axe clutched firmly in his hand. His face was obscured by the shadows, his intentions, however, were clear as day.

The sight was momentary, the figure cast into darkness as the lightning faded. But the image was seared into Sam's mind: the killer, the axe, and the looming threat to her peaceful night at Camp Newkirk.

A chill ran down her spine, her heart pounding in her chest. The comic book slipped from her grasp, falling onto the bed. Her hands trembled as she reached for the cassette player, abruptly stopping the music.

Sam shook off the initial shock, her mind racing as she tried to comprehend the terrifying scene she had just witnessed. Her hair fell into her eyes as she hastily got up from her bed. The comic book lay forgotten, and the once lively tunes of Guns N’ Roses were replaced by the ominous sound of the storm outside.

Swallowing her fear, Sam hurriedly left her room, her sights set on the bedroom next door. Louise, her friend, and fellow camper was probably still awake, completely unaware of the danger lurking outside their cabin.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she quickly crossed the hallway, the eerie silence of the cabin amplifying the sounds of the storm outside. She rapped her knuckles against Louise's door, the sound echoing in the empty hallway.

"Louise!" she called out, her voice slightly shaky. "Open up, it's Sam!"

She waited anxiously, her mind filled with horrific images of the killer lurking outside. She knew she had to warn Louise and the others. The fun-filled adventure at Camp Newkirk had spiraled into a nightmare, and it was up to them to survive the horrors that the night had in store.

Louise opened the door, her long ebony curls cascading down her back. The sudden interruption had pulled her from the pages of her favorite Stephen King novel, and she wasn’t particularly pleased. She rubbed her eyes, adjusting to the dim light of the hallway.

"What, Sam?" Louise said, her voice laced with a hint of annoyance. She was dressed for bed, donning an oversized black t-shirt that bore the logo of The Cure, and comfortable drawstring pajama pants.

Sam took a deep breath, her eyes wide with fear. "Louise, there's someone out there," she blurted out, her voice barely above a whisper. "A man with...with an axe."

Louise blinked, the sleepiness in her eyes replaced with confusion and a hint of disbelief. "An axe?" she echoed, her eyebrows furrowing. "Sam, are you sure you're not just freaking out over a shadow or something?"

"No, Louise!" Sam insisted, her voice shaking. "I saw him, right outside our cabin. We need to warn the others. This is not a drill."

Louise registered the fear in Sam's eyes, the reality of the situation dawning on
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Panda Gocarts3
04/09/2024 9:08 am
Level 38 : Artisan Pyro
Panda Gocarts3's Avatar
I didn't read it, but I will say this: Chicky-moo-chickey-poo-somebody-meesey-alackaroo!
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