The Sandstorm || Desert Skin Contest Entry [73rd Place!!] Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Desert Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

The Sandstorm || Desert Skin Contest Entry [73rd Place!!]

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  • 113 downloads, 0 today
  • 92
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  • 64
Myra_'s Avatar Myra_
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
So, hey there, and thanks for viewing this!!  If you like this skin, it would mean a TON to me if you'd diamond/favorite/comment and help me get to the finalists.  I'm really optimistic about my chances, but I can't do it without you guys!  c:

And YES, this entry got 73rd place.  I'm pretty happy with it, but sorry to all y'all that said this was gonna get the top 3.  xD

- Story -
The barren, austere landscape of the Chihuahuan Desert is troublesome, to put it kindly.  On my mission to discover new plant and animal life among the sandy rocks and crags of Big Bend, Texas, I've run into many hardships, the least of which is the lack of water and shelter during the blazing days and icy nights of this heartless land.

The most troubling of the difficulties I've dealt with?  Sandstorm.

Not sandstorms.  The sand and wind never meant me any harm.  I'm talking about Sandstorm.  The Sandstorm.

What she is, exactly, I may never know.  Who she is?  Even less likely.  All I know is that, when the winds blow and the sand grinds against my skin, she's always there, her harsh brown eyes like sharp pebbles, one solid thing among the swirling vortex of sand.  When the winds slow, she's gone, too.

It's all her fault, I know it is.  That woman - spirit, ghost, apparition, whatever - has it in for me.  

One night, I hear the telltale whistling of the wind outside the break in the rock where I've made my shelter and I know that Sandstorm is at it again.  Burying my head in my backpack to keep the sand out of my eyes, I close my mouth tightly and hope this one isn't as bad as the last few storms have been.

It's just as bad, if not worse.  When the winds slow enough for me to open my eyes, I sit up, looking around for Sandstorm's coppery eyes and dust-colored skin among the swirling debris.  There she is, closer than she's ever dared to come, her eyes unmoving and her mouth set in an unforgiving frown.

"What do you want from me?"  I choke out.  Sand fills my mouth when I dare to open it, but I feel like I need to stand up to Sandstorm.  This is injust.

"Why are you here?" she replies coldly.  Her voice is deep and thrumming, with a cadence like something striking a hollow tree.

"I - I'm only an explorer.  I mean you no harm, ma'am.  Please - stop the storms, and I'll leave you in peace."  

At first she doesn't move.  Her eyes are stolid and unfathomable; I see no emotion behind the glassy exterior.  Then she raises one hand and snaps her fingers.  The sand falls back to the ground immediately; the wind ceases so fast, I feel my ears pop.

"You have no malicious intent," she growls.  "I see it in your eyes.  But I cannot allow humans to taint my realm any more than they've tainted the other wild places of the world."  She extends one hand, gesturing outwards to the expanse of stone and brush behind her.  The Chihuahuan Desert.  "I must protect my home.  However, I will give you one chance.  Leave this place, and my sands will treat you well from here on.  Stay any longer, however... you will be sorry."

I know she means the threat.  Fumbling around for the straps on my backpack, I grab it and run from the rock as soon as Sandstorm's shimmery image has faded.  I know I must heed her warning.

I do not wish to anger the desert.  

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Myra_ 04/29/2015 1:59:46 pmApr 29th, 2015

Added 73rd place announcement and fixed her glove

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09/13/2015 8:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
___Gio___'s Avatar
Myra can you make me this skin but in boy form please thx :D
09/13/2015 8:40 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
Maybe I will?  I don't actually take requests so there's no guarantee I'll do it but maybe I'll get around to it some time.  :)
08/02/2015 3:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Jedw1592Minecraft-'s Avatar
Beautiful shading, love it <3
08/02/2015 3:52 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
Thanks Jed!!  cx <3
05/05/2015 4:04 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Gent
spacegames's Avatar
darude is that you ?
05/05/2015 8:41 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
wrong number bro
05/05/2015 1:10 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Gent
spacegames's Avatar
damit i thought i finally found him.
darude i will find you
05/02/2015 7:22 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Batman
LittleBigXeno's Avatar
73 place really i think it should have been at top 50 atleast :/ who the (lolswearword) is like choosing the places?
05/03/2015 4:40 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
Aw, thank you.  You're not the only one to have said that, apparently not many people are happy with the judges o3o
05/03/2015 6:12 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Batman
LittleBigXeno's Avatar
I just dont like that the judges take the skins that are not even visible for example like hmm Halo skin lets say that then they do the things you did with your skin but they used it to much which is like to much shading and stuff like that
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