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Survival Games - Tips & Tricks

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LuxLacis's Avatar LuxLacis
Level 42 : Master Fox
This is a long post, but I've split it into sections, so just read whatever you find interesting ^- ^


In this post I will give you tips and tricks to give you a higher chance of winning the Survival Games. Some of these tips you might already know, but maybe not in enough detail, some you might not know at all. A big thanks to Hawkstormer for inspiring me to write this.

Knowing The Damage

Knowledge = Power → Power = PRO

First of all you must know which weapon or which armour set is best. Without knowing this information you will most certainly fail. Knowing the specifics will allow you to take the upper hand.

Dealing Damage
Swords are used for melee combat and are the main weapon, different sword variations do different amount of damage. While falling, melee (sword) attacks deal a critical hit (up to 50% + 2 (undefined) additional damage, rounded down to the nearest hit point). The bow is very important in long range fights, the damage depends on the "charge" of the bow. There's also flint and steel which ignites players and mobs, they stay alight until 15 (undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefined) hit points of damage is dealt or until the player touches water.

Below are damage points that can be dealt if the player is not wearing any armour.

Defence points are each signified by half of a shirt of mail in the armour bar above the health bar. Each defence point will reduce any damage dealt to the player which is absorbed by armour by 4%, increasing additively with the number of defence points. Different materials and combinations of armour provide different levels of defence. A full suit of diamond armour protects the player from 80% of damage, whereas a full suit of iron will provide 60% protection and a full suit of leather will provide 28%.

The following table shows the amount of defence points added by each individual piece of armour, as well as the total points added by a full set of armour for each material.

The table below shows the amount of damage received after being hit by a certain sword while wearing a certain full set of armor.

Don't Tank

Don't fight dumb, fight smart

What I mean by fighting dumb is just going for it and not paying attention to your health, your armour, your weapon/s and your surroundings. Just rapidly clicking your left mouse button isn't going to help you at all... You have to consider all the factors before you go to attack the player, otherwise the results may not be what you expect them to be. Also don't just run in a straight line while smashing your left mouse button, be strategical use all the weapons you have and don't just stand there too, move around! The more you move, the harder it is for your opponent to hit you.

Sorting Inventory

This WILL save you!

Countless times I have been killed because I didn't sort my inventory properly. Every time you pick  up loot, make sure to dispose of any unnecessary items in a safe area. This is an important part as you will probably not have time to sort it out straight after a victory as more enemies will be on their way to get you. But the crucial part is that you have to, have to, have to organise your hot-bar for easy use. Let me explain... you scroll, right? If you do, then STOP! Not completely, but stop scrolling all the time as this is a waste of time. What you do instead is use the numbers or custom key-binds to quickly go through your hot-bar without removing your finger from your mouse button/s. This will not only save you, this will enhance you. If you're already doing this, great, you're a PRO (nearly). Below you can see some different hotbar arrangements.


LOL Juked! n00b!

You want to survive, right? Well then you have to lie and deceive! When running away from a player you can do multiple things, in which "juking" is one of the options. To juke, means to make a move intended to deceive (an opponent), therefore making it harder for them to predict your next step. To perform the "juke", while running away, turn around and just run the other way, that's all really. The trick is to do it fast without losing sprinting speed. Furthermore you have to know when to do it, at what exact time. You just have to trust your instinct on when to do it, mainly because there are just so many ways to do it.

Tag Team

Just like in wrestling

When you're in a team (team of two that is) you should always play it safe and protect each other as much as possible. There are many good players out there and know how to easily obliterate a team. You should really try to get as much hits on your opponent as possible without them dealing too much damage to both of you. What I mean by this is don't let your opponent leave your team mate with 3 hearts and you on 9, try to even the damage out so you both have similar health. The tactic is to switch between each other, just like tag teaming in wrestling, to get more hits on the enemy and lose less health overall. Also when you're both going in for the fight at the same time it's very likely that you will hit your team mate or vice versa, this is extremely stupid but happens a lot. That's another reason to why you should tag team in a fight. This strategy might not always work but it does work in most cases, so use it. Another crucial factor is to make sure you can communicate quickly, this definitely means NOT using the Minecraft chat (I suggest actually talking to one another).

Teams of three, let them be. Teams of two, up to you.

Love this quote

It's quite self explanatory. See a team of three, there's not really a chance of winning. Unless you team with another player or the team of three is a VERY bad team. If you see a team of two, well then it's your choice... You either be a dumb bum and die or you play smart and win. Not really going to explain much more then this.

Choke points

Say bye bye to teamers...

