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    04/06/2014 9:36 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
    peytonisgreat's Avatar
    I honestly am not a big fan.
    It looks like a scaled down default with the color scheme at the moment. Try breaking away from the default colors more.
    04/06/2014 2:32 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
    peytonisgreat's Avatar
    03/24/2014 8:16 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
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    Got my thing done :p ... t-2800575/
    I like the palette, I couldn't help but do it so early
    03/20/2014 9:40 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
    peytonisgreat's Avatar
    I wouldn't even consider them to be slightly successful to be honest XD
    03/19/2014 11:06 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
    peytonisgreat's Avatar
    I would like to be in the contest, or I could even help make the palettes if you want
    03/19/2014 7:22 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
    peytonisgreat's Avatar
    I think 4x will still be a sort of grey area with this. I think it will be fine if you are able to make it nice and not spammy or anything
    03/19/2014 7:13 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
    peytonisgreat's Avatar
    Awesome new rule

    I believe that change will be agreeable for everyone, and now our odd 5x and 7x packs can exist in peace
    03/19/2014 6:55 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
    peytonisgreat's Avatar
    ParilThrowing this at the top just so I can get attention to it: lemon or somebody else, could you point me to the profile of the user that owned this:

    People keep arguing that this helps prevent spam, but I really don't see a way these packs are spam other than that you apparently "can't get as much detail," which is not a reason for something to be considered spam. Certainly a different rule at least could be implemented to reduce the spam.

    Those who say it's only because of detail alone do not understand the issue at hand. I will admit, however, that I had not considered non-power-of-two texture packs as that's kind of a non-standard thing to do in the world of textures (at least from an OpenGL perspective). If it makes you feel better, we can modify it to "4x and below", which would allow the aforementioned 7x7 pack to live again as I can see why removing the pack may have caused a bit of confusion. When we wrote up the "below 8x" rule, what I had in mind was not to have 7x packs removed but rather 4x and below.

    The profile is this member:

    And if it was changed to prohibit packs less than 4x, that would be good.
    I think that at 4x it becomes near impossible to have readability in the textures, and it would be a good change in the rules
    03/19/2014 6:17 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
    peytonisgreat's Avatar
    Why is it that so many people think they should be considered spam just because they personally think they look bad?
    03/19/2014 5:53 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
    peytonisgreat's Avatar

    Urgh. Whilst I do appreciate others' opinions and it's nice to see others' views, I really don't like how you respond. You seem to accept no compromise and hate those that disagree with you and love those that agree with you. That is a horrible attitude to have.
    I'm not gonna bother responding any more for several reasons such as I don't delve into texture packs, like I said, and you seem to be unwilling to even consider another viewpoint other than your own.

    I think you misinterpreted what happened. I am not trying to be like "oh, yay, someone who agrees with me, only they are right!" Taiine is a fellow Texture Artists' Union admin, whose opinion is very useful in helping get rid of this rule, so I am glad that she is joining in the conversation.

    I most certainly am not just ignoring what you are all saying, but I really don't agree at all with it. As a texturer, I can see how this rule hurts us, so naturally I want to have it removed, or at the very least changed.

    One thing I want to say that I think people are not getting.
    People keep arguing that this helps prevent spam, but I really don't see a way these packs are spam other than that you apparently "can't get as much detail," which is not a reason for something to be considered spam. Certainly a different rule at least could be implemented to reduce the spam.

    Also, packs that absolutely are not spam are hurt by this rule, yet they still get lumped into the "spam" category because they are less than 8x! This is exactly what happened with Drazile's 49 pack, which had absolutely NO reason that it would be considered spam if it was even a single pixel-by-pixel bigger!

    So, in the end, we need at the very least a change to this rule. Any rule that hurts more than the intended spam is a flawed rule.
    03/18/2014 8:54 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
    peytonisgreat's Avatar
    Yeah, I removed my own packs in protest of this rule.
    This rule being in place is one of the biggest problems I have ever had with the site.
    03/18/2014 8:48 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
    peytonisgreat's Avatar
    I believe it is under the whole "it is old enough that it is allowed to stay on the site"
    03/18/2014 7:50 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
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    No, the rule said packs of resolutions lower than 8x.
    03/18/2014 7:48 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
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    If that was a rule that was implemented, then it would be just as stylistically harmful as disallowing the packs of the resolution.
    I personally found my average at about 3 colors when making my pack. Either way, that rule would not be viable to enforce.
    03/18/2014 7:42 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
    peytonisgreat's Avatar
    I agree with that 100%
    I'm going to put that in the OP, so hopefully we won't keep hearing the same reason for people voting no :p
    03/18/2014 7:32 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
    peytonisgreat's Avatar
    Yay, another texturer to join the fight
    03/18/2014 7:28 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
    peytonisgreat's Avatar

    Whilst some do require some effort, like I said, and have some finicky parts, the majority of them are poorly made and fall under the spam rule - if not all of them.

