Minecraft Mods

DayM: Afterlife (We're back!)

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DayM Team's Avatar DayM Team
Level 56 : Grandmaster Modder
DayM is a mod similar to the well known DayZ Standalone. However, its not a clone and it has its own unique twist.

Originally this mod was started back in 2012, and was supposed to be a game that used MC as an engine instead of a mod.

But the project was cancelled due to complications. and now its back, remade from scratch!

In the mod you run around finding loot, killing zombies and even players.

Check out upcoming updates here!
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DayM: Afterlife (We're back!) Minecraft Mod
DayM: Afterlife (We're back!) Minecraft Mod
DayM: Afterlife (We're back!) Minecraft Mod
Progress10% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.9

9 Update Logs

2.3.3 : by DayM Team 07/04/2015 8:21:06 pmJul 4th, 2015

:- Fixed hands up animation bug.
:- Fixed major optimization bug that caused servers to run at 100% cpu and even crash.
:- Fixed helmet rendering in-front of head when proning.
:- Fixed sneaking while proning causing vest and backpack to rotate.
:- Fixed zombie players dying but still being able to play.
:- Fixed zombie players dropping inventory twice on death + being turned.
:- Fixed SQL overloading.
:- Fixed crops getting trampled even when canGrief is disabled in world properties. (note: they still get trampled if there is nothing planted)
:- Fixed zombies being overpowered, in damage and in infecting.
:- Fixed zombies being able to use voice chat to communicate with players.
:- Fixed being able to get damaged while proning under a block
:- Fixed thirst going down while in creative
:- Fixed weird render glitch where pixel appears when using gun+aiming+sneaking+wearing vest+looking straight-ish.
:- Fixed moderation tools and shop trying to access SQL while disabled in their configs.
:- Fixed jittery zombie and prone animation in first person.
:- Fixed client trying to load local config data even when server had the config option disabled.
:- Fixed problem with server loading spawner data loop multiplying itself. (100 spawners caused it to load 10,000 spawners instead...etc)
:- Added "Render Selection Box" property in the DayM Options. (disabled by default, controls if you can see which block your looking at)
:- Added gray and dark brown roof tile block
:- Added Main Menu Fancy UI, can be disabled in the DayM options menu!
:- Added survivorPointsAmount property to world properties, sets how many points players get every 10 minutes.
:- Enabled zombie spawners in tools item again.
:- Removed 3D Hard-hat model, caused too many render glitches...etc
:- Disabled name tags if the player is prone
:- Optimized spawner system even more.
:- Optimized overall packet system and improved packet handling. (added distance-based packets)

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03/04/2020 10:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
jovan_dario's Avatar
this mod is abandoned for sure theres no updates or anything for real.
02/24/2020 8:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Bonavigo's Avatar
I played this mod since 2015, but unfortunately it closed and never came back. When I bought my minecraft, I had only purchased it to play this mod. I miss the mod and that time ...
11/08/2018 8:38 am
Level 23 : Expert Toast
SoulSand9000's Avatar
When is the download coming? I really want to test this Awesome mod out. It's really cool
04/28/2018 10:52 am
Level 1 : New Miner
WowRicky's Avatar
Holy thank the lord. It's back.
08/18/2017 11:24 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DocDxrixn's Avatar
where is the download?
07/25/2017 6:10 pm
Level 26 : Expert Engineer
AcidicProgrammer's Avatar
This looks amazing!!

what are the things this mod adds?

And can you make it support 1.7.10 please?
07/25/2017 4:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
aiidaan's Avatar
This looks so fun! ^-^ Can't wait for the download. I hope it supports 1.11.2 and 1.12! I'm using 1.11.2 currently for my mods. <3
07/18/2017 8:32 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
MyGhostWinter's Avatar
can you send me a download s i can upload a video on my Youtube Channel named TheWinterGhost
04/22/2017 5:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
lzr82984499's Avatar
I love this mod please don't gone!!!
04/22/2017 5:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
lzr82984499's Avatar
Why do not you update?
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