This is actually one of the best ways to obliterate a team. Choke points are basically point on the map in which there's only one way to get there. This meams that if there's a team of two lets say, both of them will have to go through the same way to get to you. Usually choke points have fall damage involved, so for example there's a choke point on a roof and the only way to get up is by one ladder. All you have to do is get up on the roof and when the team tries to chase you they will use the same ladder and therefore you can just easily fishing rod or hit them off that roof and they will take a lot of fall damage. Hopefully you understood what I mean by choke points.

Fishing rod technique undefined

Don't throw your fishing rod away, you crazy bum!

You can use it for a few things like, baffling (I think that's the word) your enemy, ruining their sprint, knocking enemies back, pushing team mates forward and I think that's about it. Oh! Also catching fish...

To confuse/baffle your enemy, making it hard for them to hit you, as you go for a melee attack. Just cast your fishing rod at the player, right after it hits the player switch to your sword and quickly start attacking. As a result of you using your fishing rod in that case, the enemy slightly gets knocked back/up making it harder to put their crosshair on you and counter attack. This works better when the enemy jumps as this will send the enemy higher up in the air and you can get better hits (explained below).

Another way to use your fishing rod is when the player is running away. You can continuously hit them with the garbling hook of your fishing rod and knock them to the side. This will either ruin their sprint or make it easier for you to catch up to them as they will be knocked sideways too and you're not. Of course, after just use the sword to finish them of or deal some damage. In the same case you can always use your bow or flint and steel if you have one.

You can also knockback your enemies when they're chasing you. This is quite challenging and may not always work, if it doesn't you're dead (maybe). When you're running away, quickly do a 180° turn and push them back with the fishing rod causing them to get knocked back and breaking their sprint, you can do this a couple times. Then do a 180 turn back and keep running to regenerate your health. If you have full health (or you think you can kill them), do the 180 turn, fishing rod them and use your sword to attack. Be careful your enemy has to be quite close to you to do that and might hit you before.

Teams... great when you're in one, not so great when you're against them. Using your fishing rod to push your team mate closer to the enemy when chasing is always good (extra hits!) This is very easily done in water, just because Minecraft said so. On land it's a bit harder and might not always work. As I said before this could ruin the players sprint meaning your team mate will fall behind.

Oh, Almost forgot, catching fish... you know, for food and stuff.

Get below them!

Minecraft Hitboxes

If you didn't know this already, be prepared to be mind-blown! In Minecraft hit-boxes work, in a strange way... There are blind spots, which in a way make sense, so scrap what I said before. To use this advantage of hit-boxes get below your enemy (any way is a way) and hit them from below. This will make it much harder for your opponent to counter attack. If you're in the water, definitely make sure to get as low as possible and attack like a shark! If on land, use your fishing rod to hit them high up. This works because you can hit their legs but they can't reach your head because their arms are too short (lol). You can toggle hit-boxes, just like in the image below, by pressing F3 + B. This is useful if you're looking for arrows or you want to be able to see your opponent more clearly. You can find more Minecraft shortcuts on this post.

Avoiding arrows

Gotta dodge them all!

This is quite a hard process, especially with skilled players, but it's not impossible. The easiest way to dodge arrows is just moving out the way, obviously, but there are many factors to keep in mind when doing this. You cannot just randomly run around in circles and just everywhere in general to avoid getting hit, yet in some case it works lol. Any-who... Timing is everything, you must know how long it takes to pull back an arrow fully and roughly how long it's going to take to reach you. This takes a lot of time and patience to master (I know it's a game but still that's how you're going to get the win). You must also know if the player will fully charge the bow or not, based on how close they are, because that will affect the arrow speed and of course how long it takes to actually charge the bow. You also can't just move left to right as your opponent will see that pattern and it will make it easier from them to predict your next move, so change your dodging pattern regularly. By the way, when I say "know", what I really mean is take an educated guess or a guesstimate. When you're in the water, this is MUCH more harder. In other words you're screwed. You can still try and dodge them by going lower underwater and at the same time moving from one side to another. Just trust your gut instinct to when the arrow is about to be fired and move out the way. If you didn't know already, when the bow is fully charged it deals a lot more damage compared to when it's not fully charged, like a LOT MORE!

Corn or NOT?

Corn sweet corn

Of course at the start of every round there is a few chests/crates (whatever) in the middle. There is obviously not enough of them to supply 24 players. Sometimes you get great items and wreck at the start, but sometimes you get "Okayish" items and proceed with at least something (or get nothing and get wrecked). So you have to decide if you're going to the middle/corn and try to get gear or not. There's many different factors you have to keep in mind: the ability of the players around you, your ping/connection, your ability to quickly and precisely click on items, your general route etc. If you do decide to go into the death pit, try to get the best items first. Firstly, you should get a weapon (if there is one) then with that weapon you can attack the players and get what they have, which works most of the time. Some of you might say "HA, you're such a n00b for doing this!". My reply to this is "Yep, at least I'm the one with better gear". So, your top priority is to get a sword, then if you have time go for armour and then food. 