    I'm unsure of what I've been told about resolution and Minecraft's rendering - anyone care to shed some light on it?
    From what I remember, the '8x LOSE LAG TEXTURE PACK' spam started because people believed that it reduced lag when, in actual fact, it didn't.
    I don't know what the current Miencraft is like, but when I played you needed mcpatcher to play on 32x+ texture packs. Due to this, I believe your statement about there being 'no set resolution' to be false as an external program was needed to allow Minecraft to display larger resolutions. Like I said, someone who knows what they're talking about properly would be really helpful here.

    I don't really wanna go into disco's pack for several reasons, but it appears to be grandfathered. At the time, packs like that were allowed (they still TECHNICALLY are as the rules don't explicitly state it, but it could be argued that it is spam) so we won't touch it.
    Thing is, even though some of disco's pack looks like bucket-fill - he seems to be the same as you.
    peytonisgreat Does that mean my pack should be removed because a few blocks were not extremely difficult to make? No!

    You said yourself that, just because a few blocks were easy to make, it doesn't mean the whole texture pack should be removed. From a quick observation of Disco's pack, not all of them appear to be 2 colours in a bucket fill - such as the pumpkin.

    I understand how amount of pixels placed =/= effort nor quality, but there's a limit. Take projects for example.
    I build a bad, probably ironic and super super funny, small 3D art of something. This is 30 blocks at the most. It still falls under the spam rule as it's minimal effort.
    It's like this on texture packs and skins, too. Skins with single colour edges and bucket filled insides aren't allowed - just as texture packs with a very small amount of pixels aren't allowed. Whilst there could potentially be some effort and thought put into it, it's severely limited - especially in comparison to a higher resolution texture pack such as 16x.

    EDIT: there appears to be 24 votes but only 13 posts - a lot of which are by the same person(s). C'mon, guys; peyton asked for feedback. Don't just vote then leave. Comments are really appreciated.

    I have always had an fps boost when using 8x packs. And yeah, I am probably wrong on how the game works the textures, but when observed, fps boost is present when using lower res packs.

    And you refer to a majority of these packs, when there really is not many to refer to. I have seen maybe 20 or so packs with resolutions less than 8x in my time playing the game, and quite a few were very well made

    Of course discos pack is grandfathered, but I do use it for as example of packs like it. There are literally THOUSANDS of packs like that that are not grandfathered, yet go by. As I said before, Leo made a pack like that in less than an hour, and I personally have tried it and it took me only a little over an hour, yet these packs would be allowed in most cases.

    And the pumpkin is one of the few blocks in discos pack that isn't a two color bucket fill. A majority of the pack is one color with an outline, there are only a few blocks that aren't.

    And your example does not really equate to making a low res pack. The building like that does not take the massiveness of texture packs into account. There are about 350 block textures in the game at the moment. Now, let's assume that you complete each texture you make in about 10-20 minutes (Which is a reasonable time for texture packs.), not counting times you have to get back and change a texture (Which is a lot.) and animated blocks (Which take about 10x as long to make.)
    It would take about 87 hours to complete JUST the blocks! If that is not effort, I don't know what is.
    03/18/2014 6:49 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
    peytonisgreat's Avatar
    peytonisgreatThere are really no problems to these packs at all! They reduce lag more than an 8x would

    From what I've heard over the years, they don't. The game still renders at 16x, your texture pack is just 4x/whatever.

    Whilst you may see no problems, a lot of people do.Whilst some of the more complex blocks may be more finicky to make, it, overall, requires less effort. You're placing at least a quarter of the amount of pixels that you do to make a default texture pack so you do less work. That falls under the spam rule.

    I'm not really one to delve into texture packs, but I believe this rule is just fine.

    Actually, I have done plenty of tests and found that low res packs do help FPS, the game loads less pixels and such, there is no resolution set to the blocks, it just stretches a texture onto it to fit.

    Again though, if we are getting rid of packs due to the amount of effort, then why is the rule against bucket fill packs not enforced? Why is disco's oCd, a pack Leostereo was able to remake in less than an hour, allowed? All they are doing with those kinds of packs packs is emulating a 1x pack.

    They DO take a lot of effort, even some of the more basic blocks. With the simple style there is of course some blocks that are easy to make. Like, if you look at my pack Bluebird, a lot of the blocks are just speckles and such. Does that mean my pack should be removed because a few blocks were not extremely difficult to make? No!
    The amount of pixels that you have to place does not determine how difficult a pack is to make, it is the final outcome you aim for.
    03/18/2014 6:25 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
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    As someone who has made one, I gotta say that it takes a LOT of effort to make one! The lower than normal resolution can make it VERY hard to get the look intended for your blocks, and even some of the most skilled texturers struggle with them.

    And if we are disallowing things based on the amount of effort it would take to make it, then disco's oCd pack should be removed. Leostero made a pack that looked exactly like it in less than an hour as a demonstration once.

    From your post, it honestly seems like you just don't like the look of really low res packs, or at least have not seen a good one, which is fine, but things should not be disallowed because you don't like the way it looks (Why I don't think that teen skins should be disallowed, and why super HD packs shouldn't be disallowed.)

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