DannyBeisner's Avatar
Level 65
High Grandmaster Wizard

About Me

Hey there! My name is Danny, to start things off, Beisner isn’t my last name so I didn’t expose myself :). Anyways, as you can see, I enjoy 3D modeling—focusing primarily on guns and anything related. I’ve made things ranging from basic Minecraft foods and tools to vehicles and cosmetics.

I’m currently a full time college student with a part time job. These two factors heavily contribute to why I don’t model for other people. With this fact at hand, please excuse my download links being Adf.ly's. I do this as a hobby and who knows if earning a few dollars over months, might get an Uber home when I need it most.

For the server owners/map makers that wish to use my resources, feel free to! You don’t have to credit me but I would very much appreciate it. However, I do wish to inform you that most of my models have over 500 elements, making them all very demanding (laggy).

Please DO NOT ask me to make a model/resource pack for your server/map/mod. I do this as a hobby and I do not want to have any added deadlines to my already large workload.

Member Statistics

50,252Profile views
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Dec 2, 2017Joined PMC
DannyBeisnerMinecraft Name

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