Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy P21b - Extravaganta Nästa Tävling

GoldenScientist's Avatar GoldenScientist3/29/23 2:17 pm history
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Welcome back! I can't believe it's been a whole year since I created BENT! I'm really proud of the progress I've made with this!
also, its been long enough. posting this as it is.

Thank you, viewers, voters, and all who read this and voted.
Welcome back to the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy.

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Here are the contestants
- Allay
- Copper Golem
- Glare

- Warden
- Evoker

- Axolotl
- Cow
- Mooshroom
- Moobloom

- Pillager
- Vindicator
- Iron Golem
- Piglin

- Tadpole
- Vex
- Piglin Brute
- Goat
- Glow Squid
- Ravager
- Illusioner
- Frog
- Wandering Trader
- Hoglin
- Phantom
- Villager
- Iceologer
- Cat
- Wolf
- Bee
- Enderman


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  Evoker nods to her friends and joins her team. She seems to have an idea about what the team should do for the task.
"Hey guys! Since Golden will be the one judging us, we should go for something extravagant... She loves grand things, so I was thinking that we could bring Little Ruta down to the new harbor, and use her as a prop. We can set up some other things in that parky area by the boardwalk!"
Allay seems to be in agreement. "I love that! I want to make a chocolate strawberry cake, and I could bring that down. But about Little Ruta... we don't have the tablet that controls her... and should we bring her down first, perhaps riding her to the harbor?"
"That first part about the slate is not a setback. The only thing that could do to her was adjust her trunk. I understand where you are going, but it's just not logical to bring Ruta down the river just to come back up into town. We get everything we need from the apartments first, load it onto Little Ruta, and then we bring her down,"
Allay nods. "I understand. Do you guys have any ideas?" she turns to her teammates.
"BALLOONS! You can't have a party without balloons!" Copper Golem exclaims.
Glare quickly chimes in as well. "We should decorate the outdoor venue with flowers. Let's make them match the ones that are on Ruta. The harbor park has that large, round reservoir that it wraps around for a bit, so we can make work out of that..."
"I agree," Evoker replies. "It's such an empty space, and that round reservoir is just screaming that something belongs there. That's why we should bring Little Ruta down there and make her the centerpiece."

She hops in her minivan and calls her teammates over. "We're heading to the apartments. We can get what we need and bring it into Little Ruta. We bring pack all of our stuff in her, bring her down to the harbor, and set up from there. Does that sound good?"
The rest of the team is in agreement as they enter Evoker's car.

  Meanwhile, mångfald comes up with their own plan.
"So, Alleviation is thinking about using Little Ruta. Do ya think it would be too lame if we just copy them and use Little Rudania in our setup? I know that Golden's friend Agnes knows how to use him, so we could ask her to bring 'em into town for us!" Piglin exclaims.
Vindicator is interested but has some concerns. "Ok, but where would we put him? It's not like there's a convenient place to put a giant robot lizard in town around here. Besides, getting him over here is going to be an issue of its own," he explains.
"Um hello.... the place where the Elimination Dorm used to be? That's big enough to fit him, right?"
"Yes, it is. His tail would cross into the road, but there's no reason why we can't just block off that entire block, right?"
Much like he had done last time, Iron Golem intervenes, with safety and lawfulness in mind. "We need to go and find the route that we're going to bring him on and close those roads. I will make sure the roads are clear, and I will be the one to ask Agnes to bring Little Rudania to the old Elimination Dorm, got it?"
Piglin and Vindicator nod and Iron Golem sets off to chart a route for the mechanical lizard to travel down.

  Much like last time, Serendipity is falling far behind.
"What are we supposed to do? Our team really is hopeless, isn't it?" Moobloom asks.
"We should try to go and join Alleviation again. There's only two of those 'divine beast' thingys, right? We have to go and steal stuff from the other teams!" Mooshroom replies.
"It seems like that's our only choice at this point. This game isn't fair at all!"

  Allay puts her cake pan, which is nearly the same size as her, into the oven. "Perfect. This is going to be great!"
While the cake bakes, Copper Golem and Glare head into town to buy supplies to decorate the boardwalk. Evoker and Warden head down to the hardware store to rent a larger van.

  Suddenly, the video and audio quality seems to plummet. What's going on?
Everything cuts out...

  With the roads properly blocked off, Iron Golem sets off to find Agnes. He quickly heads to the hospital to request her assistance in piolting Little Rudania.

