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  • Shire12's Avatar
    March 14, 2024, 3:43 pm to Public
    I finished Pathologic 2 . This is my review

  • Shire12's Avatar
    March 11, 2024, 7:04 pm to Public
    thought I’d share this video cuz it’s like one of my favourite videos on tha internet . there’s just such an odd mystical vibe going on I can’t identify with the music and completely solid grey sky and bird socialising between an immovable object and unstoppable force that I love

  • Shire12's Avatar
    March 8, 2024, 11:42 am to Public
    happy international women’s day . women continue womening πŸ”₯
  • Shire12's Avatar
    March 4, 2024, 2:36 pm to Public
    been getting into Detroit: Become Human a solid like ummm .. 6 years late (oops) . David Cage is my mortal enemy and Heavy Rain is my favourite love-to-hate piece of media in existence but!!! I think Detroit is actually pretty amazing at points even if it’s by no means perfect . it’s really good at creating a sense of stress when it wants and making you think + i think it’s the one interactive movie game where I feel a big majority of the choices properly matter at all . shoutout to the highway chase scene that a lot of people miss cause of how you even get to it btw I like how Kara is able to fight off Connor on a busy highway in hand-to-hand when Connor’s supposed to be CyberLife’s most advanced android built for hunting down criminals while she’s just a housekeeping robot . beast mode was activated
    also I love the soundtrack . the bit during the Todd escape and the Rupert chase are my favourites . 4:41 of Dark Night fr makes me tear up im so weak for strings

  • Shire12's Avatar
    February 22, 2024, 3:48 pm to Public
    nothing to write home about lately just watch this

    Ender Sparkle said 2024-02-22 16:07:18
    Ender Sparkle's Avatar
  • Shire12's Avatar
    February 17, 2024, 1:52 pm to Public
    also here’s more Pathologic art I’ve done recently ft. my beloved Clara Pathologic (her full name /j) and fake fnaf movie quotes being the pinnacle of humour to my little ape brain . words in the last one are from the song Blood Gets Thin by Pete & the Pirates :]

    Ozyynotfound said 2024-02-19 18:59:47
    Ozyynotfound's Avatar
    Nice πŸ’₯πŸ—£οΈ
  • Shire12's Avatar
    February 16, 2024, 12:05 pm to Public
    IM on day 6 of Pathologic 2 . ranked the characters again . I don’t actually mind Rubin but in P1 he was my favourite and now he’s kinda MID . disgraceful . also happy 4 day late birthday to Abraham Lincoln who is now 215
    edit: JUST REALISED I DIDNT POST MY FINAL PATHOLOGIC 1 RANKING It’s here too now . I got attached to like everyone oops

  • Shire12's Avatar
    February 7, 2024, 2:58 pm to Public
    hiiiii 😁 I finished Pathologic 1 im on Pathologic 2 now :] I’ve drawn more animal versions of the characters using their assigned concept animals + my own for Clara’s case

  • Shire12's Avatar
    February 2, 2024, 5:43 pm to Public
    on day 9 of the Changeling’s route in Pathologic now !! whenever I’m done hopefully my little potato laptop can run Pathologic 2 well enough for me to play through that as well . I’ve noticed the unfinished state of this route but the main missions are still nice and I liked the one I had today on day 9 so I made this to summarise what happened . my character is like 15 but I don’t think Anyone up until today with the army arrival had actually treated me like I was a kid help . save me commander

  • Shire12's Avatar
    January 28, 2024, 1:46 pm to Public
    finished the Haruspex route in Pathologic and am now on the Changeling’s day 2 πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ i drew rubin and the bachelor bc I was enamoured with the fact I was only at rubin’s chest in terms of height during the bachelor route because rubin is apparently 6’9ft ,,, rubin is my favourite of the npcs too he’s such a guy

  • Shire12's Avatar
    Shire12 shared PsioPsia001's post
    January 27, 2024, 2:20 pm with Public
    im the ant one πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
    PsioPsia001's Avatar
    January 27, 2024, 9:40 am to Public
    I found it on my irl friend's gaming chat and I won't wait for 4 months to repost it
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  • Shire12's Avatar
    January 25, 2024, 5:27 pm to Public
    sorry for being cringe guys . I’ve drawn pathologic characters as animals (FURRIES!) because I noticed the npcs have assigned animals on their wiki pages so I took the opportunity to do what I knew I had to do . the 3 healers/main characters don’t have any though so I made up my own . commander block is one of the 3 npcs who don’t get an animal but I made him an army ant (cause he’s um . From the army . most are just warm up doodles but I did like render one haruspex drawing too cause I like rendering lol

    mcrjellyfish said 2024-01-25 19:08:55
    mcrjellyfish's Avatar
    OHH I LOVE THESE DESIGNS !!! the army ant is so cute
  • Shire12's Avatar
    January 23, 2024, 6:17 pm to Public
    on day 7 of the Haruspex route in PathologicπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ I’m on the grind . I’ve officially met all the characters or at least everyone on the tier list im using lol so I’ve ranked them again . oyun is just at the bottom cause I’ve talked to him a grand total of Once but it had a profound impact on me (I’m scared of him he’s very tall . the 7’11 is the canonical height )

  • Shire12's Avatar
    January 21, 2024, 1:14 pm to Public
    i would explain what’s happening in Pathologic but there’s So Much and also a solid 80% of the stuff I’d say wouldn’t make sense if you hadn’t played the game cause there’s so much terminology to learn . look at this picture I took of my laptop screen (sorry) and tell me you understand anything being said here . because I do and you don’t (I’m on day 4 of the haruspex route im having fun)

  • Shire12's Avatar
    January 18, 2024, 5:28 pm to Public
    I finished the Bachelor route in Pathologic and am now on the verge of day 2 in the Haruspex route and I only have ummm … 43 hours total played! [​sweats profusely]
  • Shire12's Avatar
    January 15, 2024, 5:51 pm to Public
    here’s some Pathologic character doodles . I haven’t drawn very much recently this is compensation lol

  • Shire12's Avatar
    January 14, 2024, 3:16 pm to Public
    SORRY FOR NOT POSTING I’m in the midst of exams πŸ’” I think they’re going well so far though . Reached day 9 of bachelor route in Pathologic and I am so Baffled by the amount of information I’ve had to process and I now have like 30 hours total on the game (oops) . I ranked the characters so far . Saburov and Vlad Jr are actually horrible but I think they’re horrible in an entertaining way so I like them nonetheless πŸ™ rubin is probably my favourite though and also on terms of the Commander guy Yulia told me that Lara wanted to assassinate him and that he wouldn’t do anything abt it cause she’s a woman and he’s like the peak of chivalry and that’s honestly kind of based . remember , let women try to assassinate you #feminism

  • Shire12's Avatar
    January 6, 2024, 4:34 pm to Public
    just started doing this campaign thing w some online buddies I thought I’d post my character design here . his name is freda 🦬 he is 31 6’5ft and has no idea how to hold a conversation.godspeed

  • Shire12's Avatar
    January 3, 2024, 3:42 pm to Public
    I think Pathologic is cursed it’s about trying to cure a plague and my mum has suddenly caught like . the flu or some other cold from nowhere and I’m probably gonna get it too eventually . the sand plague is real!!!!! slash j
  • Shire12's Avatar
    January 2, 2024, 3:12 pm to Public
    on day 4 of Pathologic now . there was a bit in day 3 where I got beat up and then just woke up at the governor’s house standing next to him and I found it so funny I paused the game to edit that one image of knuckles waking up tails before continuing

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