Minecraft Servers

StarQuest 1.15.2: The Space Simulation Server

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Pairjax's Avatar Pairjax
Level 24 : Expert Miner
StarQuest 1.15.2: The Space Simulation Server
Status Offline Pinged: 05/28/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
§f§l         [§e§l Star§9§lQuest§7§l§f§l ]§r§l
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StarQuest 1.15.2: The Space Simulation Server Minecraft Server
Welcome to StarQuest!

StarQuest is the ultimate space exploration experience! Design, build, and fly your very own spaceship to any one of our 18 hand-crafted planets, where you can use advanced technology to build vast empires with fleets of thousands of ships!

StarQuest has many paths a spacefarer can go down. Perhaps you prefer to explore the vast expanse of space, then you should stay tuned for our next update, where we add expansive dungeons! Or perhaps you want to be a leader of a mighty nation, owning cities across the many solar systems of the galaxy! Or perhaps you’d like to be a pirate, hunting the naive space trucker with your ship’s blasters.

You can fly ships this big!


Or even THIS big!


Fly the ship you dream of flying!

See a few words from our fans!

“See, THIS is what I'm talking about when I say ‘we need more unique, cool servers’.”

- Sacheverell, retired MinecraftForum staff member

“Adventure? Excitement? A Jedi craves not these things. BUT I DO! And I found them at Starquest! Be a lone wolf pirate, marauding the galaxy and taking what you want from anyone you can kill! Be a colonist scratching out a living among the stars! Become a colossal Trade Magnate and rule a town and create a trade empire! Band together a scrappy group of pirates and become bounty hunters! The possibilities are endless!”

- Oldskoolish

“This server is extremely unique. Nothing I've played compares and it reminds me of Starbound, which I loved. I'd say try it out, no matter what the circumstance, because it's a brilliant idea brought to life.

Shoutouts to the staff for being awesome.”

- Qwahchees

Server IP: starquest.spacebeaverstudios.com
Dynmap: http://starquest.spacebeaverstudios.com:8123/
Server Wiki: https://github.com/GingerWalnut/SQBeyondPublic/wiki
Website: http://www.spacebeaverstudios.com/
Resource Pack: http://www.spacebeaverstudios.com/resources

Server Features
  • Spaceships, custom-designed and built by you, the player!
  • Six solar systems complete with planet rotation & moons!
  • Space Combat! Use a massive arsenal of cannons, torpedoes, and turrets to destroy your enemies!
  • War! Declare war on other nations and fight in glorious battles of dozens of players at once!
  • Advanced Machinery! Use new and incredible technology to automate things in your base! Future updates will include much more advanced technology.
  • Dynamic economy! Buy & sell from space merchants as markets fluctuate!
  • Holodeck! Build & test your ships in creative, then print them into the real world.
  • Capital Ships: Massive ships that can claim territory for your nation.
  • Custom Plugins- Over 40 custom plugins work together to make StarQuest an experience like no other.
  • And so, so much more, with new updates on the way!
We hope you'll join us in space, as we're excited to build & grow this server!

Credits to Wefling2004 for his ship, the 890 Jump.

Community projects posted by members on this server

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