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Luxury Hover Car - Fall [Schematic soon] - Pop reel!

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Aequotis's Avatar Aequotis
Level 73 : Legendary Pig

Here's a sexy hover car!

Not from any films, just a cool one I made up!

As always,

Diamonds and subs, guys and gals!
Progress100% complete

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09/22/2014 11:04 pm
Level 43 : Master Architect
HalfDayCraftDay's Avatar
nice man!
09/22/2014 9:49 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
vamphyri6968's Avatar
Very cool my friend. :D
09/22/2014 5:19 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
cokid111's Avatar
I tried building a car in minecraft once...
you are doing the impossible for me congratulations.
09/22/2014 2:39 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Musician
Fighterbear12's Avatar
I think I've said enough. Great build. I like the theme and design, works nicely! +1
09/21/2014 11:03 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Trusthimnow259's Avatar
Vroom!! Vrooooooooom!!!!
09/21/2014 8:40 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Architect
LaughingUrchin's Avatar
I hate to be rude and pile on, but I have to agree with the commentors below me.  Your cars are very nice--there's no denying that--but at you have at least 25 posts that is just one single car.  As many others have said, I think if you uploaded these as different packs the posts would be much better, and it wouldn't seem like you're just spamming posts for XP.
09/23/2014 2:35 pm
Level 73 : Legendary Pig
Aequotis's Avatar
Yeah, I understand man, I guess I can't upload cars on their own anymore, but stick them in packs. The main reason why I uploaded single cars instead of packs was because they were vehicles from movies , famouse models, etc, not to gain exp; I already have enough.

When I feel like uploading cars again in the future, I'll definitely upload them in packs. 

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm spamming cars, but I normally upload cars straight after I've built it.
09/23/2014 8:25 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Architect
LaughingUrchin's Avatar
I'm glad!  I really didn't mean to provoke anyone here I just thought the suggestion was worth another comment.  Ahh, I see, I didn't think too much about the specificity of where each car came from.  With that in mind, what if you had like posts which are like "Sci-Fi car bundles" with 4 or 5 different cars from different movies, and just a caption or description for each one, explaining what it came from etc.  Just an idea, ignore it or take it. :)

Awesome, I'll be sure to check them out!  And no worries, I didn't personally think you were spamming that much, but I thought others might, or if you increased the frequency of the posts it might start to spam a little bit.

Anyway, thanks for the good convo haha!  Look forward to seeing the packs!
09/22/2014 2:38 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Musician
Fighterbear12's Avatar
He is NOT spamming. He's posting projects he made, by hand, just like the friggin rest of us. Should I tell you off for posting houses instead of cities?! Please use your brain. There are no rules saying you have to post vehicles or small projects in 'bundles'. No offence, but stop infecting the community and making everyone think originality is everything, it's not. That's not what you said but what it sounds like, and you agreed with the people who said such.

I would never accuse someone of spamming posts for XP other than those newbies who steal others' builds, etc. There isn't even any copy and paste in here, and do you know how hard it is to build these little cars?
09/22/2014 10:15 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Architect
LaughingUrchin's Avatar
Yikes, okay, chill out dude.  I'm offering my opinion on a discussion, not trying to provoke an argument--you, on the other hand, tell me to "use my brain" suggesting that II was a brainless bafoon previously?  Wow.  :P  
I do take offense to that, because while I was simply trying to offer a suggestion to a fellow PlanetMinecrafter, I get accused of "infecting the community".  I hardly think it's fair to compare 5,000 square foot mansions to 3x6 hovercars.   

Congratulations to you, and neither would I!  I did not "accuse" him of anything as I'm sure your slanderous head is well aware.  No, I will not pretend I know exactly how much time and effort goes into any of these cars, but I believe that the projects could be much more widely accepted and approbated if they came in larger packs.  

Again, starting a fight is nowhere near my intent of this comment or my previous one.  I was trying to offer a suggestion. 

Have a great day.
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