Minecraft Mods

[1.7.2] RenderTweaks - Little mod to let you configure certain aspects of Minecraft's Rendering!

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Fureniku's Avatar Fureniku
Level 88 : Elite Modder
This is a very simple mod which lets you alter rendering range of various Minecraft mechanics.

Currently, you can change the distance in which entities render, and the range of the name plate above a players head.

Name plate config values are a direct range value, anything below 2 will completely disable them.

The entity render range value is a decimel, and must be both ABOVE 0. Lower values mean a larger range and more resources used (so it may lag with smaller numbers). Default for Minecraft is 1, I've set the default in the mod to 0.125 (8x further)

That's all there is to it! Comment below with what else you'd like to see added!

[1.7.2] RenderTweaks - Little mod to let you configure certain aspects of Minecraft's Rendering! Minecraft Mod

Progress85% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.2

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05/15/2021 2:20 pm
Level 21 : Expert Zombie
Zombier's Avatar
please update it on 1.12.2, i need to reduce render distance because of lags
05/10/2015 8:16 pm
Level 42 : Master Botanist
xHue's Avatar
1.8 Update??
05/11/2015 11:55 am
Level 88 : Elite Modder
Fureniku's Avatar
I won't be doing 1.8 for a while (I write my mods for myself first and others second, and I'm not moving my server to 1.8 for the forseeable future. Blame GregTech.). Judging from your name you know modding though; the code is open source and very simplistic - it may even just need recompiling with no changes, I've not looked at 1.8 at all.
05/01/2015 12:11 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
PeterJHC's Avatar
Ooh... This could be used for Machinimas!
01/22/2015 12:40 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
RedCriterion's Avatar
Hello, i´m experiencing trouble in render distances on my forge-bukkit 1.7.2 server. I have flans mod and mcheli mod installed. My Question now is: How to use this mod on an server? i put the .jar into the mods folder and configurated the config. Nothing really seems to happen, the render distance of planes cars defense towers mechas and so on, is still at about only 40 blocks which is really bad. What did i do wrong what do i have to do? is it even possible? LG RedCriterion, I hope you answer fast/soon.(thanks) :)
01/24/2015 5:26 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
DeleteMyAccountPls's Avatar
I am having the same problems while using a Cauldron server for 1.7.10. It is extremly frustrating because there are guns in this server and sniping is impossible at 32 blocks range. You'd be better off just taking the AK47 or other automatic guns. Please help us asap!
02/13/2015 5:40 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
RedCriterion's Avatar
Im just kidding, ;) theres an spigot.yml in the root of the server, search in that config for "rendertrackingdistance" and change the 32 to 64, 144 or even 1024... glad i could help you..
03/04/2015 6:10 pm
Level 26 : Expert Network
larsxpx's Avatar
I found the setting but for me it's not working, it's staying the same.
Any idea?
02/02/2015 2:41 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
RedCriterion's Avatar
I know now how to do it! im just not leaving the solution here because i dont want to make any competitors >:D
01/12/2016 9:32 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
DeleteMyAccountPls's Avatar
Okay so I never actually checked this page after leaving that comment but here is the comment I posted a long while ago on the Curse page:

"Explanation as to why this doesn't work on 1.7.10 (Or 1.7.2/1.6.4 Spiggot, Bukkit, Cauldron, or MCPC+)!

If anyone is wondering why this mod is not working on 1.7.10 then I am automatically assuming you are trying to use this on a server. The reason for this is because the server settings are set to where you cannot see past a certain limit no matter what mod you have. Rather or not this is intended by the author or not, it is a nice feature with only one drawback (I'll get to that in a minute here).

What is causing this not to work?
Well, on certain server tools there is a setting that already exists for render distance of entities. It's known as the entity tracking distance. This exists on Bukkit, Spiggot, and Cauldron. This setting is measured in blocks and is capped at 144! That's 9 full chunks. By default these settings are at 32 blocks, which is what creates that horrid effect of players dissapearing after they leave your front lawn. This setting is stored in the bukkit.yml file on Bukkit and the spiggot.yml file on Spiggot and Cauldron as "entity-tracking-distance".

Why does this work on Vanilla and Forge Vanilla servers?
Simple. They do not have the regulation that Spiggot, Bukkit, and Cauldron do. While the prior server tools are coded to have a maximum render distance of 9 chunks, which is right on the borderline of barley effective, the vanilla server tools do not have anything for that since they were made for just basic servers. 

Since Bukkit, Cauldron, and Spiggot are no longer being updated or maintained by anyone due to the DMCA takedowns (thanks a lot Wolfe... T_T) there will never be any support for this mod in a tool that involves plugins and mods until Sponge is released. If you want plugin support you are just going to have to deal with the 9 chunk render distance or find a subsity of some kind somewhere else. Plugin support for some render distance is a fair tradeoff at least, so we got that going for us which is nice.

Helpful Link To Emergency Cauldron Files:
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