Just don't die!
This is always a good option when you're low on health, probably the only option that won't get you killed or at least try not to get you killed. Basically when you're low on health just run and avoid enemies while you regenerate your health. Not too hard to understand, right? You can also think of it as: "We're not retreating, we're just advancing in a different direction." as Oliver P. Smith once said.


Just go in circles?
Strafing is important as this makes your opponent work much harder to actually hit you as you're moving all the time. For those of you who do not know what strafing is, as said before, it's where you move to the side of your opponent and keep doing it whilst simultaneously hitting them. Actual definition: "To move sideways, usually for the purpose of dodging. A term generally used by FPS games. Strafe to avoid getting hit by enemy fire." So how do you do it? By approaching your enemy and moving to the side and hitting them with your sword. Mixing this technique with your fishing rod technique is very good as this enables you to get combo hits. Just think of good ways to make your opponent work harder.

Retreating → Striking

Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee
If you're slightly under-geared (armour wise) but have better sword and a flint & steel (f&s), maybe a bow too, you can retreat and pretend to be a "N00B". Of course don't show your f&s... When he's getting close to you turn around and set him on fire and get a few hits then retreat a bit more and get a few bow shots. After that it's your choice, depends what they do, but usually they'll run. In the case that they'll run try catch up to them and melee them or use your bow. In the case that they'll try and tank you, get a few more sword hits and repeat the process. This all depends on what armour you have and your enemy has.


Ugh... that delay!
This can only go two ways, bad or good. Basically connection is how quick you connect to the server and the general interaction with it. Meaning if you have a good connection the interaction with the server will be quick and smooth, if however you have a bad connection to the server you will experience delay in all your actions. Basically, the better connection the quicker the response time is. When you break a block it takes a little bit of time to actually drop and if you have a good connection you won't even notice the delay. On the other hand if you have slow connection you will notice that the block does not drop instantly. The same thing goes for PVP, when you hit a player it takes time to actually take that into account and usually the player moves around so you will probably miss them. What I'm trying to say is that get a better Interenet package or provider if you want to improve. You can find more information about lag on this post.


Deathmatch. No, not seeing who dies first...
Many people just go out and tank it, but what you have to do is play smart, like I said before. First of all, don't show your weapons and you could also take some armour off to make it look like you're under-geared (the armour part doesn't always matter). DON'T go in into a fight straight away, observe your opponents, this doesn't just mean what equipment they have (checking their stats is sometimes a good idea). DON'T go for the weakest player, go for the strongest, or just stay aside and watch while they murder each other. Then just go for the clean-up. Clean-up = last few hits (to brutally exterminate the enemy). The space is minimalistic so use it wisely and don't get yourself trapped. There isn't much to talk about, just don't be a bum.

CreditA Huge thank you to Hawkstormer for inspiring me to write this, make sure you check out his 10 Secret Survival Games Tips.

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by LuxLacis 01/15/2016 7:57:21 amJan 15th, 2016

  • Added a section about choke points

  • Changed a few sections slightly (grammar/wording/spelling)
  • Removed image on top of the page, replaced with text

  • Removed deathmatch arena image

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05/20/2018 6:05 am
Level 84 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
Many things have changed but this is a very good blog with useful tips!
05/21/2018 5:12 am
Level 42 : Master Fox
LuxLacis's Avatar
4 years... oof, time flies. thanks though :D
10/20/2014 8:54 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Toast
Katiesc's Avatar
-clings to his leg- thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou
10/21/2014 2:20 am
Level 42 : Master Fox
LuxLacis's Avatar
06/09/2014 3:58 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Cake
69cheeseburger's Avatar
Wow thanks!
06/09/2014 4:19 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
LuxLacis's Avatar
Yey! A comment! :D 

You're welcome. :D
04/14/2014 9:47 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sexy_katniss's Avatar
This is really, really, really, really, really fantastic :) Seems like you put in a lot of effort/work/time so you deserve all the diamonds you got and more! The layout is impressive and this is one of the few posts I bothered to read the whole thing.
04/15/2014 2:47 am
Level 42 : Master Fox
LuxLacis's Avatar
:D Thnx!
04/14/2014 2:09 am
Level 80 : Elite Skinner
Oblivion's Avatar
Almost 70 diamonds and you deserve them. c: Grats on an excellent blog. x3
04/14/2014 2:13 am
Level 42 : Master Fox
LuxLacis's Avatar
Thank so much for your comment! :D
(who needs 70 when you've got 69) xD
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