Minecraft Mods


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dennmat's Avatar dennmat
Level 25 : Expert Engineer
Currently windows only, linux/mac coming soon.

Ignore the download from planetminecraft, forced me to have a zip without an exe. See below instead

What is it?

I built it initially as a command line tool to manage and launch multiple separate copies of Minecraft so I could mod them individually without affecting my vanilla world. Then I wanted a GUI so I built one, and came up with something super meta, a launcher to launch a launcher.

Its currently no where near v1.0 but its stable enough(I hope) and usable enough that I figured I'd get it out there. I call it v0.3.


Note I don't have XP so anyone with XP want to let me know if it works(tested on 7)? It should.

Windows Installer: download from ad.fly :)
or direct link: download from mediafire :(

Linux/Mac: Coming soon (Its done, its just distributing it on this exposes the code, and its also a little harder, and it's pretty messy right now, so I'm currently refactoring and once the code is pretty I'll get these up. Don't want my name attached to gunk, yes this will be open source once I clean up the code, I'll also probly setup a github once that happens)


Currently there is a little bit of setup:
  • First time opening go to settings and set at a minimum your minecraft launcher location. (e.g. 'C:UsersyouDesktopMinecraft.exe')
  • You also will have to run this as administrator(right click>run as administrator) otherwise windows wont let Maltcraft start up the minecraft launcher.


This is the first release so I'll monitor this for a while and try to fix up reported issues in batches.


PMing me probly isnt the best idea, I created this account if people do happen to like this. So instead email: maltcraft@gmail.com

Known Issues

  • Some XP users are un-able to use it. (This is an event issue, working on figuring this out)
  • If you get a white screen then it crashes, it's most likely do to your graphics drivers not supporting OpenGL 2.0, most cards do, if this happens try updating your graphics drivers.

Planned Before 1.0
  • Shared themes across the minecrafts
  • Save sharing/copying across copies
  • Some sort of mod facilitator(not sure what I'm going to do here yet)
  • Importing of existing MineCraft copies outside of maltcraft

Let me know ideas, comments, suggestions.

Update 1 - 22nd September 2011

Just to let you guys know this is good and alive. It's not up fully yet but I've setup www.maltcraft.net and will post activity regarding MaltCraft there as well as here once I have it fully setup.

Mac/Linux users: I will be releasing these versions once I finish 0.5 which is nearing completion.
Progress30% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8 beta

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09/29/2012 6:22 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Cake
Mom70's Avatar
1)Please make it able to label Minecrafts but not make them (there is minecraft installed in a folder, just label it in the program, so no amin permissions are required)
2)Apparently www.maltcraft.net has expired.
3)There are capitalization issues, which are annoying.
~Good work so far! Keep developing!
06/08/2012 7:17 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Cake
Mom70's Avatar
Lucky 13th daimond! Good job!
04/02/2012 7:44 am
Level 1 : New Miner
the_crusader's Avatar
When I try to make a new minecraft, maltcraft immediately shuts down. And when I start it again, and try to make another one I need to fill in the path to the minecraft.exe again, and if I click on 'save' it quits again.

Is there a way to prevent this from happening again?
05/03/2012 7:48 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
RichGravy's Avatar
did you run it as an admin
03/03/2012 9:49 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
RichGravy's Avatar
Is it good and alive now?
12/16/2011 10:03 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
Sirlazer's Avatar
Still working on it?
11/05/2011 5:23 am
Level 43 : Master Modder
thynder's Avatar
is someone still working on it?

or is it done already?
11/20/2011 5:10 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
kqsharp's Avatar
Linux/Mac: Coming soon (Its done, its just distributing it on this exposes the code, and its also a little harder, and it's pretty messy right now, so I'm currently refactoring and once the code is pretty I'll get these up. Don't want my name attached to gunk, yes this will be open source once I clean up the code, I'll also probly setup a github once that happens)

Copied directly above from the modders own words. Windows is finished(ish) and downloadable.
11/20/2011 5:06 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
kqsharp's Avatar
Its done for all platforms (windows, mac, linux) but I guess mac and linux are sloppy so he's currently working on making it look better. So as a sum up answer: it depends what OS you use.
11/03/2011 7:30 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Ham101's Avatar
I cant make a new new minecraft it says something of its properdies
Planet Minecraft


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