  I close all of Little Ruta's doors. As they rumble closed, she let out her iconic cry. It almost sounds like she's in a bit of pain. How'd I forget to do that? She's such a marvel... such a gentle giant who I am so fortunate is willing to lend me her strength. I constantly lie to the contestants about a lot of things, including the real reason why I had Little Ruta built in the first place. I had her built to defend the campus from the Hollows and their allies, but ever since all that strange stuff happened with the timeline splitting and all, none of that seems to be a prevalent threat anymore. I can rest somewhat easier now. I suddenly hear a knocking at the main entry. I... don't feel all that social right now. That's why I came here to hide from everyone and take some time for myself. I... never knew how much of a mental toll hosting this show would take on me. Hosting the elimination ceremonies is already a lot. For a moment, I start thinking out loud, simply venting my thoughts to Ruta. She seems to respond to my presence and emotional state, automatically rotating some of her inner cogs and activating a few fountains. She gets to a point where she's even responding to me in morse code.
I'm about to submerge the divine beast into the river when I remember that I did tell the contestants that if they needed me for anything, I would help them. I open up the front door, where I am greeted by Allay...
"Hello! Is everything alright? I could've sworn that I felt the platform shake a bit. Did she do that on her own?"
I shake my head in slight disagreement. I really was not feeling like interacting with anyone. There's a reason why I'm hiding, isn't there?
Allay looks at me with slight concern, but proceeds with her question.
"If I may, my team was thinking about bringing Little Ruta down to the new harbor and using her as a centerpiece for our display. Would that be alright with you if we put everything we need on board and bring her down the river? We don't have everything ready just yet, but I just want to know if it's alright with you!"
I hesitate for a moment, but ultimately give her the green light. The only thing is that I will be the one to pilot Ruta down the river, and it's not just because none of the contestants know how to operate her, or because she is the most responsive to me. Allay seems to understand.
"Thanks so much! Would you mind bringing her to the dock so that we can load our stuff once we're ready? Promise you won't peek at what we bring in?" She flies back to her apartment quickly and excitedly.

  Agnes has carefully maneuvered Little Rudania across the campus and onto the large empty plot where the Elimination Dorm once stood. She makes a few fine adjustments to his position before calling out to mangfald.
"Alright! Is this where you wanted me to put him?" Her voice is amplified by the divine beast's hidden speakers.
Piglin shouts back at the top of her lungs. "YES! THAT'S PERFECT. LEAVE HIM RIGHT THERE!!!"
Behind her, Pillager and Vindicator commentate to one another.
"She controlled that thing with such perfection. I'm impressed," Vindicator praises.
"That must take so much work to master. The way she had him walk on the streets, two blocks between his left and right legs... I couldn't take my eyes away!" Pillager laughs. "Couldn't agree more! Now, let's get this party started!"
He's able to set up a DJ table on top of the divine beast next to the main control unit.

The team ventrues inside to discuss further plans.
"We should expand it inside. What about putting a skate ring in here?" Piglin suggests. "That would be so cool! And we need food too!"

  Evoker pulls the rental van into a parking space by the harbor. She suddenly takes a distracted glance at the water. Warden turns in that direction as well.
"Aha! It's the rest of our team! Whoa- no! The van! Come on, stop, stop, stop... this isn't even my car - I can't crash it!" Evoker exclaims. She panics to refocus her attention to the road, and not look at the river.

The water splashes as I move Little Ruta toward the round harbor. While the ride down seems longer with Alleviation in tow, their company makes it feel much less lonely.
Copper Golem seems to be having a great time playing a jerry-rigged aquatic ring toss with some tennis balls and pool rings in the foyer. It's nice that he's found a way to keep himself busy. Allay and Glare decide to join him as well. I'm really fond of those three. They're so young and wholesome... living life as if they didn't have a single issue in the world. They've all had hard pasts, yet, they press forward. Oh, what would I do to be young again...
Their traits seem to be a perfect balance of hyperactivity and serenity, maturity and impulsivity. I almost envy them in a way.
Copper Golem suddenly rushes over to me. "Hey! Can you pleasssseeeeee let me fling her trunk up? I only want to do it once!"
That childish type of intrusive thought brings me back to my youth. I grew up in a mature enviorment, playing god in the lab, rather than on the playground... and even when I did hang out with other children, I engaged in roleplay-type games. I would've loved to have the chance to screw around with a 'toy' of such a large scale back then, so I reluctanctly let him fufil his request.
"Wooo!!! This is SO COOL!" He is excited as the divine beast moves - under his command.

That's enough. The team gets off the divine beast and begins setting up their stuff around the harbour.

  Once again, the video cuts out. Why is this happening? Is it some sort of sabatouge? The editors being lazy? Ugh.

The video cuts back in to show Mangfald abord Little Rudania. They've set up some tables atop his back.

  I step off Little Ruta and look at how Alleviation set up the harbor. It looks pretty nice! Love that little touch with the choclate strawberry cake.
Mangfald shows similar exccleence.

I can't tell who did it better, so I will give them joint first place, putting Serendipity at the bottom again.

Heya! The poll is on 21b! The question for this chapter is... totally unrelated to BENT! Should I finish this chapter?
Posted by GoldenScientist's Avatar
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl

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